The Billionaire's Unwanted Virgin (15 page)

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Her breath left her lungs as
he slowly pushed past that right ring of muscle and seated himself to the hilt
in the tight clasp of her ass.

He spanked one cheek as he
thrust, and Alice screamed her need for him to do it again, to do it harder,
faster, until Lakota let go and pounded into her, seeking his own release.

Her muscles spasmed around
his dick, when she found her own release, sending him, too, over the edge and
he shot his load lodged deep inside of his sweet little Alice.

Collapsing on top of her, he
drew her tight against him and angled them both so that she ended up sitting on
top of him with him still buried inside her butt. She reached behind to draw
his head down and kissed his tears away—tears he hadn't even been aware of

"Now, will you tell me
what's going on, Lakota?"


Chapter Nine


on her post orgasmic bliss of happiness, and completely owned and surrounded by
Lakota, Alice was shocked to taste the salt of tears on her tongue.

went completely rigid at her question, and she winced when he lifted her off
him. Her muscles screamed their protest, but before she could object he picked
her up and deposited them both in the plunge pool. The sun warmed water soothed
her sore behind, and she ducked all the way under to wash away the sweat
covering her body.
Lakota did the same
and then sat on the bottom and drew her onto his lap. He buried his face into
her shoulder, and held her so close she could scarcely breathe.

He must have sensed her
struggles, because he loosened his hold on her, and dropped a kiss in her hair.

"I'm sorry. I didn't
intend for your first time to be against a sun lounger. You will be sore."

Instead of answering she drew
his bruised hand up and kissed the knuckles. He exhaled sharply and tried to
pull his hand away, but she clung on and looked up at him.

"So will you. What
happened, Lakota? This all started with the phone call this morning. Come on,
spill. Something is bothering you."

His sigh raised her sodden
fringe, and she framed his face in her hands. His stubble felt scratchy under
her fingertips, and she implored him silently to open up to her.

"The phone call was from
Percy. My father is dying."

The flat emotionless tone of
delivery belied the tension in the big body surrounding her, and despite the
heat of the sun, Alice shivered.

"How, why? I had no idea
your father was still alive. You never mentioned him before? We'll have to go
and see him, of course—"

His growl in response stopped
her little impassioned speech, and he looked so angry a frisson of fear
skittered up her spine.

"We will do such thing,
Alice. He's nothing but a sperm donor, and I'll be dancing on his grave, when
he does finally croak."

She couldn't hide her gasp of
horror, and Lakota's smile in response did not reach his eyes.

"I've shocked you,
little Alice."

She shook her head, and he
swore under his breath. She might not understand the words uttered in his
mother tongue, but she got the emotion behind them loud and clear.

"He's still your father.
You need to go and see him. You'll never forgive yourself otherwise." She
flinched at Lakota's snort in response.

"Sweet little Alice,
there is no love lost between us. There never was, not from the moment he
abandoned my mum right after Zeb was born. He threw us out in the streets with
nowhere to go, claimed Mum had been cheating on him, and Zeb wasn't his. It was
farcical. My mother worshipped the ground the high and mighty Lord Langton
walked on, and he strung her along with promises of marriage. The fucking
bastard lured her away from her tribe, alienated her from all of her support
network, and then when she needed him most, he just dumped her, dumped us all
for some heiress, some silly little debutante his parents chose for him. I was
just thirteen years old when he left, simply walked out of the door, and the
next day his goons came, and threw us all on the streets."

He nodded at her sharp exhale,
and she could taste the salt of her threatening tears gathering at the back of
her throat. Tears of horror for the hurt teenage boy she saw reflected in the
charcoal depths of his eyes, and all his shattered dreams and hopes.

"Mum had had a difficult
birth with Zeb. She was weak, and she never fully recovered, and living hand to
mouth did not help. She had no choice but to go back to the reservation.
Conditions were dire, and she wasn't welcome there anymore, not with her two
half cast bastards." He shut his eyes and breathed deeply as though to get
a grip on his emotions, and her very soul ached for him.

"I worked every job that
I could find to help bring in money for food, but it was never enough, and all
this time
Ashleigh Langton lived the high life here in London. I
swore then that I would make him pay. I would make him suffer like Mum did. I
would force him to acknowledge Zeb and me and give Mum the status she deserved,
but I was just a boy, when all was said and done. Mum died when Zeb was just

Alice gasped and whispered,
"I'm so sorry, Lakota."

He smiled
grimly, shrugged his big shoulders, and she took his hands in hers and
squeezed. He returned the action, and there was a hint of warmth in his eyes
when he smiled this time.

"I'm spoiling your
picture perfect image of family life here, aren't I, little Alice?"

It was her turn to shrug her

"I'm well aware how
lucky I have been to have grown up with a mum and dad who love each other, but
you know my family history. It doesn't guarantee a bed of roses." She
couldn't quite keep her censure from showing in her voice, and Lakota flinched.


"What happened to you
and Zeb?" she asked.

"I was just about old
enough to be appointed as his guardian. I had a job as a mechanic by then, and
it brought in just enough money to keep us clothed and fed."

"However did you get out
of there?"

"Luck, perseverance, and
a wealthy English widow." He smirked at the last word, and Alice frowned.

"Excuse me?"

"Don't look so shocked,
little Alice. I work with what I've got. You should know that by now. Miriam
was passing through, and her car broke down. I fixed her motor and her
inability to orgasm. She took a fancy to me, and paid for my night school. I
wasn't about to look a gift horse in the mouth. Besides when you're an as horny
as fuck teenager, regular sex is awfully appealing, even when it comes in
demanding fifty-year-old packaging."

He glanced at her as though
to judge her reaction, and Alice snapped her mouth shut with an audible pop.

Lakota chuckled, and she
rolled her eyes.

"So this was all just
sex and…"

He dipped his head to brush a
kiss across her lips, and she could feel rather than hear his smile.

"Always the romantic,
aren't you, my sweet? Yes, it was just sex. The hot, sweaty, dirty kind,
especially when she got some friends round."

Alice jerked in surprise, and
this time he did laugh at her reaction.

"Like I said, I didn't
mind too much. Any sex is good sex at that age. That's not to say we didn't
grow fond of each other. She certainly must have been fond of me, because she
left me a fortune when she died, including her town house in London. So, Zeb
and I finally made it over here. I invested her money in some stocks and
shares. Learnt that I had a knack for it, and the rest, as they say is

"I see." Alice
said. And she did see, all too clearly. The missing puzzle pieces clicked into
place like oversized cymbals in her mind. Lakota's cynicism, his distrust of
everyone, women in particular, and his need to protect his brother.

"Did you try to look up
your father, once you were in London?"

"Zeb tried. He didn't
get very far. That was the day he wrecked his first car. He got away with just
a broken leg
time." Alice didn't miss the inflection he put on
“that time”. "We simply weren't good enough for the high and mighty Lord
and Lady Langton, so I vowed to myself to make them eat their words. So, you
tell me, sweet little Alice, why the fuck I should do anything else but rejoice
at the news of the impending death of the scum who fathered me?"

"Because you owe it to
the memory of your mum. He is the last link you have to her and your

Lakota swore and punched the
side of the pool with so much force Alice was surprised he hadn't left a dent
in the ceramic tiles.

"Fuck you, little miss
know it all."


Lakota regretted the words the
minute they left his mouth, but the damage was done. Alice scrambled off his
legs and out of the pool, and seeing her snatch up a hitherto unused bath towel
and wrap it around her luscious curves turned his blood to ice. She pushed her
shoulders back in that god awful way he hadn't seen her do in weeks, and she
walked away from him.

"Alice, wait."

She ignored him. If anything
she walked faster, and he swore. Water splashed everywhere as he hauled himself
out of the pool and ran after her. He caught up with her at the top of the
stairs and spun her around, shocked to see the trail of tears on her cheeks.

His Alice never cried, damn
it. She swiped the tears away with an angry wave of her hand and backed away
from him, until the wall stopped her. With her arms wrapped around herself, she
held onto the towel as though her life depended on it, and bit her lips hard
enough to draw blood.

He stepped closer, crowding
her against the wall, and she shook her head. He cupped her cheek to stop the
frantic movement and rubbed the spot of blood on her bottom lip away.

"Don't, my sweet little

She sniffed, but she didn't
push him away when he rested his forehead against hers. The faint scent of
lemon and sunshine that was so unique to her tickled his senses, and he inhaled
deeply. She lost her tense stance and leant into him.

"I was only trying to
help, Lakota. I don’t want you regretting this for the rest of your life. Even
if you end up just telling him exactly what a fucking scumbag he is, it will
give you some closure."

He smiled, despite the granite
stone his heart seemed to have turned into at the mention of the past, hearing
her cuss like that.

"Careful, little Alice.
Your mum would wash your mouth out with soap, hearing you talk like that."

He was rewarded with a twitch
of her lips, and she finally looked at him.

"Yes, well, even my mum
would say that some situations call for the F-word, and if she was here, she'd
be dragging you back to London by your short and curlies."

He winced at that mental
image, stepped back, and threw his hands up in mock horror.

"As a cock deflator that
image works instantly, my sweet."

Alice did giggle then, and the
coy glance she threw at that part of his anatomy, had him once again stand to
attention. She rolled her eyes and took him in hand.

"Alice," he groaned
her name as she ran her hand up and down his length and scraped her fingernail
through his weeping slit.

"It doesn't look very
deflated to me. I'd say it looks more than ready for action." She released
him with a smile, and dropping her towel sashayed to the bedroom. His throat
went dry, and he fisted himself automatically as he followed the hypnotizing
sway of her ass cheeks. She paused at the entrance to their room, and half
turned. Gloriously naked, with her hair tumbling over her breasts, and a slight
flush creeping up into her cheeks, she looked sexy as hell.

"I've heard make-up sex
is the hottest yet? Wanna show me, big boy?"

He did, several times.


Two days later that fantastic
session seemed a life time away, as Lakota tried to control his breathing. With
her little hand firmly clasped in his, he stood outside his father's hospital
room, unable to take one more step.

He tore his hand away from
hers and turned round to stare at the grim view of the hospital car park from
the hallway window instead. What had possessed him to cut their honeymoon short
and seek out his estranged father? He didn't need this. He had the piece of
scum where he wanted him. Langton Enterprises was his for the taking. All it
needed was for him to deal the death strike and blow his father's life works to

He should have done so the
minute Percy had handed him the file a week ago, like had been his original
intention. But then Alice had asked about his scar, and dredged up his past,
and he hadn't been able to bring himself to make that phone call. Talking about
the past, reliving those times, meant he was all too aware of the fact that his
mother would not approve of any of this.

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