The Birth Of Eve (10 page)

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Authors: E. S Hoy

BOOK: The Birth Of Eve
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“Take the chance while you are here to learn a few basics,
we won’t think any differently about you Eve. It could have been a matter of
life and death; Victoria is an excellent swimmer she can help you as Nathan is
not well enough yet. Maybe you could continue in the UK then” Eve nodded then
rose to her feet,

“I better go and change into something dry.” Victoria arrived
then armed with bags

“Well you couldn’t resist the pool I see? Thankfully I have
come in the nick of time with suitable swimwear. Follow me” Eve went upstairs
with her and told her about the incident at the pool.

“Blimey Eve fancy not saying, hey I am happy to show you a
few strokes, it is easy honestly. Better to do it now in case this accident
causes a fear of water.” Eve thought about what she had said but only for a

“No I don’t think it will, I found it really relaxing being
weightless, I actually tried not to let your dad save me, I wanted to stay down
there. I felt no fear or panic at all” Victoria looked puzzled

“Wow that’s surreal, are you sure you don’t have a death
wish or something?” Eve laughed death was becoming an integral part of her life
at the moment. Victoria brought out a selection of sarongs and an array of bikinis
for Eve to try. Eve had never seen such tiny pieces of fabric and didn’t think
she could wear any of them. After some persuasion she tried on the three most
modest and showed each in turn to the young designer.

“Eve I wish you could be my model they all look stunning on
you, Nathan will get his health back in no time if he sees you in that one” Eve
looked down at the two tiny triangles that just about covered her nipples, it
was still the best of the bunch so she slipped a tunic over the top and
followed her back down to the pool. Shona had made a lovely cold lunch for them
all and Rachel had re-joined the group. Eve sat beside Nathan who was trying to
peep through her top; she slapped him playfully as she tucked into a salmon
baguette with cream cheese. Rachel was staring at the two of them;

“Eve I heard about the dog, I am so sorry, we were trying to
keep him away from Nathan, he adores him and I was worried he would hurt his
ribs. I have to say that magic ointment is making a visible difference don’t
you think?” Nathan winked at his mother and Eve took a longer look at him, yes
his eye was now less swollen and he definitely looked perkier, Eve’s heart
thumped as he wiped some cream cheese off her bottom lip. He smirked playfully
about to make a joke when his phone buzzed

It was a call off Christopher; he was thrilled to hear how
excited Eve was about playing Martha, and had some fantastic news for them
about the lead roles so he would see them tomorrow. Nathan finished his lunch
and then decided to stretch his legs with Buster, Eve chose to stay behind and
use the pool. She watched as he left with Grant and the dog and looked at
Victoria meaningfully.

“Right let’s have a dip Eve it is the hottest time of the
day so a good time to get out of the sun” Eve slipped off her tunic and caught
an envious glance from Rachel; she smiled kindly then left the girls to their
swimming. An hour later Eve was doing a pretty decent breast stroke across the
pool, she had taken to it straight away and it felt very natural to her. Nathan
returned and stood watching.

“Eve I thought you couldn’t swim?” Victoria splashed him and
they both watched her proudly as she continued her laps. As she pulled herself
out of the water Nathan’s face glazed over when he saw her bikini. Eve tried
not to feel self-conscious, but the battle not to fold her arms was a tough

“Nathan stop perving on your girlfriend, although I have to
admit she does it for me too” they all burst out laughing and Eve relaxed a
little. She lay back on her lounger to absorb the sun’s rays; Nathan lay down
admiring her discreetly behind his shades. Rachel appeared an hour later with a
tray of iced tea, an unusual choice but one Eve found refreshing. The sun had
turned Eve’s skin a deep golden colour and Nathan looked remarkably improved.
An hour later they parted ways to dress for dinner, the chef was cooking up
something spectacular apparently and Nathan’s appetite was back with a vengeance
and not just for food.












Chapter 15



The moment they were inside the room Nathan was upon her, he
lifted the tunic over her head and stood before her moaning in appreciation. He
squeezed her nipples through the fabric so they were taught then rubbed them
both with his thumbs, biting her lip Eve closed her eyes in pleasure.

Reaching up to him Eve pulled his head to hers carefully so
their mouths locked together, his tongue found an opening and he tasted her
mouth with desperation. Eve knew this was going to be painful for Nathan so she
tried to reach for him but he pulled away.

“My turn baby, no shortcuts tonight” he backed her up
towards the huge bed so she was lying just with her back on the covers. Nathan
removed his shorts and her briefs, her legs opened and he lifted her thighs so
they gripped him around his hips. Stepping forward he teased her opening with
his erection until she was thrusting upwards at him desperate for his
possession. Eve cried out as he plunged into her, carefully he increased his
rhythm until they both glided together perfectly.

Placing his hands under her buttocks he angled her upwards
so he could reach deeper causing her to thrash wildly on the bed. Spurred on by
her pleasure; his orgasm erupted sending Eve into her own with a suddenness
that took her breath away.  Sitting up Eve wrapped her arms around his waist
and rested her face on his firm abdomen feeling the aftershocks running through
his body.

Eve closed her eyes as his hand stroked her hair, she was so
happy at this moment and wanted to push her luck a little more.

“Nathan, this morning when you looked at me what were you
going to say?” Eve’s voice cracked and Nathan lifted her face so he could look
at her.

“I was going to say…I love you” Eve felt her eyes burn and
rush of pleasure so strong she gasped.

“ you too Nathan” he smiled at her and pushed her
back down onto the bed, laying down beside her he raised himself up on his
elbow their eyes had never looked away. Running his fingers up and down her
body she stared up at this man who had changed her whole perception on life.
She wanted to scream, she wanted to laugh but most of all she wanted to grab
her things and run as far away as possible so that nothing could spoil what
they had at this moment. Nathan read her mind and held her down tightly shaking
his head; dipping forwards he pressed his forehead on hers

“No running Eve, not anymore we are together and nothing
will spoil it I promise. We have come into this wide open, you know about Sasha
I know about Rory, we love each other despite those things so there is nothing
bigger to overcome. Trust me Eve, my family feel the same way I can tell, you
are like a beacon of light in the dark and I am drawn to you. Do not let that
light go out, without that light I will crash and burn, so I am risking my
heart as much as you are do you see that?” Eve hadn’t looked at it that way before;
he was opening himself up to pain as much as she was. That made her feel  a whole
lot better, Nathan then proceeded to make love to her again and that made her
feel better too.

They were finally dressed for dinner; Eve had found a
sundress in one of the bags Victoria had brought from her store. Nathan was
staring again

“Eve you look gorgeous; that yellow sets off your skin
beautifully, your eyes look bluer and your hair has lightened in the sun. You
look radient we must buy that off Vic, it was made for your figure.” Eve
thought Nathan looked delectable also in his black chino’s and white shirt.
They joined the family downstairs for a predinner drink. Victoria screamed when
she saw Eve,

“Oh I am so glad you liked it, that dress is from my new
collection, nobody has seen it yet. Oh Eve its fab on you; mum take a picture
for me I want to put that on my website.” Rachel smiled and went to fetch her
camera after Eve reluctantly agreed. Victoria said she could have the dress as
payment so Rachel took Eve out to the garden to get a good shot of her in the

“It really does suit you Eve, I am glad to get you alone
please sit with me a moment” Eve sat beside her nervously wondering what she
was going to say.

“Eve I can’t begin to imagine how you feel about Sasha and
the baby, it is a huge amount of baggage for you to handle. I can see you are
good for Nathan, he has never looked so happy despite the bruises.” Eve smiled
at her “I just want to be sure that if one day you start your own family you
won’t resent this baby? I know it is far too soon to consider this but as a
mother I know how tricky accepting another woman’s baby would be.” Eve stopped
her there

“Rachel I can’t ever have children of my own, something
happened when I was younger that left me sterile. Any child of Nathan’s; if we
are still together, I would love to the best of my ability that’s all I can
promise. If you think I am not good enough for Nathan you are probably right,
but I do love him and he loves me; so for now that is enough.” Rachel wiped a
tear off Eve’s cheek she leant forward and pulled her into a warm embrace

“I could see what a beautiful person you were, but now I see
how strong you are too, if anyone can handle this situation it is you Eve. I am
so sorry for what you have gone through and one day I would love to hear your
story but you have my blessing whatever happens.” Eve knew that Rachel meant
her words and she felt perhaps at some point she would like to talk to her. A
woman who may help her understand how a mother could send her child away.
Rachel didn’t appear to be a woman who could ever do something like that, she
smiled and they went back inside to join the others.

Victoria looked at the shots and was thrilled with the
results, she uploaded them straight to her website and then dinner was called.
The table was beautifully set with Grant at the head Rachel and Victoria either
side. Two young girls served the starter of scallops wrapped in pancetta with a
cauliflower puree and edible flowers.

 Eve felt like royalty it was nice but if she and Nathan
ever lived together she wouldn’t want any staff, it just didn’t feel right. The
main course was duck breast which was cooked medium rare just how Eve liked it;
desert was a raspberry and white chocolate tart. Eve cleared all three courses
much to her surprise; afternoon sex was good for the appetite. Nathan was still
off alcohol even though he had gone without painkillers this afternoon; Eve had
drunk more than she was used too and felt a little tipsy. They sat in the
garden talking for the rest of the evening; Nathan and Grant took Buster off
for a walk which left the girls alone. Rachel sent Victoria in to top up their

“Nathan has told me about your parents and the discovery of
your father, what an amazing coincidence he happened to turn up the same time
you did after all those years. Finding your mum’s body must have been
terrifying for you, how do you feel now you have had time to digest it all?” Eve
wasn’t bothered by her question at all

“I feel sad that my mum died so young and angry that she
never explained things to me before she sent me off with my sister. We were so
confused I remember Izzy waiting for the phone to ring so we could go home but
the call never came” Rachel looked puzzled

“Do you think she had already been murdered and that’s why
she didn’t call?” Eve nodded

“Yes now I know she was murdered around that time it makes
sense. Ian must have found out about me; or he was just angry about the affair;
these are questions that I will never have the answer to. I had some good
times, the kid’s home made me a tough person and I found Sue and Tara there so
it was worth it just for that.” She thought about her friend; Tara would be
hopefully safe and sound at Sue’s flat tomorrow, Sue promised to call to let
her know she was okay.

Victoria returned with their drinks and chat turned to her fashion
business, Eve promised to go with her tomorrow to the store and see if there
was anything else she would like to buy. Nathan looked shattered after the walk
so they said their goodnights and went upstairs to bed and this time they just
slept. The wine had made Eve sleepy and all the exercise had flattened Nathan,
they slept entwined but still even safe in his arms the dreams invaded.

She was in the graveyard again, running in the mist she
was trying to keep up with the woman in the cap. Out of the mist loomed a grave
stone with Leila Purnell Written on it her rosary draped across the top.
Another gravestone had Rory sprawled over it his throat bleeding down the
stone, screaming she ran and tripped over a body of an old man whose eyes were
wide open in terror. Out of breath she heard the woman shout her to hurry, she
was going to be too late she needed to run. Eve’s legs wouldn’t move and then
she was falling into the dirt, hands shooting from the ground reaching for her.
Out of the mist walked Freud who was mewing with his head cocked at a funny
angle Eve screamed in horror.

“Eve Eve wake up baby your safe here” Eve was in the midst
of a panic attack and it took Nathan a while to calm her down.

“Jesus Christ Eve what is going on with you? This is almost
every night now.” Eve snuggled into his warmth finding solace in his arms; she
tried to block out the images from her dreams. All she was consumed with now
was the desire to feel loved, turning her face towards him she touched his body
her intentions perfectly clear. Nathan rose to the occasion turned on by the
hunger in Eve’s face, she had never instigated sex before and he found it
alluring. The sex was hard, deep and intense, for Eve it was driven by a need
to be consumed totally by her love for this man. And for Nathan it was the need
to feel so desired by the woman he loved.

 The two of them lay spent and totally sated, but Nathan was
still troubled by Eve’s nightmares.

“Eve tell me about the dream” Eve nestled closer their naked
bodies embedded, she talked him through the graveyard dream, all the deaths
that were haunting her

“I think that the woman with the cap is the key Nathan I
don’t know why, she is in each dream and I haven’t met or spoken to her. She
was standing over Freud that day and she watches the house, I have a bad
feeling and I think she is the answer.” Nathan tried to reason it out but came
to a similar conclusion, this woman was disturbing him too. Reporters had
cameras she didn’t, they nosed around and questioned the neighbours but as far
as they were aware she hadn’t spoken to a soul. They needed to find out when
they got back, Nathan was loving being with his family but Sasha was causing
grief and Tara’s state of mind was bothering Eve.

“We should fly home Tuesday, meet Christopher tomorrow have
a nice meal then fly back the following afternoon. What do you think?” Eve
agreed, she was having trouble sleeping and was restless, she would feel a lot
happier when she could see Tara and check she was alright. They managed to get
a couple more hours sleep before Shona disturbed them with their new favourite

“Thank you Shona, and thanks for the ointment too; look at Nathan’s
face he has made an amazing recovery, you brewed a magic potion there” Shona
blushed with pleasure and touched Eve’s cheek

“Bless you child but I think Master Matheson’s recovery is
down to you, it warms my heart to see you both together so happy you are.” With
that she shuffled out of the room leaving the couple to devour their breakfast.
Nathan’s face was looking far better today the swelling had all but disappeared
now, the bruising had also faded away. Christopher chose that moment to call Nathan’s
mobile; Eve was trying to eaves drop and what she heard terrified and excited
her. Nathan ended the call and turned to her

“We are invited to a gala dinner at Christopher’s home
tonight; he was checking first whether my appearance would be detrimental or
not. I have reassured him that I am looking more human now; he has invited the
two leads in the movie for an introduction. He still won’t tell me who, so we
will be meeting him there before the other guests arrive to look over the
scripts and time scales. Why are you looking so terrified Eve?” Eve was shaking
with nerves

“Nathan I packed jeans, shorts and a denim mini skirt! What
the hell am I going to wear out socialising with A list movie stars?” The
enormity of the night to come hit her like a steam train and she was terrified.








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