The Black Corleones 2: Love Ain't Loyal (9 page)

BOOK: The Black Corleones 2: Love Ain't Loyal
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Chapter Nine


A few months passed since the Corleones first run-in with the feds. Business for them tripled when news got out that they were a thorough young crew who could be trusted. Their expansion down south had been more than a good decision for the youngsters; in fact, it was the best decision they ever made since coming into their own.

Their profit margins tripled since the
y joined the game, and life couldn’t be better. Not only were they making money, but they had finally reached graduation day, and with this school bullshit behind them, they no longer had any restraints occupying their time.

Graduation day was huge for the crew
, and they had the biggest graduation party in the city. Anybody who was somebody showed up to party with Chicago’s brightest hood stars.

Dressed in a black Armani tux
, Samir looked at himself in the mirror before he put on his cap and gown and finally felt the pride he should have felt from day one. He achieved what he set out to do, and today was more than him graduating from high school; today was about him graduating from the shadows of the Kendall family name, and building his own.

As he stood there
, his mood became somber for a moment, because although today was a joyous occasion, he couldn’t help but to think about Sin and Ace, and how their absence was taking a toll on him. He was achieving something major in his reign, and he couldn’t share it with them. He wanted so much for his brothers to be by his side; that he couldn’t truly be happy knowing they weren’t there.

, what’s wrong?” Khloe asked from the doorway of their bedroom.

“Nothing’s wrong. I’m ok
ay,” he said as he turned to face her. He couldn’t help but to stare at her. She looked like an angel dressed in a white Alexander McQueen dress and crystal Guiseppe’s, “Nothing is ever wrong when you’re around,” he said, kissing her forehead.

kay, baby. Your mother called and said to hurry up because they want to take pictures before we go to the graduation.”

’m ready. You look beautiful by the way. How did a hood nigga like me get so lucky to have you; I’ll never understand,” he kissed her forehead.

On the way to his father’s house, Khloe
’s nerves were on edge. This was the first time she was meeting his family since she came to live with him a few months earlier. She knew he told his family about her, but she was worried that they would judge her and their relationship being that she was no older than his younger sister. Khloe was worried if she would fit in with their family dynamics. She knew how much they meant to him, and she just wanted to make a good impression.

“I don’t know about this
, Samir,” Khloe expressed as they pulled in front of his father’s house.

“Don’t know about what
?” he replied.

“Going in that house with you as your girl
, what if they hate me?”

“Why would they hate you
, baby, I love you, so my family is going to love you too,” he smiled as he kissed her fears away.

He helped her out of the car and he could feel her ner
ves radiating, so he held her hand tighter and lead her inside the house.

Her palms began to sweat and she felt a lump in her throat as she watched Samir call out to hi
s family. All at once, they rushed to him, excited that today was his big day. His mother hugged him with tears in her eyes. She was grateful that he kept his promise, but she was also in silent agony that her older boys weren’t going to see him accept his diploma. His father hugged him in a way a man hugs his son, and his sister joked about him being old.

stood there, watching how his family reacted. It made her sad because she never felt that before. She never knew what it was like to feel love from her mother, and be a daddy’s little girl, like his sister. She tried hold in her tears, so she swallowed hard as he introduced her to everyone.

To her surprise
, every one of the Kendall’s welcomed her with open arms. His stepmother was in awe of how beautiful she was, and his sister was happy there was another girl she could talk to. They made her feel like she was already a part of their family, and for the first time in her life, she felt like she belonged somewhere, and to somebody. At that moment she fell deeper in love with Samir because he had given her something she always wanted, and that was a family.

Samir’s excitement for his graduation day grew more intense as he watched his family accept Khloe with open arms
; no questions asked. He watched her chat with his sister and hoped she was finally experiencing the happiness he had promised her from the very beginning.

His trance was broken by the ringing of his father’s door bell. When he opened the door, the rest of his crew w
as standing there, all dressed to the nines with caps and gowns in hand. Even Cesar appeared to be genuinely happy for the occasion as they all greeted each other.

Their stretch H
ummer limo pulled up just in time to escort them to the graduation venue in style.

Samir introduced Khloe to the rest of the Black Corleones and she was more nervous meeting them than she was meeting his family.

“Yo, fam, is that shorty from Harolds you met a while back?” Meko inquired.

, that’s my baby,” Samir boasted with pride.

“Yea, she’s more beautiful than I remember her, Joe,” Seven complimented.

“Where her friends at
, Joe?” Chase asked.

“She only got one
, but I think she fucking with one of them low end niggas,” Samir told him.

After some small talk the fellas jumped in
to the limo and headed to their graduation. This was one of the best days of their young lives because all they could think of was the amount of money they were going to make without the added distraction of school. They could now focus on making their Black Corleone brand bigger and better. The focus was only on their business and nothing else. No parents in their ears begging them to finish school, no cutting their nights short due to early morning classes, and no more having to hear their parents telling them to focus on school. Samir’s only focus from this point on was his organization; and making more money than any group of young boys in their city ever did.

But today, Samir wasn’t worried about the
business; his only concern was walking across the stage and bringing the entire city out for their graduation party. Everybody was talking about it. The Black Corleone’s party was going to be the only party that day. The bar was covered, the door was free, and every senior graduating that day would be there. All the females were trying to catch the eye of one of the Corleones, or any big money nigga that was going to be there.

Make sure y’all get to Secrets tonight for the biggest graduation party in the city. Samir, Meko, Cesar, Chase and Seven are walking across the stage this afternoon, and tonight they are bringing the city out to celebrate. The door is free all night for graduating seniors. The bar is paid for all night. This is going to be the biggest graduating event the city has seen. You don’t want to miss Secret tonight!”
the radio DJ announced just in time to amp the Corleones for their graduation.

Sam, I’ll be there in time for your grad p
arty, G. Oh, and I got something for you, so we gon’ party hard tonight cuz’ the last few months been good to me fucking with you boys.
Casey messaged Samir as they pulled up to their graduation venue.

“Casey is on his way and he said he got something for us
,” Samir informed the rest of the crew.

“You know what that mean
s coming from Casey,” Meko joked.

“He got that money bag for us. That nigga ain’t fucking around.”

“Let’s not focus on business right now, let’s just hit this graduation so we can go eat, cuz’ I’m hungry as fuck,” Cesar interrupted.

“We ain
’t focused on business, I’m just letting y’all know Casey and his crew on the way and F.Y.I, our shit never sleeps,” Samir replied as they filed out of the car.

Their families where already waiting for them in the parking lot. Khloe rode with Samir’s little sister at her request.

“Damn, I missed you little lady,” Samir said, hugging Khloe like he hadn’t seen her in months.

, come on lover boy, we gotta take a couple of flicks before we separate from our fams,” Chase teased.

“This nigga is straight whipped
,” Meko joked as he put his arm around Samir’s neck, pulling him away from Khloe. “Girl, what you doing to my boy, you got him out her simpin’.”

“Screw you niggas. I’m not whipped
, but my girl brings a soft side out of me. A nigga need that in this world we in.”

They took what seemed like a million pictures with their families before heading inside to join their senior class.
Samir and his crew where like hood celebrities in their school.

As they walked in they were stopped by all the popular girls for hugs and da
ps by every nigga who thought they were somebody in school. Some of their teachers and school staff watched in disgust because they assumed the worst. They didn’t think most of the students would amount to much.

Most of them had a preconceived notion that the girls would end up young mothers on welfare
, and the boys would end up dead or in jail. But for Samir and the Corleones, today was about the next chapter in their lives, and today was only about celebrating how far they had come, and how far they were about to go.

The students lined up and marched to their seats as the crowd cheered them on. The graduation proceedings were under way
, but none of the Corleones were remotely interested in the speech from the principal or the valedictorian. They just wanted to grab their diplomas and get on with the rest of their dope boy lives.

some ongoing speeches, the moment they had been waiting for, for the past four years had finally arrived. One by one, each of the Corleones walked across the stage, eager for the next step in their life. Samir stood in line and looked into the crowd where he spotted his family, and his heart. He focused on them while he waited his turn. With one student in front of him, Samir’s happiness dwindled when reality set in that there were two very important faces missing in his cheering section. He was graduating and his brothers weren’t there. One of the biggest moments of his life, and he couldn’t share it with his idols. Sin and Ace’s absent hadn’t hit him as hard until this very moment.

with honors and a three point nine grade average, Samir Kendall,” The principal called his name.

Samir walked across the stage and tears began to flow as he heard his whole family screaming his name and cheering for him
, but he couldn’t hear Sin and Ace’s voice. He looked his principal in the eyes and shook his hand as he took his high school diploma. He held his diploma up in the air as he walked across the stage, sending his family into frenzy.

This is for my brothers. I did it bro
He said to himself.

After two
hours of proceedings, their graduation had come to an end, and with the principals announcement of the graduating class, The Corleones found each other in the crowd and threw their caps in the air as they hugged each other and posed for pictures.

These were the moments Samir lived for. Having his boys by his side and accomplishing everything he
set out to do. He looked at his crew and his loyalty to them grew in that moment. He would happily go to his grave with them, and for them. Without them, he was nothing. Tonight was their night, and he would make sure it was a night they would remember.







Chapter Ten


After graduation, the Corleones and their families met at Landry’s for a private post-graduation dinner before their party. Carlyle invited everyone to dinner which he happily paid for. It was the first time he was in the same room with Cesar’s family since his falling out with Cesar’s father. It vexed him to be in the same vicinity with Zeek, but he tried to not let it ruin his son’s moment.

Zeek and Carlyle started in the game together along with Tim
, and he trusted him like Samir trusted Cesar, but after money came into play, Zeek began to show his true colors. Carlyle and Tim built a fast empire, and when news came that Zeek was going behind their back, trying to strike a deal of his own, Carlyle shut him down, and put word out they he could never do business in Chicago again.

His real intention was to snuff Zeek
, because in his line a work, if you don’t cut your grass low, the snake in the grass would come back and bite you in the ass. But Carlyle didn’t feel right taking a father from his unborn child; so instead, he cut off any possibility of Zeek making money in his city. But he made sure he kept close eyes on him throughout the years, especially since their sons remained friends.

Carlyle sat back and watched hi
s son interact with his crew. He was instantly taken back to his youth. He saw so much of himself in Samir, and didn’t realize that he would see such a similar version of himself in his youngest son. He always thought Sin would be the one more like him, but watching Samir’s rise in the game changed his view on who would be his true successor.

He was proud of his son
, and watching his first steps into manhood made him feel confident in his job as a father. It was his son’s night and he had a few surprises in store for Samir and the Corleones. He wanted to make sure it was a night to remember for his boys, and for all of the graduating seniors that were planning to attend.

, are you happy you’re finally done with school?” his sister asked him as they ordered their food.

“Yea, I am sissy. You’re
next.” Carlyle stood up and brought the room to attention for a toast. This was the moment Carlyle could let his guard down and admit he was wrong about not wanting Samir to join the business. He stood in front of the Corleones and their families and held up his glass.

“I want to make a toast to my son, Meko, Seven, Chase and Cesar. Congratulations on graduating high school when most young men your age chose not to. I can’t express to the five of you how proud I am
of what you’ve become in the last couple of years. This crew has become more than my son’s childhood friends, you’re like my sons as much as the ones I created. Being able to be a part of your lives has enriched mines so much. Watching you makes me think of the all the times Tim and I had when we were your age. Now that the next chapter of your lives is about to begin, my only wish is that you keep the bond you created, and that you remain loyal to each other… to my baby boy and his crew,” he raised his glass in the air.

“To Samir and h
is crew,” the rest of the room followed suit.

Samir and his crew stood up and thanked everyone in the room.
He gave a special thanks to his father for allowing him to be the kind of man he wanted to be, but his extreme gratitude was toward his mother. The last few years had been hard for her with her sons being locked up and her youngest joining the family business. He wanted to make sure she knew how much he loved her, and how much he appreciated having such an amazing and understanding mother by his side.

He presented her with a box that held a model toy
Lexus truck that she had been wanting, but when she opened the box the key to the truck fell out. With tears in her eyes, she hugged Samir tighter than she ever hugged anyone.

“That’s not all mom
,” he said, as he presented another box; this time holding a presidential Rolex watch with a diamond bezel. He knew he could never repay his mother for all she had done for him and his brothers, but at least he could try.

r dinner, the Corleones said goodbye to their families and headed to Samir’s place to get ready for their party.

“So, how was the ride with my sister and parents?” he asked, as they walked to his car.

“It was fun
. Your sister is really cool, and your step mother is funny as hell.”

, I’m glad you were okay and felt comfortable. My family already loves you, and my mother swears you look like the daughter she always wanted. I got something for you though.”

, you didn’t need to buy me nothing, but what is it?” she laughed.

“I’ll show you when we get back home.”

As they pulled up in front of her friend Shay’s house, she saw her standing outside, arguing with her boyfriend. Khloe jumped out the car as fast as she could to calm her friend down. She tried to pull Shay inside, but he wouldn’t let them past. Samir watched from his car and he heard Shay’s man call her and Khloe
‘dirty little bitches’
Before he could think about it, he jumped out of his car in full attack mode.

, my nigga, what the fuck you just call my girl?” he questioned as he approached the dude who had his back turned.

Shay’s boyfriend was about to jump fly when he recognized Samir’s face
, “Oh, I didn’t mean no disrespect, Corleone. I swear I didn’t know this was your girl, Joe,” he immediately corrected himself.

“You don’t mean no disrespect?
Why nigga, cuz’ you know who the fuck I am. But just a second ago you were real disrespectful.”

“Naw fam, I didn’t mean nothing
. Me and my girl just having a little disagreement, you know how that go.”

, I don’t know how that go, cuz’ I wasn’t raised to disrespect women. I tell you what; Shay’s going with me and my girl tonight. If I catch you around her again, it’s not gon’ be nice.”

, this is my girl, bro and this is our business. I fuck with you Corleone niggas, and I make y’all a lot of money. I’m asking that you let me handle my own shit.”

, who the fuck are you and don’t mention no fucking money to me again. I’m gon’ ask you one more time to get the fuck away from this crib.”

“Aight Sam
… I’m out. Shay, lose my number,” he said as he walked away.

“Oh my God, thank you so much Samir. I been trying to get rid of that nigga ever since he
got his other bitch pregnant; Khloe, girl, what’s up?” Shay said in relief.

, are you ready, cuz’ you know how long it’s gonna take you to get dressed when we get to my house,” Khloe said trying to not think about what just happened. But she couldn’t help but to let her mind wonder about how big Samir really was in the streets. From the way Shay’s boyfriend reacted, Samir’s reputation exceeded its self far more than he let on.

didn’t say much on their way to the house, and Samir could sense she was a little uneasy. By the time they made it back to their condo, Samir’s phone and two-way was blowing up from people asking where they were. They were telling him that the club was bananas.

ile Khloe was getting dressed, Samir walked into the room with the gift he told her about on their way to Shay’s house. She opened it and found a green box with the word Rolex etched in gold. When she opened the case, her eyes widened at the sight of her gold presidential Rolex watch. She had never had such an expensive gift in her life. As she began to speak, Samir quickly interrupted her.

“I know Khlo, you don’t have to sa
y nothing. I know I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. I’d give you the world if I could. Just tell me you like it.”

“I love it
, and I love you, Samir.”

“I love you too
,” he removed the watch from the box, and just as he was about to place it on her wrist, he turned it around so she could see the inscription which read
‘I’ll Love You Always Khlo. SC.
She felt her eyes begin to water, but she had to shake it off because she didn’t want to mess up her make-up. She kissed him more passionately than she ever kissed him before. She felt her lower region tingle. He attempted to mount her and she instantly got nervous and stopped him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked her.

“I don’t know if I’m ready for that yet?” she said, embarrassed.

ooohhh, damn baby, you never done it before?”

“No, I haven’t
, and I don’t know if I’m ready just yet. Are you mad?”

Of course not, love. It’s no pressure. We have all the time in the world for that. It’ll happen when you’re ready for it to happen.”

Khloe felt comfortable when those words left Samir’s mouth. She no longer felt pressured to lose her virginity
, but hearing him say that she could take all the time she needed made her want to give in to him. She watched as he continued to get dressed. She decided that tonight after the party would be the night. She had just turned 14 years old, but she was ready to take that step into woman hood.

“Shay, I think I’m ready to have sex with Samir
,” she told her friend while she applied her make up.

h my God… girl, really, that’s a big step; are you really sure?”

“I am
. I mean, he told me that I can take all the time I need, but I love him, and I want to make him happy.”

, listen to me… sex isn’t going to make him happy. Samir isn’t like all the rest of the street guys, and trust me, I know. He really loves you, and he’ll wait for you.
make him happy, not your pussy.”

“I know that
, but I’m ready.”

ay, well, it looks like your mind is made up. All I can tell you is relax, because it hurts, but the more you relax, the easier it will be.”

“Well damn
, you’re making me want to change my mind,” Khloe got nervous.

“I’m just saying
, the first time won’t be as pleasurable for either one of you, but it will get better.”

Samir p
oked his head in to see if the ladies were ready and he couldn’t stop gawking at how beautiful Khloe looked. He quickly snapped out of it and urged them to hurry up because it was already 12:30 and everyone was sitting around waiting on them.

When they finally emerged from the room
, Meko couldn’t help but notice Shay’s ass filling out her dress.

“You are looking good as fuck
,” he whispered in her ear as they walked out the door.

“Is that right?” she teased as she rubbed her ass on his pelvis. She noticed him from the moment she walked in
the door earlier that night. She knew she wanted him, but she had mastered the art of playing hard to get. Meko’s fragrance filled her nostrils, and the sound of his voice in her ear made her wetter than Niagara Falls, but she knew she had to play it cool. She wasn’t going to make it that easy for Meko Corleone. But she knew from the very moment he whispered in her ear that she was going to give it to him in the worst way possible.

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