The Black Door (21 page)

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Authors: Velvet

BOOK: The Black Door
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after” had taken on a whole new meaning for Trey and Ariel. With the glare of the sun cutting through the blinds, they woke up to the harsh reality of what they had done. It was one thing to fuck anonymously at the club, when neither knew the identity of the other. But now that the masks were off, there was no way to hide from the truth, and the truth was that they had committed the ultimate betrayal!

Trey was resting on his elbow, looking down at Ariel. He had been watching her sleep for the past twenty minutes, and even in her slumber, she was beautiful. Her skin was flawless, and her lips were perfect, not too small and not too big; just right for kissing. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of her, and he now understood why Michele was obsessed with staring at him on and off during the night. There was something angelic about looking at someone you desired in a peaceful state. It was as if they belonged solely to you and no one else. And Trey wished that were true now more than ever. He wished they were alone on a deserted island, with no one to answer to but themselves—nothing to do all day but eat, swim in a tranquil blue lagoon, and make love all night into the early morning. They would wake up the next day and do it all over again. Then he wouldn’t have to face his father and tell him that he’d made love with his fiancée, not once, not twice, but three times. However, that was one wish that would never be granted, because there was no way on earth that he could form his lips to tell his father the truth. Besides, what was the point? This was their last hurrah, their last visit to the land of deceit.

With the sun’s rays beaming down on Ariel’s face, she began to stir. She blinked open her eyes and looked up directly into Trey’s handsome face. They hadn’t spoken the entire night, and now Ariel didn’t quite know how to begin. Guilt covered her like a wet wool blanket, and she felt uncomfortable all over. “Good morning,” she said in a soft whisper, finally finding her voice.

Trey leaned down and kissed her on the forehead. “Morning, sleepy head.”

Ariel had slept like a baby, and had no clue what time it was. She popped straight up, looking for a clock, but didn’t see one. “What time is it?” She panicked, thinking that she had overslept.

He glanced down at his Rolex, which was the only thing he was wearing. “Relax, it’s only seven-thirty.”

“I’ve got to go, I have an eleven o’clock meeting,” she said, throwing her leg over the side of the bed.

Trey didn’t want her to leave so soon. He knew that once she walked out his door, she would never walk back in, and so he gently touched her arm. “Don’t rush off. You have plenty of time to make your meeting.”

His touch stopped her cold. Ariel’s mind told her to leave before she got in any deeper (if that was possible), but her body had a mind of its own and was telling a different story. She slumped back on the pillows and sighed hard. As much as she tried, she couldn’t exert any willpower when it came to Trey. Just one touch from him and she melted like whipped butter on a toasted bagel.

Trey eased over and partially covered her body with his. His appetite for her was insatiable and he needed more of her loving before she walked out of his world, back into his father’s. He wedged open her legs with his, and began fingering her vagina with one hand, while fondling her breasts with the other. Her areolas turned a shade darker and her nipples became as hard as two small pieces of lead. Just watching them firm to his touch had awakened his limp dick. He stroked her clit with his thumb, while engaging her pussy with his index and middle fingers.

Ariel moaned with each rub of her G-spot, wanting more. His fingers were stimulating, but they didn’t compare to his long, thick penis. She opened her legs wider inviting him inside. When he didn’t take the hint, she reached down and found the object of her desire, which was only semihard. In an effort to help him reach his full potential, Ariel gripped his dick and firmly ran her hand up and down the shaft until she felt his penis expand. She looked down and saw clear juices ooze out of the tip. She rubbed the pre-cum around the head of his cock and it glistened like a thin coat of shellac across the pulsating surface.

“That’s it, baby,” Trey whispered in her ear. She had the Midas touch, and he responded immediately Now fully erect, he was ready for penetration. He got on his knees and then pulled her down to him. “Bend your knees, baby,” he directed her.

Ariel followed his instructions and when she did, her pussy opened just a little wider for him.

Trey’s dick was now as hard as a jackhammer and ready to go to work. He pressed her inner thighs down ever so slightly, and then fed her hungry pussy The lips of her vagina nibbled on the head of his penis as he inched inside.

“Give it to me!” she pleaded.

He held back. “Tell me how bad you want this big dick.”

“Trey.” She sang his name for the first time. “I want it so bad that if you don’t fuck me right now, I’m going to go crazy,” she said in between clenched teeth.

He stuck his dick in another inch. “We can’t have that, now can we?” he said, looking down at her.

The expression on Ariel’s face was that of lust mixed with frustration. She couldn’t believe that he was teasing her. She was dripping wet and wanted him to finish what he had started. When he was inside of her, she felt whole for the first time in her life, and the feeling was beyond addictive.

Trey read her face, and it said that she was ready, so he gave up the goods.

“Yeah, that’s it,” she moaned, as he fed her the full length of his shaft.

Trey raised her ass up with both of his hands and held her cheeks tight as he increased his pace.

Ariel met his thrusts with hers, and they bucked back and forth like untamed thoroughbreds. “I’m—I’m—I’m dimming!” Ariel panted.

Trey gave her another deep thrust. “I want you to cum all over this big dick,” he said, dropping his voice into a lower Billy Dee—type register.

His deep sexy voice was the cherry on top of her icing, and she screamed, “I’
m camming!”

Her screams were music to his ears, and he couldn’t hold back any longer. Trey didn’t care about his neighbors. All he cared about at the moment was climaxing. He quickly pulled out, came all over her stomach, and slumped down beside her in sheer exhaustion. He lay there for a few seconds to catch his breath. Once his breathing was under control, he got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. Trey returned with a fluffy terry-cloth bath towel and carefully wiped his secretions off of her stomach.

Ariel smiled as he cleaned her up. The gesture was so sweet that she couldn’t help but rub his head as he dabbed away the milky substance. “That’s okay 1 need to take a shower anyway.”

“Mind if I join you?” He winked suggestively.

“Only if you promise to be good.” She winked back.

“I’m always good.” Trey held out his hand and helped her out of the bed.

Ariel trailed him into the bathroom and stood back as he adjusted the water to the perfect temperature. Seeing his dick hang between his legs as he bent over the tub made her want to fuck him all over again.

He held his hand underneath the water. “That’s perfect.” He climbed in first, and she followed.

Ariel stood in front of him and allowed the warm water to run down her face, traveling south to her breasts and down to her Bermuda triangle. Her eyes were closed so she didn’t see him reach around for the shower gel.

Trey squirted the cool gel on her back, and she jumped. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” He rubbed the gel into her back until it lathered. He massaged her back and shoulders, relaxing her.

Ariel eased back into his touch. “Hmm, that feels so good.”

Trey squirted more gel into his hands and reached underneath her arms. He began massaging her breasts, and his hands slid up and down her luscious titties. The slick feel of the gel against her skin felt so sensuous that his dick sprung to attention. He held her breasts from underneath, and pulled her nipples dowmward, causing her to bend over. He then put one foot on the side of the tub, removed his hands from her breasts, held onto her waist, and rammed his dick deep within her.

Ariel held onto the side of the shower as he made love to her underneath the pulsating spray of the water, and her body twitched from the electrifying experience.

After cleansing their bodies, Trey stepped out of the shower first, and left Ariel in the bathroom to wash her hair. He wrapped a towel around himself and closed the door.

The moment he toweled off and put on his boxers, someone knocked at the front door.
That’s odd,
he thought. The doorman always announced his visitors before they came up. There was only one person who knocked on his door unannounced at this time of the morning, and that was his housekeeper. Trey had forgotten that this was her day to clean. He was usually dressed and ready to head out once he let her in, but today he had been pleasantly distracted. He reached for the pants from last night that were balled up in a heap on the floor, quickly pulled them on, and walked to the door. He planned to tell her to go across the street to Starbucks, have a latté or two, and come back in an hour. That way it would give him and Ariel time to say their final good-byes.

“Rosa, can you—” he started to say as he opened the door, but it wasn’t Rosa.

“Son, we need to talk,” Preston said, bursting into his apartment.

Oh shit!
was Trey’s first thought.
He knows about me and Ariel,
was his second thought.

Preston marched into the living room and began pacing back and forth. “Tell me the truth, son.”

Trey looked toward his bedroom. He had left the door slightly ajar, but thankfully had shut the bathroom door. He hoped Ariel wouldn’t come out of the shower anytime soon. “The truth about what?” he asked. He decided to play dumb, until his dad flat-out accused him of sleeping with his fiancée.

Preston stopped pacing and stared Trey directly in the eye. “The truth about the equity and real estate ventures you’re involved in.”

“What?” Trey didn’t have a clue what his dad was talking about.

“You told the senator that you’ve been investing in stocks and real estate, but the investigators can’t find any proof of that. What’s the name of the company you’re with, the name of your supervior, and where are their offices located? And I’ll also need their phone and fax numbers,” Preston blurted out, making sure that he didn’t miss any of the details that the senator had requested.

Trey exhaled deeply. Questions about his livelihood he could deal with, but he wasn’t ready for a confrontation about Ariel, especially since their affair was over. “I’m not with a realty company or brokerage firm. I’m investing on my own,” he said calmly.

“Do you have an office, and a list of properties and stocks that you’ve bought recently?”

Seeing the panic in his dad’s eyes made Trey nervous. Obviously the inquiry was coming directly from the senator, who was probably conducting a preliminary investigation. Trey was so preoccupied with running The Black Door that he didn’t realize the investigation process had started. If he had known, he would have called in a few favors to carefully cover his lies. Luckily, he had used “Curtis,” his mother’s maiden name, when he bought the building that The Black Door occupied. Realizing that this was serious, Trey broke out in a light sweat. Though the club was legit, there was no way on this green earth that he could tell his father that he owned The Black Door. Being an officer of the court, his dad would think that being affiliated with a sex club was an unacceptable business for his only son. Trey never suspected that his occupation would interfere with his father’s career. “Uh, no, I don’t have an outside office. I work right here in my apartment.”

“What about a list of stocks and properties? I know the senator is going to want details.”

Ariel heard Preston’s voice the second she opened the bathroom door and panic instantly set in.
We’ve been caught
She stood naked in the doorway, as quiet as a church mouse, and listened closely.

“Uh, I haven’t bought any stocks yet, and I’m looking at a couple of properties in the Meatpacking District. Why does the senator need to know about me anyway? I’m not the one seeking the nomination.”

“I know. I thought it was strange too. My guess is that he wants to be certain that there will be no surprises cropping up once the official investigation gets under way,” Preston said.

Ariel, holding her breath, let it out slowly, but her heart was still pounding wildly against her chest like a tom-tom. At first she thought that Preston had found them out, but she should have known that he was there about his
nomination. She had half a mind to strut into the living room, buck naked with her titties swinging from side to side, and tell him that it was over. He would probably care less. The only thing he cared about was his
career. Realizing that she was being paranoid, she calmed down and continued to listen to their conversation.

“Tell the senator not to waste his money. There’s no dirt to be found here. I’m clean as the driven snow.” Trey smiled, trying to hide the panic he felt inside.

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