The Body Doesn't Lie (41 page)

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Authors: Vicky Vlachonis

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Pain Management, #Healing, #Medical, #Allied Health Services, #Massage Therapy

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Chinese medicine: on the gallbladder point, 124
; on the heart point, 127
; on where anger is stored in the body, 6; on yin and yang, 129

chiropractors, 162

chocolate, 222

Chödrön, Pema, 51

choices: to make positive, 36–37; psychic effects of taking control through good, 61; Reflect*Release*Radiate sequence for making, 52; understanding the power of, 53–55

chronic neurological problems, 11

chronic stress: impact on the HPA axis, 16–17; Negative Feedback due to unmanaged, 20; post-traumatic stress disorder, 165–66

coffee, 148

colds and coughs remedies, 246

cold sores, 42, 46

compassion, 65, 202

complex carbohydrates: food sources of, 188
; Positive Feedback To-Go Plan for lowering intake of, 192

constipation: changing food intake to improve, 184–86; PCOS symptom of, 44, 46; self-healing trigger points to help with, 126
, 128

contentment system: how the Positive Feedback plan can strengthen your, 201–2; how Radiant relationships strengthen your, 201–2; when the PNS slows us down, 18

cortex, 7

cortisol hormone, 16

cow’s milk, 148

cranial sacral therapy, 73

C-reactive protein, 73

curcumin, 143–44

Current Directions in Psychological Science

cytokines, 183

daily naps, 136–38, 192

daily reflection exercise, 83, 182

dairy products, 149–51

Daring Greatly
(Brown), 36

decision making: for positive choices, 36–37, 52–55, 61; Reflect*Release*Radiate sequence used for, 55

deep breathing exercises: during nine-point meditation, 134; to relax and release tension, 21–22; Tibetan Rites finished with, 83

Deep Dive, 196–98, 205

depression: as common reason for seeking medical help, 11; Positive Feedback remedies for, 244–46; self-healing trigger points for anxiety and, 125
, 129
, 244.
See also

desserts: Radiate Meal Plan special treats, 222
; Release (Days 1–3) Liver Flush,143

detoxification: Release Meal Plan for, 138–52, 185; Release of toxic inflammatory foods, 147–52, 212

Diabetes Care
journal, 153

diabetes Type 2, 59, 214

diaphragm release point, 125

diet: keeping Food Diary on your, 95–97; making changes during Radiate phase, 184–89; Mediterranean, 185–86; Positive Feedback complex carbohydrates to include in, 188
; Positive Feedback proteins to include in, 187
; Positive Feedback vegetables and fruits to include in, 189
; reintroducing reactive foods to your, 190, 193; Release Meal Plan, 59, 138–53, 185; travel/jet lag remedies and suggested, 256–57.
See also
foods; poor diet

Diet Coke, 151, 205

diet soda, 59, 74, 151–52, 205

differential diagnosis, 243

digestive upset: inflammatory foods associated with, 140; leaky gut syndrome, 19; self-healing trigger points for improving, 124

dinner meal plans: Radiate Meal Plan, 217
, 221
; Release (Day 1–7) release the toxic inflammatory foods, 143, 213
; Release (Days 1–3) Liver Flush, 143; Release (Days 1–7) fall in love with liquids, 143, 213

diseases: differential diagnosis of, 243; Dr. Still’s approach to, 51–52; emotional pain making us more vulnerable to, 7; heart disease, 59, 102, 214; osteopathy’s self-healing approach to, 43; Type 2 diabetes, 59, 214.
See also

drinking water: with juice of half a lemon, 76–77, 146; reverse osmosis filter installed to protect your, 146–47; stopping three hours before bed, 73; 316 chemicals found in U.S., 146.
See also

drug overdose deaths, 11–12

dry brushing: description and function of, 130–31; how to apply to your body, 131–33; for lymphatic drainage, 132
; during Radiate phase, 182

eczema: inflammatory foods associated with, 140; as PCOS symptom, 45, 46.
See also
skin issues

edema: inflammatory foods associated with, 140; self-healing trigger points in case of, 28

eggplant, 148

eggs: protein source from, 187
; suggested breakfast, 101

Egg-White Frittata with Feta Cheese and Chives, 230–31

EMDR therapy, 162, 164–66, 204

emotional eating, 19

emotional pain: connection between physical and, 7–10; making us more vulnerable to diseases, 7; psychological antidotes to common types of, 60
See also

emotional triggers: how we “install” our, 8; list of typical SNS triggers, 17

emotions: all the parts of the brain that intersect when experiencing, 7; anger, 6, 9, 60, 126
, 129
, 244; anxiety, 9, 11, 60, 125
, 129
, 244–46; fear, 9–10, 19, 65–66; normal nature of, 5; organ-emotion linkages, 9; problems as caused by buried, 6; sadness, 9, 20, 60, 125

emotion self-care techniques, 54

emotion work: Radiate phase, 195–202, 205; Reflect phase positive emotions, 102; Release phase positive emotions, 155–63

endocrine system: Adaptive Response impact on the, 54; hypothalamus messages sent to the, 16

energy drinks, 148

energy point, 126

the engaged life, 199

environmental allergens, 19

Environmental Working Group, 146–47

Epsom salts bath, 192, 252

European School of Osteopathy, 43

evening meditation, 113–14

eye motion desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) therapy, 162, 164–66, 204

The Eye of Revelation
(Kelder), 77

eyes: parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) regulation of, 15
; sympathetic nervous system (SNS) regulation of, 15

family history: Body Family Tree based on your, 86–91; physical and emotional legacy carried from our, 7–8, 201–2

fast foods, 148

fear: connection between feeling pain and, 9–10; kidney linked to feeling, 9; Negative Feedback due to continuous, 19; Radiate phase to let go of your, 65–66

fertility issues, 129

fight-or-flight reaction: childhood patterns of, 8; PNS as the break slowing down the, 18; the SNS “drive” response to, 14–15, 16–17, 18

fish (oily), 187
, 204

fish recipes: Mediterranean Salsa (for fish), 234; Oven-Baked Branzino with Cherry Tomato and Caper Salsa, 228–29; Pan-Grilled Ahi Tuna or Mahi-Mahi, 229

flaxseed, 147

flu remedies, 246–47

Food Diary: description and contents of, 95; reactive foods identified in your, 190, 193; sample of before and after, 96
; when to record in your, 97

food intolerances/sensitivities: connection between PCOS and, 45–46; identifying your, 141; Negative Feedback due to continuous, 19; spices as cause of, 152.
See also
allergies; inflammatory foods

foods: from Grandma’s kitchen, 41–43, 47; lesson on power to hurt or heal of, 41–43; Positive Feedback complex carbohydrates, 188
; Positive Feedback proteins, 187
; Positive Feedback vegetables and fruits, 189
; reintroducing reactive, 190, 193.
See also
diet; inflammatory foods; Release Meal Plan

forgiveness: overcoming your fears, acknowledging pain, and, 166–67; releasing your past via ritual in order to engage in, 167–71; religious rituals for, 168; visualization in order to release, 171–73

Frankl, Viktor, 53

French Green Beans, 238

Fresh Spinach Salad, 225

front-body self-healing trigger points: location on the body, 123
; working with, 124

Frontiers of Human Neuroscience
, 58

Fruit Salad, 226

function self-care techniques, 54

gallbladder point, 124

Garlic and Chili Broccolini (Long-Stem Broccoli), 237–38

Gilbert, Paul, 14

glial cells, 73

glucose build-up, 53

gluten-based food products, 148

glymphatic system, 73

goals: for each stage of Reflect*Release*Radiate sequence, 52; identifying your passion to establish new, 195–99; Release phase as most popular and primary, 58–60; setting Radiate positive motion, 194–95; taking baby steps toward your, 200–201

goat milk, 187
, 192

gout, 59

grains, 188

Grandma’s kitchen food, 41–43, 47

Greek Burgers, 233

Greek Goddess Salad, 225

green vegetables: Positive Feedback, 189
; Release Meal Plan, 213
See also specific recipe

grief-lungs linkage, 9 Guacamole recipe, 242 “gut feelings,” 9

habits: calling in reinforcements to kick your harmful, 159–60; consciously choosing to practice good, 54–55; Reflect*Release*Radiate sequence used for deciding on, 55; release harmful, 158–59.
See also

hangover remedies, 247–48

Hanson, Rick, 14, 60

happiness: Lisa’s story on creating a meditation to visualize, 205; meditation on confidence, self-belief, and, 207; the three ways to develop path for, 199

“happy” oils, 84

Hardwiring Happiness
(Hanson), 14

harmful habits.

Harvard study, 65

headaches: as common reason for seeking medical help, 11; Positive Feedback remedies for, 248–49; self-healing trigger point for, 129
, 248

healing teas, 222

health: author’s story on turnaround from pain to, 43–47; how a stable foundation maintains good, 40–43; muscular, 20, 127
, 140; skeletal, 20

health modalities: exploring a new, 160–63; suggestions for some to consider, 162

heart: parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) regulation of, 15
; sympathetic nervous system (SNS) regulation of, 15

heart disease: Mayo Clinic research on exercise and, 102; modern increase in, 214; sugar-sweetened beverages linked to, 59

heart point, 127

high-fructose corn syrup, 139

hippocampus: HPA axis role of the, 15–17; meditation impact on the, 60

hip self-healing trigger points, 126

holistic nutritionist, 162

Holocaust “post-traumatic growth” study, 53

HPA axis: chronic stress impact on the, 16–17; description of the, 15–16

Humulus lupulus
(hops fruit), 75

drinking water

hyperactivity, 140

hypnotherapist, 162

hypothalamus: connecting with endocrine system and the gut organs, 7; HPA axis made up of pituitary gland, adrenal glands and, 15–16; regulation functions of the, 16; self-healing trigger points for the, 129

illness: differential diagnosis of, 243; osteopathy’s self-healing approach to, 43; spinal column as “decoder ring” to diagnose, 13.
See also
diseases; Positive Feedback remedies

immune system: how shingles can result from overtaxed, 4; hypothalamus messages sent to the, 16; legacy carried from our parents that affect the, 7–8

journal, 149

inflammation: effects of chronic, 10–11; evidenced on the surface of the body, 10; making positive choices for tamping down your, 37; as primary physical mechanism of Negative Feedback, 179; tumor necrosis factor and C-reactive protein markers for, 73

inflammatory foods: common symptoms associated with, 140; common types of, 148–49; dairy and red meat, 149–51; diet soda as, 59, 74, 151–52; high-fructose corn syrup, 139; pattern of addictions to, 184–85; wheat products, 149.
See also
food intolerances/sensitivities; foods; poor diet

injuries: how both Positive and Negative Feedback start in moment of, 52; Negative Feedback due to, 19; RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevate) for, 192

insomnia: consequences of chronic sleep deprivation and, 72; self-healing trigger points to help with, 126
, 128; tips to avoid, 73–75

insulin resistance, 19

intestines: parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) regulation of, 15
; sympathetic nervous system (SNS) regulation of, 15

Jawbone UP, 74

Jeffers, Susan, 65

Jennifer’s story, 63–65

Jenny’s Greek Bolognese Sauce, 232–33

Jerry’s Crab Salad, 226

Jewish Polish population study, 53

joint disorders: as common reason for seeking medical help, 11; inflammatory foods associated with, 140

Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
, 99

Journal of Affective Disorders
, 98

Journal of Neuroscience
, 58

Kabat-Zinn, Jon, 39

Kale Smoothie, 219

Kelder, Peter, 77

Kerry’s story, 116–18

ketchup, 148

kidneys: fear linked to, 9; sympathetic nervous system (SNS) regulation of, 15

Kierkegaard, Søren, 71

Kiwi Lemon Smoothie, 219

knee self-healing trigger points, 127
, 128

lavender bath, 192, 253

leaky gut syndrome, 19

lean meat, 187

lean poultry, 187

Learned Optimism and Authentic Happiness
(Seligman), 198

leg self-healing trigger points, 127
, 128

lemon water, 76–77, 146

lethargy-inflammatory foods association, 140

letting it go: faith working in tandem with treatments for, 119–20; pretreatment ritual before treatments for, 119; treatments to help you in, 118–19

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