The Body Doesn't Lie (42 page)

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Authors: Vicky Vlachonis

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Pain Management, #Healing, #Medical, #Allied Health Services, #Massage Therapy

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life expectancy decline, 12

limbic system, 7

The Lion King
cast members, 47–48

Lisa’s story, 203–5

listening to pain, 3–4, 163

liver: anger linked to, 9; “angry liver” condition of the, 203; parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) regulation of, 15
; sympathetic nervous system (SNS) regulation of, 15
; toxins build up in the, 53

Liver Flush, 142–45, 212–13

Liver Flush Smoothie, 144–45, 212

live yogurt, 187

lower back pain: common profile of, 28–31; inflammatory foods associated with, 140; Jennifer’s Positive Feedback profile on her, 63–65
; physical and emotional causes in men, 27
; physical and emotional causes in women, 27
; Positive Feedback remedies for, 249–50; Sarah’s story on her, 29–31; self-healing trigger points for, 126
, 127
, 128
, 249; as signal to change, 162–63.
See also
back pain

low libido: Positive Feedback remedies for, 250–51; self-healing trigger points for, 127
, 129
, 250

lunch meal plans: Radiate Meal Plan, 217
, 221
; Release (Day 1–7) release the toxic inflammatory foods, 213
; Release (Days 1–3) Liver Flush, 143, 213
; Release (Days 1–7) fall in love with liquids, 143, 213

lungs: parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) regulation of, 15
; sadness, worry, grief linked to, 9; sympathetic nervous system (SNS) regulation of, 15

lymphatic drainage: dry brushing for, 132
; self-healing trigger points to help with, 125
, 126
, 127

lymphatic system: description and function of the, 130–31; draining the toxins from your, 125
, 126
, 127
, 1323

lymph nodes, 53

main dish recipes: Butterflied Roast Chicken, 230; Cabrito with Prunes, 231; Egg-White Frittata with Feta Cheese and Chives, 230–31; Greek Burgers, 233; Jenny’s Greek Bolognese Sauce, 232–33; Mediterranean Salsa (for fish), 234; Oven-Baked Branzino with Cherry Tomato and Caper Salsa, 228–29; Pan-Grilled Ahi Tuna or Mahi-Mahi, 229; Roast Chicken/Turkey with Figs, 232

Maladaptive Response, 18–19.
See also

Man’s Search for Meaning
(Frankl), 53

manual therapy, 43

margarine, 148

massage: considering treatment of, 162; “happy” oils used for, 84; as Morning Glory routine, 84, 130; self-healing trigger points used during, 122; tummy, 182, 183–84

Mayo Clinic research: on acupuncture points corresponding to myofacial trigger points, 6; on exercise and heart disease, 102

mayonnaise, 148

meal plans.
Positive Feedback meal plans

the meaningful life, 199

meat: lean, 187
; processed, 148; red, 149–51

meditation: afternoon, 112–13; breathing exercise during, 110–11; Brown University study on benefits of, 40; on confidence, happiness, and self-belief, 207; creating your own release through visualization and, 163, 166–67; evening, 113–14; health benefits of, 39–40, 60; increasing compassion through, 65; Lisa’s story on creating a happiness, 205; mindful eating and grateful, 98; morning, 84, 111–12; Morning Glory ritual ended with a morning, 84; nine-point, 130, 133–34; purpose and benefits of, 108–11; study on alpha rhythms and, 58; Wake Forest University study on pain management using, 109.
See also
physical exercise

Mediterranean Salsa (for fish), 234

Mediterranean style of eating, 185–86

Mednick, Sara, 137

Melissa’s story, 175–79

memory: amygdala where sensory information is processed into, 7; how new experiences may retrigger an old, 92; identifying your passion by examining your childhood, 195–96; Radiant Deep Dive by recalling happiest day as a child, 197–98, 205; trauma and misfiled, 164–66

menstrual pain remedies, 251–52

meta-cognition, 62

mid-back pain: emotional causes of, 27
; physical causes of, 27

milk: almond, 191; cow, 148; goat, 187

mindful eating: description of, 97; eating as slowly as possible for, 99; grateful meditation before, 98; ground rules for, 98; suggestions for a Reflection breakfast, 100–101

mindfulness: as the mind task of Week 1: Reflect, 71; training us to be present in the moment, 57; as way of being, 39

moderation, 214

Monica’s story, 55

Morning Glory ritual: consider adding to evening routine, 74; daily restoration through the, 206; description of, 75; dry brushing, 130–34; ending it with a morning meditation, 84, 111–12; nine-point meditation, 130, 133–34; Radiate at-a-glance, 182; Reflect-Week at-a-glance, 76; Release-Week at-a-glance, 130; salt-and-pepper bath, 134–36; shower, dry, and massage your body, 83–84, 130; Tibetan Rites as part of the, 76, 78–82, 130, 182; tips for using the, 75–77.
See also

morning meditation, 84, 111–12

motion self-care techniques, 54

muscular health: inflammatory foods associated with poor, 140; Negative Feedback impact on, 20; self-healing trigger points to help with, 127

mushrooms, 148

myofacial trigger points: learning to release pain using your, 6; Mayo Clinic research on acupuncture points corresponding to, 6.
See also
self-healing trigger points

nap (daily), 136–38, 192

National Health Service (UK), 44

journal, 150

naturopathic doctor, 162

neck pain: emotional causes of, 27
; physical cause of, 27
; Positive Feedback remedies for, 252–53; self-healing trigger points for, 252

Negative Feedback: chronic stress and cycle of, 15–17; conditions that trigger or perpetuate, 19–21; emotional responses during experience of, 4–5; how pain medication often leads to, 11; inflammation as the primary physical mechanism of, 179; keeping you trapped in pain, 53; negative self-talk that is part of, 61; premature aging legacy of lifetime of, 19; three steps to interrupt the loop of, 49; understood as a voluntary state, 35

Negative Feedback liberation: radiate into your best life, 49; reflect on the pain step, 49; release the guilt, 49

negative self-talk, 61

negative thoughts: carried throughout our body, 8–9; visualize and wash away, 133

“negativity bias,” 20–21

Nepali pranayama study, 21

nervous system: central, 14; imprint of negative thought carried by your, 8–9; peripheral, 14; understanding how it reacts to pain, 13.
See also
autonomic nervous system

The New York Times
, reporting on drug overdoses from pain medication, 12

Nin, Anaïs, 115

nine-point meditation, 130, 133–34

NutriBullet, 147

nuts: to avoid, 148; Positive Feedback proteins, 187
; Positive Feedback To-Go Plan on snacking with, 192; Release Meal Plan, 213

Nutty Smoothie, 218

oatmeal, 101

obesity/toxic visceral fat, 19

oily fish, 187
, 205

omega-3 fatty acids: food sources of, 185, 187
, 214; Negative Feedback due to deficiency in, 19

Omega Smoothie, 218

oranges, 148

orange/yellow fruits and vegetables, 189

organ-emotion linkages, 9

organic almond milk, 191

osteopathy: description of self-healing approach of, 43; differential diagnosis approach by, 243; not available throughout the U.S., 161; Positive Feedback program powered by the core mechanisms of, 51–52

Oven-Baked Branzino with Cherry Tomato and Caper Salsa, 228–29

OxyContin overdoses, 11–12

oxytocin hormone, 138

Pacific Crest Trail, 194

pain: ability of meditation to relieve, 109–10; author’s story on turnaround to health from, 43–47; Body Timeline to recall your, 94–95; connection between emotional and physical, 7–10; forgiveness for your, 166–67, 171–73; how the nervous system reacts to pain, 13; learning to listen to what it is saying to you, 3–4, 163; letting go of the, 118–20; Negative Feedback keeping you trapped in, 53; quick body scan for habitual offenders causing, 155; referred, 26; silent prayer during shower to wash away the, 133; understanding the reason for your, 5.
See also
emotional pain; trauma

pain location: description of, 26; location of pain and its possible causes, 27
; lower back pain, 27
, 28–31; neck pain, 27
; upper back pain, 27
, 31–35

pain management: meditation used as, 109–10; myofacial trigger points for pain release and, 125
; traditional allopathic approach to, 11.
See also
Adaptive Response

pain medications: CDC on increasing death rate from, 11–12; often leading to Negative Feedback, 11; pain management using, 109–10; used by Royal Ballet School dancers, 47–48

Pan-Grilled Ahi Tuna or Mahi-Mahi, 229

panic attack self-healing trigger point, 125

pan metron ariston
(everything in moderation), 214

parasympathetic nervous system (PNS): beta-endorphins released by, 17–18; description of, 14; functioning as the relaxation response, 18; heavily influenced by thoughts, 20; preparing for pregnancy by resettling, 205; regulation of functioning organs by, 15
; working to strengthen the, 21–22, 180.
See also
autonomic nervous system

parents: Body Family Tree based on family history of, 86–91; physical and emotional legacy carried from our, 7–8, 201–2

passion: baby steps to fulfilling your, 200–201; as core of radiant living, 202; developing path to happiness and your, 199; identifying by examining childhood memories, 195–96

pasta, 188

peanuts, 148

Peas and Artichoke Hearts, 239–40

perimenopausal issues, self-healing trigger points for low, 172327

pessimism psychological antidote, 60

physical exercise: Mayo Clinic research on heart disease and, 102; Negative Feedback due to continuous lack of, 19; Radiate phase and challenging new goals for, 194–95; Tibetan Rites, 52, 74, 76–83, 102, 130, 194; walking, 153–54, 192; yoga, 154.
See also
meditation; Positive Feedback exercises

pickles, 148

pineapples, 147

pistachios, 148

pituitary gland, 15–16

plaque build-up, 53

the pleasant life, 199

polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): connection between food sensitivities and, 45–46; diagnosis of, 44; turnaround from pain to health, 45–47

poor diet: how it contributes to eczema, allergies, and skin issues, 45; insomnia relationship to, 74–75; Negative Feedback due to continuous, 19.
See also
diet; inflammatory foods

positive emotion (Radiate phase): brainstorming your Radiate life, 198–99; Deep Dive, 196–98, 205; identifying your passion, 195–96; investing in Radiant relationships, 201–2; taking baby steps toward your new goals during, 200–201

positive emotion self care: description of, 54; Positive Feedback category of, 54; Radiate phase, 195–202, 205; Reflect phase, 102; Release phase, 155–73

positive emotion (Reflect phase), 102

positive emotion (Release phase): call in reinforcements, 159–60; explore a new health modality, 160–63; issues to consider for, 155–56; meditation/visualization, 163, 166–67; release harmful habits, 158–59; release time-wasters on your Time Audit, 156–58; release your past via ritual, 167–71; visualize forgiveness and release, 171–73

Positive Feedback: emotional responses of, 22; how it can make you well, 35–37; making positive choices to move toward, 36–37;

Reflect*Release*Radiate sequence of the, 52.
See also
Adaptive Response Positive Feedback cycle, 36 Positive Feedback exercises: breathing, 21–22, 83, 110–11, 134; daily reflection, 83, 182; Release the Time-Wasters exercise, 117, 156–58; suggestions for getting the most out of, 67.
See also
physical exercise

Positive Feedback meal plans: health benefits of the, 211; my mum’s voice: moderation, 214; my mum’s voice: raise your glass, 211; Positive Feedback To-Go Plan, 192; Radiate Meal Plan, 185–89
, 190, 193, 214–22
; Release Meal Plan, 59, 128–53, 185, 212

Positive Feedback prescription, 64
– 65

Positive Feedback profiles, 63–65

Positive Feedback program: Amy’s story on her success with, 22–25; four self-care technique categories of the, 54; Monica’s story on her experience with the, 55; osteopathic treatments as powering the, 51–52; power of choice and the, 53–55; preparing to start the, 66–67; Week 1: Reflect, 71–114; Week 2: Release, 115–73; Week 3: Radiate, 175–207.
See also
Reflect*Release*Radiate sequence

Positive Feedback program Week 1: Reflect phase: affirmations and meditation, 108– 14; Body Family Tree, 86–91; Body Map, 85–86
; Body Timeline, 91–95; check-in: are you ready to move to Release?, 114; daily reflection exercise, 83; Food Diary, 95–97; mindful eating, 97–101; Morning Flory ritual, 75–85; positive emotions during the, 102; positive motion used during the, 102; positive self-talk used during the, 103–5, 107; positive structures used during the, 85–95; sufficient quality sleep, 72–75; Time Audit, 106

Positive Feedback program Week 2: Release phase: check-in: are you ready to move to Radiate?, 173; importance of this phase, 115–16; Kerry’s story on, 116–18; letting it go, 118–20; Morning Glory ritual at-aglance during the, 130; positive emotion during the, 155–73; positive functions during the, 138–53; positive structure during the, 120–38; quick body scan for habitual offenders during the, 155; Release Meal Plan for detoxification, 138–52, 185, 212
–14; self-healing trigger points used during the, 121–29

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