The Book Whisperer (25 page)

Read The Book Whisperer Online

Authors: Donalyn Miller,Jeff Anderson

BOOK: The Book Whisperer
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Robinson, J. (2005, December 18). Why you should read children's books as an adult. Retrieved March 30, 2008, from Jen Robinson's Book Page at
Rosenblatt, L. (1969). Towards a transactional theory of reading.
Journal of Reading Behavior
(1), 31-51.
Ruddell, R. (1995). Those influential literacy teachers: Meaning negotiators and motivation builders.
Reading Teacher
(6), 454-463.
Samuels, C. A. (2007, September, 10). Experts eye solutions to “fourth grade slump.”
Education Week
, 27(3). Retrieved October 1, 2008, from
Stanovich, K. E. (1986). Matthew effects in reading: Some consequences of individual differences in the acquisition of literacy.
Reading Research Quarterly
(4), 360-407.
Thomas, L., & Tchudi, S. (1999).
The English language: An owner's manual
. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Weaver, C. (1996).
Teaching grammar in context
. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton/Cook.
Accelerated Reader
Achievement: assessing students' ; gap in reader; improving with independent reading ; teacher's reading habits and student.
See also
Activities: focusing extra; fun folders; teacher's self-reflection
Adults: modeling reading for children ; reading statistics for; views on student reading
Allen, Janet
Allington, Richard
Alsup, J.
Amazon website
American Library Association
Anderson, R. C.
Angelou, Maya
Applegate, Anthony and Mary
Art of Teaching Writing, The
“Ask the Mentor”
Assessment: book groups for students'; conversations with students as; reader's notebooks for; reading logs for independent reading; traditional comprehension tests as .
See also
Reader's notebooks
Association for Library Services to Children: Literary Awards
Atwell, Nancy
Audiotapes of books
Authors: building familiarity with; introducing with read-alouds
Becoming a Nation of Readers
(Commission on Reading)
Behavior during in-class reading
Billingsley, Peter
Birrell, Augustine
Black and Blue
Blake, Quentin
Blasingame, J.
Book clubs
Book groups
Book lists: favorite read-aloud books; keeping own; published; students' “Ultimate Library List” ; for whole-class novels
Book pass log
Book reports: book commercials vs.; book reviews; book talks ; student criticism of; traditional
Book selections: book pass logs for; discussing; encouraging students to make; learning goals and personal ; leaving to students ; making for classroom library; making your own; shaping reader's self-identity with; validating.
See also
Book lists; Reader's notebooks
“Book Whisperer, The”
Books: acquiring classroom library; audiotapes, CDs, and podcasts of; building knowledge of genres; caring for; carrying everywhere; checking out; connecting with others via; discussing how to choose; identifying by genre; immersing students in; introducing; leaving choice to students ; limiting concepts taught for; selecting for classroom libraries; sharing responses to; showing how to use; size of; storing; validating student's choice of.
See also
Book reports; Book selections; Classroom libraries
Books That Don't Bore 'Em
Bucking the Sarge
Bush, J.
Calkins, Lucy
Cambourne, Brian
CDs of books
Celebrating student milestones
Characteristics of Genre form
Children's books: reading; “Ultimate Library List” of
Chocolate War, The
Classroom: about strategies in; approaches to literacy in; conditions for learning in; demotivating practices in ; expanding reading time in ; independent reading during interruptions; making place for reading; transforming into workshop.
See also
Classroom libraries
Classroom libraries: acquiring books for ; book check out from ; caring for books in; Miller's; selecting books for ; storing books in; “Ultimate Library List” for
Click Here
Commission on Reading
Comprehension tests;,
See also
Standardized testing
Cormier, Robert
Crichton, Michael
Crowe, Chris
Crucible, The
Curriculum: alternatives to whole-class novels ; fitting independent reading to ; grammar lessons vs. independent reading; reading after other work completed; tailoring reading requirements to; teaching whole-class novels
Curtis, Christopher Paul
Day My Butt Went Psycho, The
Developing readers
Doctorow, E. L.
Dormant readers
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
Elmore, Richard
Encouragement: celebrating student milestones ; providing for dormant readers; responsiveness to students as; using reader surveys to provide .
See also
End-of-year evaluations
English Journal
Enthusiasm: book commercials and; celebrating student milestones; expressing personal excitement ; found in reader's notebook
Expectations: carrying books everywhere; expressing for students; raising students' reading; setting for library visits
Failure: celebrating successes rather than ; reader's ability and
“Farewell to
Farewell to Arms
“(Fisher and Ivey)
Farmer, Avi and Nancy
Feedback: End-of-Year Reading Evaluation form for; getting students' ; offering on student's progress
Finding Nemo
Fisher, Douglas
Florida State University
Forms: Characteristics of Genre; End-of-Year Reading Evaluation; Reading Interest-A-Lyzer
Fountas, Irene
From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
Fun folders
Funke, Cornelia
Gardner, Kim
Genres: building knowledge of; Characteristics of Genre form; identifying books by; organizing discussions on; student's notes on ; testing reading as; “Ultimate Library List” by; used in author's requirements
Goals: announcing for library visit; inspiring more reading; personal choice and meeting learning
Green, Donna
Griffiths, Andy
Guiding Readers and Writers
(Fountas and Pinnell)
Halsted, J. W.
Harry Potter series
Helprin, Mark
Hiebert. H.
Hjalmarsson, H.
Honest book appraisals
How Angel Patterson Got His Name
How Reading Changed My Life
“How to Kindle Reading”
“If They Don't Read Much, How They Ever Gonna Get Good?” (Allington)
In the Middle
Independent reading: after other work completed; carrying books everywhere; during interruptions ; expanding classroom time for ; fitting to curriculum; improving achievement with ; institutional support for; libraries and; making cornerstone of class; measuring with reading logs ; personal responses to Miller's use of; raising students' expectations of; replacing warm-up lessons with; scholarly opinions of; starting classes with; students end-of-year response to; using with developing readers
Inspiring more reading: activities for; students feedback on; teachers' role in ; ultimate teaching goal
International Reading Association
Interruptions in classroom
Ivey, G.
Jackson, Holbrook
Jacobs, B.
Jen Robinson's Book Page
Jurassic Park
Keene, Ellin
Kelley, Susie
Kennedy Krieger Institute
King, Stephen
Konisburg, E. L
Korman, Gordon
Krakauer, Jon
Krashen, Stephen
Last Book in the Universe, The
Lee, Harper
L'Engle, Madeline
Libraries: announcing goals for visit; modeling skills for; organizing classroom books by genre; preparing classroom; scheduling time for .
See also
Classroom libraries
Lifelong reading: author's reflections on ; fitting reading into daily life; goal for students; importance of to teacher
Literacy: achieving with alternatives to whole-class novels; developing lifelong reading skills; differing approaches to; impact of teaching whole-class novels on; parents and; teaching with traditional language skills
Literary awards
Literary classics
Little House in the Big Woods
Lost World, The
Love of reading: exposing student to great literature vs.; informing recommendations; instilling
Mann, Horace
Marcello, Peak
Matthew effect, the
Maugham, W. Somerset
McKenna, Richard
Mercado, Nancy
Miller, Arthur
Miller, Celeste
Miller, Don
Miller, Donalyn: activities inspiring more reading; classroom library of ; connecting with others via books ; experiments in teaching; personal responses to teaching of; reading requirements for students; reflections on lifelong reading; selecting books for classroom libraries ; suggested student forms; teaching practices of
Modeling: inspiring others to read; library skills; reading habits ; sharing responses to reading ; use of reader's notebook
Morrison, Toni
Mosaic of Thought
(Keene and Zimmerman)
Motivation: blog responses on nurturing ; book commercials for; book groups for; celebrating milestones and; expanding in-class reading time and; incentive programs for; practices deadening ; reading as own; reading logs for; realigning teaching practice to; scholarship on creating; students feedback on; traditional book reports and.
See also
Multiple readings of books
My Life in Dog Years
Myers, Ron
National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
National Institutes of Health
National Reading Panel
No Child Left Behind
Oral reading: preparing and practicing; round-robin and popcorn reading ; substitutes for.
See also
Outsiders, The
Paulsen, Gary
Peer pressure and reading
“Peter Effect, The” (Applegate and Applegate)
Philbrick, Nathaniel
Philbrick, Rodman
Picture day
Pinnell, Gay Su
Podcasts of books
Popcorn reading
Power of Reading, The
Publishers Weekly
Quiet time
Quindlen, Anna
Rag and Bone Shop, The
Read-alouds: favorite; introducing; round-robin and popcorn reading ; whole-class novels as
Readers: achievement gap for; dormant ; effect of oral reading on; empowering book choices by ; impact of whole-novel teaching on; increasing reading time for; self-identity of; statistics on adult ; types of; underground ; using surveys to encourage; working with developing
Reader's notebooks: creating own; keeping ; using information from
Reading: achievement gap in; activities inspiring more; authentic; books multiple times; carrying books everywhere; children's books ; creating classroom for learning ; demotivation of; during classroom interruptions; fitting independent reading to curriculum; importance of; importance to teacher; incentive programs for ; increasing time for ; inspiring others to read; instilling love of; institutional support for independent ; as its own reward; making classroom place for; opportunities provided with; peer pressure and ; reflect on what you're; responsively encouraging; Rosenblatt's transactional theory of; starting classes with; student resistance to new strategies for; teacher's role in modeling; testing as genre; types of; unusual habits and places for.
See also
Independent reading; Lifelong reading; Oral reading
Reading Interest-A-Lyzer surveys
Reading plans: making own; reading requirements and
Reading requirements: emphasizing importance of reading with; genres for ; not linking to class failure ; reading plans and.
See also

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