The Boss (A Billionaire Romance) (13 page)

BOOK: The Boss (A Billionaire Romance)
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Chapter 3












Clara waited for her date to arrive, her bump ever so slightly visible through her slim-line outfit, and she smiled at the white rose in a small vase next to her water-filled wine glass.

Fredrick would soon return from a two-week long business trip, and she'd missed him more than she thought possible.

She stroked her tummy saying a silent thanks to Lisa and that silly dating website.

Twelve months ago, Clara had sat at the same table, opposite the future father of her child.

She almost died in a fire before she realized how wonderful he was.

Even then, to fully accept how different he was to his father required immense patience and strength.

He entered the restaurant and marched in her direction.

When he reached her, he scooped her up into his arms.

"I never want to leave you for that long again." Clara held him so tight her arms cramped. "Promise you'll come with me next time?" Fredrick demanded, staring into her eyes.

"It was no fun for us either, so damn right I promise."

They held each other's gaze a moment, then sat close.

He grasped her hands and pulled them to his lap. "Damn woman, you're more beautiful every time I see you. Pregnancy suits you. How about we have ten?"

She laughed, "How about I kick you in the . . . "

"Ahem." The server interrupted with a polite cough, "Can I take a drinks order, or are you ready to order food?"

"The usual please," Fredrick said, eyes firmly on Clara, "and if you could make it quick, there's a big tip in it for you. We have a busy afternoon planned."

The server-guy grinned at hearing about the tip. "Yes sir," he said, and rushed off.

"So it's on then." Clara asked, her tummy flipping with excitement. "We're doing this?"

"Yes, after a light lunch, we're going shopping for our wedding rings. The jeweler is there, ready and waiting to go." He leaned in close, "I even booked us a meeting with the Priest for tomorrow afternoon."

"This shit just got real." Clara teased, "I'll leave choosing the dress till after this little one arrives, though."

"Let me marry you with the bump. It's . . . arousing."

They wore silly grins, enjoying the feeling of palm against palm, and being near to one another again.

She said, "There will be white roses raining down on us that day."

He picked up the rose next to her glass, "You never needed the rose. I knew what you looked like."

"I guess I'm a traditional online dater." Clara snorted, because she was never actually an online dater. "You're still wearing a white rose in your button hole at the wedding. My bouquet will be filled with them, too."

He smirked and stroked her cheek, "Your skin is so white, you're like my very own white rose." They held their gaze for a moment more, "I was thinking, thank heavens for The LoveLessNoMore Dating Agency."

"Oh yeah, and for dodgy friends who set up fraudulent profiles for eternally single pals."

"Huh, got to love, Lisa. We owe her big time. I'm thinking a Miami holiday home."

Clara laughed, knowing he was being serious. "She'll be thrilled enough when I ask her to do the food, and to be my bridesmaid."

"Yeah, she will. She's still getting a big tip."

Clara wanted so much to kiss him, to whisk him off to bed.

"Wouldn't you have revealed yourself to me without the dating site? I mean, didn't you always intend to step out from behind Anon at some point?" 

"Who knows? You closed yourself off to love, so Lisa and I pried you open." 

Clara cringed, "I still almost ruined everything."

"You did?"

"Err, I stuffed up our first date being stubborn, then I almost died, and I . . ."

"Hell yeah, you are stubborn enough to die to prove a point," he laughed, pushing a rogue strand of hair behind her ear.

"Hey, I'm not that bad . . ." She thought about it for a minute and although she had improved a lot since, she conceded. "Okay, but I'm also stubborn enough to keep hold of you. You're mine now, and you always will be. "

Fredrick leaned in and kissed below her ear, his hand on her bump, "Now, that kind of stubborn I can deal with."





The End







A Note from Naomi


Thank you for reading my debut novel.

I poured my heart and soul into this work and I really hope you enjoyed it. I loved writing the novel – it was a journey full of love, frustration and fun.

I have experienced a life full of ups and downs and this story involved issues that were close to my heart. I hope I did them justice.

I am sure I have to write another one soon…



Naomi xxx













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