The Boss (A Billionaire Romance) (8 page)

BOOK: The Boss (A Billionaire Romance)
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Chapter 16









Fredrick inhaled after he rolled over, utterly sated.

He never expected her to want to go so far on their first date.

She didn't seem the type and he never dared hope.

"Wow, that was . . ."

"Perfect?" she sighed, sitting up to face him. Her fresh face, rosy and glistening, begged to be kissed. "The best sex you have ever had?"

Fredrick loved that in spite of her tormented childhood, and although her working days were entrenched in such a personally tragic subject, she could still be cute and cheeky.

"I was going to say unexpected, but I'm serious--all of the above apply." She was right about how their date turned out. "Come here," he said, pulling her to him, tickling her as he did so.

"Hey," she wriggled before kissing him.

This, along with her breath on his face and how her delicate fingertips stroked his throat left him giddy.

She stared so intensely into his eyes it stirred deeper feelings—feelings that scared the shit out of him all of a sudden.

"Hey," he flinched, breaking their eye contact. "That tickles."

"Isn't it about time you offered your guest some light refreshments?" said Clara, straddling him. "Where are your manners, you bad boy?"

"It's your fault," he yawned, trying not to enjoy the reawakening of his cock at the sight of her. "You bring the bad out in me."

"Oh yeah?" she writhed on him and the way her wet sex slid against his flesh was unbearably good. "Love the sound of that." With a wicked glint in her eyes and a smile on her lips, she played with his hair and leaned forward, resting her nipples on his chest. "How bad do you get?"

His cock needed to sink inside her again, to move more slowly this time, to make every minute count.

She shone--a vision staring at him expectantly, and he wanted to satisfy her every yearning.

Shit, one proper date and already what they had, what they could have, floored Fredrick.

But hadn't he always known this was how good they would be together, since they first began.

When corresponding and he stepped, email by email, into her soul?

Drake was right.

The time had finally come to settle down.

What if she needed something different?

What if he offered her nothing more than light relief from the pressures of being a CEO for such a huge charity?

She might do this all the time but not tell Anon.

It's not like she was the type to share something so personal as a love of casual sex.

She did have trust issues, after all.

What if, after this date, they went back to being just friends and all he ever got from her in the future was as Anon?


Never to touch her like this again, not to share his longing and taste her would be torture.

A wave of fear made him sit upright, push her on her back, and stand at the side of the bed. "Um, I thought you wanted refreshments."

She frowned, "I do." That wicked glint still firmly in place made his cock throb. She went to grab it, adding, "but I'm in no hurry."

He grabbed her hand before it reached his stiff cock, a nervous laugh on his lips, "But I think we should save something for the second date, don't you?"

He turned away from her, hoping with all his heart there would be a second date.

Clara play-gasped, "Are you telling me 'no more sex today,' Fredrick?"

Her toe poked his bottom.

Smirking at her over his shoulder, he said, "You can have too much of a good thing, you know. Sometimes it's best to wait, to yearn for the best things in life. That way, they're always spectacular."

"Oh, I doubt that. I can take a lot of a good thing. A good thing doesn't stop being good because you have a lot of it. I don't believe in that whole argument."

He walked to the bathroom, refusing to be drawn into a debate.

All he could think of was the fact that she never even picked up on his mention of a second date.

What did that mean?

Staring at himself in the mirror, he shook his head.

What's up with you - don't be so intense.

This isn't like you and you'll rush her, frighten her off.

"Hey," said her small voice outside the door. "You okay in here?"

He took a deep breath and opened the door.

Looking at her frowning face, he wanted to tell her how he felt, how incredible she was to him, but she'd think he had gone mad or was some crazy stalker.

"I'm more than okay." He wrapped his arms around her shoulders, "You?"

"You want a second date, then?" she asked, her eyes round, her chest puffed up. "I didn't put you off yet?"

The beating from his heartbeat grew louder in his ears, "Oh?" Yes, yes, yes. "If you're up for another, I sure am." He wanted to lift her up and swing her around the room, but when she winced and reached for her bruised cheek, he kissed it gently. "You okay?"

"It's sore, but I can't stop smiling." She pulled him closer, wrapping her arms around his waist, and without jest, only sincerity, she said, "Just make sure our next date's soon, yeah? I can't tell you how much I enjoy spending time with you. Guess you don't know what you need until you get it."

"That's the truth. Like how much I need more of this."

He lifted her up over his head and licked her sex.

Clara helped him, grabbing his head and wrapping her legs around his neck so he could lick inside her while moving to the bedroom for round two.

"Ah," she sighed, grinding on his face as he lowered her on the bed. "Fuck, you're good at that."

"Lie back and enjoy it beautiful."

This time he needed a long delicious exploration of her sweet, pink lips, and her bold clit.

She played with his hair and rotated her hips as he licked and lapped at her, breathing in her musk.

Fuck, this was his new favorite place.

He could have spent all night listening to her breaths deepen and her moans lengthen, tasting her, making her squirm with pleasure.

When she came in his mouth the first time and he tasted her goodness, and felt the way her hips ground against his face draining every once of joy, it near blew his mind.

When she begging him to fuck her, it near finished him off.

He prowled up and slowly, steadily, while savoring her expression, the sight of her body—small, pert, round, pale, with red hair splayed out over his white sheets and crowning her sex— he sunk his solid cock into her body.

She clenched down on him, pulled his mouth down to her rosebud lips, and licked her juices from his.

With her eyes half shut with arousal, she purred, "Make love to me, Fredrick."

"You got it sweetheart."

Their hips rocked together, side by side for a while, the humming inside him connecting him to her.

She climbed atop for a while longer where he watched her round perky breasts bounce with every thrust, her chest flushed, her pupils' black.

And finally they spooned, grinding together, one hand cupping one breast while his other rotated her clit as he fucked her from behind.

Their moans grew louder, coordinated as their movements quickened, until the race to the finish line began.

Breathless and sated, they remained there, holding each other for hours.

He kissed the back of her neck, one hand still nestled at the join of her legs, the other still cupping her breast.

Perfectly comfortable with each other, they soon fell asleep.

No disputing it--this was the best date of his life…






Part Two





Chapter 1













Clara hadn't stopped thinking about her date with Fredrick and missed him from the moment she left his apartment, pleasantly sore between her legs, and tired as hell, the next morning.

At lunch, Lisa was thrilled to hear about how well they got on, though Clara reserved a few details.

Anon's interest in what was happening in her life seemed more personal than usual, which seemed inappropriate, but still friendly.

She told herself any concern about answering his questions came from how weirdly guilty she felt, as though she betrayed Anon by dating another man.

Lisa reassured her such an idea was nonsense and to focus her thoughts and concern on fire fighter-guy instead of some weirdo who still needed to stay anonymous after talking to her for five years.

For the first time in those five years, Clara agreed with Lisa's argument regarding Anon, and decided to be honest with him, to tell him she was properly dating now.

She would try to do so without fear of losing him as a friend.

So, she replied to his email:




‘Hi Anon


Well, as you asked about my weekend, I'll tell you.

I went on a date.

Yes, another one.

But this was with the same person as the last one, so does that make me less of a slut? Lol.

Yeah, I know, he was a let down the first time, but I discovered he does wash, isn't rude or patronizing, and he saves lives for a living.

He saved my life in the fire. Yes! He's a fire fighter--hence his smoky odor on our disastrous first date where I stubbornly refused to listen to his explanation.

Note to self: Must keep my stubborn side in check.

For our second date, he showed up clean and well dressed, and we got on so well I'm stunned and, if I'm honest, eager to spend more time with him. It's like I've known him for years; perhaps because he reminds me of you.

Odd, right?

I admit—somewhat pink-cheeked—that we even spent the night together and it was . . . sublime. Don't judge! You know how long it's been for me? I await our third date with bated breath.

Thanks again for all you did for me, post fire. I'm a lucky girl with two heroes in my corner.

Hope your weekend was as awesome as mine. Do tell!





For Clara, the three days following their date dragged with the pressures of work.

Meetings, emails, and calls all meant she couldn't get away long enough to see Fredrick again, until that night.

Wednesday lunchtime, Fredrick texted:


‘I'm picking you up at eight tonight. No argument. Even CEO's deserve a break every now and then. Let me show you a good time.’


‘Oh, if I must. *Snigger. I can hardly wait.’


Clara replied ignoring the paperwork she had left to do.

Just this once.

Bang on time, Fredrick arrived with purple Orchids in one hand, car keys in the other, and a wide welcoming smile on his face, lighting up the doorway.

"Hello beautiful. You finally got a break, huh? Good for me."

They kissed briefly and she breathed in his cologne, enjoying the minty fresh taste on his talented tongue, "Just for you."

She smiled and he held her gaze. Taking the flowers, she thanked him.

Wow, he's hot.

We should stay in.

"These flowers are gorgeous, thanks. Sorry, please come in. I got back half an hour ago so I'm running late."

"Late?" he said, following her inside. "You know there are few things I loath more than tardiness, Ms James."

His eyes ate her up and the blood rushed around her body, beneath his stare.

"Funny." Clara winked. Dressed in a navy blue suit, without a tie, with his hair smoothed back from his face, he looked head to toe edible. She walked to her kitchen and heard him close the door before following her. "It's a busy time of year for me."

"Oh yeah?"

She grabbed a vase, ran the faucet to fill it with cold water for the Orchids, and set the vase on the counter to admire. "These are stunning."

"You're welcome. So, what kept you at work so late? Figured, as your own boss, you would be able to get away?"

"My life really isn't like that. Plus, it's coming up to a big charity auction, which is a bitch to organize. We've had a load of generous donations lately, but every year we need to show the donors where their money goes. The idea is they keep donating to us, and not some new, more glamorous charity. Plus, we always need a few more new recruits."

"So, what happens at these auctions?"

"We auction off services, donated items--all sorts of items. People surprise me with their generosity." Earlier that day, Anon sent her an Andy Warhol piece to auction off, along with various other artifacts and treasures. "Art's a big seller."

"Art? I'm sure it's you who inspire their generosity."

"And the cause, of course." Clara said, grabbing her purse from the counter. "People want to help people; it's human nature."

"You're right." He took her hand in his and beamed, "I didn't mean anything by it. But you are inspirational."

"Thanks." She poked him in the chest, bashful. "It's just, knowing good people are out there makes living in this world worth the hard times, don't you think?"

One eyebrow reaching for the stars, he pulled her into his arms, "What kind of hard are we talking about here?"

She felt his cock against her tummy, "Hey," she said, reaching down to make sure he was still tucked neatly behind fabric. They sniggered together as she stepped back, smoothing down her dress. "You're a little fresh this end of the date."

"Fresh?" He winked, "Oh, I'll get a lot fresher given the chance. I missed you."

"You have?" she blushed and kissed his cheek, excited, increasingly enamored with this man. "You big softie, you."

"Nothing soft about me." He winked, teasingly. "Not when I'm standing this close to you anyhow."

In fact, there was only one problem with Fredrick.

No matter how much she tried to ignore it, she couldn't understand how he could afford his lifestyle.

It just didn’t make sense.

Posh restaurants in New York don't come cheap, and fire fighters didn't earn enough as far as she could see.

This could be a problem so she resigned herself to asking him about how he tops up his income at some point during their date.





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