Read The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window Online

Authors: Kirsty Moseley

Tags: #Fiction, #General, #Romance, #kiss, #bestfriend, #brothers best friend

The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window (4 page)

BOOK: The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window
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I took a deep
breath and
sighed. “OK, yeah, I’m sorry
too. I guess I have been a bitch to you,” I admitted, trying to
look away from his beautiful sky blue eyes that felt like they were
seeing my soul.

So, am I
forgiven?” he asked
, smiling.

I liked this
Liam, he was the one that looked after me, he was different when we
were on our own. He gave me his adorable puppy dog face that I just
couldn’t say no to
, and I felt my will to
hate him crumble.

laughed and rolled my eyes. “Whatever. I’m going
to do my homework before dinner.” I pulled out of his hold and
walked away quickly.

That felt
weird being close to him like that, I could still feel the tingles
of electricity flowing through my hand where he had held it, I
could still smell his sweet breath that had blown across my
I had no idea what this weird
atmosphere was in the kitchen; it was all just too confusing. I
shook my head and pulled out my calculus homework, making a start
on it at least.

After we had
eaten dinner in silence, I finished my
homework. It was only eight thirty so Liam decided to put
on a movie. He put on The Final Destination and we sat on the couch
watching it. I felt a little uncomfortable for some reason but I
couldn’t work out why. I was just sitting there the same as usual,
but something felt off. I kept sneaking little glances in his
direction; he was sitting there watching the movie, one leg folded
over the other, his arm casually slung over the back of my

ither of us moved until the
movie finished. I stifled a yawn. “I think I’m gonna go to bed,
Liam, I’m pretty tired,” I murmured, getting up and stretching like
a cat. When I looked back to him, I noticed that he was watching me
intently. I cleared my throat because he was still staring at me
with a strange expression on his face.

Oh right,
yeah OK. I’ll just shoot home then and I’ll be back in like thirty
minutes,” he said, standing up to leave.

I followed
him out and locked the door behind him
, a
little puzzled. Why was everything so tense and strange between us
tonight? It’s was probably just because I was so pissed off at him
this morning it’s made things a little awkward.

I changed
quickly into a tank top and shorts, brushed my teeth and
, then slipped into my bed. The bed
felt cold and too big, just like it did every night. After about
twenty minutes or so, I heard my window slide open and then closed
again. Clothes dropped to the floor and then the bed dipped behind

you asleep?” he whispered.

, not yet,” I

I lifted my
head so he could put one of his arms under my neck. He pressed his
chest right up against my back and wrapped his other arm
around me, throwing his leg over mine. I heard
him sigh as I wriggled to get closer to him, I loved Liam sleeping
in with me, the bed didn’t feel right without him there.

wrong?” I asked
, pulling his arms tighter
around me and pressing my face into his arm, smelling his beautiful
scent that was like nothing else in the world.

Angel. I’m just tired
, that’s all,” he
mumbled against the back of my head, pressing his lips into my

Goodnight, Liam,” I whispered, kissing his arm.

, Angel,” he replied,
kissing the back of my head.




Chapter 3



I woke at six o’clock as usual to my alarm going off;
I silenced it and tried, unsuccessfully, to move away from Liam. I
had my head on his chest and my leg draped over his crotch, which
as usual, was already full of the ‘morning glory’ that happened to
all boys. He had his hand on my knee, pinning my leg there, and his
other arm wrapped tightly around my waist. As I tried to move, he
tightened his hold, mumbling something in his sleep about not
wanting to go to college anymore.

I moved my
arm and tapped his stomach. “Six o’clock,” I mumbled, tapping him
when he didn’t open his

He groaned
and tightened his grip, pulling me so that I was completely on top
of him. I could feel his erection
pressing between my legs. I gasped at the feel of it, it
was strange but it actually felt nice. What the hell is wrong with
me? This is Liam for goodness sake! I tried to wriggle free, but it
just made us rub together in places that I would rather not think
about my brother’s man-whore of a best friend touching. My body
started to tingle and I couldn’t help the little moan that escaped
from my lips. Oh my God, that actually feels nice!

“Liam!” I whisper yelled at him.

He snapped
his eyes open and looked at me
, shocked.
His expression quickly changed to his trademark smirk, which I
wanted to slap right off of his face. “Well good morning, Angel.
Wow, this is a first,” he purred, raising his eyebrows, his smile

Will you let
go of me for goodness sake?”
I whisper
yelled at him. He raised his hands in a
I surrender
fashion and I
quickly rolled off him. “It’s six,” I grumbled,

led onto his side to look at me. “OK.
Don’t be mad at me all day today, please. I didn’t know I did that,
I’m sorry, Angel, OK?” he whispered, kissing my forehead before
quickly climbing out of the bed and throwing on his

whatever,” I mumbled, settling into his warm spot in the bed where
he had been laying.

I’ll see you
later.” He shot me a wink befor
e climbing
out of my window. Rolling over, I buried my face into his pillow, I
could still smell him and it made me feel safe and calm. I drifted
back to peaceful sleep for another hour.

After getting
dressed more peacefully than yesterday, I stuck in my iPod and was
happily dancing down the hallway when I spotted him
ting my cereal
Every freaking day! I
sighed and stole the bowl out of his hands.

, Liam, there’s like four other cereals
in the cupboard and you only eat mine! Why? Do you do it just to
piss me off?” I asked, frowning, as I started munching on my

Good morning
to you too, Angel,” he said politely, wi
th an amused smile on his face.

“Right, hi.” I plopped down and eating my
cereal as Jake came into the kitchen.

, guys, you nearly ready to
go?” Jake asked, throwing us each a juice box as usual. We both
nodded and headed to Liam’s car.

As I got to
, Sean grabbed me and pulled me off
for a talk. “What’s up?” I asked, concerned. He actually looked a
little frantic; his hair was all messy, it looked as if he had been
pulling on it or running his hands through it a lot, his eyes were
tight with stress.

I forgot
it’s Terri’s birthday tomorrow
, and I
have no idea what to get her!” he cried desperately, running his
hands through his hair roughly, confirming my earlier suspicions
about the style.

Calm down,
you’ve still got time. Now
, what sort of
thing does she like?” I asked, thinking about Terri and all the
things I knew about her.

I wanted to
get her something she could keep, but I don’t know
….” He closed his eyes, obviously

, calm down. How about some
pretty earrings? She likes studs, right? You could also get her a
new jewellery box or something to put them in,” I

His face
brightened. “Yeah! She has this like old crappy jewellery box at
the moment. That’s a great idea! Oh God thank you, Amber. I owe you
big time! I’m gonna skip this morning so I can go get it,” he said,
smiling excitedly and running off, shouting bye over his shoulder.
I walked back to the school and noticed that there was hardly
anyone around.

, am I late? I started to run down
the hallway; I could see Liam and a couple of his friends walking
towards me.

, Angel, you’ll fall,” Liam shouted,
smirking at me as I half ran, half walked towards him. As I passed
him, he stuck his foot out tripping me up, but before I hit the
floor he wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, and pulled me
upright. “Jeez, Angel, I know I’m hot, but you don’t need to fall
at my feet,” he teased, making all his friends laugh. I slapped him
hard on the chest, glaring at him. “Oh I like it a bit rough,
Angel, you know that,” he said, smiling wickedly. He still hadn’t
let go of my waist, he stepped forward and pressed his body against
mine, his hands slipped down to my ass. “Mmm nice,” he purred in my

I hated being
; it brought back memories of my
Father. I gasped, and before I could even think about what I was
doing, I jerked my leg up and kneed him in the balls. He grunted
and let go quickly, bending in half and clutching his

Keep your
fucking hands off me!” I shouted
, trying
not to cry. I was struggling to breathe and my hands were

I turned to
run away but he grabbed my hand
pulled me back to him. “Angel, I was only joking around, you know
I’d never hurt you,” he moaned. His voice cracked slightly, it
sounded like he was in pain.

He looked
straight into my eyes; I could see the honesty in his deep blue
watery eyes. He pulled me into a hug and put his lips to my
, just where it joined my shoulder
and breathed deeply through his nose, sending his hot breath
blowing down my neck and back. This is what he always did to calm
me down, when I would sob on his shoulder; this was the only thing
that seemed to work. I could feel his heart beating fast against my
chest, so I focused on matching my breathing to the pace of his. I
breathed in his smell until I had calmed myself down. I pulled back
and he was just looking at me, sorrow clear across his

I’m sorry. I
shouldn’t have done that
, Angel, I didn’t
think,” he said apologetically.

I nodded and
, wiping my face on my sleeve.
“I’m sorry too. Did I hurt you?” I asked, wincing at the thought of
how hard I had kneed him.

. “I’m OK, it was my fault,” he
replied, bending to look into my eyes again. I looked away quickly,
feeling uncomfortable. I had a feeling that when Liam looked into
my eyes, he could see the real me, the one I tried to hide from
everyone, the scared little girl that doesn’t like people to touch
her because it brought back memories of those Sundays and my father
leading me over to the couch, guiding me to sit on his lap. When
people touched me, even girls, my heart went into overdrive and I
always start to feel sick. The only exceptions to this are my mom,
Jake and Liam. This was the exact reason that I didn’t date. The
thought of someone touching me or kissing me, made my skin

I looked away
from him and noticed that he had a big wet patch on his shoulder
where I had b
een crying. I wiped it,
frowning. “I ruined your shirt.”

I’ve got
, Angel, don’t worry,” he replied
with an easy smile, it wasn’t a smirk that he gave other people, it
was a genuine smile, the ones I usually only get at night or when
no one was around.

I looked
around and realised we were alone in the hallway; I gasped
in shock. “Where?” I muttered, looking up and
down the hallway desperately.

They went to
class,” he
answered. “Come on, there’s no
point going in late, so let’s go get a drink or something.” He
pulled me by the hand to the parking lot, towards his

Liam, what?
I can’t skip class!” I cried,
around quickly to see if anyone noticed two students just waltzing
out of the school.

“Come on, Angel, one class won’t
hurt. You’re already ten minutes late for it anyway.” He opened the
passenger door and gestured for me to get in.

I sighed
reluctantly climbed in. I didn’t
really mind spending time with Liam but it just depended which Liam
would be here with me, the night or the day one. Night Liam was
considerate, loving and thoughtful. Day Liam was a flirt, slut and
a jerk. However, both night and day Liam’s made me feel safe and
protected. I turned to look at him while he was driving; he had a
small smile on his face.

What’s up
with you?” I asked, a bit concerned this was going to
n into some sort of joke that would
end badly for me or embarrass me.

What do you
mean? I can’t be happy that we’re spending some time together?” he
asked, giving me a flirty wink. I rolled
my eyes and groaned. Great, an hour with daytime Liam is my
worst nightmare.

BOOK: The Boy Who Sneaks in My Bedroom Window
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