The Brothers' Virgin Captive (2 page)

Read The Brothers' Virgin Captive Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #Erotica, #Science Fiction, #Menage

BOOK: The Brothers' Virgin Captive
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Chapter Three


Anna had only been standing in the sterile white room for a few moments before the door opened behind her. For several long seconds the attendant did nothing but stand behind her. Anna didn’t turn around or speak. Although she was permitted to look at the ones prepping her, Anna found it much better to follow the rules set for the ones higher than she. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the sound of heavy footfalls came closer. She thought the attendant would hurry and not want to keep her new husband waiting, but they seemed to be taking their time. Just that thought had her feeling sick to her stomach. The feel of her robe being slipped back over her shoulders had her clutching the material and spinning around. The person before her was certainly not an attendant, especially not since he was a man and clearly looked like someone who should be bidding on virgin wives. The sharp three piece suit he wore was dark with a silk cobalt blue tie. His dark hair was styled to perfection, and his piercing green eyes held her attention. He looked older than she, and confident and powerful. Those eyes were strikingly clear. She instantly thought of Luca as she stared at this strange man, but although it wasn’t the man who had worked for her father for so many years, the resemblance was uncanny. She tightened her hold on her the robe and took a step back. Men were not allowed in the back rooms, not even the wealthiest, yet here was this man, standing before her like he had the right to walk freely wherever he chose. She took another step back, and another, until she felt the cold tile wall seep through the silk of her robe.

“You’re Anna.”

It wasn’t a question. All of her instincts told her to respect this man, but something inside of her told her she needed to be wary. Letting her guard down for just a moment could mean disaster. “We don’t have a lot of time.”

What was he talking about? His big, muscular body blocked her only escape, but even if she were to get away where would she go?

“I need you to trust me.” He tilted his head and she didn’t miss how his eyes traveled up and down her body. Anna curled her hands tighter in the robe. “We have to leave now.”

She shook her head and pressed as far against the wall as she could when he held his hand out for her to take. “I don’t know you. I can’t go anywhere with you.”

Shock filled her that the words found themselves out of her mouth. For so long she had learned to stay quiet, yet at this one moment something inside of her shifted—possibly survival—and she spoke her mind. It may not be the biggest epiphany to some, but to Anna and the world she lived in it was huge. The man’s eyebrows dipped low, and she feared she had upset him. She didn’t want to go with him, but she didn’t want to be Master Charles’s sex slave either. Running was out of the question as well. With no money and only the robe on her back, what was she to do? Anyone who saw her would know she was a virgin from the auction by her attire and the fact she had no experience in the outside world. She would be at the mercy of the elements and the inhabitants. It was at that moment that Anna fully realized how sheltered and disengaged she had been. The only thing was trying to escape once she was in her new husband’s estate, but even as she thought that it seemed like a ludicrous idea. Maybe she could befriend the other wives, gain their confidence and hope to survive. Even those silly thoughts didn’t help her feel confident. There was no way out of this, and for all she knew this was a “test” by her new husband, or this man was more determined and demented to have her.

“Anna, we must go.
He took a step closer, and she thought of screaming, but doing such a thing might cause her more harm and make this situation even worse. “I was sent by—” He stopped talking and tilted his head. There was commotion far away, but close enough that she could hear it. “Are you going to come with me?”

She shook her head, but even after she did the act her stomach tightened. A small voice inside of her said to go with him, to leave all of this behind. A life with him had to be better than the one she was about to enter into, right?

His expression hardened. “I’m sorry to have to do this.” Before she could ask what he meant he was right in front of her. She saw his arm lift in her peripheral vision, and then a sharp sting pierced her neck. Anna gasped and cupped the area of pain. Seconds later a wave of dizziness slammed into her, and she weaved on her feet. The man had his arms around her waist and her body pressed to his instantly. “I’m sorry to have to do this, but you left me no choice. We didn’t have time for an in-depth conversation.” His voice was deep and right by her ear, and even in the drug-induced haze, and the fact she should be scared for her life, Anna could only feel a sense of calm relief.

Her eyes felt so incredibly heavy, but she forced herself to stay awake, because this moment could mean the very end to her life, but then again she really had no life. He lifted her easily enough so her feet no longer touched the ground. His strength was immense as he kept one arm wrapped around her waist and opened the door with the other. Anna couldn’t help her head from lolling to the side. She may not be able to move or speak, but her vision was clear enough that she could see the group of virgins waiting to go back out on the block. Their backs were to them, and Anna opened her mouth and tried to call out for help, even though she knew no words would come forth, but it felt as though cotton covered her tongue and throat.

He moved to the side, away from the virgins and toward the back door. A keypad was located on a panel on the wall, and he quickly typed in a series of numbers and letters. A green light flashed, and he pushed the door open. A sleek looking black car sat idling a few feet from them, and he quickly walked toward it. The back door opened from the inside, but Anna wasn’t strong enough to keep her eyes open any longer. The last thing she was aware of before sleep took hold of her was another set of arms taking her from the mystery man.


The sound of dripping water was close by. It filled Anna’s ears, consumed her soul, and brought her out of the darkness that was like a thick blanket across her body. She was on something soft, a bed presumably. How had she gotten here? Cotton filled her mouth and throat, and for a moment she gasped at the thought of not being able to breathe.

, it’s okay. Just breathe in nice and slow.” Something warm and wet touched her forehead. “The drugs will take a while to pass through your system.” That voice was familiar, but her brain was working in slow motion and she couldn’t place it. “Here.” A glass was pressed to her lips, and she turned her head.

“No, please.” Her voice was harsh and broken.

just water. Now drink.” His voice was hard and unyielding, but still she refused. Everything came rushing back in rapid, fast flashes of light.

“No.” Anna tried to turn away, but he gripped her chin and turned her gently in the direction he desired.
He pressed the glass once more to her lips and tipped the glass back. Water filled her mouth, and she had no choice but to swallow. It was definitely water, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t slipped something into it. He had drugged her just to get her out of the auction house, which also made her wonder why he had done that to begin with. Anna tried to open her eyes, but they were so heavy and gritty. When she was finally able to peel them open she looked into the familiar green eyes from earlier. Her heart started to palpate.

“Do I know you?” She licked her dry lips and tried to push herself up on the bed, but got nowhere. Her arms were like lead, and a wave of nausea washed through her.

“Just lie back. You’re going to feel
disoriented until the drugs pass through your system. That is why it’s important for you to drink plenty of fluids.” He made her finish the rest of the water and set the empty glass on the bedside table. He stood, and she watched him in silence. He had since gotten rid of his suit jacket. The white shirt was crisp and bright over his large body, and the dark vest over it did nothing to deter from his overall powerful presence. There was no doubt this man was physically strong in an almost primal way, and Anna was a bit unnerved to realize she grew aroused over that fact. His presence made her feel so very feminine and
despite the fact she had always felt the opposite in every sense of the word.

She was not the thin, svelte type of female that one tended to see on the auction block, and she had heard her mother complain over that fact enough times over the years. They stared at each other, and Anna shifted on the bed. His very stare made her feel
to him, as if she was laid out before him like a nude sacrificial offering. He looked very sophisticated in his attire, but the aura that surrounded him made her uneasy. Anna had been in his presence only a short time—at least that was what she thought since she honestly didn’t know how long she had been unconscious—but she could tell he was a very dangerous man. That much she was certain of.

He crossed his thick arms over his chest. The material stretched tight over his muscles, and she brought the blanket closer to her chin. His eyes looked dark from where he stood, and Anna still couldn’t place where she had seen him before.

She asked again, “Do I know you?” Again, he didn’t answer, just stared at her. “Why won’t you answer me?”

Asking him such direct questions felt strange to her, almost abhorrent, but at this point what else did she have to lose? This man had kidnapped and drugged her, taken her against her will, and now refused to answer her questions. Maybe she was making things worse by overstepping her bounds?

“No, you don’t know me, but I know all about you, Anna Milovich.” Hearing her name from his lips sent a strange feeling moving through her body. He wore the same stoic, hard expression, one that made her feel completely exposed and uncomfortable.

“Why am I here? Where am I? Why did you take me?” The questions spilled from her in rapid succession. It wasn’t lost on Anna that he had saved her from an unknown fate, one definitely filled with abuse and sexual servitude. It also wasn’t lost on her that being with this man could be far worse.

“You’re here because this is where you need to be.” He dropped his arms, and made his way toward one of two doors. Before he exited he turned and looked at her over his shoulder. “I can’t let you leave.” His eyes held hers, and Anna’s breath stalled as she waited for him to say something else, anything else. But instead of giving her more information on where she was or why he took her he said, “I’ll bring you some food.”

With that he walked out of the room and shut it behind him. The sound of a lock being turned sounded, and then she was left with nothing but the sound of her pounding heart and her confused thoughts to keep her company.

Anna took that time to take in her surroundings. The bed she was on was big enough for several people. The sheets and comforter were plain, but expensive. A small desk and chair sat in the corner. She could see the bathroom through an open doorway to her right, minus the actual door. A window with thick, dark curtains hung to her right, and she knew it was too much hope to think that was a way out. Although this man hadn’t harmed her, she was still wary of his intentions. His actions were unusual and distant, and it was clear the answers she sought wouldn’t be coming from him any time soon. She pushed the covers off and sat on the edge of the bed. The effects of the drug were still in her system, and the tingling in her arms and legs was a testament to that. She waited until the wave of dizziness passed before she placed her feet flat on the ground. The wood beneath her soles was ice cold. Moving very slowly, she stood, but kept her hands on the mattress in case her legs gave out. When she was certain she wouldn’t topple over she made her way over to the window. Pushing aside the thick drapes, she was surprised to see no bars covering the glass. That small comfort was washed away when she took note that she was at least four stories up. She could always jump, and although death would most likely not be her end result, there would be a great deal of pain involved and broken bones as the price she paid for trying to escape. The room she was in must face the back property of wherever she was because all she could see was acres upon acres of manicured landscaping and thick trees.

Letting the drapes drop back in place she checked out the bathroom. Everything was clearly expensive and high-end, but it was also bland with neutral colors. She stepped back into the bathroom, but the sound of the door unlocking had her stopping right where she stood. The mystery man emerged with a tray of food and set it on the desk. He glanced at her briefly but didn’t say anything for several long, almost tortuous moments. He turned and she thought he would leave her alone once again, but he gripped the handle and started to close it with him still inside of the bedroom. Right before he shut the door completely she was able to see a long hallway and a set of stairs.

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