The Brothers' Virgin Captive (3 page)

Read The Brothers' Virgin Captive Online

Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #Erotica, #Science Fiction, #Menage

BOOK: The Brothers' Virgin Captive
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“You shouldn’t be up.” He didn’t bother locking the door, but it wouldn’t have mattered anyway since he stood right in front of it, his big body a barricade. He watched her with an almost disappointed expression. For some reason she felt like a scolded child.

Lowering her chin to her chest, Anna found the way he watched her disconcerting. It had only taken that one look for her to remember who she was and where she had been just a short time ago.

“Look at me.” Anna lifted her head and stared into his eyes. “You need to lie back down before you fall and hurt yourself.” He tilted his chin toward the bed. She didn’t move, just continued to stare at him.
“Go on, Anna.
Lie down.”

His voice was hard and brooked no compromise. Fear settled in the pit of her stomach, and she moved toward the bed. Her knees shook, but she got to the bed and slipped beneath the sheets. Bringing the comforter up to her chest she watched him move closer. She pushed herself closer to the headboard until her back meet the hard wood, and she then eyed the tray of food he now held.

“You need to eat. It’ll help clear your system.” He picked up a bowl of yellow looking broth and brought the spoon close to her mouth.

“I can feed myself, thank you.”

His teeth snapped shut, and she could see the muscles working beneath his tanned, stubble covered cheeks. He set the spoon back in the bowl and the bowl back on the tray.

“I thought the females in the virgin auctions were supposed to be pleasing and docile?” He continued to stare at her, like he could read every thought, every feeling that coursed through
and every fear and hope she ever had. There was no amusement in his tone. In fact, there was no emotion whatsoever laced with his words.

What he said was true, and throughout her whole life she had lived up to that without fail, but the moment he had taken her away from her predestined life something moved through her. Maybe it was the need to survive, or the need to show him that she did have strength? Maybe she could prove to him that she was a worthy and obedient female? That would possibly ensure he wouldn’t harm her and would see her for a valuable piece of property. The thing was Anna needed to tread lightly, because until she knew what exactly was going on, she was at this man’s mercy. He hadn’t harmed her, well, not aside from drugging her. He had made her drink water and was bringing her food. A sadistic man wouldn’t care about the comfort of another. There was hope inside of her that maybe things were not as they seemed, and whatever his twisted reasoning was for taking her, he truly didn’t mean her any harm.

His comment made her hesitant to ask any more questions, but how could he think she would just sit back quietly and not wonder why he had taken her? Despite the fact he really had saved her in a sense, and was taking care of her, none of that set her at ease. He exhaled as if he was exhausted and glanced at the doorway.

“Although you can’t leave, you are free to move about.” He looked back at her, and those green eyes captivated her once more. “I must insist that you stay in bed until the drugs are no longer in your system.” He went to stand, and panic flared within her. “Also, please eat the soup. It is only chicken broth and will be easy on your stomach.” He walked toward the door, and Anna found herself calling out.

“Please, wait.” How long did he plan on keeping her here? He said she was free to walk around, yet he locked her in the last time. She didn’t know how long she had been out, or even what time it was, although when she had looked out the window the sun was starting to set. He stopped and turned to face her. What she found the most frightening was the fact he kept himself so thoroughly in check. Aside from his deep exhale he was careful to keep his neutral and uncaring mask in place. “Please, can you at least tell me where am I, and how long have I been here?”

Surprisingly he answered right away. “You are at my estate in the North Cambridge district, and have been here for only twenty-four hours.”

Okay, so she hadn’t been here that long, but still, a whole day was gone and she still had no answers. Would Master Charles come for her? She could only assume he had paid an exorbitant amount of money for her and had no “product” to show for it. What about her parents? Tears sprang to her eyes as all these factors came into play. North Cambridge was a small, elite district that held only the wealthiest. She knew from rumors that one had to have a key to even get past the tightly knit security that guarded the almost secretive community. They would find her, and if she thought her life had been bad before, she was in for one hell of a reality check.

“Please, just tell me why I’m here, why you took me.”

For several long, tense seconds all he did was watch her.

Finally he spoke in his ever-present monotone voice. “I was asked to take you from the auctions.”

This came as a shock to her. Who would want to save her from anything? She had no friends and no family that cared about anything concerning her aside from her being sold.

“But by whom?” She vaguely recalled him almost telling her as much before he drugged her, but everything before now was a bit hazy.

“It would be better if you heard that from him.”

Anna wracked her brain for a face to go with who he spoke of, but she came up blank. She stared into his face again, took in those bright, eerie green eyes, and it clicked into place. She knew why he was so familiar, why she thought she had seen him before.

His name came out of her on a breath. “Luca asked you to take me?
But why?”

Of course he didn’t answer. He watched her as if he tried to understand what she was going through, but his apathy was very obvious. He didn’t seem surprised that she figured it out, and he certainly didn’t seem upset over that fact. But then again he also didn’t verify if what she just said was true.

“Who are you to him?” She didn’t know why she continued to ask him things when it was clear he was too selective in what he chose to share, but it was all she had right now.

“You need to get your rest.” He gestured toward her soup and bread with a flick of his hand. “Also, since you can feed yourself eat the food. Please.” He added the last part as if he realized his tone was a bit too harsh, but the word sounded as if he had never spoken it before. She was sure the truth was he probably hadn’t. Without another word he turned and left. Anna held her breath as she listened for him to lock her in. The sound never came.

Chapter Four


They were here, and all Anna could do was run. Her legs moved, but she made no progress. They called out to her, told her if she came willingly they would be gentle, forgiving. It was lies, all of it. The air was too thick to breathe, and she was suffocating, drowning in the vile words that spewed from their mouths. Before she could escape an unforgiving hand latched onto her arm.

Anna sat up in bed, her hair a tangled mess around her face and sweat coating her flesh. She gasped for air, and her heart slammed against her ribs. She felt as if she truly had been running for her life. A look around told her she was still in the room the mystery man put her in. She remembered eating the broth and feeling very tired. Before she knew it she had fallen asleep. Had he drugged her again, or was it simply the residual effects from the injection he had given her, and the whole situation? She had meant to leave the room, find out exactly where she was, but the fog of drowsiness had been too thick to ignore.

She got out of the bed and moved to the bathroom, but stopped again at the window first. Pulling the curtain aside she saw it was now dark outside. How long had she been sleeping this time? Feeling more stable and clearheaded, she went into the bathroom. When she turned the light on it was harsh and bright, and she closed her eyes. A pounding behind her eyes started, but passed quickly enough. A large mirror was over the porcelain sink, and she turned to look at herself. Her blonde hair was no longer in a chignon and hung wildly around her face. The strands fell to her waist, and the ends curled slightly. Her blue eyes were bright, but that had everything to do with the fact the dark circles under them were a stark contrast against her too pale skin.

After washing her face and tightening the robe once again she left the bathroom. There was only the one other door, and the only furniture was the desk, chair, and bed. The desk had several large drawers, and Anna went over to them and opened the top one. Inside were a few neutral colored blouses. The second one held some linen pants in the same colors, and the third drawer, to her shock, held panties and bras. All the clothing was in her size, but bland in style and color just like the rest of the room. Taking out a set of clothes and some undergarments, Anna slipped back in the bathroom and changed. She was embarrassed that this man presumably had gotten her the undergarments, but she couldn’t help but feel relieved that she had something other than the robe to wear. The clothes fit her perfectly, and although they were utterly plain, they covered her body completely, and comfort washed over her. Naturally she couldn’t help but think about how different her life would have been if Master Charles had taken her away that day. Would she be nude and restrained to his bed until he was ready to “break her in”? A shiver of disgust washed through her.

Leaving the bathroom, Anna walked slowly to the bedroom door. She listened for several moments, only hearing the steady
of a clock on the other side, and gripped the handle. By the way the moon had been full and high in the
she assumed it to be rather late. Twisting the knob Anna expected it to be locked regardless of what the man said. It opened silently, and Anna looked through the small crack to see a grand hallway. Everything was dark and quiet, and she pulled the door open further. A few sconces lined the wall and cast a muted glow.

Stepping onto the hallway, Anna looked over the banister and onto a grand foyer. Tile designed in the shape of a bursting star in a variety of colors greeted her, but it was the light coming from a room off to the side and the deep, low voices of men that had her feet moving her forward. She slipped silently down the stairs and stopped once she reached the landing. Her heart stopped when she heard the hushed, angry voice of Luca. Moving toward the partially open door, Anna leaned against the frame and looked through the opening.

“I can’t believe you just left her up there without answering her questions.” Luca paced back and forth, and Anna was struck with a familiar longing. The last time she had seen him was when she was eighteen years old, two years prior. After he’d watched her with his hauntingly piercing green eyes as he leaned against the car, she had never seen him again. Of course Anna never asked where he had gone, but assumed the worst since he had been with her family for so long and then was just not there anymore.

“I did exactly what you asked of me. May I remind you, brother, that I risked my life getting that girl out for

He brought his glass to his lips and took a long drink of amber colored liquid as he watched Luca. They were so similar in appearance that she was shocked she’d just now realized they were related, but brothers had somehow not crossed her mind.

“Arik, I’ve told you how fragile she was. I can only imagine the treatment you delivered.” Luca’s voice was hard and clipped, and Arik ground out his response.

“I never promised to be something I’m not. I wasn’t cruel to her. I fed her, and left clothing for her. I may not have been forthcoming with answers to her questions, but it isn’t my fucking responsibility to do that, Luca.”

Luca went back to pacing the room. He speared his hands in his short dark hair and pulled at the strands. “I can’t imagine how frightened she must be.”

“Why don’t you ask her yourself? She’s standing right outside the door.”

Anna snapped back and felt her eyes widen. Her pulse raced, and she looked around. What good would running do when she didn’t know where to go? Besides, it was clear these men were not going to harm her.
All she could think about was him, but strangely that was also followed by the thought of Arik in his calm and silent way. The door was pulled open, light spilling out, and she found herself tilting her head back to stare into a face that had haunted her dreams for the past two years.

“Anna.” Luca said her name almost as if he was in awe. He took a step closer, but Anna was too stunned to move. Having him this close after so long was a sensory overload, and a wave of dizziness washed over her, threatening to consume her sanity. The smell and the sight of him had her feeling faint and excited all in the same breath.

“You just left.” She had no idea why those words came from her, but it was too late to take them back. She honestly hadn’t meant them to be an accusation, and hoped he didn’t take it as such. He would never know that just the sight of him had always made her feel a semblance of calm and safety. His wide, muscular chest rose and fell as he breathed in, then let it out.

“Yes.” He took another step, and for the first time in her life, she was touched by a man. It certainly wasn’t anything intimate, just a brush of his thumb along the curve of her cheek, but it had been something she dreamt of for a very long time. Luca placed his hand flat on her cheek, and the warmth and the fact his palm was so big sent butterflies through her belly. “I’m sorry I left you there with them, but it was the only thing I could do to save you.”

His words confused her, but that might have something to do with the fact she couldn’t think clearly when he touched her. “I don’t understand, Luca.” Staring into his green eyes, Anna knew she could get lost in their emerald depths. It seemed like forever since she had looked into them.

“I knew if I was going to save you, I had to leave. It was the only way.”

Anna blinked at his words. How was leaving her there supposed to save her? He may not have realized this, but having him there had made her feel protected. When he left she had felt so exposed. They may have never spoken directly, and there may have only been a handful of times that he actually looked at her, but it had been on those rare occasions that she wished she had been born into poverty so she could have chosen her own destiny.

She said again, “I don’t understand.”

Luca took her hand and led her into the large room. It appeared to be a study with the books that lined two of the walls, the grand fireplace, and the elaborate looking desk that sat in the corner. The
room made her feel
as though she had been transported back in time. Bound books no longer existed aside from museums and collectors.
The vast number that Arik seemed to have astounded her, and she wondered how he had come by so many.

“Sit down, Anna, and I’ll explain everything to you.” Luca led her to a large wing-backed chair. She noticed the clock on the wall showed it was past midnight. How long had she slept? She certainly wasn’t tired for how late it was. Arik took a seat on the couch in front of her, but Luca continued to stand behind it, his eyes locked on hers.

“Two years ago our father passed away. Arik took over the business and turned it into one of the wealthiest corporations on the planet.” Luca walked toward the fireplace and stared into the flames. He braced one arm on the mantel and seemed lost in thought. Anna was very aware of Arik watching her silently as he drank his liquor. It was a bit disconcerting, but also had a strange sensation coursing through her veins. As Anna stared into Luca’s profile, and watched the light from the fire cast shadows across the planes of his face, she wondered what had happened in his life. Why hadn’t he helped his brother run the family business?

“Arik and I do not share the same mother, so when I was born Arik was already ten years old.” Luca turned around, and his face expressed no emotion. “My mother was a whore.” Her shock at how he referred to his mother must have showed on her face because he added, “I say that in the literal sense, Anna. Our father, Henrick Graison, loved to stray from his marriage. When Arik’s mother found out about her husband’s infidelity and that a child was conceived from it, she threatened to take him for everything he had.”

The sound of Arik setting his glass on the table had Anna looking at him. “Henrick was a powerful man, but my mother was stronger and more influential in the community. Without my mother and her family’s connections, our father would have been nothing, so you see why he bent to her will on all things easily. It was his own stupidity and the love of women that made him an adulterer, but still my mother stayed with him.” Arik placed both of his arms on the back of the couch, and his green eyes held hers.

Luca took a seat beside his brother, and Anna looked between the two men. Clearly they favored their father for how closely they resembled each other, and Anna felt extremely heartbroken for what Luca must have gone through as a child. “At forty-five years old I inherited our father’s business. The company was lucrative in selling holographic devices to aid in warfare, but I expanded distribution and added items to fit all consumers. Graison Corporations is now a top-selling company that supplies a vast array of items to residential areas as well.”

was nearing fifty? He certainly didn’t appear that old. His appearance was so physically fit, and she couldn’t see a stitch of grey in his dark hair.

“We are getting off topic here.” Luca said as he leaned forward. Arik didn’t take his eyes off her, and she found herself shifting in her seat. Turning her attention back to Luca she watched as he looked at the ground and ran his hand through his short dark hair. “I was never acknowledged as my father’s child. I grew up scraping by to support my mother, but then she died last year and it was just me.”

Silence filled the space between them. “I’m so sorry about your losses.” She looked between them, not knowing if she should say anything at all, but realizing that their lives had been far from perfect. Arik might have had everything he wanted, but there was emptiness in his eyes that she knew too well. She had seen the same void when she looked at herself in the mirror. It was one of a lonely life filled without love or happiness.

“Every year I worked for your father I saw the same hollowness inside of you that I saw in Arik and myself. I didn’t know how to save you, but I knew I needed to try. Until the auctions I had no way of taking you away from that fate. You were constantly guarded, and it was those eyes that made sure no one came close to you. I knew enough about the auctions that only females were permitted with the virgins.” Luca leaned back in his seat and glanced at his brother. “Arik knew about me, but we didn’t start talking until our father passed. His mother was none too pleased, but there was nothing she could do. Arik wasn’t Henrick, and wouldn’t be pushed around, and I had nothing for her to take.” He shrugged, and once again she felt her heart break a little more. “It was then I confided in Arik and asked for his help. He had the knowledge and resources I did not, and I knew if I was going to take you away from a life of solitude and servitude, I needed him.”

For several long moments no one spoke. Anna processed all of this information, not knowing what to do with it, but realizing that these two men in front of her had saved her life.

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