The Celtic Dagger (10 page)

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Authors: Jill Paterson

Tags: #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Mystery, #International Mystery & Crime, #Police Procedurals

BOOK: The Celtic Dagger
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James returned to Sydney early that evening with a feeling of satisfaction that his suspicions about Simon Rhodes were vindicated.  Eve Lawrence answered the door to his knock.  ‘Good evening, Dr Wearing.  Let me take your coat.  Mrs Wearing’s in the living room.’

James found Catherine at her desk.  She looked up as he came into the room.  ‘James, I just telephoned you at home.’

‘I’ve been in Melbourne and Adelaide all day, Catherine,’ he said, settling himself into an armchair.

‘What on earth for?’

‘You remember those two days Alex marked off in his diary?  Well, he spent them in Melbourne.’

‘How do you know?’

‘Patrick Spender phoned me last night.’  James explained what he had learned from Patrick.

‘So you were right.  It was blackmail.’  Catherine’s eyes glistened with tears.  'But why?’

‘That, we still don’t know.’

‘Have you spoken to the police?’

‘Yes, they’re with the Spenders’ now.  And you needn’t worry about the debts anymore.  Alex didn’t pay the blackmail.  The money will be returned.'

Catherine slumped back in her chair.  ‘Oh, thank God.’  She reached for a tissue from the box on the desk to stem the tears running down her face.  ‘I can’t believe it.  I’ve been so worried.'  She looked over to James.  'Do you think the blackmail has something to do with Alex’s death?’

'I don't know,' said James.  'The Chief Inspector's better fit to answer that question, but I imagine it’s part of the puzzle.’








James did not hear the door open as he sorted through the papers on his desk, his mind pondering the reason Alex had been blackmailed.

'James.'  James looked up to see Vera Trenbath.  ‘I thought you’d want to know.  Ashley Manning's in St Vincent's Hospital.’

James frowned.  ‘Do you know why?’

‘Apparently she was attacked last night on her way home from work. One of my friends is a nurse.  She was there when they brought Ashley in.  She said she’d been badly beaten and was unconscious.  I’ll have flowers sent from the department.’

‘Thanks, Vera.’  James grabbed his coat from the back of the chair.  ‘I’ll go and see how she is.’

‘But what about your tutorial?  The students are waiting outside.’

James pulled his coat on.  ‘I’ll have a word with them.’  Vera raised her eyebrows in disapproval.

James emerged from his office to face a group of expectant faces.  ‘I’m sorry everyone, I have to cancel our tute.’  A low groan rose from the students.

‘It can’t be helped, I’m afraid.  I’ll post a new time up on the noticeboard later today.’




James walked through the hospital corridors, the sterile, unfamiliar atmosphere disconcerting.  When he reached the ward, he hovered for a moment at the deserted nurses’ station until he heard a voice behind him.  ‘Can I help you?’  James turned to see a nurse, her expression one of fatigue.

‘Yes, I’m here to see Ashley Manning.  I understand she was admitted last night.’

‘You’ll find her in the last room on the left.’

‘Thanks, Sister.’

‘And please don’t stay too long.  She’s suffered a mild concussion.’  James nodded.

As he approached the doorway, a police officer emerged.  James stood aside before looking across the room at Ashley.  Her face was swollen and bruised.

‘Dr Wearing.   How did you know I was here?’

‘Vera Trenbath.’

Ashley sighed.  ‘Why doesn’t that surprise me?’

James walked into the room.  ‘I was under the impression that you were away Ashley.’

‘I was.  I came home yesterday.’

James sat down on the chair beside the bed.  ‘What happened?’

‘I was followed when I left the museum last night.'

‘Were you able to give the police a description of the person who attacked you?’

Ashley shook her head.  ‘There was no need.  I know who it was and I don’t intend to press charges.’

‘Why not?’

‘Because if I do, he’ll come after me again.’

‘But that doesn’t make any sense.  Who was it?’

‘It was my husband, Robert Manning.  We separated last year.’  Ashley paused.  ‘I wasn’t too concerned when I realised he was following me.  He’d done it before, on many occasions.  But this time he grabbed me and started to...'  Ashley put her hand up to the side of her face.

‘Did he say anything?’

‘Just that he now knew I’d been seeing someone and he was going to make sure no man would ever look at me again.  In the struggle, I fell backwards and hit my head on the pavement.  I don’t remember anything after that.’  Ashley hesitated.  ‘I did have a relationship, but it ended some time ago.  I’m sure Robert didn’t know about it at the time.  Someone’s told him since.’

‘Do you have any idea who it is?’

‘Yes, I do, but I doubt you’d believe me.  He’s a businessman, well-known and well-liked.  He’s even on the board at the museum for, heaven’s sake.’

‘What’s his name?’  James waited for Ashley to respond.  ‘I don’t care who it is, Ashley, just tell me his name.’

‘Simon Rhodes.’


‘I knew you wouldn’t believe me.’

‘As a matter of fact, I do, and it’s no surprise.’

‘It isn’t?’

‘No.’  James sat down in the chair next to the bed.  ‘Is Simon a friend of your husband’s?’


‘Then why would he get involved?’  Ashley fell silent.  ‘Ashley.  I want to help.’

She looked down at her grazed hands and broken nails.  ‘I don’t see that you can.’

‘Why don't you give me a try?’

Ashley sighed.  ‘All right.  It’s about the artefacts you asked me about the other day.  Simon Rhodes wants them and he wants me to help him get them.  He threatened to tell Robert about my relationship if I refused.  I tried to tell you at the library that night but...’

‘Is that why you went away.’


‘How did you come to know Simon?’

‘I’d been in Alex’s office on a few occasions when Simon Rhodes came to see him.’

‘Was it Alex you were seeing?’

Ashley avoided James’s gaze.  ‘Yes.’

James nodded as things started to fall into place.  ‘That’s why you acted the way you did at the excavation site last summer.’

‘I’m sorry about that.  At the time, I thought if we became friends, you might find out about Alex and me.’  Ashley paused.  ‘Your brother was very good to me, Dr Wearing.  He knew Robert bashed me about.  He gave me the confidence to leave and find a place of my own, so I could start again.  I wouldn’t have been able to do it without him.  In hindsight, I don’t believe I was in love with Alex, but he made me feel safe.  Perhaps I got the two confused.  Anyway, after Alex’s death, Simon contacted me about the artefacts.  I told him Alex hadn’t confided in me and I didn’t know where they were.’  Ashley looked up at James.  ‘It was true, I didn’t know, but Simon wouldn’t believe me.’

‘How does Simon know that the artefacts are missing?’

‘He knows because he was blackmailing Alex and the artefacts are part of that.’  She was silent a moment.  ‘You don’t believe me, do you?’

‘Yes, I do.  I knew about Alex being blackmailed, but I didn’t know who by.’

James sat in thought.  ‘I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised it was Simon.’

‘How did you find out about the blackmail?’

‘A colleague of Alex’s contacted me.’  James relayed his meeting with Patrick Spender.  ‘Do you know why Simon was blackmailing Alex?’

‘No.  Alex wouldn’t say.’  Ashley sighed.  ‘I’m sorry, Dr Wearing.  I should have told you about this sooner, but I was frightened.  You have no idea how intimidating Simon Rhodes is.’

James took Ashley’s hand that lay on top of the covers as his mind went back to his conversation with Julian Gould about Louise’s death.  He thought of Pamela Marquis’s hesitance to get involved.  ‘I think I’m beginning to.  Ashley, I’m going to see Chief Inspector Fitzjohn when I leave here.  He needs to know that Simon Rhodes is the person who blackmailed Alex.  I imagine he’ll want to talk to you.  Do you mind if I tell him who attacked you?  It’s for the best.’

Ashley nodded.  ‘All right.’  James squeezed her hand, realising with sudden clarity that the attraction he had felt for her last summer was still there.




James left the hospital and arrived at the police station to find Fitzjohn in his office.  The Chief Inspector looked up from his paperwork and put his wire-framed glasses on when James appeared in the doorway.

'Ah, Dr Wearing.  I’m glad you came by.  I’ve been trying to contact you.’

‘I’ve been at St Vincent's, Chief Inspector.  I don’t know if you’re aware but, Ashley Manning was admitted last night.  She’d been attacked while making her way home from work.'

Fitzjohn put his pen down.  ‘I had no idea.  How badly is she hurt?’

‘Concussion and bruising.  She’s shaken and she’ll need rest, but there’ll be no lasting effects.’

‘Is she able to describe the person who attacked her?’

‘Yes.  In fact, that’s why I’m here.  You see, she knows the person and she believes she knows why he attacked her.’  James recounted his conversation with Ashley.

‘So, she was involved with your brother?’


‘And these artefacts.  Are they the ones Miles Bennet reported to you as missing?’


‘I see.’  Fitzjohn adjusted his glasses as he sat back in his chair.  'And she claims it was Simon Rhodes who blackmailed your brother.  Why does she think that?’

‘She said Alex told her, although he wouldn’t say why.  The artefacts were part of the blackmail.’

Fitzjohn sat forward and focused his attention on James.  ‘These are serious allegations, Dr Wearing.’

‘I'm aware of that, but I think she’s telling the truth.’

‘Why are you so ready to believe her?’

‘Because it seems to me Simon Rhodes has a pattern of intimidation.  When I spoke to him at my brother’s funeral, he told me he’d moved to Sydney from Melbourne a few months ago.  After I left you with the Spenders, yesterday, I went to Adelaide.’


‘Yes.’  James recounted his conversation with Pamela Marquis.  ‘After four years, the woman is still frightened Simon Rhodes will turn up on her doorstep.  Looking at the photograph I gave you, it seems obvious that he was in Sydney two years ago.  And, if Julian Gould is telling the truth, then it would seem that Rhodes left Melbourne after his separation from Pamela Marquis.  Of course, she’d have no way of knowing that.’

Fitzjohn sat back again.  ‘I’d like to speak to Ms Marquis.’

‘I don’t think she’d thank me for getting her involved, Chief Inspector.’

‘Nevertheless, if what she says is true, it reinforces the picture that’s building up around Rhodes.’

Tension hung in the air for a moment.

'I’ll need to have a word with Ms Manning, too.  Is she well enough do you think?’

‘Yes.  She knows I’ve come to see you.  She’s expecting you.’

‘Good.’  Fitzjohn looked at his watch.  ‘I suspect it’s too late now.  I’ll go and see Ms Manning first thing tomorrow.’

As he spoke, Sergeant Betts appeared at the door.  ‘I’ll be right there, Betts.’  Fitzjohn looked back at James.  ‘I’m afraid you’ll have to excuse me, Dr Wearing.  I have a meeting to attend.’  Fitzjohn stood up behind his desk.




James returned to the hospital the next morning, accompanied by Edwina Parker.  They found Ashley standing at the taxi rank outside, her scarf wrapped high around her neck, shielding her from the biting wind.  ‘Ashley!'  She turned when she heard his voice, her face pale.  'I thought they’d keep you in the hospital at least for another day.’

‘I imagine they need the bed.'  She looked toward Edwina.

'Oh, this is Edwina Parker.  She has The Gallery, in North Sydney.'

Ashley smiled.  'I know it.  I've been in a few times.  Pleased to meet you, Edwina.'

'Did Chief Inspector Fitzjohn come to see you?' asked James.

‘Yes.  Early this morning.  I don’t know whether he believed me about Simon blackmailing Alex, though.’

‘I don’t think it’s a case of not believing you.  He needs proof.’

‘Well, he told me to contact him if Simon approaches me again.  He also asked me if I wanted to press charges against Robert, but I told him I’m undecided.  I hate the thought of facing him in court.’

‘I can understand that.’

'Ashley, I came along with James, this morning, because I thought you might like to stay with me for a few days.  Just until you're feeling stronger.'

'That's very kind, Edwina, but I can't impose.'

'Of course you can.  I insist.'  Edwina's face broke into a wide smile.  'And besides, I'd like the company.'




After spending the week with Edwina, James drove Ashley home to her flat in Paddington where he parked alongside the curb.  'Are you sure you'll be all right?'

Ashley pushed a few wisps of hair back from her face.  'Yes, and thank, Dr Wearing, for everything.'

'Please, call me James.'  He paused.  'I'll see you inside.'

'There's no need, really.  I'll be fine.'

'I know you will, but I'd still like to see you inside.'

Moments later, they climbed the narrow staircase to Ashley's flat, where she unlocked the door.

'Would you like to come in for coffee?'

'I'd love to, but I can't.  I have a lecture to give before lunch.'  He hovered in the doorway.

'Edwina mentioned you're both going to spend the weekend at Cragleigh.  I'm glad.  It'll be a good break for both of you.'

Ashley smiled.  'I'm looking forward to it.  I haven't been to the Blue Mountains.  Actually, Alex mentioned it a couple of times.  It's where you two grew up, isn't it?'

'Yes, but it's rarely used now since my parents moved to Port Macquarie.  I spend the occasional weekend there but that's about it.'  James paused.  'Did Alex tell you he wanted to sell the place?'

'Yes, to raise money.'

'For the blackmail.'

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