The CEO (3 page)

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Authors: Niquel

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“You’re very wet baby girl.”

“Well, it’s not every day I get to fuck a corporate big wig. Now take the rest of your clothes off and lay back,” I demanded.

I hit the lights because I didn’t want to see the disgusting face he’d make when he came, which judging by his size, would be in less than ten minutes. I tried my best to pretend he actually
the young model I’d seen in the picture just so I could get through it.

I climbed on his face and positioned my slit directly over his lips. I had no idea how bad of a fuck he was, but I knew I could teach him how to correctly eat a pussy.

After a pathetic attempt at sex, he rolled over and passed out soon after he released, which gave me an easy escape. I slid my clothes back on and walked out the door.

Never again! Next time, I’ll make them show me some identification before I agree to meet.

I arrived at my condo and immediately ran into the bathroom to start the shower. I needed to wash the stench of disappointment off my skin.

Looking into the mirror, I realized I still had my black mask on. I peeled it off my face and admired my reflection for the moment: thick, full lips with red lipstick applied to them, hazel eyes, and my dark bun, still intact.

As the steam started fogging up the room, I hit the fan and pulled back the curtains, allowing the steam to escape. Then I slid my clothing to the floor and stepped inside.

The hot water relaxed and soothed my tight aching muscles, and washed away all the guilt I was holding on to.

“Ms. Quinn, when would you like to start interviewing new interns for the company? You know your father always believed in helping the little man and I hope you will do the same.”

“Of course I will Karen, why the hell wouldn’t I?”

“I just thought—”

“Well you thought wrong,” I interrupted. “Have you even started spreading the word about the vacant position yet?”


“Good, I’ll check the website tomorrow for new applicants.”

Karen knew I couldn’t stand the way she down talked me. She still treated me like the little girl I once was. Brushing my annoyance off, I spun around in my leather chair and looked out the window. As I began to people watch, I saw the flower shop Liam worked at a few blocks away and reminisced about what had almost happened the other day.

Suddenly my phone rang, interrupting my gaze.

“Hello. Quinn National, Sheila speaking.”

“Hi, my name is Grace Shieldman. I saw your intern posting online and wanted to set up an interview.”

“Okay Grace, let me transfer you to Karen, she’ll work out all the details. See you soon and good luck.”

Most CEOs don’t answer their own phone calls, but I had watched my dad personally answer all of his. He said it helped him feel more connected to his clients. He would also stay late and help out around the office because he genuinely cared about all of his employees like they were family. This business was everything to him, and he knew he could trust me to keep it going.

After ten hours in the office, it was finally time to head home. I locked the door and took the elevator down to the garage.

There were two cars left in the lot besides mine and that struck me as peculiar. Usually this late at night, my black BMW was the only one left. I disabled my alarm and opened the back door to toss my briefcase on the seat. Before I was able to fully shut the door, a body pressed up against me and slammed me into it.

“Keep quiet and only speak when spoken to, got it bitch?”


“Now, what’s a pretty thing like you doing here all alone?”

“I just got off work; why else would I be in a corporate parking spot this late?” I snarled at him.

My attacker spun me around and slammed my back up against the car. “Wrong answer. Do you want to die tonight?” he growled at me.

I made sure not to respond that time. I just tried to work out where I’d heard my attacker’s voice before. He was over six feet tall with a husky build and a deep raspy tone to his voice. A black ski mask was covering most of his face so I couldn’t properly identify him.

He placed his hand around my throat and slammed my back against the car once more. “I wonder what’s hiding underneath that pretty pinstripe skirt of yours.”

“I wouldn’t do that, if I were you.”

“Shut up,” he yelled as his hand made contact with my face.

He kicked my legs apart while grasping my neck firmly. Pinning his body against mine to hold me in place, he took his free hand and ran his fingers up my thigh, then under the seam of my panties.

“Please don’t.”

“What’s wrong sugar? You scared I’ll hurt that tight corporate pussy of yours?”

I knew I had to act fast if I wanted to escape with my life. “Kiss me.”


“Kiss, me,” I said, hoping he’d fall for my trick. As soon as his lips touched mine, I could grab his head, slam my forehead against the bridge of his nose, and run for it.

He placed his disgusting lips against mine and I thought my plan would work out smoothly, but it didn’t. “You stupid bitch, you broke my nose!” He grabbed the back of my shirt, knocked me on the ground, and clasped both of his hands around my throat. I tried to kick him in the balls but he was too strong for me to overpower. Everything was starting to fade to black and in one last desperate attempt I reached for the rock underneath my car. I purposely left it there every day, as protection in the event tragedy ever struck. I grabbed for it and hit him on the side of the face, but that didn’t work either. His grip on my throat tightened even more. I was fading, but before I slipped completely unconscious, I heard a familiar voice yelling my name.

I awoke in the hospital, bruised and battered, but otherwise okay. I didn’t see any blood underneath my gown, which was a good sign. I reached between my legs and everything felt untouched. I paged the nurse so I could get some answers.

“Yes, Ms. Quinn? Is everything all right?”

“I’m not sure. How long have I been here?”

“Two days.”

“Two days? What the hell happened to me?”

“You were physically assaulted in the parking garage at your office.”

“Did anyone catch the asshole that attacked me?”

“No, but from what the witness described, the man seemed like he was out for blood.”

“Do you know who the witness was?”

“He didn’t leave a name, but he did deliver those purple orchids beside you.”


A week had passed since my attack and everyone remained on high alert around me. I now had round the clock security guards patrolling the garage and waiting by the elevator when I exited the building. The cops occasionally popped in too, since my dad and the police chief were old friends.

My attacker was caught and identified as Raymond George, a former janitor that my father had fired the year before for stealing. He must have heard Dad had retired and decided to exact his revenge on me. Not many people knew about the elevator exit because it was in the back of the garage, in a secluded area.

“Sorry to interrupt Ms. Quinn, but your second interviewee is here.”

“Send them in Karen.”

A young man walked through my door. Tall, slender framed, with the bluest eyes I’d ever seen. His face was clean-shaven and his chocolate brown hair was slicked back and tapered on the sides. He carried a large briefcase in his hands. He extended his hand out, and I placed my hand in his. He had a nice, firm handshake and I could tell he meant business.

“Have a seat. So what is your name?”

“Ryan Smith.”

“Where are you from, Ryan?”


“How old are you?”

“Twenty-two, ma’am.”

“Why should I hire
as my intern?”

“Because I’m tech savvy, so I can update all of your outdated computer software. I’m a human number cruncher, and I can make a mean cup of coffee—or tea, whichever you prefer.”

I admired the brass of this kid and decided to test him.

“Quick, what is two thousand five hundred and sixty-nine times three?

“Seven thousand seven hundred and seven. Come on now, are you serious?”

“Oh you’re good. Be here at eight a.m. sharp tomorrow. Before you go, I want to make one thing clear.”


“I want you to remember something: I am not your friend, I am not your mentor, I am your boss, and don’t you ever think otherwise.”

“I won’t.”

“Have a good day.”

He picked up his briefcase and as he turned around I caught a glimpse of his slacks grasping his tight ass. I knew having him around would get me into trouble, but he was cute and it was a nice change from all the old hags walking around there.

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