The CEO Gets Her Man (30 page)

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Authors: Anne Ashby

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: The CEO Gets Her Man
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He contained his smile. Whatever her brain dictated wasn’t getting through. Their bodies were responding to each other as surely as butter melting on a hot skillet.

His hands lowered, fusing their hips together. The hands resting on his chest inched higher, across his shoulders until they were around his neck. Happiness flowed through him. She was his.

“The others are joining us,” he whispered as Paul and Chloe advanced. “Let’s make this look good.”

A bucket of icy water tipped over Debra couldn’t have had more impact. She stumbled. Whitened fists shoved against his chest.

Frowning at the angry sparks shooting from her eyes, he wondered if she might hit him, right there on the dance floor. Rage blazed from every pore. Her nostrils flared. Her breath came in ragged gasps making speech impossible. But he didn’t need speech to know she was incensed.

What the hell have I done?
Breath caught in his throat. Had his body revealed just how much she turned him on? She’d been angered before when that happened.

A conflicting myriad of emotions flooded through him—disappointment, disillusionment, dread. Dread she might not be physically attracted stabbed him sharper than an old-fashioned hat pin driven straight into his heart.

Simmering anger replaced his fear. He dragged her back into his arms. His grated, “You’re causing a scene,” stilled her struggles.

“Grow up, Debra,” he snarled close to her ear. “You’re acting like some teenage virgin. So I’m turned on, there’s not too much I can do about that. You’re a beautiful woman. Just thinking about you makes me rock hard. But having you in my arms, glued to my body? Of course I’m bloody well turned on. What do you expect? I’m only human.”

He was too wound up to sense the change in her. It took an enormous heave against his chest to allow them to lock eyes. Puzzled by her abrupt change of mood he forgot to keep dancing.

Chapter Sixteen

Her rage vanished, leaving her mind in chaos. Debra fought to control the swirling emotions, but to no avail. Seeing the bafflement in Jase’s gaze, strange and disquieting thoughts began racing through her mind. She engaged her analytical brain but her body was in charge and responding eagerly to his. It reached out.

Why had she been so stupid? In her attempt to ease Chloe’s mind she had loused up her own. Jase had been willing to step up and pretend to be her boyfriend, but that’s not what she wanted any more. She wanted his attention to be real, to be true. Not some pretence to placate Chloe and quieten gossip. She blinked to stay tears welling into her eyes.

How could he imagine she wasn’t attracted? She almost choked at his lack of conceit. Any woman still breathing would be attracted to Jase.

His physical response to her was thrilling. Scaring her silly—but thrilling beyond anything she’d ever dreamed of. Being even closer, intimately close...Her legs wobbled. But was his just a physical response?

She chewed her lip, watching his gaze drop to follow the movement. His gentle finger eased the lip away from her teeth before proceeding to trace around her whole mouth. Her heart jolted. Her pulse raced.
Why am I agonising over this?

His touch became gentle, his expression softer. She’d never felt such intensity before, like her heart and soul and every ounce of her body were all demanding the same thing—Jase.

Why not grasp the moment, even if I’m uncertain of its outcome? An empty future might loom ahead.
She shuddered. Without Jase, she would always just be half of a whole, an unfulfilled half.

She took a deep breath.
I love him.
Unless she was strong enough, and brave enough to risk his rejection, how would she ever know? She did know she’d always regret not trying to forge a link between them. If that link proved to be temporary, at least she’d have memories to fill the rest of her lonely life.

Jase would never hurt her, not intentionally. She’d seen enough of him to know he was a gentle, caring person. But did the desire smouldering in his gaze amount to love? Or was it merely lust?

As she struggled to analyse everything storming through her head, Debra recalled his regular references to her being his boss. In a flash she guessed this was important.

Did he feel inferior in some way? She scoffed at that scenario. Her hands shuffled across his chest. She could feel the thump of his heart. But he did believe her position impacted on any relationship between them. Suddenly she was certain of this.

Dare she offer herself on a plate? What if she was wrong? What if he didn’t care what position she held? A brief glance at life without him spurned her on.

Petrified at her audacity, she clutched at the lapels of Jase’s jacket. A little in anticipation, but primarily in fear, she managed to get words out. “T-that’s not why I got annoyed.”

“It wasn’t?” His gaze was still on her lips.

Shaking her head, her tongue slipped out to moisten those lips. They were standing close enough together for her to feel a reaction which accompanied his smothered groan.

“Then what? Did I say something? Do something?” His deepening frown lightened as she shook her head. His gaze followed her pointed glance at their dinner companions as they danced by.

She watched his expression as his gaze followed them for a moment before returning to her face. The moment he collared what she meant his face broke into a huge grin.

“You regret all this subterfuge?”

Debra found her voice, even if it came out as a wispy whisper. “It was a stupid idea.”

The tension disappeared from his shoulders and he threw back his head to give an enormous laugh which drew looks from not only those on the dance floor but patrons at near-by tables as well.

“Everything okay?” Paul paused as they danced close. Concern covered Chloe’s face.

“Everything’s perfect.” Jase ignored them and everyone else as he cupped Debra’s face and bent his head. His mouth scolded hers. Passionate trembling overtook her as she opened her lips to encourage the contact and deepen the kiss.

Desire exploded in the pit of her stomach and she ached to rip aside the barrier of their clothing. So far removed from her normal restraint, Debra had never imagined reacting so physically to a man’s touch. If he wanted, she was ready to surrender.

There was no doubt in her mind as the long shaft of his desire pressed against her. She relished the power it gave her—nothing comparable to her power as a boss, but as a woman toward her mate.

The rude shaking of her shoulder disturbed the euphoria Jase had carried her into. Opening slumberous eyes the blurred figure of her brother slowly focused. His hand was attached to both Debra and Jase’s shoulders but a smile countered the sharpness of his actions.

“I think our mains are ready.” He nodded toward their table. “Unless you insist upon staying on the dance floor”—his smile widened—“Though I think you should be aware that the band has announced it is taking a break.”

More heat rushed into Debra’s face. It had little to do with Jase’s branding, and everything to do with the empty dance floor—save for themselves and Paul and Chloe—and the amused expressions of half the restaurant patrons. A cheeky drum roll as they left the floor drew a chuckle from Jase, but Debra was thankful for her loose hair. She found by dipping her head, the tresses covered at least part of her reddened face.

Uncertain of the social protocol in such a situation Debra gnawed on her lip as she sat down. She couldn’t look at Jase. She definitely couldn’t look at anyone else either.

Did he understand her insecurity? Did he understand the emotions churning inside her were so newfound she was caught in a whirlpool that might suck her into oblivion? Would he care if he did?

A gentle finger under her chin turned her face toward him. With a shaky breath she lifted her gaze.

“I wasn’t ready for that to end.” The shining light of his gaze had reassured her a little, but his whispered words and the possessive kiss he then touched to her lips filled her with happiness.

“Neither was I,” she admitted.

The rest of the evening took on a surreal touch. They ate, they chatted, they danced. But Debra wouldn’t have been able to give an account of any of that. Her whole being was centred on Jase.

At one point guilt flashed through her. She was ignoring her guests. Their indulgent smiles quelled any remorse. Anticipation tingled through her—anticipation of the night ahead. Toward the end of the evening they again joined others on the dance floor. Barely moving in time to the soft music, Debra clung to Jase.

The evidence of his arousal tight against her stomach, she felt no awkwardness at taking the initiative. “Stay with me tonight,” she managed to croak through dry lips.

Jase’s hold on her tightened. “Can we leave right now?” His voice held a certain amount of doubtful irony, but his expression spoke of his urgency to do just that.

She glanced over at Paul and Chloe sitting close together at their table, hands entwined. “Maybe one more drink would satisfy them we’d played good hosts.”

He snuggled her close. “You may not get an award for the most gracious hostess tonight.” She giggled. “You’ve virtually ignored them, but I doubt they care. I bet they’re as eager to leave as we are.”

“I had my mind on other things,” she quipped back.

“Yeah. Me too.” He ground their hips together and groaned. “That’s it. I’ve had as much as I can stand.”

He towed her behind him as he stalked off the dance floor. With one arm around each of their shoulders, he told Paul and Chloe, “We’re leaving. Goodnight.”

Debra had no choice but to follow him, managing to throw a giddy smile across at an unsurprised Paul and Chloe as Jase paid the bill.

Nothing was said as they settled into a cruising taxi. Alighting at Debra’s apartment building, her hands shook so much she had trouble getting the key from her evening bag. Jase’s help sped them into the privacy of her own little world—one she was about to share with Jase.

“I haven’t done this for a long time,” she mumbled as nerves took hold of her.

“Then we’ll have to make it extra special.”

She took a back step as Jase approached. The warmth of his expression did little to calm the nervous tension filling her.

“Relax.” His lopsided smile did help. “We’re not going to do anything you don’t want to. I promise.”

“But I do want...” The words burst from her as she imagined him saying goodnight and leaving. Thankfully he showed no sign of doing any such thing.

He kept advancing as she kept retreating until the edge of the sofa blocked her path. She shook. He was so close now she could feel his breath on her face. “What do you want, Debbie?” he whispered as his hand cupped her cheek. “Tell me?”

Her stomach clenched. She sought the words but none would come. She ached for him and his intimate touch. She had dreamed of them being together. What was the matter with her?

She was scared. Scared of losing control. Scared of failure. Scared of not being enough of a woman to satisfy him.

The smouldering flame in his look and his tenderness unlocked her fears. She believed him. He wouldn’t allow this to go beyond any boundaries she might set.

Her heart hammering in her ears and her tongue too large for her mouth, she handed him her heart.

“I want you.” She stared into his eyes. “All of you.” Her voice faltered a little but the ache inside was too intense to ignore any longer. “Now.”

“Thank God.” With a relieved laugh Jase picked Debra up and swung her around.

Debra squealed and giggled. “You make me feel like a school girl.”

He set her feet back onto the ground. “We can’t have that,” he murmured. His hands slipped from under her arms and settled on her breasts. Finding their peaks through the red fabric he squeezed and rolled until Debra could no longer contain her moans.

Lips scorched down the side of her neck, across the expanse of bare skin above her breast until nudging aside the cloth, he bared the prize he sought.

“Still feel like a school girl?”

His hands and lips were doing agonizing things to her body. A simple touch enflamed her and sent all coherent thought from her head. Her legs turned to jelly and she clutched at him. “If so, I’d be a very naughty schoolgirl. The bedroom’s that way.” She waved a vague hand but it had the desired effect. Jase eased the thin straps off her shoulders as they went.

“It’s been driving me crazy all night, knowing there was so little between us. I’ve dreamed of seeing you like this for so long.” Naked to the waist, Debra gloried in the thickness of his speech, the shaking of his hands as he caressed her.

Ripping at the buttons on his shirt her hands were stilled by his. “We have all the time in the world,” he whispered as he nibbled at her ear. “No need to rush.”

“I want to rush,” she moaned as she squirmed against him. “Please Jase.” Unbuckling his belt she begged him, “Make love to me now, Jase. Now.”

His strangled laugh touched something deep inside. Every pore of her being centred on pleasing him as their bodies clamoured for release.


Instead of feeling tired or sore, Debra felt rejuvenated as dawn coloured the sky pink outside her window.

Jase slept, his face turned toward her. A little smile sometimes tugged at his lips as if his dreams were pleasant. She hoped they were.

She hoped he’d enjoyed their love-making. Moving onto her side, she propped up her head. Their initial union had been explosive. A shiver ran through Debra as she remembered the aftermath of that union.

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