The Childe (11 page)

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Authors: C. A. Kunz

BOOK: The Childe
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“Hey Cat! There are your parents. Why are your Uncle Aldon and Aunt Druanna with them? Didn’t you say they were out of the country?” Amanda asked looking at Cat.

“They must’ve come home early. I’ll be back in a sec.” Both of them watched as Cat made her way over to where her family was standing. Giggling, they watched as Cat stooped down to give a big hug to her great aunt and then struggled on her tip toes to hug her great uncle. Great Aunt Druanna was a little overweight with long grey hair, golden brown eyes and a constant smile that lit up her whole face. Cat couldn’t remember a time that she wasn’t smiling. Great Uncle Aldon’s grey beard was a little longer than most men his age, when she was little she thought he was Santa in disguise.

“Why aren’t you in Egypt? Dad said you were going to be gone for a month,” Cat asked Aldon with a confused look.

“I missed my family, and besides ancient relics will always be there. Well at least for another hundred years or so,” Aldon said laughing, looking down at her.

“Well I better get back to my seat. My friend Elle will be coming out soon. Can’t wait to hear all about your trip Uncle Al!”

“Go, be with your friends, we’ll talk later,” he said smiling lovingly at Cat.

“Cat, why don’t you come and sit with us?” Kirsten asked blocking her way back to her seat.

“I’d love to. But I promised Elle I’d be sitting where we normally do, maybe some other time, ok.”

Kirsten forced a smile. “Okay, later then,” she said and then stormed back to her seat causing trouble as she went.

Relieved, Cat took her seat between Matt and Amanda, “She really wants to get close to Taylor, doesn’t she? Can’t she see he only has eyes for Trish? How stupid can you be! I have a good mind to go and tell her,” Amanda rambled on.

“Amanda behave! Just let it go. She wouldn’t hear you anyway. Your parents aren’t exactly in her parents’ tax bracket either.” Before Cat could say any more the band started to play the school song and the crowd went wild. The two teams ran through their paper banners on either end of the field. The noise from both sides of the stadium was deafening. Jonathen led the panthers. Cat turned to look behind her as she heard Trish and her friends, yelling out his name. She then turned her focus back to the field and her eyes landed on Ryan. She felt a jolt when his eyes met hers. Cat slouched in her seat, unsure of the feeling she just experienced.
He must’ve been looking at someone else
, she told herself while watching Taylor and the others running behind him.

The horn blew signaling the start of the game. The crowd erupted again as the ball was carried to mid field. The band struck up to the tune of
Go, Fight, Win
and just as if the crowd were a single entity, they yelled in unison along with the chant. Elle and the cheerleaders took their place on the sidelines and her voice could be heard loud and clear.

Cat looked around the stands and saw Isaac and his group. Hannah noticed Cat and tried to wave but her arm was held down by Amelia who had been watching Cat. “Do you want to make your brother angry at you for associating with that girl?” Amelia sneered. Hannah didn’t answer. Pulling away from her, Hannah moved to sit by the other two in their group, the Stone twins. They were so identical that no one could tell them apart.

Cat turned back to the game as Taylor was about to get snapped the ball.
Oh no he’s going to fumble
, she thought. Taylor fumbled the snap, but luckily fell on the ball. The crowd groaned. The ball was snapped again and Taylor backed up avoiding tackles left and right.
Devin’s going to catch it and make a touchdown.
Cat swore she heard a voice talking in her ear. The pass was caught and ran in easily for a touchdown.
Oh. My. God! How’d I know that was going to happen? This is too weird. Did I make that happen? No! I couldn’t have! There’s no way!

“Do you want anything from the snack bar?” Matt asked leaning over, breaking her train of thought.

Cat shook her head no. “Thanks anyway Matt.” He stood and the crowd quieted.

“Thanks for asking if I wanted anything Matthew,” Amanda called out drawing the attention of the people around them.

“I’m sorry your highness, is there anything I could retrieve for you from the stand of concession?” he asked bowing as several people in the stands giggled.

“Well, since you asked. Yes, I’d love a box of Milk Duds, please,” she replied with a grin, shoeing him away with her left hand.

He bowed again, “yes your Highness, as you wish,” he said heading down the bleachers.

Turning her attention back to the game, Cat saw Ryan taking the field. A rush of excitement filled her.
Why am I getting excited to see him play? I don’t even like him. No I don’t. Of course, I don’t hate him! Oh great, now I’m arguing about him with myself.
She silently groaned.

“Trish is so full of herself! I want Taylor and I’m going to get him! I‘ve got to rethink my strategy! Jess and Tonya are so hopeless, no help at all!”

Cat looked around expecting Kirsten to be in the near vicinity, having sounded like she had whispered in her ear. She was shocked to see her in the same seat as before.

“Amanda did you just hear what Kirsten said?”

“What? How could I? She’s all the way up there,” she replied, her eyes glued to the field.

“This is so boring, I hate football. If Taylor wasn’t out there, I’d definitely be somewhere else. I wish Tonya would stop smacking her gum. She sounds so common.”
Cat watched as Kirsten’s mouth never moved, yet she heard her voice loud and clear. A roar from the crowd brought her back to the game just in time to see Ryan being pulled down after running twenty yards.

Ryan ran to the sidelines and took off his helmet. Looking up at Cat he grinned. She quickly moved her attention to Taylor who was setting up to get hiked the ball. She leaned down as if she had dropped something and then scooted over to Matt’s seat. Quickly sitting up, Cat glanced back at Ryan who was still standing there foolishly grinning at her. She could feel her face turning red, as she knew now she was the object of his attention.

“Hey Cat! Cat! Could you grab some of this stuff?” She looked up and saw Matt struggling. He held a flimsy cardboard tray with a huge assortment of food on it, while trying to balance two large drinks under his chin. She grabbed the cups and moved back to her seat. Matt sunk down into his, relieved that he hadn’t dropped anything.

“Who are you feeding?” she asked.

“What do you mean? It’s just a few snacks. I’m a growing man.”

Amanda reached over and grabbed her candy. “Thanks Dud, I mean Dude,” she laughed to herself as she opened the box and popped a chocolate in her mouth.

“Here are your drinks Matt,” Cat said holding them up so he could take them.

“Can you put them at my feet? I left my extra pair of hands at home,” he replied.

“Oh what a geek…” Amanda began, but then was drowned out by the roar of the crowd.

“What did I miss?” he asked jumping up, knocking one cup over with his foot and thanking Cat as she saved the other one. “I knew I needed two drinks! Can’t be too prepared.” Cat laughed.

Taylor cocked his arm back, and scrambled to the left. Cat saw Ryan running down the sidelines, keeping his eyes on Taylor.
He’s going to miss it! Damn!
She thought. The crowd groaned in agony as the ball flew past Ryan’s head.
What in the world? Where’d that come from?
Cat sat back stunned in disbelief.

She’s such a witch. I wish Samantha would fall flat on her face. I heard her talking about me today and she doesn’t know that I did! Just wait! I’ll get her back.
Cat stared intently at the cheerleader in front of them. Candy had a distinct accent as she moved from South Carolina and everyone thought her southern drawl was cute. Candy raised her pom-poms and started another cheer.

Who does she think she is? The captain of the squad? Cindy should rip her a new one, southern cow. Candy, Candy, Candy it’s all about her. Well like I told Jenny today, I’m going to get even with her.
Cat sat in awe watching Samantha force a smile at Candy.

Why didn’t her lips move? What’s wrong with me? Am I hallucinating?
Cat wondered. Looking at the clock she realized it was almost half-time. She stood and pushed past a startled Matt.
I have to get out of here! This is too crazy! What the hell is going on!

“Cat, where are you going?” Matt shouted around a mouthful of food. “You’ll miss the half-time show!” She didn’t acknowledge him as he watched her run down the bleachers.

“Where’s Cat going?” Amanda leaned over and yelled at Matt. He shrugged his shoulders.

“She must’ve needed to pee or something,” he replied stuffing the last bit of hot dog in his mouth.

The horn sounded announcing halftime and people rushed from their seats.
Gosh I’ve got to pee,
Cat heard.
Boy I’m thirsty! Wish I could have a beer right now.
She whirled around trying to figure out where the voices were coming from.
I wish he would notice me, I’m such a spaz.
She covered her ears as the voices, all talking at once, hurt her head. The pounding in her head blurred it so that she couldn’t make out words anymore. Running out the gate toward the parking lot, she made her way to an isolated group of trees, giving her the privacy she craved. Sitting down in the grass, she tried to catch her breath, fearing that her heart was going to leap out of her chest. “Maybe I’m going crazy,” she said to the tree in front of her. She forced herself to stay calm. She knew she had heard those people’s thoughts.
I’ve never experienced that before. How’d I know what was going to happen in the game? I need to just relax and not panic. Yes…not panic. There’s got to be a rational explanation for this.
She thought, as she remembered one of the TV shows she had seen. A man had been in an accident, then in a coma, and when he woke up he was psychic.
Maybe when I hit my head at the Carnival?
She wondered. She knew she couldn’t simply sit in the privacy of the trees for the rest of the game. Not with her friends and family in the stands. Her mom, for sure, would come looking for her and that’s the last thing she needed. She was in no shape to try and hide this, so she made her way back to her seat.

“Where have you been? You missed Elle!” Amanda asked.

“I had to go to the bathroom, is that all right?” she snapped back. Amanda’s eyes grew big.
Cat’s never yelled at me. Not even when I cut chunks out of her hair when we were six. And she had to walk around for a year until it grew out,
Amanda thought.

“Sorry, Amanda, my stomach’s upset,” Cat murmured.

“Must be your time of the month coming up Cat,” Matt interjected.

“Matthew Ian Thomas that is not a subject to bring up in civilized conversation,” Amanda yelled, leaning across Cat and slapping him on the chest. The four girls sitting in front of them snickered.

“I just can’t win! Girls are so sensitive and us guys are never right,” he mumbled throwing up his arms. Cat stared straight ahead, oblivious to what her friends were saying and doing.

Looking around, her eyes landed on Isaac and his group.
Okay Mr. Isaac yo
re going to be my experiment, C
at thought to herself. Staring hard at Isaac, she repeated to herself
: I want to read Isaac’s mind, I want to read Isaac’s mind.
Several intense seconds of concentrating later, she realized nothing was happening. Suddenly Isaac turned his head as did Amelia and the twins, their penetrating stares made her shiver. Turning away quickly, Cat saw Ryan catch the ball and run into the end zone as the end of game horn sounded. The crowd jumped to their feet, and roared. She realized he just scored the winning touchdown. Turning back to Isaac’s group, their cold stares slammed into her. Pain in her chest made her release the breath she didn’t realize she was holding. Matt and Amanda grabbed her in a hug, jumping up and blocking her view of Isaac’s group. When the excitement settled, Cat scanned the crowd, trying to find Isaac, but he was gone.


“Okay you two, I’m going upstairs and having a long, hot bath. I’m so cold! It’s really too bad they don’t have seat warmers for those bleachers at the games!” Rachel complained walking up the stairs. Cat and Sam smiled at each other. Her dad mouthed
seat warmers,
making her giggle. As her mom disappeared up the stairs, she turned to her dad. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

“Sure honey. You look so serious. Am I in trouble?” Cat laughed, as her dad cocked an eyebrow at her. He never assumed that she and Taylor were in trouble. She really loved her dad. Sam led Cat into his study and shut the door. Sitting comfortably on the couch, he looked at her, waiting for her to speak.

“Dad…do you know anything about intuition or being able to hear people’s thoughts?”

“Like ESP?” Sam asked reclining back on the couch, a look of relief on his face. “Well I think I can handle this one. When I first went to college I majored in Psychology, but it was depressing so I ended up choosing Ancient and World History instead. Not as depressing, but yet some of the things mankind has done to one another can be so…Sorry honey, I know, I’m rambling. During my studies, I just happened to come across a man who declared himself a true psychic and mind reader. Of course, I was skeptical but then I thought, there’s so much in this world we don’t know about and so how can we not go into things with an open mind? This guy was amazing. Yes, truly amazing. And I walked away with a new insight to the paranormal. There are people blessed or cursed depending on how they perceive it, who could do all these things. Why do you ask?” Sam trailed off as he studied his daughter. She shifted in her seat as if uncomfortable.

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