The Childe (12 page)

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Authors: C. A. Kunz

BOOK: The Childe
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“Lately, I’ve been having these little episodes where I think about something that’s about to happen and it does.”

Sam smiled brightly, “It’s called female intuition. You’re almost an adult and believe me, the older you get the more things the people around you can’t get away with. Your mother’s intuition is phenomenal. I can’t get away with anything. But I still love her.”

Grinning, Cat rose from her chair. “Thanks dad, for listening.”

“Anytime sweetheart. And here I thought we were going to have ‘the talk’,” he said laughing.

“The talk? Dad please, mom and I had ‘the talk’ years ago,” Cat said giggling.

“Oh…well, never mind then. Now, you go on and get some rest, you’ve got a big day ahead of you tomorrow,” he said shooing her out of his study after giving her a big hug and kiss on the cheek.

Tomorrow I’ll have to sit down with Aldon. Something is starting to happen with Cat and we need to find out what it is,
Sam thought as he watched Cat leave the room. He hit the light switch on the wall, plunging the room into darkness. Checking the front door, he slowly made his way up the stairs. I’
ll not tell Rachel just yet. I’ll wait until Aldon and I have a chance to talk first.


Cat laid awake tossing and turning. Finally, she decided to go down to the study to pick out a book to read.
Maybe one of dad’s boring books could help put me to sleep,
she thought reassuring herself. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, she heard muffled voices and saw light coming from under the door of the study. Opening the door she was greeted by Taylor and his friends sprawled around the room.

“Hey Cat,” Jonathen said as the others looked on.

“Hey guys, what’s up? Can’t sleep either, huh? That was a great game tonight by the way. Kept us on the edge of our seats! That’s for sure!” Cat quipped causing the group to laugh. “So where are the females? Or is this a boy’s night in?”

“We’re just unwinding. Letting off some steam. Did we wake you?” Devin asked.

“No, I couldn’t sleep. I thought I’d find a boring book and see if that would do the trick.”

“I find hot cocoa puts me under,” Devin stated, blushing when everyone stared at him. “Hot cocoa is a manly drink! My dad drinks it,” he said defensively.

“Taylor likes cocoa too,” Cat said with a mischievous grin as Taylor gave her an exasperated look.

“What? Anyway, I guess I’ll just pick out my book and leave you boys alone to have your secret meeting.”

“This is a team meeting,” Taylor corrected her.

“So where’s the rest of the team then? At least where’s Ryan, your star running back?” she asked as everyone looked at Jonathen for the answer. She felt confused,
why is everyone looking at him. Did I say something wrong?
She thought.

“Here,” Taylor said grabbing a book off the shelf, “Read this, if it doesn’t put you to sleep, nothing will.” He pushed the book into Cat’s hands and then firmly steered her to the door, closing it behind her.

“How rude, I didn’t even get to say goodnight,” Cat muttered as she climbed the stairs.


The Purple Door



Peering through her living room curtains, Maude watched as a little purple Volkswagen sputtered into her neighbor’s driveway. “Albert you should see who just pulled in to the Colvin’s. She looks like a hippie. Remember them?” When he failed to answer, she left her post and smacked him with a rolled up newspaper.

“Ow, what was that for?” Albert whined, rubbing his head.

“For not listening! I swear, drug dealing hippies are in our neighborhood and you could care less!” She snapped and resumed her post at the window.

“Get away from there. It’s none of your business who comes and goes in the neighborhood. Remember last year?” he blurted out.

“I don’t like your tone, Albert Roberts. Besides I only did it for the common good of the neighborhood. How was I supposed to know that those garbage men weren’t running a money laundering scheme out of their garbage truck? Now come over here and see her when she comes out. Oh look, she and Catherine are coming out of the house now! Hurry, Albert!” Albert turned the page of his newspaper, acting as if he hadn’t heard her.

“Oh, well that’s just great! Come on Fredricka, I guess the fate of the neighborhood rests in our hands. Be a good girl and stand still for mommy so I can put on your leash. No, you can’t stay with daddy. Come on, before they get away!” she demanded as Fredricka laid down, refusing to budge. Ignoring Fredricka’s wine of protest, Maude dragged her across the room. Opening the door, she pulled her outside. “Yoo-hoo, Catherine! Where are you off to so early on a Saturday?” she called out, her voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard.

“Oh, hi Mrs. Roberts. I’m just going out. How is Mr. Roberts?” Cat asked changing the subject.

“Oh he’s fine, I’m just taking little Fredricka out for a wee wee,” she replied. Cat held in her laugh as Fredricka lay down and exposed her belly. “Fredricka, you don’t do that in public! Have you no shame?” she chastised. The poodle ignored her.

“Where are my manners? Mrs. Roberts, this is my teacher, Miss Amaya.”

“Namaste,” Miss Amaya said smiling at Maude.

“Glad to meet you. Cat how does she teach if she doesn’t speak English?” Maude asked.

“I speak English. In fact I’m a native of Covington County,” she answered before Cat could respond.

“Then what was that foreign word you said just now?” Maude asked rudely.

“Oh, Namaste? It means the soul in me greets the soul in you,” she replied serenely, her smile growing bigger.

“Oh…well…I think Fredricka is done. You two have a lovely day now, okay.” The two watched as Maude drug the poodle back into the house, slamming the door. “Albert I was right! That lady takes and deals drugs. I really need to inform Rachel, poor child. She’s probably oblivious.” Albert said nothing and turned the page of his newspaper.


Holding on for dear life to the little hand rail attached to the Volkswagen’s dashboard, Cat watched the scenery fly by. “Nifty little item huh. I had it installed so that when I go around corners my passenger would have something to hold on to. Apparently some people think I drive a little too defensively. But I say you can never be too careful!” Miss Amaya stated as Cat giggled nervously.

Next to Miss Amaya, Cat felt she was underdressed with her jeans and dark maroon hoodie.
I wish I would have asked what to wear,
she thought while looking down and scanning her outfit. “You look fine Cat. This is how I normally dress outside of school.”

How does she do that
it’s like she reads my mind
Maybe I should tell her about m
experiences last night. No, she would think I’m crazy.

The car turned sharply as it rounded a bend. Cat tightly clutched the small bar, her knuckles turning ghostly white. The little car veered to the right and bounced onto a small road that didn’t seem large enough to accommodate two vehicles. Cat held her breath as a large truck barreled toward them. Closing her eyes, she felt the car swerve and the ground become extremely bumpy. The truck passed by, blaring its horn. Cracking one eye open, she watched the little bug jump back onto the road. Looking at Miss Amaya, Cat realized the incident hadn’t phased her one bit. In fact she sped up causing the little car to groan.

A forest of tall, dark, and bare trees loomed ahead. Driving through their archway, they were plunged into darkness. The road was suddenly illuminated by the car’s headlights, sending small animals scurrying out of their path. “Don’t worry Cat. They’re quick. The animals are used to this,” Miss Amaya said smiling reassuringly. Looking to the right, Cat noticed a patch of sunlight shining through the tree canopy on a group of Elk gathered by a small stream. As the purple bug sped by the majestic animals, Cat swore she saw them look up and then bow their heads as if welcoming them into the forest.

“Miss Amaya…did you, just see that?” Cat asked confused.

“What, what did you see?”

“Oh, nothing…never mind,” Cat replied.

The forest seemed to be endless. Cat could no longer see anything through the thick darkness. The path ahead was now only barely illuminated. Grabbing ahold of her pentagram necklace, Miss Amaya began mumbling something to herself.

“Miss Amaya what are-“

Before Cat could finish her sentence they were suddenly bathed in sunlight as they emerged from the woods. Cat’s eyes widened as she took in the scenery around her. Fields of brightly colored flowers carpeted either side of the tiny road. Ahead she saw small, colorful cottages gracing the top of the hill. Each one surrounded by a small picket fence with beautiful gardens nestled inside. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Miss Amaya smiling. “Breath taking, isn’t it? I never get tired of the feeling I get when I come here. It’s so peaceful, so tranquil. A place a person can just breathe.” Cat nodded too stunned to say anything, her senses on overload.

Why wasn’t this place on the tourist maps?
Cat asked herself. She had looked up Wedgewick Village on the internet, but couldn’t find it anywhere. She even went into her father’s study to look at his map of Covington County. Using the huge magnifying glass sitting on his desk, she still couldn’t find it.

Cat’s attention focused on a sign on the side of the road.


Zooming past the sign, it shook and the population changed to 1000.

Pulling into a small vacant lot, Cat winced as the car backfired loudly as Miss Amaya turned it off. Standing outside the car, she took a deep breath. “Cat, breathe in this air! You won’t find anything like it, anywhere on the planet.”

How is this air any different from anywhere else? Different from the smog filled cities maybe, but other than that. Oh well, who am I to argue with my Earth Science teacher?
She wondered.

“Cat I know you’ll fall in love with this place! So, a brief tour it shall be and then on to The Purple Door. We are going to have so much fun!” she exclaimed linking arms with Cat, walking down a small alley. At the end of the alley lay a huge circle made of cobblestone. Astoria had cobblestone streets, but they were dull compared to the polished surface that lay before them. The town center was alive with activity. People of various shapes and sizes, dressed in all kinds of clothing filled the large area. A light breeze blew and Cat noticed a flag flying from a pole in the middle of the square. It read:
. Surrounding the words were numerous symbols, some she recognized as religious ones.

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