The Childe (18 page)

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Authors: C. A. Kunz

BOOK: The Childe
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Walking into Earth Science, Cat stood by her desk, closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. “Bad day, huh Cat? You look like you’ve got the weight of the world on your shoulders. And your aura’s not too happy either,” Miss Amaya said frowning at her.

“No, just
Crawley problems.” Cat sighed.

“Can’t be all that bad. I know Mr. Crawley is difficult to get along with. But I thought you of all people could handle him.”

“He’s failing me! And now I’m stuck with a tutor. Which just complicates things even more,” she replied, her shoulders drooping.

“Ryan’s a complication?” Miss Amaya asked.

“How do you know he’s my tutor?” Cat’s shocked eyes met hers.

“I just know,” she said smiling mysteriously. “Now how can I help?” Miss Amaya asked placing her hand on Cat’s arm.”

“I know you perform spells. Do you have one that can turn Mr. Crawley into a frog? Only just for 7
period of course?” she asked, noticing the amused look on her teacher’s face.

“Now Cat you know our creed is to harm no living creature, and that would be a little harmful don’t you think?”

“Well it was worth a try,” she replied laughing as the bell rang to start the period.

“Everyone take your seats. I’m going to have Steven pass out a little packet I put together on today’s material.” Steven stood abruptly and took the papers from her. He turned and the class could see the bemused look on his face. It was a look Cat had seen on many of her male classmates when they were called on by their beautiful teacher. She giggled to herself wondering if Miss Amaya knew of the effect she had on them. “Today, we’re going to learn a little about Mother Nature’s little natural wonders. Stones and crystals, their meanings and how they can be used in your daily life.” The hour seemed to fly by, filled with knowledge of agates, crystals, geodes, and their uses. The bell rang and the class collectively groaned. “Okay if you like what we did today, tomorrow I’ll bring in some of my stones and show you their magic!” Chatter filled the room, making it clear they definitely wanted to learn more.

Dreading her next class, Cat slowly collected her books and shoved them one by one into her bag. “Cat, your aura looked wonderful in class, now it’s a little off again. I want you to think positive, don’t let him get to you,” Miss Amaya said walking her to the door.

“Thanks, I’ll try, since I can’t count on the frog thing,” Cat murmured and then trudged down the hall, her teacher’s delightful laughter ringing in her ears. Miss Amaya sat in the chair behind her desk. Closing her eyes, she mumbled a few words then turned her head to watch her next class filtering in.

Walking into algebra, Cat ignored Mr. Crawley, who was standing at the front of the room. Dropping her books on her desk, she saw a pair of scuffed shoes and a multi pleated pair of pants standing next to her. Restraining herself from looking up, she opened her book and pretended to read. “What are you going to do with all your spare time, now that your swimming career is on the shelf?”

“Whatever do you mean Mr. Crawley?” Cat asked smiling innocently.

“Your inability to participate in your favorite pastime,” he said in a triumphant tone, as if he had just won a battle.

“I am at a loss Mr. Crawley…oh I see, you think I can’t swim anymore. Well apparently I can. According to school policy, a student who is failing a subject can still participate in school sports as long as they show they’re making an effort to improve. You’ll be happy to know I now have a personal tutor. I’ve been told he is one of the few students who have actually made an A in your class. Ryan Beckford. You must remember him from last year?” Cat said sweetly as she watched his eyes widen.

He narrowed his eyes angrily once more. “You haven’t won yet!” he whispered bending over so only she could hear him. He then turned abruptly storming back to his desk, filling the room with his anger.

I might enjoy today’s class,
she thought as she watched Mr. Crawley grab the chalk and began writing furiously on the board.


Blow drying her hair after practice, something she hadn’t done before, Cat thought about why she was doing it now.
Its cold out, I can’t afford to get sick this late in the swimming season. Okay so that explains why I’m drying my hair, but why am I putting on lip gloss too? I admit it. I don’t want to look too hideous when we study. I do have pride in myself. It’s not like I am doing it for him, but for me. Yes that’s it. Oh, who are you kidding Cat?
She looked around to make sure she hadn’t said the words out loud.
Good, no one’s looking in my direction. I’m safe.
Grabbing her messenger bag, she said goodbye to the stragglers and left the locker room.

It didn’t take Cat long to reach the library. First thing she noticed was the absence of light behind the two huge glass windows. As she walked closer, she saw a sign taped to the door stating that due to a leak in the roof, it would be closed until further notice. Groaning, she turned and spotted a chair sitting off to the side. Tired from her rigorous practice, she plopped down on it. The hallway was quiet. In fact it was a little spooky. Looking out the window opposite her, she noticed the sun had all but set. All she could see was the outline of the forest at the back of the school. Tapping her foot, she looked at her watch.
Where is he? It’s passed five. Maybe he’s forgotten. I’ll wait a few more minutes, then I’ll call Taylor’s cell to see if he’s still here.
She knew Taylor often stayed late after practice talking to the coach. She heard a noise coming from the library, it sounded like someone shuffling around. Standing up, she walked toward the door, clutching her messenger bag tightly.
You stupid fool! Cat, stop! You’ve had a dark figure stalking you and now you want to go investigate a strange noise? Go the other way!
Her inner voice yelled. She hesitated, her curiosity getting the best of her. She began thinking about all the movies she had seen where people had gone to investigate a noise, instead of running the other way to get help, and ended up in trouble. A loud bang on the door startled her.
Screw this! Enough weird things have been happening to me lately, I don’t need this too!
Cat thought hurrying down the hall away from the library. Someone was ahead in the distance walking in her direction. Under the dim lighting she couldn’t make out who it was. For a second she panicked. Thinking it was the cloaked dark figure from before approaching her caused her to have a quick flashback to the hall of mirrors. The person came into view and she breathed a sigh of relief. It was Ryan.

“Sorry I’m late Cat.”

“Ryan, the library’s closed but I heard strange noises. They seemed like they were coming from inside! I think someone’s in there!” He took her arm and felt her shaking. She gazed into his eyes and her nerves began to settle.

“Okay, you stay here and I’ll go look,” he said in a calming tone.

“No, we should just go!” She said tugging at his arm.

“It’s okay Cat, it’s probably the shaky pipes or something. This side of the school’s really old. It’s okay. Just stay here and I’ll be right back.” Cat watched apprehensively as he walked down the hall. Ryan pulled on the library door and to his surprise it was open.

“Hello? Is anybody in here?” his voice echoed through the vast room. He felt for a light switch and shielded his eyes as the bright fluorescents came on. Seeing no one, he turned off the lights, closed the door and walked back toward Cat. “Nobody’s there. Must be the old pipes. I saw a ladder in the middle of the room. They’re probably working on them or something.”

“I feel like such an idiot,” she said looking relieved, her fingers rubbing at her temple.

“You’re not an idiot. But we do have a problem though. Where are we going to study now?” he asked.

“Umm…we could go to my house. I bet you’re hungry. My mom wouldn’t mind you coming over, she always makes plenty of food,” Cat replied.

“I don’t know if that’s…”

“Well, do you have a better suggestion?” she interrupted him. “No? Then we’re going to my house. Feeding you is the least I can do considering you’re helping me,” she said walking down the hall. “Coming Ryan?”

The library door creaked opened, as Ryan and Cat disappeared down the hall. “Damn! I thought she’d come in,” Isaac growled in frustration.

“I guess your plan didn’t work. Damn it, I broke a nail!” Amelia whined, examining the damage that was caused from banging on the library door just moments ago.

“Quit complaining,” Isaac snapped at her. “What’s Ryan doing with her anyway? Flirting with the enemy, huh Ryan? We’ll see about that!” he murmured, walking angrily down the hall as Amelia struggled to keep up with him.

Sitting in Ryan’s sporty looking car, the plush leather seats surrounding her, Cat watched as he moved around to the driver’s side. She was surprised when he had followed her to the passenger door and opened it, waiting until she arranged herself, and then closed the door.
Who says chivalry is dead
? Cat thought, delighted he had performed the simple act.

Ryan felt uncomfortable the whole ride to Cat’s house.
If she only knew why I was late to the library
, he thought. After practice Taylor had cornered him and said that he heard he was his sister’s assigned tutor. He was unhappy with the arrangement. Ryan assured him that he wasn’t happy either and the decision was made for him. Taylor made it quite clear that other than tutoring, his sister was off limits.

Cat kept glancing at Ryan. He looked worried. “My parents don’t bite,” she joked.

“What?” he asked nervously turning his head toward her.

“I said my parents don’t bite. You look worried,” she said with a grin.

“Oh, I was just thinking about Friday’s game.” Cat knew he was lying. If she had learned anything from watching her mom, it was that when people fidget while they’re talking, they’re most likely not telling the truth. Pulling into her driveway, Cat threw open the car door and ran through the rain to the front porch. Ryan followed after, coming up close behind her to stand under the lip of the roof. The rain intensified and Cat tensed as Ryan moved closer to her to avoid getting soaked. She felt her heartbeat quicken and became flustered as she fumbled with the house key. Her hand shook as she tried to turn the key. Ryan reached out and placed his hand on hers, steadying it. She turned to face him and noticed a slight smile on his face.
What is he smiling about? Oh he has such a gorgeous smile. Stop it Cat! This is not the time or place!
Quickly gaining her composure she turned and pushed opened the front door and was greeted with by a blast of warm air as she crossed the threshold.

“Mom, dad, I’m home!” she called out. Looking behind her seeing Ryan still standing outside, “Ryan get in here, you’re going to get soaked!” she said waiting as he walked into the foyer and the closed the door behind him.

“Honey, you’re home early. I thought…” Rachel stopped short, her eyes focused on Ryan.

“Library was closed, so I invited Ryan to dinner. It’s the least I could do since he’s going to make me a math aficionado.” she laughed taking off her shoes and hanging her bag and coat on the hall coat tree, missing the silent exchange between her mom and Ryan.

As if snapping out of a trance, Rachel came forward, plastering an overly bright smile on her face. “Hello Ryan. Of course it’s alright, I always make plenty!” Ryan glanced at Cat who was staring confused at her mom.

“You okay mom, you look a little pale?”

“Of course I’m okay. It must be all this cooking, it takes a lot out of you, ya know.” Rachel laughed, hoping it sounded genuine. “Don’t just stand there Cat, take Ryan’s coat and show him where to wash up. Dinner’s almost ready! Your father should be home soon and I can’t remember if Taylor is coming home or if he made plans with Trish. Oh well, at least you two will eat!” She rambled on as she made her way back into the kitchen. Cat showed Ryan the small bathroom off to the right under the stairs and then followed her mom into the kitchen.

“You don’t mind that I invited Ryan home, do you mom?” she inquired.

“Of course not honey!” Turning, as the sound of the front door opening drew her gaze, “Oh there’s your dad! Here stir this!” Rachel thrust the spoon into Cat’s hand and then scurried out of the room. Relieved the stairwell bathroom door was still closed Rachel ran up to Sam and dragged him into the study, shutting the door behind them.

“Rachel, what’s this? You didn’t even let me take my coat or shoes off, what’s wrong?” he asked grabbing her shoulders realizing his wife was upset.

“Cat brought her tutor home for dinner, something about the library being closed,” she whispered.

“Why are you whispering and why are you upset that she brought her tutor home?” he asked studying the worried look in her eyes.

“It’s Ryan Beckford,” she murmured.

“Oh. Okay, well this is a little bit of a problem. But, don’t panic. Everything will be fine.”

“But-” Rachel began.

“It will be all right dear. Now calm down and go back in the kitchen. I don’t want Cat to notice you’re upset.” Both of them turned to the closed study door as they heard the front door open and close. “It’s Taylor! I must talk to him. You go to the kitchen now!” Sam said pushing Rachel to the door. To their dismay they watched the kitchen door swinging shut, just catching a glimpse of Taylor walking through it.

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