The Childe (32 page)

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Authors: C. A. Kunz

BOOK: The Childe
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“I know, I know, make sure the house doesn’t burn down and put Cat out with the garbage!” Taylor called out grinning.

“You better be nice young man! I can still put you over my knee,” Sam replied trying to look foreboding but the twinkle in his eyes gave him away. “Just ignore him Cat. I know you do all the time.” He chuckled. “Now, woman we have to go!” Grabbing Rachel he opened the door and the two hurried down the pathway. Locking the door behind them, Cat turned and looked up at Taylor.

“Garbage, huh? Like you could,” she joked as she walked back to the kitchen, ignoring the laughter from above.

“Sam, I’m worried about how this is going to look. The news said the girl looked like she was mauled by an animal,” Rachel said fidgeting in the passenger seat.

“The townspeople are none the wiser Rach. Whoever is doing this, they meant to make it look like an animal attack. I just wish I knew why.”

“Maybe Aldon should speak with Lucien.”

“Yes, that might be wise. I hope this doesn’t trace back to
. I’m having a hard time believing it could be someone from
group,” Sam replied maneuvering the slick streets as sleet fell hard on the windshield.

Lightning struck and thunder sounded, setting the tone of the town hall meeting. Sam fought with the door helping Rachel through it, letting in some of the rain before wrestling it shut. The warm, humid hall was jammed packed with worried citizens voicing their fears to one another. A confident, tall man made his way to the podium as the crowd noise began to diminish. Markus Woods, the youngest Mayor in Astoria’s history, stood before them.

“Ladies and Gentlemen,” his strong voice came over the speakers, “Thank you for coming tonight.” Murmurs ran through the crowd. “Everyone…please…can I have your attention…Thank you. There is something wrong in our backyard. As you all know there have been three disappearances in the area as of late and now one of the bodies has been found. I don’t want any lynch mobs or any rogue heroes trying to catch whoever or whatever might be doing this. We need to, at this time, and always, rely on the skills and abilities of our local sheriff’s department. Here to speak with you is our town Sheriff, Barry Stokes. Barry will you take the podium?” The Sheriff approached and adjusted the microphone to accommodate his height.

“Now, I’m sure that you have all heard about the ongoing investigation into the missing girls and now the finding of the first girl’s body. Well, at this time we do not have any leads as to what, or who has done this. The sheriff’s department and the city council have decided to propose an idea to you. And hopefully, you’ll agree that it will help us deter anything from happening here in our town. We think it’s a necessary step to ensure the safety of our children to enforce…a curfew.”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea,” a voice called out from the front row. Standing up, Debbie Fuller, a tall, busty blonde faced the crowd, her quiet husband sitting beside her. A few groaned as they saw the arrogant, self-anointed
Queen Of Astoria
standing before them.

“Mrs. Fuller, I’m glad that you’re on board with this. And I’m sure everyone’s happy to see that you care so much about Astoria’s safety,” Barry replied.

“Well, since all of the missing girls have been very pretty, that makes my daughter Kirsten, a prime target. Her being the prettiest girl in Astoria after all. Anything that keeps her safe, I’m on board with,” Debbie gushed, sounding like she just answered a beauty pageant question.

Barry cleared his throat and tried to pull everyone’s attention to him and not toward the arrogant beauty queen. “Like I was saying, we will institute this curfew starting immediately and hope to have the cooperation of the whole town. Remember that this is for our children’s safety. This is not a punishment and we may need to remind them of this when they’re informed about it. Does anyone have any questions?” A hand shot up. “I have one. What about the kids who have jobs at night?”

“Good question. If they’re under eighteen and work at night, I suggest a parent take them to and from work. I know this may be inconvenient, but it needs to be done.”

The next day, Astoria High was abuzz with talk about the curfew. The male students were causing the most ruckus. They felt the curfew should only be placed on the females. Their argument fell on deaf ears. Everything was clarified by the sheriff over the PA system during first period. His voice followed the principal’s introduction. “Students, as you know we had a meeting last night and have decided that a curfew shall be put in effect immediately for all under the age of eighteen. I’ve heard that some of the male students feel this does not pertain to them. I want to reiterate that it does. Anyone caught out after dark will be dealt with by law. This is for your own protection, and is not a punishment. We’re also asking that during daylight hours you don’t travel alone. Safety is better in numbers. Principal Landers and I have decided that the Spring Fling dance will still take place, but with certain safety restrictions. A flyer will be distributed outlining them. If you or your parents have any questions, please feel free to call the sheriff’s office. Thank you for your cooperation.”

“Can you believe this?” Matt groaned while throwing his backpack over his shoulder.

“Well…yeah, kind of. I mean, they just found the body of a young girl. They’re just doing this to keep us safe,” Cat replied placing her books in her locker.

“I’m so scared,” Elle’s fearful voice echoed, her shaking hands clutching her back pack. “I mean…the way they found that girl…It’s horrible! And to think, there are two others who are missing that could turn up like this too…It’s so sad, really sad.” Her eyes filled with worried tears.

“Hey ladies…and Matt,” Amanda cut in walking up with Julie at her side. “So who’s up for a movie night? I mean with this curfew in effect we won’t be going out anytime soon. So we might as well do something fun tonight, right? Elle honey, what’s the matter? Somebody mess with you?” Elle shook her head unable to speak.

“She’s upset about the missing girls,” Cat said to Amanda, putting her arm around Elle and giving her a quick side hug. “I think a movie night is definitely what we need,” she replied agreeing with Amanda.

“I’ll drive! We’ll go to the movie store after school,” Matt voiced as the bell rang. The group split up with Cat’s arm still around Elle, walking to their next class.

Finishing her quiz, Cat focused her thoughts on Amanda’s change in attitude toward the missing girls. It was as if she was trying to ignore the fact that one of them was found dead. She seemed so removed, but Cat knew the news greatly affected her. She could see it on her face.
I need to keep an eye on her and be there if she needs me.

After class, Cat stood by her locker waiting for her friends, when she noticed Ryan heading her way. Her heart skipped a beat and a little voice piped up.
You know you like him. Not as a friend, but more. Admit it, go ahead admit it.
She pasted a smile on her face trying to act nonchalant. Ryan’s piercing blue eyes met hers and she felt her knees go weak.

“Hey Cat, we still on for tutoring today?” Ryan asked leaning up against the lockers.

“Oh I thought you were only joking about today. I didn’t think you wanted to tie up your Friday with boring old me. Especially since I’ve had you the rest of the week,” Cat replied mesmerized by his eyes.

You? Boring? I would hang out with you every day, tutoring or not. I wish I knew your true feelings for me. I’m afraid to ask. I wish I could read your mind. You fool! She would hate you if she knew who you really were? Such opposites could never join together? She would be afraid of you if she knew what you were?
Ryan argued with himself and realized she was waiting for his reply. “Uh, no…I don’t have anything planned…that’s why I suggested it,” he stuttered out.

“Okay, well I just need to tell my friends and then we can go,” she answered.

“Tell who what?” Matt’s voice startled her.

“Oh hi guys…uh, I need to study with Ryan for a little bit, so you go to the video store and surprise me, ok?” Cat said, feeling slightly awkward by his and Julie’s stares.

“Yeah, sure,” Amanda said hitting Matt with an elbow in his side just as he was about to reply. “We’ll see you later Cat! Come movie lovers let’s roll!” she declared smiling slyly at Cat and Ryan over her shoulder, dragging Matt and Elle, with Julie trailing behind.

“So, to the library then?” Cat asked shaking her head at Amanda’s face.

“Uh, library’s closed…so…we could go to my house if you want?” Ryan told her.
Am I nuts, my house? What am I thinking?

“Sure, I guess that could work.”
His house, finally I get to see where he lives,
Cat thought smiling.

Sitting in his car, Matt faced Amanda. “So what was that all about?”

“Are you that dense? Can’t you see the chemistry between them? He likes her, she likes him.” Matt looked puzzled. “Cat likes Ryan…Ryan likes Cat, you dope.”

“I don’t know if I like that. I know he seems like a good guy and all, but Cat’s special and she needs someone really special too. I’ll have to keep an eye on him.”

“Oh brother, she already has one crazy overbearing sibling! She doesn’t need another one. Mind your own business and get this car started!” Amanda demanded. Matt knew when to shut up and started the car. The back seat erupted with laughter.


Ryan’s house was painted a beautiful sunny yellow, with a white door and matching shutters. Pulling into the driveway, Cat noticed a second floor window curtain move as if someone had been watching them. “I love the color of your house! It makes the others look drab,” she remarked as Ryan turned off the car.

“It was my mom’s idea. She loves cheery colors. My dad just goes along with what she wants. It’s easier that way,” Ryan said laughing as he opened her door. As she walked beside him up the gravel driveway, she felt they were still being watched.

“Mom, I’m home!” Ryan’s voice echoed through the house. A creaking noise upstairs caused them both to look up and the face of a beautiful pale woman appeared above the second floor banister.

“I will be down in a minute, Ry. I see you have brought a friend.” Her face disappeared and then Cat followed Ryan down the hallway to the living room. It was decorated in different shades of yellow, green and orange. A happy room, Cat decided. “There you are,” a woman’s voice said behind them. Cat turned and saw a tall, slim, attractive woman with jet black hair, her eyes the same color as her son’s, staring at them.

“Mom, this is Catherine Colvin, the girl I’ve been tutoring. Cat, this is my mom, Christine Beckford.” Ryan’s mom smiled wobbly at her.

“Welcome to our home Catherine. Oh where are my manners, would you like something to drink?” Christine asked. “Of course you would, after being in school all day,” she rambled on. “Your father won’t be home tonight Ry, something came up on his trip and he has to stay another day,” she said smiling at Cat again and then left the room.

“Here Cat, have a seat,” Ryan said pointing to the bright yellow sofa. “Make yourself comfortable, I’ll go and help my mom.” Cat sat down, waited for Ryan to leave, and then wandered around the room amazed at the contrast between the bright colors and the dark antique furniture. In fact every item looked very old, even the little knickknacks looked ancient.
Ryan’s mom definitely captured the Victorian era, quite literally,
she thought.

“Ryan, you are lucky your dad is not home! Why did you bring her here anyway?” Christine whispered anxiously. “What if the Bancroft’s saw her come in?”

“Isaac and Hannah both know I’m tutoring her. It’s no big deal,” Ryan said defiantly, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Ulla made mention the other day that her Hannah was spending too much time with that girl, despite the efforts of Isaac warning her to stay away. Ulla can make trouble for us Ryan. You know she’s very vindictive. Your dad has enough on his plate right now. What with Lucien, the Parliament, Aldon and the missing girls. All he needs is for Ulla to add more to it!” Her eyes pleaded with her son.

“I’m sorry mom, I wasn’t thinking. I just wanted you to meet her, It will never happen again, okay?”

“If it was just up to me, she could come here every day, but it’s not,” Christine said giving Ryan a hug.

“It’s okay mom, I should’ve thought this through.” Giving his mom a quick kiss on the cheek, Ryan grabbed the tray and exited the kitchen.

“Here Cat, my mom made some hot chocolate. And she bought these cookies from the bakery today. They look…interesting.” he laughed, placing the tray on the antique coffee table. Cat thanked him and then lifted one of the brightly colored mugs to her lips.

“Ry, Catherine, I’m going to step out for a minute, I’ll be back soon,” Christine said standing in the living room doorway, dressed for the weather outside. Cat heard her walk down the hallway, open the front door and then heard it close.

“Your mom seems nice,” Cat commented as she reached down to take a cookie just as Ryan did. Their fingers met, and she realized she was holding her breath. Looking up she saw his baby blues staring into hers. He took a hold of her hands and pulled her closer. Ryan sensed she felt the same way when their fingers had touched. His arms wrapped around her, as she watched his lips move slowly closer to hers. His eyes began to close as their lips met, the taste of chocolate still on hers. She was so warm and Ryan felt like he had known her his entire life. He felt connected to her. Not just puppy love, but something deeper. He pulled her closer and felt a rush of happiness as she didn’t resist. Cat’s arms were wrapped around his waist as he released her shoulders and plunged his hands into her long and curly fiery red hair. The bang of the front door flying open surprised them, forcing them to opposite sides of the couch.

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