The Children of Old Leech: A Tribute to the Carnivorous Cosmos of Laird Barron (12 page)

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Authors: Ross E. Lockhart,Justin Steele

Tags: #Horror, #Anthology, #Thriller

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Fines remains in critical condition at Tacoma General.



Michael Crater

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Kristoff-Wright Fellow

Freglanton University




To: Michael Crater

CC: Lee Hudson, Anu Dhawan

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


Thanks, Mike, but I fail to see how this article sheds light on any of my stated concerns. It proves nothing—she could have just as easily based her description of the cult’s terminology (“Great Satan,” etc.) on this as used it as evidence of such. There is nothing here that even implies the presence of a cult. Hell, to be fair, despite her allegation that the tree was “mysterious” it seems more as if this Fines character was the queer one—so I fail to see how she can reasonably present it as a primary source without substantial additional support.


It seems to me Jenny hasn’t considered the possibility that her charming memories of Old Man Fines telling tales when she was just a girl he could dandle on his knee in his steamy shack during a rainstorm may have colored her interpretation of, you know, the facts of the matter.


Mel Fong

Associate Professor of Sociology

Freglanton University




To: Mel Fong

CC: Lee Hudson, Anu Dhawan

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


Sorry Mel. You’re right, I should have mentioned that in a follow-up email, Jenny told me that when the homestead was investigated by the police after the fire, the initial report indicated the tree had not burned completely. There was a stump full of some unidentifiable, liquefied organic matter, in which, when they investigated further, was found a silver ring with a chunk missing—the sigil of this cult.


Michael Crater

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Kristoff-Wright Fellow

Freglanton University




To: Michael Crater

CC: Anu Dhawan, Lee Hudson

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


No offense, but did you read over what you just wrote? If this is true, where are the lab reports on this “unidentifiable” matter? Where is the ring? This is sounding more like a bad episode of the X-Files than a dissertation proposal.


Do you believe the truth is out there, Mike?


Mel Fong

Associate Professor of Sociology

Freglanton University




To: Mel Fong

CC: Lee Hudson, Michael Crater

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


Let us not get personal with this. Jenny’s pre-defense is a week from tomorrow; perhaps we should wait to hear what she has to say.


To be fair, however, I too had questions regarding her proposal, as well as additional concerns about methods. Her ability to successfully obtain an SSRC grant to secure funding to travel is of paramount importance, as she has made it clear she is unable to pay out of pocket to go anywhere but back to Olympia, as it is within driving distance. And yet, while she has the most access to the area where this Broken Circle cult exists, she has not listed any potential interviewees; she appears to have made no personal contacts with ex-cult members of that group as of yet.


But even more concerning than that (as I will be suggesting she cut the Broken Circle and replace it with a better-known group), her assurances that she has secured verbal agreements with several women from the other cults for personal interviews seems dubious in terms of her ability to fulfill it. In my experience, ex-cult members are reclusive, and even ones who agree to be interviewed back out at the last minute.


We shall have to wait and see!


Anu Dhawan

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Freglanton University


Please print this email only if necessary. Paper is made of trees!




To: Anu Dhawan, Michael Crater, Mel Fong

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


Hi all,


You’ve raised some valid points. I’ve compiled them and sent an email regarding what you’ve expressed to Jennifer. Hopefully she will allay our concerns at her pre-defense.


I was thinking of bringing a dozen doughnuts—is anyone gluten free? Pollock’s has gluten free, I think.


Lee Hudson

Chair, Department of Anthropology

Freglanton University



History is, strictly speaking, the study of questions; the study of answers belongs to anthropology and sociology —W. H. Auden




To: Lee Hudson

CC: Anu Dhawan, Mel Fong

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


I don’t do dairy… think they have anything without milk?


Michael Crater

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Kristoff-Wright Fellow

Freglanton University




To: Michael Crater

CC: Anu Dhawan, Lee Hudson

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


God, why am I not surprised. What is it—milk is rape, or is it some conspiracy theory about mind-control drugs in Bovine Growth Hormone?


Mel Fong

Associate Professor of Sociology

Freglanton University




To: Michael Crater

CC: Anu Dhawan, Lee Hudson

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


Uncalled for. I’m lactose intolerant, all right?


Michael Crater

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Kristoff-Wright Fellow

Freglanton University




To: Michael Crater

CC: Anu Dhawan, Lee Hudson

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


Suuuuuuuure you are.


Mel Fong

Associate Professor of Sociology

Freglanton University




To: Michael Crater

CC: Anu Dhawan, Mel Fong

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


I had no idea doughnuts would be so contentious. Anyways, Mike, I’ll check on dairy-free options.


Lee Hudson

Chair, Department of Anthropology

Freglanton University



History is, strictly speaking, the study of questions; the study of answers belongs to anthropology and sociology —W. H. Auden




To: Lee Hudson

CC: Mel Fong, Michael Crater

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


I know this is strange, but anyone seen Jennifer? She missed my seminar, and then didn’t reply to my email asking if she was ill. That’s not like her…


Anu Dhawan

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Freglanton University


Please print this email only if necessary. Paper is made of trees!




To: Anu Dhawan

CC: Mel Fong, Lee Hudson

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


That is odd. Odder: I asked her friend Penelope this morning what might be going on. She said Jenny went home unexpectedly; that Jenny seemed upset, and it was regarding her defense. She mentioned she seemed distracted, and had insisted on a need to prove something with evidence she wanted to gather right away. Penelope said she encouraged Jenny to put it off until after her pre-defense, to just answer our questions about her proposal before getting carried away with research, but Jenny refused, insisting whatever she was doing had to be taken care of immediately and could only be done in person.


Lee, did you hear any of this? Did she run this by you? Our meeting is in four days!


Michael Crater

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Kristoff-Wright Fellow

Freglanton University




To: Anu Dhawan, Michael Crater, Mel Fong

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


I did not receive a response to the message I sent Jennifer re: the committee’s questions, which is strange for her but not unheard of. People get busy. But I am troubled if she has left town so close to the date of her pre-defense… I stressed she did not need to have 100% of her research completed by the 13th, just allay our worries with whatever she had dug up already.


Lee Hudson

Chair, Department of Anthropology

Freglanton University



History is, strictly speaking, the study of questions; the study of answers belongs to anthropology and sociology —W. H. Auden




To: Lee Hudson

CC: Anu Dhawan, Michael Crater

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


The Chronicle of Higher Ed just posted an article last summer saying something like 50% of doctoral students these days are leaving their programs without completing their Ph.D. It’s possible the stress got to her. Happens all the time.


Mel Fong

Associate Professor of Sociology

Freglanton University




To: Mel Fong

CC: Lee Hudson, Michael Crater

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


I certainly hope that is not the case! I’ll try to call her, I have her number.


Anu Dhawan

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Freglanton University


Please print this email only if necessary. Paper is made of trees!




To: Anu Dhawan

CC: Mel Fong, Lee Hudson

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


I just got this from Jenny. Not sure what to think:


————— Forwarded message —————

From: Jennifer Altman

Date: Mon, Feb 10, 2014 at 3:47 AM

Subject: police report

To: Michael Crater


I don’t have much time, but I wanted to let you know I’ve returned home. I’ve already obtained the police report on the incident with the tree, so that’s good. I’ve known the sheriff my whole life, so I also asked him to see if he could dig up that ring, so I could take a picture of it. Haven’t heard back yet. I know this will sound extreme, but it seems my committee, who I perceived as being enthusiastic about my research, has decided that I have no idea what I’m talking about. So I’ll do what I need to do not to get shot down before I can even begin writing.


Obviously I could have just emailed the Sheriff’s Office to get the report, but I figured a personal touch might tip the scales in my favor for getting it in time, and the picture of the ring.


While I wait I’ll also be taking a trip up past Olalla to the lake where I saw those women as a kid. I’m hoping to snap some photos of them, too. And if I can’t, well, a nice long hike before my pre-defense might be just what I need to clear my mind and present my case. I’m telling you all this, since of everyone you seem the most inclined to believe me. I’ll prove your confidence was warranted and show everyone else, as well.

Jenny Altman

Graduate Student in Anthropology

Freglanton University


Michael Crater

Assistant Professor of Anthropology

Kristoff-Wright Fellow

Freglanton University



To: Mel Fong

CC: Lee Hudson, Michael Crater

Subject: Altman’s pre-defense reminder


This is highly worrisome behavior in my opinion. I called her again last night, and could not get through—perhaps the reception? But I called again this morning, to find that her number has been disconnected. Has anyone had any further contact from her? I hope she is merely traveling, but the disconnected line has me scratching my head.

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