The Choice (21 page)

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Authors: Kate Benson

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #War, #Romance, #Military, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

BOOK: The Choice
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“You know, you were right,” I pant against his shoulder as the now cooling water beats
down on my back. “I do feel much better.”

“Good,” he chuckles lightly
, kissing me on the side of my face. “All you needed was some vitamin D.”

“Oh good Lord!” I laugh, pushing him away from me playfully. Since his suit and my bridesmaid’s dress are both at his mom’s, we’re able to gather the things we’ll need quickly and head out.

We stop at the diner next door where, after some encouragement from Chase, I eat a bowl of fruit and an English muffin while he inhales French toast, bacon and eggs. We spend the next half hour talking about the day ahead of us and the rest of the week. We’ll be leaving on Friday so I assume we’ll spend the bulk of our time visiting with his parents, but he surprises me by telling me we’ll need to check out of the hotel on Tuesday morning.

“Is the room not available past Tuesday?”

“No, I’m sure it is, but we won’t be in Tampa for a couple of days so we won’t need the room,” he says simply. This is news to me.

“Where are we going?”

“Not telling you,” he grins. “It’s a surprise.”

“Ugh!” I wail. “Please tell me! You know I hate surprises, Chase!”

“Nope,” he chuckles. “Not a chance.”

“Do you remember what happened the last time you surprised me?” I ask, thinking of him keeping Emily’s invitation to be in her wedding party.

“Yes,” he g
rins wickedly down at me, clearly lost in another memory. “You did some very naughty things in the shower and I got to watch.”

Smacking him playfully, he leans over and kisses me on the temple, laughing harder beside me when I look up and see our waitress blushing from the edge of the table.

The poor girl’s blush matches mine as she mumbles something about the check and refills our coffee cups.

m sorry, Brittnee,” I offer apologetically after reading her nametag. As she gives me a small smile of acknowledgement, Chase laughs lightly from beside me.

“I’m not,” he admits, causing my elbow to dig into his side and blush furiously as I glance over to see him staring down at my chest.
“We’re doing that shit again! Believe that, Baby!”

lets out a loud cackle before leaving our table and I shake my head at him.

“That’s not the surprise I meant, you Jackass!” I laugh. “I meant Emily’s wedding!”

“Ah!” he smiles, bending down to give me a chaste kiss and humming appreciatively when I lick the syrup he left on my lips away. “Well, this isn’t that kind of surprise. This is just for me and you. All you need to know is we’re getting up early, we’ll be gone for a long time and you should dress comfortably. I’ve taken care of everything else.”

“You won’t tell me anything
?” I whine, biting on my lip nervously.

“I’ll tell you that I love you,” he smiles. “But that’s all you’re getting out of me. Finish
your coffee so we can get over there, Baby. Em’ll shit if we’re late.”

“Love you, too,” I say as I drain the cup in front of me and move to stand.

The ten minute drive with Chase to his mom’s house is the last quiet moment we have together all morning.

Chapter Twenty

As soon as I push the front door to his parent’s hou
se open, Emily comes rushing over to us with tears in her eyes.

“The freaking band just called and they’re stuck in Orlando so they’re going to be late!”

“Oh no! How late are they going to be?”

“Like an hour! And I called the venue and they’ve got another wedding right after ours so we can only push the ceremony back thirty minutes!”

“Well, the piano is at the venue, right?” I ask.

“Yeah, it is,” she answers. “So we’re fine for the beginning of the ceremony, but not for the recessional. I don’t know what to do!”

“Well, can’t you just ask whoever is playing the wedding march to play the recessional music?” Sophie says from beside me and I can’t hide my gentle smile. I’d forgotten to mention this detail to her apparently.

“She is, Baby,” I smile. “But unfortunately, I don’t know the song she chose and I don’t read music well enough to have confidence that I won’t mess up.”

“You know how to play the piano?” Sophie asks, her face a mixture of surprise and admiration when I nod. “How did I not know that?”

“I don’t know, Baby,” I smile
down at her. “Guess it just never came up.”

“Karaoke night at our house is about to
kick some serious ass, Sugar Tush!”

Letting out a loud laugh at her
newest nickname, I pull her over to my side and kiss her chastely on the lips, earning a loud sigh from my sister.

“This is all very beautiful and moving, but can you please focus and help me? Look at my hair right now!” she says and for the first time, I notice half of it is still pinned sloppily to the side of her head while the other is down in long waves. “I don’t have time for your cuteness! I’m in the middle of a freaking crisis here!”

“The cuteness waits for no one,” I smile, kissing Sophie again and chuckling when Emily rolls her eyes at us. “I’m sorry, Em. What can we do to help?”

“Sophie, you go in the room and start getting ready,” she instructs her. Giving me a quick kiss on the jaw, Sophie yells an ‘I love you’ and leaves us. “You can help me think of something to do about this band thing.
Are you sure you don’t know the song, Chase?”

“Yeah, I’m sure,” I tell her regretfully. “I’m sorry,
Em. I can try it, but I just don’t want to mess it up.”

“No, you’re right, it’s okay,” she says, letting out a long, tired sigh.

“Do you have another song you like?”

“No, not as much, but we need something. I really have to finish getting ready,” she says. “If we’re late, they’re going to charge Daddy a shit ton of money!”

We stood there thinking for a few moments, throwing ideas back and forth without much luck. Taking in my baby sister, I couldn’t help my smile.

“I can’t believe you’re getting married today,
Em,” I say quietly, pulling her in for a hug and giving her a quick peck on the head.

“I know!” she says in a soft voice, pulling away from me with a smile. “Pretty soon, it’ll be you and Sophie freaking out about catering and late wedding bands.”

“Maybe,” I say quietly.

“Maybe nothing,” she scoffs. “Everyone in the world knows you’re not going to sleep until that girl marries you!”

“Yeah,” I admit with a laugh.

“Hey,” she says after a long moment. “I have an idea.”

“What’s that?”

“I’ve got to get ready and I need a song that you can play,” she starts. “There’s nobody who’s musical tast
e I trust more than yours. How about you surprise me?”

“Seriously?” I say in shock. “Isn’t that kind of a big deal?”

“Yeah, but I trust you,” she says immediately with a smile, confident with her decision. “Mine and Brad’s song is ‘Scream’ by Usher, so we can’t very well use that,” she shrugs, making me laugh. “It’ll be my wedding present,” she says, hugging me again. “I’m still keeping the honeymoon money you gave me, though.”

“Okay,” I chuckle.

“Seriously,” she says, walking towards her room. “Don’t over think it, Bro. Just imagine today is your wedding day and choose something you’d sing for Sophie. I know whatever you pick will be perfect!”

Nodding in agreement, she smiles wide as she walks back into her room. After watching her shut the door, I think about the task she’s just given me and I smile to myself.

My mom walks out of the room with teary eyes, carrying my suit and embracing me immediately.

“Emmy told me what you’re doing,” she says. “You’re such a sweet boy. Do you know what you’re playing yet?”

“Yes ma’am,” I smile.

“Oh good!” she grins back. “Well don’t tell me, I want it to be a surprise!”

Her words make me laugh as I think of mine and Sophie’s conversation this morning. She sends me to the guest room to get ready with my Pops and when I walk in the room, I find Drake sitting on the edge of the bed laughing at something he’s saying.

“So then I tell her, ‘Renee, it doesn’t matter how you strap it on, you know I can’t bend that way, Honey! What the hell were you thinking buying this for me?’”

“Oh my God Pops!” I groan at my father’s words, sending Drake into hysterics.

Mornin’ Son!” he turns to greet me with a wide smile, unaffected by my reaction. “I was just telling your cousin about our ski trip. Your mother bought me a snowboard, can you believe that shit?”

“Oh thank God!” I say, pulling my suit from the garment bag.

“What the hell did you think we were talking about?” he says looking at me like I’m nuts before he sees my expression. “Oh! Jesus Son! Big Poppa doesn’t need a strap-on! I’m doing just fine there, Kiddo,” he pats my arm affectionately, shooting me a wink before turning back to Drake to finish his story.     

When we’re finishe
d, we wait in the living room for about an hour until Ana comes out laughing.

“How’s it coming along in there?” Pops asks as she immediately makes her way over to Drake, smiling widely at us.

“Just about done,” she says facing my father. “Emily asked me to come and get you, Ben. She wants you to be in there when she puts her veil on.”

Giving Ana a nod and a smile, my Pops stands and straightens his suit as he clears his throat. I don’t miss the misty eyed expression he gives us as he looks over before heading to the room. As he opens the door, th
ree of Emily’s bridesmaids file out of the room in their bright, solid, Grecian style dresses, alternating between turquoise and purple as Emily calls for me to join them.

“Bubba! Come look and see how beautiful I am!”
Laughing at her, I follow my Pops, sidestepping the girls on their way out.

I’m walking throug
h the still open door when I see Sophie straightening Emily’s train for her. When she stands up and I see her, I’m nearly knocked out.

I’d assumed her
bridesmaids dress would be the same as the others, but I was wrong. Hers is a light, turquoise color on top with slim straps that cross over her back. The high waist has matching turquoise, purple and clear gems that are laid in an intricate pattern. Halfway down her dress, the airy turquoise fabric bleeds into purple and just skims the floor. Her hair is mostly down, but on top it’s pulled back loosely and pinned back with a clip to match the gems adorning her dress. Soft, romantic waves of her coconut scented hair fall over her shoulders and back. When our eyes finally meet she smiles sweetly, freeing those rogue dimples and I’m instantly breathless.

“Stop gawking at your girlfriend and tell me I’m pretty! I’ve got shit to do today!” Emily’s harsh voice interrupts my thought, causing me to laugh.

I reluctantly pull my eyes away from Sophie’s laughing face and look at my sister. She looks absolutely beautiful and when I tell her as much, she uncharacteristically blushes and squeezes my hand in hers.

Looking in the mirror again, Emily sighs and shakes her head slowly.

“God, I really am
, aren’t I?” she smiles, making us all laugh while we agree with her. “Daddy, you ready to give me away?”

“Hell yes!” he winks. “I’ve been waiting to get rid of your ass for years, Kiddo! Let’s hurry the hell up before Brad changes his mind!” Stepping closer to her, he hold
s her face in his hands and kisses her gently on the forehead, whispering something that’s got her misty eyed. “I’ll never be ready to give you away, my Emmy Bug.”

Sophie starts to make her way out of the room when Emily stops her.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m just going to give you some privacy with your family,” she says with a genuine smile, squeezing me on t
he arm affectionately as she reaches for the doorknob.

Well, if you leave it will kind of defeat your purpose,” Emily giggles. When Sophie looks at her in confusion, Emily rolls her eyes at her. “We’re having family time and you’re part of the family now, so get your ass over here so you can give me a hug and tell me I’m pretty already!”

Blushing slightly, Sophie makes her way over to Emily and hugs her gen
tly, careful not to disrupt her elaborate wedding gown. Emily whispers something into Sophie’s ear that I can’t make out. When the two of them separate, my girl eyes me speculatively before facing my mom who smiles and winks her way as she wraps her arms around my sister.

“You look gorgeous, Baby,” I say softly into her ear when she resumes her place beside me.

“Thank you,” she smiles, still looking at me curiously. “So do you, Sweetness,” she says, straightening my turquoise tie and pinning my purple boutonniere onto my black suit jacket for me. “We match.”

“Yep,” I grin down at her. “Now everyone will know you’re mine.”

“Well, that would be a stupid thing for anyone to question,” she says softly as she kisses me tenderly on the jaw before wiping the gloss from my skin. “I think it’s pretty obvious who I belong to, matching outfits or not. I love you.”

“I love you,” I respond, pressing my lips to her forehead before taking her hand in mine and following my parents an
d sister out of the room. “How come your dress is different from the others?”

“Sophie didn’t tell you?” Emily asks. “Your girl got promoted! She’s my second maid of honor!”

“Really?” I ask, surprised, but thrilled.

“True story, Bro!” she calls back, turning to whisper the next part with an evil smirk. “Me
lissa was pissed!”


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