The Chosen (4 page)

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Authors: Jeremy Laszlo

Tags: #Speculative Fiction

BOOK: The Chosen
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As they approached the first doorway within the hall, the gray-robed man stopped and turned, gesturing for them to enter the room. As they entered, the same green light burst into being, revealing all that had previously been shrouded by darkness. This time it was not torches that lit the way. Instead a giant ornate chandelier hung from the center of the ceiling. The chandelier held dozens of small candles that now burned with the same light of the torches, illuminating everything within the room. It was not a large room, nor was it lavishly furnished. It was a simple dining hall filled with wooden chairs placed around two long, wood-framed tables topped with polished stone. Judilanthaliz passed around the first table and seated himself quickly mid table and gestured for his guests to seat themselves across from him. Seth and Sara quickly seated themselves, sliding their packs off their shoulders and placing them on the floor. Being near enough to touch Sara, but unable to do so without revealing their secret, was driving Seth insane. It apparently was having a similar effect on Sara as she fidgeted often in her seat. Judilanthaliz studied them for a moment, and discovering nothing of immediate interest, he began to speak as he had upon the stairs.

“Our cook should be here shortly. In the meantime I think perhaps the two of you might have some questions. Please feel free to ask me anything, no matter what the subject, and I shall do my best to provide you with an answer.” The man said pulling back his cowl to reveal his mangled features.

“How do the torches work?” Sara asked quickly, curiosity getting the best of her.

“Good question” Judilanthaliz smiled before going on to explain. “Many years ago, Vladmere had a talented pupil blessed with the ability to mold and control fire. Most of the red robes have this ability these days, but this particular student was extremely talented. His gift was so great he could imbue items with a magical flame such as those above us. Most of the buildings within the castle walls are lit by torches and candles imbued by this young mage. He had also suffused some weapons with the flame of his gift. Unfortunately, he savored power too lustily. He repeatedly pushed his limitations. During an experiment that he believed would unlock his most potent abilities, he lost control of the power blessed to him and he himself was consumed in the flame. Not an ash remained where he had stood during the blaze. No trace of the man managed to withstand the heat. Everyone half expected those items imbued by him to extinguish after his tragic end, but all except one continue to burn. The sole torch that illuminated his very own room never again erupted to life after the mage was lost. It remains vacant still. Some fear it may be cursed, though others leave it untouched in homage to the man who brought us unending light in the darkness. He was a very powerful mage, one of the most powerful the kingdom has ever seen. It was a tragic day when he was lost. Does that answer your question, Sara?” Judilanthaliz asked, his eyes unfocused as if seeing something the others could not.

“Yes Judilanthaliz, thank you,” Sara answered.

“Please both of you just call me Jud, my name is such a mouthful. I prefer to keep it simple,” Judilanthaliz replied.

“I have a question,” Seth stated, waiting for Jud’s look of approval before continuing. “What happens if I am not blessed by Saranadia in the time I am allowed?” Seth was quite certain he would not be receiving a blessing from the goddess, seeing as he would not be worshipping her.

“Well young Seth, if you are not destined to wear the gray robes, you will be assigned a new position. First and foremost, I am sure if you are not blessed here then Vladmere will probably take you on to see if you are destined to wear the crimson robes of his order. As I told you before, though, it is believed you can only be blessed by the god or goddess who has given you the gift. So if you have any idea who that particular god may be, or if you feel inclined to visit a particular temple, please let me know as the sooner we may find you an allegiance to a god, the sooner we can begin your training,” Jud finished with a sincere look upon his face.

“What of the tests you spoke of earlier, Jud? I assume they aren’t written tests, so how are they given? What do they consist of, that is, if I am allowed to know beforehand?” Seth asked again.

“The tests are each designed for the individual to be tested. First we must know what a young mage’s blessing consists of, what are its limits, and the limits of the mage. The tests are designed to be difficult to accomplish. They are intended to make the mage push himself or herself both mentally and physically. All tests are monitored closely by the heads of all the mage orders. Healers are always on site as sometimes a mage fails their test, or sometimes they are simply injured during the test. That is all I can reveal on the subject at present. Your tests will depend mostly on you and your abilities.” Jud stated finishing his explanation.

During their discussion a young woman poked her head through a small doorway off the side of the dining hall. As quickly as she appeared, she again disappeared behind the stone wall. Shortly after, scents of spice mixed with herbs permeated the air around them. Judilanthaliz sat quietly for a moment thinking to himself as his new guests watched his expression and waited patiently.

“I was going to wait until tomorrow to tell you this, as I won’t be entirely sure of the details until after tonight’s meeting. As the kingdom once again faces war with the lands to the south, I am afraid, Seth, that your training will probably be accelerated to a pace that would usually be intolerable to the both of us. It is out of necessity and so we will skip whatever portions of the normal training regimen that I feel are not of immediate need or significance. The priority is to get you well versed in the lore of Saranadia as well as of the other gods, and then we have to hope that you receive a blessing. Then the real training will begin,” Jud said as the plain lady again poked her head through the doorway.

“Are you ready for some food, Jud?” she asked in a hushed tone.

“Indeed Fera, we are quite ready to eat, I think. We have some guests, at least for the time being, so prepare for some larger meals,” Jud replied.

“Consider it done, Jud. I will be right out with your food,” Fera said and vanished once again.

Moments later Fera returned carrying with her a single large platter. She was not much older than Seth and Sara with olive skin and straight brown hair that fell just past her shoulders. Her eyes too were a deep brown. She was a little taller than Sara, and a slightly heavier build, though she was not overweight. Fera was an average looking woman with no immediately visible traits that would make her stand out in a crowd. The platter she carried held three small loaves of bread and three steaming bowls as well as three tall mugs. The bowls were filled nearly to the brim with a thick beef and vegetable soup that turned out to be the source of the scents wafting through the air. The mugs were filled with cool cider, a perfect complement to the hot soup. As they received their food, both Seth and Sara thanked Fera for the meal, and Jud smiled to the woman who then quickly retreated back the way she had come.

The three sat in the dining hall in near silence enjoying the meal while it remained hot. They all finished rather quickly, and Jud asked them to retrieve their belongings. He took them back out of the room, leaving their emptied dishes to sit on the table. Judilanthaliz led them back down the hall the way they had come earlier, and passing the intersection with the main hallway, he continued straight on down what would be the left fork, past several doorways. He continued to lead them to the very end of that particular hallway, all the while torches ignited just ahead of them and extinguished as soon as they passed.

At the end of the hall a large open archway revealed a huge library filled wall to wall with wooden shelves that were covered to entirety in books and scrolls. In the center of the room sat a solitary, massive round table surrounded by high-backed upholstered chairs. Above the table, like in the dining hall, hung a giant chandelier, only this one contained at least double the number of candles. The room burst into light as they entered, revealing thousands of different colors contained upon the spines of the many books housed here.

Leaving Seth and Sara at the door, Jud quickly rounded the table and began pulling tomes from the shelves. Some he would hold in his hand and ponder a moment before replacing them from where he had retrieved them, others he would place on the table behind him. Before long Jud had amassed a pile of books and scrolls that he appeared to be satisfied with. He collected the pile of literature into his arms, and asking the couple to follow, he led them out of the room. They went back down the hall to the intersection and then down the main hallway back the way they had originally come. He led them to the stair where they climbed up to the next level of the tower. Once he reached the landing, he again stopped and turned to face the pair.

“The tower is of simple design. The layout of each floor is identical. However, the rooms on each floor have varying purposes. Upon this floor we have two lounges as well as two large studies. The rest of the rooms are private quarters of which all are empty save my own. You may choose any room you wish. My room is at the far end of the main hall here on the left-hand side. Any room besides that one is for either of you to choose. The only difference you will notice here is that each room, besides the four common rooms, has a door. So, let’s go see where you will be living, shall we?” Jud asked, a look of indifference on his mangled face.

Seth and Sara nodded their agreement, and Seth started thinking immediately of how to choose his room. If he needed to sneak out for any reason, he needed a room far from that of Judilanthaliz. He would also want a room where the torches were not set too near the door so he could enter and exit without a brightly lit announcement. This in mind, Seth waited for Jud to begin walking down the hallway. But Judilanthaliz instead motioned for them to lead. Seth took the first steps, and Sara quickly fell in step beside him. As they approached the hallway Seth scanned ahead of him for a room that fit his criteria. It was a short task, as the very first room was a perfect match. Its door was the nearest to the stairs, and being right at the end of the hall, there were no torches for some distance down the darkened corridor. Not wanting to give himself away, Seth stopped at the door to the first room and turned to address the man who would now be his mentor of sorts.

“This should do as well as any, I should think. I’m not picky and I assume they are all much the same, are they not?” Seth asked attempting to look indifferent.

The ruse must have worked as Jud simply nodded with a grin and followed Seth and Sara into the room. The room was empty save for a bed, a desk with a chair, and a bedside stand. The back wall of the room had a slight curve to it being it was the exterior wall to the tower, and placed in the middle of the curved wall was a tall, narrow window that was centered above the small bed below it. The window would provide plenty of light during daylight hours as they were well higher than the castle walls and also the city walls. The only other source for light in the room consisted of two candles, one upon the desk, and the other on the bedside stand. Neither of the candles burst into flame as they entered leading Seth to believe they were your standard, non-enchanted type. Jud walked to the small desk and placed the pile of books and scrolls upon it. Turning to be sure Seth was paying attention, Jud waved his hand over the candle upon the desk. As his palm passed over its wick, like every other candle they had seen so far, this one also burst into light.

“The candles in the rooms are somewhat different than those in other parts of the building. Simply pass your hand over them and they respond, either lighting or extinguishing, whatever the case may be,” Jud explained. “Now, let’s give you a chance to get settled in and perhaps even start your reading. Let us go, Sara, and find you some accommodations before I leave for my meeting, shall we?” Jud asked as he turned towards the door.

“Anything will suit me fine, Jud. If the room across the hall is empty, that will do nicely,” Sara replied following the man through the doorway.

“Indeed it is vacant. Make yourself at home, Sara. Tomorrow you will start your duties so rest well as a fresh mind learns more rapidly,” Jud responded, opening the door to Sara’s new room for her.

Sara entered what would now be her room to find that it was identical to Seth’s. It was as if the hall were a mirror and one room a reflection of the other. Jud remained in the hall, his new guests settling in their rooms to either side of him. It had been many years since these rooms had been occupied. It had been many years since he had had company upon the floors devoted to the gray robes of his order. Perhaps, he thought, this was the start of breathing life back into the order of the shields.

“If neither of you requires anything further for the night then I will be on my way,” Jud stated. “I shall call upon you both in the morning. I have a feeling it will be a busy day.”

“Thank you for your hospitality, Jud,” Seth said. “I can think of nothing else I could possibly need.” Seth met Sara’s eyes with his own.

“Yes thank you, Jud,” Sara added.

“It is my pleasure. After all, this is now your home, so if you are not yet tired feel free to explore. Many interesting things lie behind the doors of this tower. Just please for now remain on our floors as I do not wish to disturb those below us.  Well, I should be going. Goodnight to you both.” Jud turned on his heel and headed back towards the stairs.

Both Seth and Sara watched him go. As soon as the man’s head dipped below the floor, Sara flung herself across the hall, throwing her arms tightly around Seth’s neck. She kissed him so hard it very nearly hurt. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Seth lifted Sara off her feet and held her body to his. The smell of her hair intoxicated him immediately, and overcome with mixed emotions, he pulled her more tightly into his arms. Sara, after many long minutes, allowed Seth to breathe once again, and relaxing their grips slightly they stared into one another’s eyes. Seth’s face was that of a statue. His skin remained relaxed and smooth even on his forehead. His mouth neither smiled nor frowned. Only his eyes betrayed the fact that uncertainty plagued his thoughts, and Sara noted the turmoil immediately upon looking at him. Sara, on the other hand, hid nothing. Her eyes were wet with tears and the corners of her flawless lips were upturned in a gleeful grin. Her eyes sparkled in joy and relief. That was until she noted the look in Seth’s eyes. Sara’s expression faded and took on an air of concern, and as her smile began to dissipate, her lips parted to speak.

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