The Chosen (13 page)

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Authors: Jenika Snow

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: The Chosen
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He pierced her flesh, her blood pouring into his mouth as his hips pumped faster into her willing body. Her pussy gripped his cock, her hot, wet depths driving him mad. Her climax tore through her body, and her back arched off the bed, a moan spilling from her mouth.

He drank deeply from her vein, the endorphins from her orgasm evident in her blood. It drove him mad and had his seed shooting out of him in hard jets.

Her inner muscles clamped around him, and she bit his shoulder, her blunt teeth causing minimal pain, but driving his lust to a fever pitch. Her blood raged inside of him, his instincts roaring out as pleasure consumed him at the idea of finally claiming her. He licked at the wound he made on her neck, licking off every drop of her sweet, sweet, blood.

“Mine.” His saliva would help the wound heal, but because she was his
, it would never fully disappear. It would let all males of his species know who her mate was and what the consequences would be if they touched her…death.

He pulled out of her slowly, and she whimpered. He kissed her neck, her cheek, and then her full lips. He rolled off of her and pulled her to his side, wrapping the sheet around them in the process.

“Oh, my. That was…incredible.”

He smiled against her hair, her breathing already slowing down as sleep overtook her. Incredible wasn’t the word he would have used for the emotions bursting through him, for the sharing they just experienced. She was finally his, and whether she fully accepted it or not, he wasn’t going to let her go.

The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed


Chapter Twelve

Kayla slammed her front door, shut just barely missing Kaleb in the process. It would serve him right for all the shit he had done.

“What’s wrong now?”

“You really don’t want me to answer that.” She turned around, stabbing her finger at him. “On second thought, let’s just get this over with now.”

He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. “So talk, then.”

“First of all, how could you think it was all right for Lana to be left with that guy? You made it sound like she was in safe hands when you don’t even know him.”

“As much as I dislike Adrik, I know if he says Lana’s okay, then she is.”

“Since you want to open that can of worms, I want to know what the hell is with you and Adrik.”

He grabbed a beer out of the fridge, ignoring his question as he opened the top and took a long drink. “We aren’t going to go there.”

He walked passed her and into his bedroom. He said goodnight before shutting the door.

“Fine, you don’t have to tell me shit, but I bet I can get it out of Adrik.”

That was a lie, and she knew her brother knew it. Adrik was just as stubborn as her brother. Maybe it had to do with a woman they had been fighting over? Kayla pushed that idea right out of her mind as jealousy filled her. She had no right being jealous over a man who wasn’t even hers. She could lie to everyone else, but she couldn’t lie

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to herself. She was still in love with him, even if the feelings were only on her side.

She opened the fridge and pulled out the supplies to make a sandwich. She really didn’t want to fight with Kaleb, especially since he was only here for a short time. She made two big sandwiches, grabbed a bag of chips, and headed back to Kaleb’s room.

She knocked on the door, his music coming through the wood in loud, angry verses. He opened the door, a fierce scowl on his face. He dropped his eyes to the food she carried and breathed out roughly before he smiled. She knew her brother better than anyone, and if there was one way to bring a smile to his face—it was a plate full of food.

* * * *

Lana slowly woke up, her body pleasantly sore in intimate places.

She smiled and stretched her arms above her head, the act pulling her muscles and making her wince. It hurt, but it was the best kind of pain she could imagine. She turned her head and saw Aleksei on his stomach, his breathing deep and even. She turned to her side and rested her head on her hand as she took in his glorious form.

His arms were above his head and resting on his pillow. The sheet pooling right below his back left nothing to the imagination. His back was a golden color in the firelight, all muscles and sinew.

Covering his entire back from shoulder to shoulder and to the tip of his spine was an intricately tattooed sword. Swirls and lines made up the sword, with strange letters woven into the blade. Blacks and reds made the tattoo come to life, as if she could reach across his back and take it by the handle.

She traced her fingers along the sword’s blade, his skin smooth and flawless. It looked beautiful yet powerful, just like Aleksei. She gasped, now on her back with Aleksei pinning her hands above her head. His pelvis was cradled between her thighs, his already stiff
The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed


erection pressing against her clit. His tongue traced the outer shell of her ear, and she breathed out in pleasure. She moved her hips up, rubbing her still sensitized flesh along his. He growled deeply, a sound she was growing to love.

“Show me.”

He looked at her, a little confused, and then understood. His face became a stoic mask, and he rolled off of her. He stared at the ceiling, running his hand through his hair and shaking his head.

“Why won’t you show me? You’ve told me and even…bitten me, but when I voluntarily ask you to show me, you refuse?” Her frustration rose to the surface, but she didn’t care. He started this, and she was going to see it through.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes as he ran a hand over his face. His muscle bulged and flexed as he pulled himself up and rested against the headboard.
“You don’t want to see that. Not really.”

“Don’t tell me what I want to see. I asked you to show me, and if you won’t, then just take me home.” Maybe she sounded childish, but she wouldn’t apologize.

“You don’t really want to see me like that.” His hand traced her cheek, a sad smile covering his lips.

“I do want to see…please.” She threw the last word in there for good measure and hoped he would take the bait.

He sat there for a while and closed his eyes, and she thought he was really going to show her. He opened them a second later, but they were still vivid blue, not the black she prepared herself for.

Right in front of her, his eyes darkened, just like they had in the hallway. Her heart pounded in awe at what he showed her. His breathing grew faster as his mouth opened and his canines grew sharp and long. He still sat against the headboard, and she moved back slightly as the muscles on his body grew bigger and more pronounced. He was huge before, but his muscles now bulged beneath his skin. His breathing hadn’t slowed down, and when he spoke, his voice was deep and distorted.


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“Do you fear me now?” He didn’t move, just sat there and watched her with eyes so dark they looked like bottomless pits.

She shook her head and moved closer to him. His body tensed, but she could tell it was from fear of her touching him.

“You don’t frighten me, not anymore, that is. I know you wouldn’t hurt me.” She sat there and stared at him, knowing deep within what he said was the truth—that she just slept with a vampire.

That knowledge alone should have had her screaming and

running, but instead she sat in front of him, her hands reaching for him. She ran her hands across his chest, his body still tense and shock still covering his face. Since she met him, he had shown her nothing but kindness and affection. She brought her hand up and slid her fingers down his cheeks. He closed his eyes as she stroked every line of his face, every sharp angle that made up who he was.

They made love after that, not a rushed frenzied mating like before, but a slow exploration of each other’s bodies.

* * * *

Lana woke slowly, the spot next to her empty. She didn’t know how long she slept, but she felt refreshed. She ran her hand across the empty sheet, the fabric cold and unwelcoming. She sat up and brushed the hair out of her face, the fire still going strong. Tingling warmth blossomed on her side, and she looked down. She ran her fingers over her birthmark. The sensation originated from that spot. Confusion filtered through her as she stared at the mark that bothered her so much. The shade was off, a deep cream color that had her knitting her brows.

She went into the bathroom and wet a washcloth under the faucet.

She rubbed her birthmark, the color not growing lighter, but her skin becoming red. She threw the rag in the sink and walked back into the room. She noticed an outfit draped across the back of a chair, a note
The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed


lying on the cushion. She opened the letter, a smile covering her lips at the masculine scrawl on the thick paper.

My dearest Lana,

I apologize ahead of time for leaving so abruptly, but some
important business came up. I hope the clothing is to your satisfaction
and that it fits correctly. I have no doubt that you will be beautiful, no
matter what you wear. Please wait for me, and I shall be back shortly.

If you need anything, I left my phone on the dresser, and my number
at the club is programmed into it.

With all my love,


She folded the paper, grabbed the clothes, and walked back into the bathroom to take a shower. After her shower, she sat on the edge of the bed and watched the fire. There was no way she was just going to sit in here and wait for him to return. She picked up the phone, staring at the smooth surface, and touched the screen. It was similar to her own touch-screen phone, so she had no problems with figuring out how to work it. She dialed Kayla’s number, knowing her friend had to be worried to death about her. Her heart pounded as the phone rang, and she couldn’t believe she was actually nervous.


Kayla’s voice was groggy, and Lana wondered what time it even was. “Kayla? It’s me.” Silence greeted her for a moment, and then Kayla let out a long breath.

“Oh, my God, I have been so worried about you. Where are you?

Why are you calling me so late? Is everything okay?”

The words were spoken fast and in one breath, and Lana smiled.

“I’m fine. I’m sorry that I woke you up. What time is it?” Shuffling

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sounded on the other end as well as a couple of unfeminine grunts from Kayla.

“Sorry, I couldn’t find the light switch. It’s one in the morning.

Why didn’t you call me sooner? I was so worried last night and today.”

Had it only been a day since she came here? It seemed unreal, like days passed. “I’m sorry I worried you. I couldn’t get to a phone until now. I just wanted to let you know I was okay.”

“Where are you? Do you need me to pick you up?”

“I’m fine, really. I, uh, I went home with a guy.”

“Yeah, I know. Adrik told us you were with the owner of the club.”

She didn’t ask how Adrik knew that. It wasn’t important, anyway.

She didn’t think it was wise to tell Kayla how she originally got here because the situation changed drastically. She wanted to be here now, and that was what mattered, but how was she going to explain to Kayla all the unbelievable things she learned? Should she even tell her? Would she even believe her?

“I just wanted to let you know I was okay and that I’ll call you when I get home.” Silence greeted her, and she wondered if Kayla had hung up. “Hello?”

“Are you sure you’re okay?”

Lana could hear the worry laced in Kayla’s voice and felt bad that she was the cause of it.

“I promise, Kay. Go back to bed, and I’ll call you later, okay?

There is a lot to tell you.”

She slipped the phone in her pocket and breathed out. She looked around the room and decided to see the rest of the house. She gripped the handle and pulled the bedroom door, the heavy wood swinging open with ease.

She headed off the same way she had the night before and ended up facing the staircase. She climbed the stairs and opened the door
The Chosen: A Tale of the Blood Breed


that led to the lavishly decorated sitting room. Everything was quiet as she made her way out of the sitting room and into the hallway.

The hallway opened up to a large foyer with a crystal chandelier that hung from the cathedral ceiling. Marble and granite covered the floor and walls, and she turned in a big circle as she took in the beauty of it all. Going down one of the three openings branching off of the foyer, she ended up walking into a kitchen. Stainless steel appliances filled the kitchen, and black granite covered the counters and floor.

Her stomach chose that moment to growl, and she grabbed a banana from a bowl of fruit on the counter. She sat at one of the barstools and ate the banana in silence, jumping when loud music blasted through the walls. She walked down the hallway and stood in front of a set of huge wooden doors.

She cracked the door open and peeked inside. A studio stood on the other side with mirrors covering the walls and polished pine covering the floor. Classical music played from a large stereo in the corner. She pushed the door open a little wider, afraid of what she might see. A woman danced beautifully, her movements matching the rhythm of the music to perfection. She couldn’t remember her name.

Anna maybe? No, Anna didn’t sound right. Aniya, maybe? Yes, that was it, Aniya.

She wore a light pink leotard and a gauzy black skirt. Her body was slim and graceful as she twirled around to the music. Lana wasn’t familiar with ballet, but Aniya did it perfectly. As the music slowly faded away, Aniya finished her dance with a split jump in the air and a soft landing. Her hair was dark, and her eyes were the same bright blue as Aleksei’s. As if she read Lana’s mind, she looked up and smiled.

“Did you like the dance?”

She nodded, not knowing what to say to the woman in front of her—the
in front of her. “Very much so. Where did you learn to do that?”

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