The Complete Adventures of Curious George (27 page)

BOOK: The Complete Adventures of Curious George
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The small j

is a jack-in-the-box.
George had a jack-in-the-box as a toy.
He just loved to make it jump.

The big K

is a big KANGAROO called KATY.

The small k

is a small kangaroo.
He is Katy's kid.

The big L

is a LION.
He is LUCKY. He is going to have
LEG of LAMB for LUNCH, and he LOVES it.

The small l

is a lean lady.
She is strolling along a lake licking a lollipop.
George liked lollipops.

The big M

His name is MISTER MILLER. He brings a letter.
Maybe it's for ME, thinks George.

The small m

is a mouse.
He is munching mints.

"And do you know what else it is?" said the man to George: "M is the thirteenth letter of the A B C. The whole alphabet has only

26 letters, so thirteen is just half of it. You can make lots of words with these letters. Why don't you try? Here's a pad and pencil."

George started to think of words, and then he wrote them down. It was fun to make words out of letters.

"Let me see," said the man. "Ball – Milk – Cake – Ham – Jam – Egg – Lime – Feed – Kid – that's very good.

But what on earth is a Dalg or a Glidj or a Blimlimlim? There are no such things. Just ANY letters do not make words, George.

Well, let's look at some new letters now."

The big N

standing on a dinner plate. It looks NEAT.
George had seen NAPKINS folded that way
in the restaurant when he was a dishwasher.

The small n

is a nose
in the face of a man.
He has a new blue necktie on
and is nibbling noodles.

BOOK: The Complete Adventures of Curious George
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