The Complete Herbal Guide: A Natural Approach to Healing the Body - Heal Your Body Naturally and Maintain Optimal Health Using Alternative Medicine, Herbals, Vitamins, Fruits and Vegetables (95 page)

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Infection may temporarily affect sperm motility. Repeated bouts of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as chlamydia and gonorrhea, are most often associated with male infertility. These infections can cause scarring and block sperm passage. Mycoplasma is an organism that may fasten itself to sperm cells, making them less motile. If mumps, a viral infection usually affecting young children, occurs after puberty, inflammation of the testicles can impair sperm production. Inflammation of the prostate (prostatitis), urethra or epididymis also may alter sperm motility.


Sexual issues.
Often treatable, problems with sexual intercourse or technique may affect fertility. Difficulties with erection of the penis (erectile dysfunction), premature ejaculation, painful intercourse (dyspareunia), or psychological or relationship problems can contribute to infertility. Use of lubricants such as oils or petroleum jelly can be toxic to sperm and impair fertility.


Retrograde ejaculation.
This occurs when semen enters the bladder during orgasm rather than emerging out through the penis. Various conditions can cause retrograde ejaculation including diabetes, bladder, prostate or urethral surgery, and the use of psychiatric or antihypertensive drugs.


Blockage of epididymis or ejaculatory ducts.
Some men are born with blockage of the part of the testicle that contains sperm (epididymis) or ejaculatory ducts. And some men who seek treatment for infertility lack the tubes that carry sperm (vasa deferentia).


No semen (ejaculate).
The absence of ejaculate may occur in men with spinal cord injuries or diseases. This fluid transports sperm through the penis into the vagina.


Misplaced urinary opening (hypospadias).
A birth defect can cause the urinary (urethral) opening to be abnormally located on the underside of the penis. If not surgically corrected, this condition can prevent sperm from reaching the cervix.


Anti-sperm antibodies.
Antibodies that target sperm and weaken or disable them usually occur after surgical blockage of part of the vas deferens for male sterilization (vasectomy). Presence of these antibodies may complicate the reversal of a vasectomy.


Cystic fibrosis.
Men with cystic fibrosis often have missing or obstructed vasa deferentia.


Male’s health and the way he lives can affect infertility such as:

Emotional stress

Deficiencies in nutrients such as vitamin C, selenium, zinc and folate may contribute to infertility.


Cancer and its treatment

Alcohol and drugs:
The use of certain drugs also can contribute to infertility.


Other medical conditions that cause infertility include:


Severe injury



Thyroid disease


Cushing's syndrome


Heart attack


kidney failure



Environmental Causes include:


Environmental elements:
Overexposure to certain environmental elements such as heat, toxins and chemicals can reduce sperm count either directly by affecting testicular function or indirectly by altering the male hormonal system.
Specific causes include:


Pesticides and other chemicals:
Herbicides and insecticides may cause female hormone-like effects in the male body and may be associated with reduced sperm production. Exposure to such chemicals also may contribute to testicular cancer. Men exposed to hydrocarbons, such as ethylbenzene, benzene, toluene, xylen and aromatic solvents used in paint, varnishes, glues, metal degreasers and other products, may be at risk of infertility. Men with high exposure to lead also may be more at risk.

Testicular exposure to overheating:
Frequent use of saunas or hot tubs can elevate your core body temperature. This may impair your sperm production and lower your sperm count.


Substance abuse:
Cocaine or heavy marijuana use may temporarily reduce the number and quality of your sperm.


Men who smoke may have a lower sperm count than do those who don't smoke.


Causes of female infertility


Fallopian tube damage or blockage:
This condition usually results from inflammation of the fallopian tube (salpingitis). Chlamydia is the most frequent cause. Tubal inflammation may go unnoticed or cause pain and fever.


Tubal damage with scarring
is the major risk factor of a pregnancy in which the fertilized egg is unable to make its way through the fallopian tube to implant in the uterus (ectopic pregnancy). One episode of tubal infection may cause fertility difficulties. The risk of ectopic pregnancy increases with each occurrence of tubal infection.


Endometriosis occurs when the tissue that makes up the lining of the uterus grows outside of the uterus. This tissue most commonly is implanted on the ovaries or the lining of the abdomen near the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. These implants respond to the hormonal cycle and grow, shed and bleed in sync with the lining of the uterus each month, which can lead to scarring and inflammation. Pelvic pain and infertility are common in women with endometriosis.


Infertility in endometriosis also may be caused by:

Ovarian cysts
Ovarian cysts may indicate advanced endometriosis and often are associated with reduced fertility. Endometriomas can be treated with surgery.


Scar tissue:
Endometriosis may cause rigid webs of scar tissue between the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. This may prevent the transfer of the egg to the fallopian tube.

Ovulation disorders:
Some cases of female infertility are caused by ovulation disorders. Disruption in the part of the brain that regulates ovulation (hypothalamic-pituitary axis) can cause deficiencies in luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). Even slight irregularities in the hormone system can affect ovulation.


Elevated prolactin (hyperprolactinemia):
The hormone prolactin stimulates breast milk production. High levels in women who aren't pregnant or nursing may affect ovulation. An elevation in prolactin levels may also indicate the presence of a pituitary tumor. In addition, some drugs can elevate levels of prolactin. Milk flow not related to pregnancy or nursing (galactorrhea) can be a sign of high prolactin.


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS):
In PCOS, increased androgen production prevents the follicles of the ovaries from producing a mature egg. Small follicles that start to grow but cannot mature to ovulation remain within the ovary. A persistent lack of ovulation may lead to mild enlargement of the ovaries.  Without ovulation, the hormone progesterone isn't produced and estrogen levels remain constant. Elevated levels of androgen may cause increased dark or thick hair on the chin, upper lip or lower abdomen as well as acne and oily skin.


Early menopause (premature ovarian failure):
Early menopause is the absence of menstruation and the early depletion of ovarian follicles before age 35.


Benign uterine fibroids:
Fibroids are benign tumors in the wall of the uterus and are common in women in their 30s. Occasionally they may cause infertility by interfering with the contour of the uterine cavity, blocking the fallopian tubes.


Pelvic adhesions:
Pelvic adhesions are bands of scar tissue that bind organs after pelvic infection, appendicitis, or abdominal or pelvic surgery. They may limit the functioning of the ovaries and fallopian tubes and impair fertility. Scar tissue formation inside the uterine cavity after a surgical procedure may result in a closed uterus and ceased menstruation (Asherman's syndrome). This is most common following surgery to control uterine bleeding after giving birth.


Temporary infertility may occur with the use of certain medications. In most cases, fertility is restored when the medication is stopped.

Thyroid problems:
Disorders of the thyroid gland, either too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) or too little (hypothyroidism), can interrupt the menstrual cycle and cause infertility.


Cancer and its treatment.
Certain cancers — particularly female reproductive cancers — often severely impair female fertility. Both radiation and chemotherapy may affect a woman's ability to reproduce. Chemotherapy may impair reproductive function and fertility more severely in men than in women.


Cushing's disease


Sickle cell disease




Kidney disease






If you and your partner are unable to achieve conception within a reasonable time and would like to do so, seek help. The woman's gynecologist, the man's urologist or your family doctor can determine whether there's a problem that requires a specialist or clinic that treats infertility problems.


Some infertile couples have more than one cause of their infertility. Thus, your doctor will usually begin a comprehensive infertility examination of both you and your partner.

Before undergoing infertility testing, be aware that a certain amount of commitment is required. Your doctor or clinic will need to determine what your sexual habits are and may make recommendations about how you may need to change those habits. The tests and periods of trial and error may extend over several months.


Evaluation is expensive and in some cases involves operations and uncomfortable procedures, and the expenses may not be reimbursed by many medical plans. Finally, there's no guarantee, even after all testing and counseling, that conception will occur. However, for couples who are eager to have their own child, such an evaluation is best. It may result in a successful pregnancy.


Tests for men

General physical examination:
This includes examination of your genitals and questions concerning your medical history, illnesses and disabilities, medications and sexual habits.


Semen analysis:
Your doctor may ask for a specimen of ejaculated semen. This is generally obtained by masturbating or by interrupting intercourse and ejaculating your semen into a clean container. Your doctor will provide instructions. Such a specimen may be required more than once. A laboratory analyzes your semen specimen for quantity, color and presence of infections or blood. Detailed analysis of the sperm also is done. The laboratory will determine the number of sperm present and any abnormalities in the shape and movement (motility) of the sperm. Often sperm counts fluctuate from one specimen to the next.

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