The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen (1166 page)

BOOK: The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen
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‘Commander?' Sweetlard enquired, nodding to the Khundryl.

‘They're volunteering to join up,' said Hedge, scowling. ‘Cashiered outa the Burned Tears, or something like that.' He faced the five men again. ‘I'd wager Gall will call this treason and come for your heads.'

The eldest of the warriors, his face almost black with tear tattoos, seemed to hunch lower beneath his broad, sloping shoulders. ‘Gall Inshikalan's soul is dead. All his children died in the charge. He sees only the past. The Khundryl Burned Tears are no more.' He gestured at his companions. ‘Yet we would fight on.'

‘Why not the Bonehunters?' Hedge asked.

‘Fist Kindly refused us.'

Another warrior growled and said, ‘He called us savages. And cowards.'

‘Cowards?' Hedge's scowl deepened. ‘You were in that charge?'

‘We were.'

‘And you would fight on? What's cowardly about that?'

The eldest one said, ‘He sought to shame us back to our people – but we are destroyed. We kneel in Coltaine's shadow, broken by failure.'

‘You're saying all the others will just…fade away?'

The man shrugged.

Alchemist Bavedict spoke behind Hedge. ‘Commander, we took us a few losses. These warriors are veterans. And survivors.'

Hedge looked round again, studied the Letherii. ‘Aren't we all,' he said.

Bavedict nodded.

Sighing, Hedge faced the warriors once more. He nodded at the spokesman. ‘Your name?'

‘Berrach. These are my sons. Sleg, Gent, Pahvral and Rayez.'

Your sons. No wonder you didn't feel welcome in Gall's camp.
‘You're now our outriders, scouts and, when needed, cavalry.'


Hedge nodded. ‘Bridgeburners.'

‘We're not cowards,' hissed the youngest, presumably Rayez, his expression suddenly fierce.

‘If you were,' said Hedge, ‘I'd have sent you packing. Berrach, you're now a Captain of our Mounted – have you spare horses?'

‘Not any more, Commander.'

‘Never mind, then. My sergeants here will see you billeted. Dismissed.'

In response the five warriors drew their sabres and fashioned a kind of salute Hedge had never seen before, blade edges set diagonally across each man's exposed throat.

Bavedict grunted behind him.

And if I now said ‘Cut' they'd do just that, wouldn't they? Gods below.
‘Enough of that, soldiers,' he said. ‘We don't worship Coltaine in the Bridgeburners. He was just another Malazan commander. A good one, to be sure, and right now he's standing in Dassem Ultor's shadow. And they got plenty of company. And maybe one day soon Gall will be there, too.'

Berrach was frowning. ‘Do we not honour their memories, sir?'

Hedge bared his teeth in anything but a smile. ‘Honour whoever you want in your spare time, Captain, only you ain't got any spare time any more, because you're now a Bridgeburner, and us Bridgeburners honour only one thing.'

‘And that is, sir?'

‘Killing the enemy, Captain.'

Something awoke in the faces of the warriors. As one they sheathed their weapons. Berrach seemed to be struggling to speak, and finally managed to ask, ‘Commander Hedge, how do the Bridgeburners salute?'

‘We don't. And as for anyone outside our company, it's this.'

Eyes widened at Hedge's obscene gesture, and then Berrach grinned.

When Hedge turned to wave his sergeants forward, he saw that they weren't quite the bloated grey bags he'd seen only moments earlier. Dread had been stripped from their faces, and now their exhaustion was plain to see – but it had softened somehow. Sweetlard and Rumjugs looked almost beautiful again.

Bridgeburners get pounded all the time. We just get back up. No bluster, just back up, aye.
‘Alchemist,' he said to Bavedict, ‘show me that new invention of yours.'

‘Finally,' the Letherii replied. ‘Funny, isn't it?'

‘What is?'

‘Oh, how a handful of Khundryl warriors started you all up.'

‘The sergeants were in shock—'

‘Commander, you looked even worse than they did.'

Oh, Hood take me, I doubt I can argue that.
‘So tell me, what's the new cusser do?'

‘Well now, sir, you were telling me about the Drum—'

‘I what? When?'

‘You were drunk. Anyway, it got me to thinking…'


The two newcomers walked into the squads' encampment, and faces lifted, eyes went flat. No one wanted any damned interruptions to all this private misery. Not now. Badan Gruk hesitated, and then pushed himself to his feet. ‘Eighteenth, isn't it?'

The sergeant, a Genabackan, was eyeing the other soldiers. ‘Which one is what's left of the Tenth?'

Badan Gruk felt himself go cold. He could feel the sudden, sharp attention of the others in the camp. He understood that regard. He wasn't a hard man and they all knew it – so, would he back down now?
If I had anything left, I would.
‘I don't know where in the trenches you were, but we met that first charge. It's a damned miracle any one of us is still alive. There's two marines left from the Tenth, and I guess that's why you're here, since you, Sergeant, and your corporal, are obviously the only survivors from your squad. You lost all your soldiers.'

At that comment Badan paused, gauging the effect of his words. He saw none.
What does that tell us? Nothing good.
He half turned and gestured. ‘There, those ones, they're from Primly's squad. But Sergeant Primly is dead. So is Hunt and so are Neller and Mulvan Dreader, and Corporal Kisswhere's gone…missing. You're left with Skulldeath and Drawfirst.'

Trailed by his corporal, the sergeant walked over. ‘On your feet, marines,' he said. ‘I'm Sergeant Gaunt-Eye, and this is Corporal Rib. The Tenth is no more. You're now in the Eighteenth.'

‘What?' demanded Drawfirst. ‘A squad of four?'

The corporal replied. ‘We're picking up two more from the Seventh, and another two from Ninth Company's Fifth.'

Ruffle limped up beside Badan Gruk. ‘Sergeant, Sinter's back.'

Badan sighed and turned away. ‘Fine. She can handle this, then.' He'd had his moment of spine. Nobody would have to look his way any more, expecting…
expecting what? Hood knows. They're just collecting up scraps now. Enough to make a rag.
He returned to the remnants of the fire, sat with his back to the others.

I've seen enough. Not even marines do this for a living. You can't die for a living. So, sew together new squads all you like. But really, just how many marines are left? Fifty? Sixty? No, better to let us soak into the regulars, sour as old blood. Hood knows, I'm sick of these faces here, sick of not seeing the ones missing, the ones I'll never see again. Shoaly. Strap Mull. Skim, Hunt, all of them.

Sinter was speaking to Gaunt-Eye, but the tones were low, level, and a few moments later she came over and squatted down at his side. ‘Rider in from the Burned Tears. Kisswhere's still mending. That broken leg was a bad one.'

‘They took them away?'


‘That sergeant.'

‘Aye, though it's not so much “away” as “just over there”, Badan. Not enough of us to sprawl.'

Badan found a stick and stirred at the ashes. ‘What is she going to do, Sinter?'


‘The Adjunct.'

‘How should I know? I've not talked to her. No one has, as far as I can tell – at least, the Fists look to be in charge at the moment.'

Badan dropped the stick and then rubbed at his face. ‘We got to go back,' he said.

‘That won't happen,' Sinter replied.

He shot her a glare. ‘We can't just pick up and go on.'

‘Keep it down, Badan. We pulled out more soldiers than we should have. We're not as mauled as we could have been. Ruthan Gudd, Quick Ben, and then what happened at the vanguard. Those things checked them. Not to mention Fid getting us dug in – without those trenches, the heavies would never have—'


‘Held. Long enough for the Letherii to bleed off pressure. Long enough for the rest of us to disengage—'

‘Disengage, aye, that's a good one.'

She leaned closer. ‘Listen to me,' she hissed. ‘We didn't die. Not one of us still here—'

‘Can't be more obvious, what you just said.'

‘No, you're not getting it. We got overrun, Badan, but we clawed through even that. Aye, maybe it was the Lady pulling in a frenzy, maybe it was all the others stepping into the paths of the blades coming down on us. Maybe it was how rattled they were by then – from what I heard Lostara Yil was almost invisible inside a cloud of blood, and none of it her own. They had to check at that. A pause. Hesitation. Whatever, the plain truth is, when we started pulling back—'

‘They left us to it.'

‘Point is, could have been a lot worse, Badan. Look at the Khundryl. Six thousand went in, less than a thousand rode back out. I heard some survivors have been wandering into camp. Joining up with Dead Hedge's Bridgeburners. They say Warleader Gall is broken. So, you see what happens when the commander breaks? The rest just crumble.'

‘Maybe now it's our turn.'

‘I doubt it. She was injured, remember, and Denul don't work on her. She needs to find her own way of healing. But you're still missing my point. Don't break to pieces, Badan. Don't crawl inside yourself. Your squad lost Skim, but nobody else.'

‘Nep Furrow's sick.'

‘He's always sick, Badan. At least, ever since we set foot on the Wastelands.'

‘Reliko wakes up screaming.'

‘He ain't alone in that. He and Vastly stood with the other heavies, right? So.'

Badan Gruk studied the dead fire, and then he sighed. ‘All right, Sinter. What do you want me to do? How do I fix all this?'

‘Fix this? You idiot, stop even trying. It ain't up to us. We keep our eye on our officers, we wait for their lead.'

‘I ain't seen Captain Sort.'

‘That's because she's just been made a Fist – where you been? Never mind. We're waiting for Fid, that's the truth of it. Same time as the parley, he's calling all of us together, the last of the marines and heavies.'

‘He's still just a sergeant.'

‘Wrong. Captain now.'

Despite himself, Badan Gruk smiled. ‘Bet he's thrilled.'

‘Been dancing all morning, aye.'

‘So we all gather.' He looked over, met her eyes. ‘And we listen to what he has to say. And then…'

‘Then…well, we'll see.'

Badan squinted at her, his anxiety returning in a chill rush.
Not the answer I expected.
‘Sinter, should we go and get Kisswhere?'

‘Oh, she'd like that. No, let the cow stew a while.'


‘It was us being so short,' Ruffle said.

‘Ey whev?'

‘You heard me, Nep. Those Short-Tails were too tall. Swinging down as low as they had to was hard – their armour wouldn't give enough at the waist. And did you see us? We learned fast. We waged war on their shins. Stabbed up into their crotches. Hamstrung 'em. Skewered their damned feet. We were an army of roach dogs, Nep.'

‘I een no eruch dhug, Errufel. E'en a vulf, izme. Nep Vulf!'

Reliko spoke up. ‘Think you got a point there, Ruffle. We started fighting damned low, didn't we? Right at their feet, in close, doing our work.' His ebon-skinned face worked into something like a grin.

‘Just what I said,' Ruffle nodded, lighting another rustleaf stick to conclude a breakfast of five others. Her hands trembled. She'd taken a slash to her right leg. The roughly sewn wound ached. And so did everything else.


Sinter settled down beside Honey. In a low voice she said, ‘They had to take the arm.'

Honey's face tightened. ‘Weapon arm.'

Others were leaning in to listen. Sinter frowned. ‘Aye. Corporal Rim's going to be clumsy for a while.'

‘So, Sergeant,' said Lookback, ‘are we gonna be folded into another squad, too? Or maybe swallow up some other one with only a couple of marines left?'

Sinter shrugged. ‘Still being worked out.'

Honey said, ‘Didn't like what happened to the Tenth, Sergeant. One moment there, the next just gone. Like a puff of smoke. That's not right.'

‘Gaunt-Eye's a bit of a bastard,' Sinter said. ‘No tact.'

‘Let all his soldiers die, too,' pointed out Lookback.

‘Enough of that. You can't think of it that way, not this time. Heads went up, heads got blown off, and then they were on top of us. It was every soldier for herself and himself.'

‘Not for Fid,' said Honey. ‘Or Corporal Tarr. Or Corabb or Urb or even Hellian. They rallied marines, Sergeant. They kept their heads and so people lived.'

Sinter looked away. ‘Too much talking going on around here, I think. You're all picking scabs and it's getting ugly.' She stood. ‘Need another word with Fid.'


Sergeant Urb walked over to Saltlick. ‘On your feet, squad.'

The man looked up, grunted his way upright.

‘Collect your kit.'

‘Aye, Sergeant. Where we headed to?'

Without replying, Urb set off, the heavy dropping in two steps behind him. Urb wasn't looking forward to this. He knew the faces of most of this army's marines. In such matters, his memory was good. Faces. Easy. The people hiding behind them, not easy. Names, not a chance. Now, of course, there weren't many faces left.

The marine and heavy infantry encampment was a mess. Disorganized, careless. Squads set up leaving gaps where other squads used to be. Tents hung slack from slipshod pegging. Weapon belts, battered shields and scarred armour were left lying around on the ground, amidst rodara bones and the boiled vertebrae of myrid. Shallow holes reeked where soldiers had thrown up – people complained of some stomach bug, but more likely it was just nerves, the terrible aftermath of battle. The acid of surviving that just kept on burning its way up the throat.

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