The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen (564 page)

BOOK: The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen
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A clearly grudging reply: ‘As you wish—'

‘And why they have been imprisoned here, and by whom.'

‘That I cannot do.'

They studied each other, then Edgewalker cocked its head, and observed, ‘It seems we are at an impasse, Cotillion. What is your decision?'

‘Very well. I will take what I can get.'

Edgewalker faced the three dragons. ‘These are of the pure blood. Eleint. Ampelas, Kalse and Eloth. Their crime was…ambition. It is a common enough crime.' The creature turned back to Cotillion. ‘Perhaps endemic.'

In answer to that veiled judgement, Cotillion shrugged. He walked closer to the imprisoned beasts. ‘I shall assume you can hear me,' he said in a low voice. ‘A war is coming. Only a few years away. And it will, I suspect, draw into its fray virtually every ascendant from all the realms. I need to know, should you be freed, upon which side shall you fight.'

There was silence for a half-dozen heartbeats, then a voice rasped in Cotillion's mind. ‘
You come here, Usurper, in a quest for allies

A second voice cut through, this one distinctly female, ‘
Bound by gratitude for freeing us. Were I to bargain from your position, I would be foolish to hope for loyalty, for trust

‘I agree,' said Cotillion, ‘that that is a problem. Presumably, you will suggest I free you before we bargain.'

It is only fair
,' the first voice said.

‘Alas, I am not that interested in being fair.'

You fear we will devour you?

‘In the interest of brevity,' Cotillion said, ‘and I understand that your kind delight in brevity.'

The third dragon spoke then, a heavy, deep voice: ‘
Freeing us first would indeed spare us the effort of then negotiating. Besides, we are hungry

‘What brought you to this realm?' Cotillion asked.

There was no reply.

Cotillion sighed. ‘I shall be more inclined to free you – assuming I am able – if I have reason to believe your imprisonment was unjust.'

The female dragon asked, ‘
And you presume to make that decision?

‘This hardly seems the right moment to be cantankerous,' he replied in exasperation. ‘The last person who made that judgement clearly did not find in favour of you, and was able to do something about it. I would have thought that all these centuries in chains might have led you three to reevaluate your motivations. But it seems your only regret is that you were unequal to the last entity that presumed to judge you.'

,' she said, ‘
that is a regret. But it is not our only one

‘All right. Let's hear some of the others.'

That the Tiste Andii who invaded this realm were so thorough in their destruction
,' the third dragon said, ‘
and so absolute in their insistence that the throne remain unclaimed

Cotillion drew a slow, long breath. He glanced back at Edgewalker, but the apparition said nothing. ‘And what,' he asked the dragons, ‘so spurred their zeal?'

Vengeance, of course. And Anomandaris

‘Ah, I think I can now assume I know who imprisoned the three of you.'

He very nearly killed us
,' said the female dragon. ‘
An overreaction on his part. After all, better Eleint on the Throne of Shadow than another Tiste Edur, or worse, a usurper

‘And how would Eleint
be usurpers?'

Your pedantry does not impress us

‘Was all this before or after the Sundering of the Realm?'

Such distinctions are meaningless. The Sundering continues to this day, and as for the forces that conspired to trigger the dread event, those were many and varied. Like a pack of enkar'al closing on a wounded drypthara. What is vulnerable attracts…feeders.

‘Thus,' said Cotillion, ‘if freed, you would once again seek the Shadow Throne. Only this time, someone occupies that throne.'

The veracity of that claim is subject to debate
,' the female dragon said.

A matter
,' added the first dragon, ‘
of semantics. Shadows cast by shadows

‘You believe that Ammanas is sitting on the wrong Shadow Throne.'

The true throne is not even in this fragment of Emurlahn

Cotillion crossed his arms and smiled. ‘And is Ammanas?'

The dragons said nothing, and he sensed, with great satisfaction, their sudden disquiet.

‘That, Cotillion,' said Edgewalker behind him, ‘is a curious distinction. Or are you simply being disingenuous?'

‘That I cannot tell you,' Cotillion said, with a faint smile.

The female dragon spoke, ‘
I am Eloth, Mistress of Illusions – Meanas to you – and Mockra and Thyr. A Shaper of the Blood. All that K'rul asked of me, I have done. And now you presume to question my loyalty?

‘Ah,' Cotillion said, nodding, ‘then I take it you are aware of the impending war. Are you also aware of the rumours of K'rul's return?'

His blood is growing sickly
,' said the third dragon. ‘
I am Ampelas, who shaped the Blood in the paths of Emurlahn. The sorcery wielded by the Tiste Edur was born of my will – do you now understand, Usurper?

‘That dragons are prone to grandiose claims and sententiousness? Yes, I do indeed understand, Ampelas. And I should now presume that for each of the warrens, Elder and new, there is a corresponding dragon? You are the
of K'rul's blood? What of the Soletaken dragons, such as Anomandaris and, more relevantly, Scabandari Bloodeye?'

We are surprised
,' said the first dragon after a moment, ‘
that you know that name

‘Because you killed him so long ago?'

A poor guess, Usurper, poorer for that you have revealed the extent of your ignorance. No, we did not kill him. In any case, his soul remains alive, although tormented. The one whose fist shattered his skull and so destroyed his body holds no allegiance to us, nor, we suspect, to anyone but herself

‘You are Kalse, then,' Cotillion said. ‘And what path do you claim?'

I leave the grandiose claims to my kin. I have no need to impress you, Usurper. Furthermore, I delight in discovering how little you comprehend.

Cotillion shrugged. ‘I was asking about the Soletaken. Scabandari, Anomandaris, Osserc, Olar Ethil, Draconus—'

Edgewalker spoke behind him: ‘Cotillion, surely you have surmised by now that these three dragons sought the Shadow Throne for honourable reasons?'

‘To heal Emurlahn, yes, Edgewalker, I understand that.'

‘And is that not what you seek as well?'

Cotillion turned to regard the creature. ‘Is it?'

Edgewalker seemed taken aback for a moment, then, head cocking slightly, it said, ‘It is not the healing that concerns you, it is who will be sitting on the Throne afterwards.'

‘As I understand things,' Cotillion replied, ‘once these dragons did what K'rul asked of them, they were compelled to return to Starvald Demelain. As the sources of sorcery, they could not be permitted to interfere or remain active across the realms, lest sorcery cease to be predictable, which in turn would feed Chaos – the eternal enemy in this grand scheme. But the Soletaken proved a problem. They possessed the blood of Tiam, and with it the vast power of the Eleint. Yet, they could travel as they pleased. They could interfere, and they did. For obvious reasons. Scabandari was originally Edur, and so he became their champion—'

After murdering the royal line of the Edur!
' Eloth said in a hiss. ‘
After spilling draconean blood in the heart of Kurald Emurlahn! After opening the first, fatal wound upon that warren! What did he think gates were?

‘The Tiste Andii for Anomandaris,' Cotillion continued. ‘Tiste Liosan for Osserc. The T'lan Imass for Olar Ethil. These connections and the loyalties born of them are obvious. Draconus is more of a mystery, of course, since he has been gone a long time—'

The most reviled of them all!
' Eloth shrieked, the voice filling Cotillion's skull so that he winced.

Stepping back, he raised a hand. ‘Spare me, please. I am not really interested in all that, to be honest. Apart from discovering if there was enmity between Eleint and Soletaken. It seems there is, with the possible exception of Silanah—'

Seduced by Anomandaris's charms
,' snapped Eloth. ‘
And Olar Ethil's endless pleadings

‘To bring fire to the world of the Imass,' Cotillion said. ‘For that is her aspect, is it not? Thyr?'

Ampelas observed, ‘
He is not so uncomprehending as you believed, Kalse

‘Then again,' Cotillion continued, ‘you too claim Thyr, Eloth. Ah, that was clever of K'rul, forcing you to share power.'

Unlike Tiam
,' Ampelas said, ‘
when we're killed we stay dead

‘Which brings me to what I truly need to understand. The Elder Gods. They are not simply of one world, are they?'

Of course not

‘And how long have they been around?'

Even when Darkness ruled alone
,' Ampelas replied, ‘
there were elemental forces. Moving unseen until the coming of Light. Bound only to their own laws. It is the nature of Darkness that it but rules itself.

‘And is the Crippled God an Elder?'


Cotillion found he was holding his breath. He had taken a twisted path to this question, and had made discoveries along the way – so much to think about, in fact, that his mind was numb, besieged by all that he had learned. ‘I need to know,' he said in a slow release of his breath.

‘Why?' Edgewalker asked.

‘If he is,' Cotillion said, ‘then another question follows. How does one kill an elemental force?'

‘You would shatter the balance?'

‘It's already been shattered, Edgewalker! That god was brought down to the surface of a world. And chained. His power torn apart and secreted in minuscule, virtually lifeless warrens, but all of them linked to the world I came from—'

Too bad for that world
,' Ampelas said.

The smug disregard in that reply stung Cotillion. He breathed deep and remained silent, until the anger passed. Then he faced the dragons again. ‘And from that world, Ampelas, he is poisoning the warrens. Every warren. Are you capable of fighting that?'

Were we freed

‘Were you freed,' Cotillion said, with a hard smile, ‘you would resume your original purpose, and there would be more draconean blood spilled in the Realm of Shadow.'

And you and your fellow usurper believe you are capable of that?

‘You as much as admitted it,' Cotillion said. ‘You can be killed, and when you have been killed, you stay dead. It is no wonder Anomandaris chained the three of you. In obstinate stupidity you have no equals—'

A sundered realm is the weakest realm of all! Why do you think the Crippled God is working through it?

‘Thank you,' said Cotillion to Ampelas in a quiet tone. ‘That is what I needed to know.' He turned away and began walking back down the approach.


‘We will speak again, Ampelas,' he said over a shoulder, ‘before it all goes to the Abyss.'

Edgewalker followed.

As soon as they were clear of the ring of stones, the creature spoke: ‘I must chide myself. I have underestimated you, Cotillion.'

‘It's a common enough mistake.'

‘What will you do now?'

‘Why should I tell you?'

Edgewalker did not immediately reply. They continued down the slope, strode out onto the plain. ‘You should tell me,' the apparition finally said, ‘because I might be inclined to give you assistance.'

‘That would mean more to me if I knew who – what – you are.'

‘You may consider me…an elemental force.'

A dull chill seeped through Cotillion. ‘I see. All right, Edgewalker. It appears that the Crippled God has launched an offensive on multiple fronts. The First Throne of the T'lan Imass and the Throne of Shadow are the ones that concern us the most, for obvious reasons. In these two, we feel we are fighting alone – we cannot even rely upon the Hounds, given the mastery the Tiste Edur seem to hold over them. We need allies, Edgewalker, and we need them now.'

‘You have just walked away from three such allies—'

‘Allies who won't rip our heads off once the threat's been negated.'

‘Ah, there is that. Very well, Cotillion, I will give the matter some consideration.'

‘Take your time.'

‘That seems a contrary notion.'

‘If one is lacking a grasp of sarcasm, I imagine it does at that.'

‘You do interest me, Cotillion. And that is a rare thing.'

‘I know. You have existed longer…' Cotillion's words died away.
An elemental force. I guess he has at that. Dammit


There were so many ways of seeing this dreadful need, the vast conspiracy of motivations from which all shades and casts of morality could be culled, that Mappo Runt was left feeling overwhelmed, from which only sorrow streamed down, pure and chilled, into his thoughts. Beneath the coarse skin of his hands, he could feel the night's memory slowly fading from the stone, and soon this rock would know the assault of the sun's heat – this pitted, root-tracked underbelly that had not faced the sun in countless millennia.

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