The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen (677 page)

BOOK: The Complete Malazan Book of the Fallen
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And maybe it had some value. Hard to tell with things like this, Keneb knew.

The wind drove them onward, east by southeast now, and before a quarter bell was sounded, the Jakatakans were far behind.

Destriant Run'Thurvian had appeared earlier, and had watched the escapades of the marines on the surrounding ships. Frowning for some time, he eventually spotted Keneb and approached. ‘Sir,' he said, ‘I am somewhat confused. Is there no honour between elements of the Mezla military?'

‘Honour? Not really, Destriant. Rivalries provide the lifeblood, although in this case matters proved somewhat one-sided, and for the reason for that you will have to look to the

A sage nod. ‘Of course, the ship woven in sorceries, where time itself is denied.'

‘Do you know the manner of those sorceries, Destriant?'

‘Kurald Emurlahn, Tellann, Telas and a residue of Toblakai, although in this latter case the nature of the power is…uncertain. Of course,' he added, ‘there is nothing unusual in that. Among the ancient Toblakai – according to our own histories – there could arise individuals, warriors, who became something of a warren unto themselves. Such power varies in its efficacy, and it would appear that this sort of blood talent was waning in the last generations of the Toblakai civilization, growing ever weaker. In any case,' the Destriant added, shrugging, ‘as I said, a residue remains on this
. Toblakai. Which is rather interesting, since it was believed that the giant race was extinct.'

‘There are said to be remnants,' Keneb offered, ‘in the Fenn Range of north Quon Tali. Primitive, reclusive…'

‘Oh yes,' Run'Thurvian said, ‘of mixed bloods there are known examples, vastly diminished, of course. The Trell, for example, and a tribe known as the Barghast. Ignorant of past glories, as you suggest. Fist, may I ask you a question?'

‘Of course.'

‘The Adjunct Tavore. It appears that the relationship with her Empress has become strained. Have I surmised correctly? This is disturbing news, given what awaits us.'

Keneb looked away, then he cleared his throat. ‘Destriant, I have no idea what awaits us, although it seems that you do. As for the Empress, again, there is nothing I can imagine to give rise to mutual distrust. The Adjunct is the Hand of the Empress. An extension of Laseen's will.'

‘The Empress would not be inclined, therefore,' Run'Thurvian said, ‘to sever that hand, yes? I am relieved to hear this.'


‘Because,' the Destriant said, turning away, ‘your Fourteenth Army will not be enough.'


If wood could be exhausted by unceasing strain, the ships of the imperial fleet were at their very limits, two bells out from Malaz Island on the night of the second day, when the wind suddenly fell away, a coolness coming into the air, and it seemed that every ship sagged, settling deeper into the swells, and now, in place of the hot dry gale, a softer breeze arrived.

Kalam Mekhar had taken to pacing the deck, restless, his appetite gone and a tightness gripping his guts. As he made his way aft for the thirtieth time since dusk, Quick Ben appeared alongside him.

‘Laseen's waiting for us,' the High Mage said. ‘And Tayschrenn's there, like a scorpion under a rock. Kal, everything I'm feeling…'

‘I know, friend.'

‘Like I did back outside Pale.'

They turned about and slowly walked forward. Kalam scratched at his beard. ‘We had Whiskeyjack, back then. Even Dujek. But now…' He growled under his breath, then rolled his shoulders.

‘Ain't seen you do that in a long time, Kal, that shrug of yours.'


‘That's what I thought.' The High Mage sighed, then he reached out and grasped the assassin's arm as a figure emerged from the gloom before them.

The Adjunct. ‘High Mage,' she said in a low voice, ‘I want you to cross over to the
, by warren.'


‘Yes. Is that a problem?'

Kalam sensed his friend's unease, and the assassin cleared his throat. ‘Adjunct. The Imperial High Mage Tayschrenn is, uh, dead ahead.'

‘He does not quest,' she replied. ‘Does he, Quick Ben?'

‘No. How did you know that?'

She ignored the question. ‘By warren, immediately, High Mage. You are to collect Fiddler, and the soldier named Bottle. Inform the sergeant that the time has come.'


‘For a game. He will understand. Then, the three of you are to return here, where you will join myself, Kalam, Fist Keneb, T'amber and Apsalar, in my cabin. You have a quarter of a bell, High Mage. Kalam, come with me now, please.'

One of Fiddler's games.

Gods below, a


A moccasined foot thumped into Bottle's side. Grunting, he sat up, still mostly asleep. ‘That you, Smiles? Not now…' but no, it wasn't Smiles. His heart thumped awake in a savage drumbeat. ‘Oh, High Mage, uh. Um. What is it?'

‘On your feet,' Quick Ben hissed. ‘And quietly, damn you.'

‘Too late,' muttered Koryk from his bedroll nearby.

‘It had better not be, soldier,' the wizard said. ‘Another sound from you and I'll push your head up the next soldier's backside.'

A head lifted from blankets. ‘That'd beat the view I got now…sir.' Then he settled back down.

Bottle climbed to his feet, chilled yet sweating.

And found himself looking at Fiddler's miserable face, hovering there behind the High Mage. ‘Sergeant?'

‘Just follow us aft, Bottle.'

The three of them picked their way clear of the sleeping forms on the mid deck.

There was a strange scent in the air, Bottle realized. Familiar, yet…‘Sergeant, you're carrying that new Deck of yours…'

‘You and your damned rat,' muttered Fiddler. ‘I knew it, you lying bastard.'

‘Wasn't me,' Bottle began, then fell quiet.
Gods below, even for me that was lame. Try something better.
‘Just looking out for you, Sergeant. Your shaved knuckle in the hole, that's me.'

‘Hah, where have I heard that before, eh Quick?'

‘Quiet, you two. We're going across now. Grab belts…'

Bottle blinked, and found himself on another deck, and directly ahead, steps leading down.
Abyss take me, that was fast. Fast and…appalling.
Quick Ben waved them into his wake as he descended, ducking the frame, then halting three strides down the corridor, knocking upon a door to his left. It opened at once.

T'amber, the eyes that gave her her name scanning the three men cramped in the narrow corridor. Then she stepped back.

The Adjunct stood behind her chair at the map-table. The rest were seated, and Bottle stared wildly from one to the next. Fist Keneb. Apsalar. Kalam Mekhar.

A low moan from Fiddler.

‘Sergeant,' the Adjunct said, ‘you have your players.'



Oh no.


‘I really don't think this is a good idea,' the sergeant said.

‘Perhaps,' the Adjunct replied.

‘I agree,' T'amber said. ‘Or, rather, my participation…as a player. As I said earlier, Tavore—'

‘Nonetheless,' the Adjunct cut in, drawing out the empty chair opposite the one reserved for Fiddler and sitting herself down on Keneb's left. She pulled her gloves free. ‘Explain the rules, please.'

Keneb watched as Fiddler cast helpless, desperate looks to both Kalam and Quick Ben, but neither would meet his eyes, and both were clearly miserable. Then the sergeant slowly walked over to the last chair. He settled into it. ‘That's just it, Adjunct, there ain't no rules, except those I make up as I go.'

‘Very well. Begin.'

Fiddler scratched at his greying beard, his eyes fixing on T'amber who sat to the Adjunct's left, directly opposite Keneb. ‘This is your Deck,' he said, lifting it into view and setting it down on the tabletop. ‘It has new cards in it.'

‘Your point?' the young woman demanded.

‘Just this. Who in Hood's name are you?'

A shrug. ‘Does it matter?'

A grunt from Kalam Mekhar on Keneb's right. Beyond the assassin, on the same side and immediately to Fiddler's left was Apsalar. Bottle was on the sergeant's right, with the High Mage beside him.
The only one who really doesn't belong is me. Where's Blistig? Nok? Temul, Nil and Nether?

‘Last chance,' Fiddler said to the Adjunct. ‘We stop this now—'

‘Begin, Sergeant.'

‘Bottle, find us some wine.'


‘First rule. Wine. Everybody gets a cup. Except the dealer, he gets rum. Go to it, Bottle.'

As the young soldier rose Fiddler collected the cards. ‘Player on dealer's right has to serve drinks during the first hand.' He flung out a card, face-down, and it slid crookedly to halt in front of Quick Ben. ‘High Mage has last card. Last card's dealt out first, but not shown until the end.'

Bottle came back with cups. He set the first one down in front of the Adjunct, then T'amber, Keneb, Quick, Kalam, Apsalar, Fiddler and finally one into the place before his empty chair. As he returned with two jugs, one of wine and the other Falari rum, Fiddler held up a hand and halted him.

In quick succession the sergeant flung out cards, matching the order Bottle had used in setting down the cups.

Suddenly, eight face-up cards marked the field, and Fiddler, gesturing Bottle over with the rum, began talking. ‘Dealer gets Soldier of High House Life but it's bittersweet, meaning it's for him and him alone, given this late hour. Empty chair gets Weaver of Life and she needs a bath but nobody's surprised by that. So we got two Life's to start.' Fiddler watched as Bottle poured rum into his cup. ‘And that's why Kalam's looking at an Unaligned. Obelisk, the Sleeping Goddess – you're getting a reversed field, Kal, sorry but there's nothing to be done for it.' He downed his rum and held out his cup again, interrupting Bottle's efforts to fill the others with wine. ‘Apsalar's got Assassin of High House Shadow, oh, isn't that a surprise. It's the only card she gets—'

‘You mean I win?' she asked, one brow lifting sardonically.

‘And lose, too. Nice move, interrupting me like that, you're catching on. Now, nobody else say a damned thing unless you want to up the ante.' He drank down his second cupful. ‘Poor Quick Ben, he's got Lifeslayer to deal with, and that puts him in a hole, but not the hole he thinks he's in – a different hole. Now T'amber, she's opened the game with that card. Throne, and it's shifting every which way. The pivot card, then—'

‘What's a pivot card?' Bottle asked, finally sitting down.

‘Bastard – knew I couldn't trust you. It's the hinge, of course. Finish that wine – you got to drink rum now. You're a sharp one, ain't you? Now Fist Keneb, well, that's a curious one. Lord of Wolves, the throne card of High House War, and aren't they looking baleful – Fist, where's Grub hiding these days?'

‘On Nok's ship,' Keneb replied, bewildered and strangely frightened.

‘Well, that knocks you outa the game, though you still get four more cards, since we've made a course correction and the northeast headland's rising up two pegs to starboard. In seventy heartbeats we'll be sliding closest to that rocky coast, and Nok's ship will be even closer, and Grub will dive overboard. He's got three friends living in the caves in the cliff and here are their cards—' Three more skidded out to just beyond the centre of the table. ‘Crown, Sceptre, Orb. Hmm, let's ignore those for now.'

Keneb half-rose. ‘
Diving overboard?

‘Relax, he'll be back. So, we get to the Adjunct's card. House of War, Guardians of the Road, or the Dead – title's uncertain so take your pick.' He threw another card and it slid up beside it. ‘Oponn. As I thought. Decisions yet to be made. Will it be the Push or the Pull? And what's that got to do with this one?' A skitter, ending up in the middle, opposite both Kalam and Quick Ben – ‘Herald of High House Death. A distinctly inactive and out-of-date card in this field, but I see a Rusty Gauntlet—'

‘A what?' demanded Kalam Mekhar.

‘Right here before me. A new drink that Bottle in his inebriated state just invented. Rum and wine – half and half, soldier, fill us up – you too, that's what you get for making that face.'

Keneb rubbed at his own face. He'd taken but a single mouthful of the wine, but he felt drunk.
Hot in here.
He started as four cards appeared in a row in front of the one already before him.

‘Spinner of Death, Queen of Dark, Queen of Life and, ho, the King in Chains. Like hopping stones across a stream, isn't it? Expecting to see your wife any time soon, Fist? Forget it. She's set you aside for an Untan noble, and my, if it isn't Exent Hadar – I bet he kept his gaze averted back then, probably ignored you outright, that's both guilt and smugness, you know. Must have been the weak chin that stole her heart – but look at you, sir, you look damned relieved and that's a hand that tops us all and even though you were out when it comes to winning you're back in when it comes to losing, but in this case you win when you lose, so relax.'

‘Well,' muttered Bottle, ‘hope I nev'win one a theez'ands.'

‘No,' Fiddler said to him, ‘you got it easy. She plays and she takes, and so—' A card clattered before the owl-eyed soldier. ‘Deathslayer. You can sleep now, Bottle, you're done as done for the night.'

The man's eyes promptly closed and he slid down from his chair, the piece of furniture scraping back. Keneb heard the man's head thump on the boards, once.

Yes, that'd be nice. Exent Hadar. Gods, woman, really!

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