The Complete Memories Series (13 page)

Read The Complete Memories Series Online

Authors: Emma Hart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: The Complete Memories Series
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I nod at him and look at both of the guys. “In that case, you’re on, boys.”

“Sure you can handle it?” Carl winks.

Alec makes eye contact with me again and I look into the eyes that have kept me up at night.

“I can handle anything you throw at me.”






Sometimes, you don’t know what to expect from a day. Sometimes you wake up with a clear plan. Sometimes, a spanner gets thrown in the works so you’re back to not expecting.

I definitely don’t know what to expect from today.

Something has changed between me and Alec after yesterday. I don’t know if it’s far enough to say I’m ready to throw myself into his arms and beg for forever, but the defining line has been smudged by his kiss. Obviously smudged.

And I’m not likely to beg forever, but you get it. Whatever it is, it’s got a smile on my face, despite the looming beach party. Bing is insisting on coming – of course he is – but I don’t want to go. I have no doubt that if James is there and so much as looks my way he’ll get another black eye, but I don’t really want to go down that route.

And that’s why I’m dawdling.

That’s why I conveniently can’t find anything to wear. It’s also why my mascara has conveniently gone missing. Or if I’ll be honest, it’s hiding under my pillow. But no one else needs to know that.

‘‘You don’t have to go if you don’t want to.’’ Bing pokes his head round the door. ‘‘Why don’t we all just hang out here? Me and Dad can set up the burner outside.’’

‘‘Don’t need the burner,’’ I reply and sit on my bed. ‘‘It’s hot enough.’’

‘‘Then we’ll just chill out on the decking.’’ He shrugs. ‘‘Really, sis, you ain’t gotta go.’’

‘‘No... I...’’ I sigh. ‘‘I want to go, but I’m worried he’ll be there.’’

‘‘If he is and he so much as looks your way he’ll have another black eye,’’ Bing growls.

Point? Proven.

‘‘That’s exactly what I don’t want to happen, Bing.’’

‘‘Pretend Alec is your boyfriend. He might as well be.’’

‘‘I’m gonna ignore that last part.’’ I glance at him. ‘‘But I doubt that’ll make a difference. Guys like James... They take what they want, whether it belongs to someone else or not. Not that my anything belongs to anyone but me.’’

‘‘Ah-huh.’’ Bing nods and sits next to me. I can hear the disbelief in his tone. ‘‘Dear sister, when will you see that something of yours does belong to someone?’’


‘‘I’m just asking. I’m as thick as two wooden planks and even I can see it. Just admit it to yourself and we’re cool.’’

I smack him with my pillow. ‘‘Maybe I’m not ready to totally admit it to myself, yet. I’ll let you know when I am, though, so thanks for the advice, champ.’’ I roll my eyes.

‘‘Any time. You know my experience.’’ He winks.

‘‘I didn’t realise your casual sex involved feelings!’’ I gasp.

He scowls at me and hits me back with the pillow.

‘‘Get ready. You’ll be fine.’’ Bing gets up and moves back to the door. ‘‘You didn’t see the look on Alec’s face last weekend, Lexy.’’ He looks at me over his shoulder, his mocha coloured eyes meeting mine. ‘‘If you didn’t need him, he would have killed that prick. I’ve never seen anyone so angry. Alec ain’t gonna let anyone touch you other than him apart from me, Jen and Carl. Trust him.’’

He disappears with his final words.

And the words are there again. Trust. Trust him. Will Alec let anyone hurt me? No, I know he won’t. But it’s still that word.

Why can’t I still get over that word where he’s concerned?

I sigh dramatically and reach under my pillow, retrieving my runaway mascara. I look at the tube and smile resolutely.

‘‘Let’s do this,’’ I say to it and stop.

Am I really talking to mascara now?


My door bangs open and Jen storms in.

‘‘You would not believe the ass kicking I just got off my sister!’’ She half shouts. ‘‘‘Don’t go and get drunk tonight. Don’t forget you have to be up early, so no staying over at Carl’s. I don’t want you to be hungover for my big day.’ Honestly, she’s a fucking nightmare tonight. I am so glad to be out of that damn house. She’s like one of those sniper guns, always on target with what to say to piss you off. Even Mum wants to get the frying pan out of the cupboard and knock her out until the morning. She is that bad.’’

‘‘She’s just excited,’’ I say, leaning over the mirror applying the mascara to my lashes.

‘‘Excited? No, she’s freaking. She’s absolutely freaking out. And I’m talking a freak out of epic proportions. Like, I’m waiting for her Bridezilla horns to pop out the top of her head.’’ Jen chucks herself on my bed and sighs.

‘‘Are you breathing yet?’’ I giggle and look at her through the mirror.

‘‘Yes. Pretty much. Hey, does your Gram have any Vino around here?’’

‘‘Uh, yes. It’s hidden, though.’’

‘‘Hm. No bother then.’’ Jen shrugs. ‘‘Let me guess, your brother is in the bathroom?’’

‘‘Most likely,’’ I reply, returning to my make-up.

‘‘Uggggh,’’ she groans and grabs her bag, leaving the room. I hear her knock on the bathroom door.

‘‘What?’’ Bing yells.

‘‘Get your fat ass out of the bathroom!’’ Jen hollers through the door.

‘‘Wait your turn, prawn-girl.’’

‘‘Oh, you’re so original!’’

I shake my head and step back. ‘‘Bing! Stop being such a girl!’’

‘‘Alright, alright.’’ He grumbles and opens the door widely. ‘‘Happy, Jennifer?’’

Jen smiles tightly. ‘‘Yes, thank you, Samuel.’’

She walks into the bathroom, slamming the door behind her, and Bing makes a gun motion at me with his hand. He cocks his wrist, blows imaginary smoke from his fingertips and saunters off down the hall. I stare after him, even now still perplexed at my brother’s strange little quirks. I shake my head and blink a few times. He’s weird.




I hug my arms around my waist tightly, looking out at the crowd gathered. As always, it’s busy with both the local teens and their friends. It’s definitely a weekly thing here.

Warm, strong arms wrap around my shoulders from behind. I tense.

‘‘Relax, Princess,’’ Alec says softly. ‘‘It’s just me.’’

I relax back into him and he drops his arms to my waist, holding my back tightly to his front.

‘‘You don’t have to babysit me,’’ I say to him.

‘‘I’m not,’’ he replies. ‘‘I’m protecting you.’’

‘‘I shouldn’t need protecting.’’ I scuff the sand with my foot and hang my head.

‘‘Even if you didn’t, I’d still do it anyway.’’ I feel him shrug.

‘‘You don’t...’’

‘‘I do it because I want to, okay, Princess?’’ He interrupts me. ‘‘No other reason than that.’’

I can’t argue with that logic.

‘‘Okay,’’ I agree. He tightens his arms around me and rests his chin on my shoulder, like he did yesterday at the aquarium.

Someone has a sound system set up - and I’d bet it’s in someone’s car. Lifehouse is playing - a remixed version, of course - and it’s one of my favourite songs, Falling In.

I bite the corner of my lip. I can feel Alec’s heart thumping against my back through his top. I move my arms and rest them over his, practically holding them to me. He tilts his face towards me and my head turns involuntarily to him. I can feel his breath fanning over my cheek, across my neck. I close my eyes, content with the feeling of safety swirling around me.

I feel myself trust him a little more. He really has no intentions of letting me go.

‘‘Making your claim, Alec?’’ One guy near us yells over.

‘‘You bet I am, JJ.’’ Alec replies, lifting his head and looking over him.

‘‘Sweet!’’ JJ calls back. ‘‘Let us know if she’s any good, yeah?’’ He laughs.

Alec tenses. I turn my head and glare at JJ.

‘‘You wanna watch what you’re saying, JJ,’’ Alec grinds out between clenched teeth.

‘‘Feeling territorial?’’ He laughs.

‘‘I’m not a fucking dog, asshole,’’ I snap. ‘‘But if you wanna see a human bitch, then keep opening your pathetic little mouth.’’

‘‘Oooh.’’ JJ waggles his eyebrows. ‘‘She’s got a bark.’’

I’m fed up of guys thinking they can get their way at these parties.

I spin around and Alec loses his grip. I march up to JJ. He’s taller than me but I tilt my head back and glare into his eyes.

‘‘I’ve got a bark, well done. But it’s nothing compared to my bite, so give it a rest before I neuter you, you prick.’’

Alec bursts out laughing behind me. ‘‘Think the lady wins that one, JJ.’’

JJ’s eyes narrow and he looks between us. ‘‘If she’s stupid enough to go with you, Alec, then she must be London’s bike.’’

Alec makes a move behind me and I stand in front of him. His fists are clenched and I put my hands flat against his chest.

‘‘Alec,’’ I warn quietly.

‘‘I’m not gonna let him talk about you like that,’’ he manages.

‘‘It doesn’t matter, it doesn’t bother me.’’ I insist. ‘‘Alec.’’

He takes a deep breath and I put a hand against his cheek, pulling his face down so he’s looking at me. He exhales and opens his eyes.

‘‘He’s not worth it,’’ I say softly.

I can see in his eyes how much he hates hearing it when people disrespect me.

‘‘I’m okay,’’ he mutters. ‘‘I’m okay.’’


He nods and pulls me tight against him. I rest my cheek against his chest. 

‘‘Good shout, Alec.’’ Bing slaps his shoulder and walks past.

‘‘Bing,’’ I say, a warning in my voice.

‘‘I’m not gonna go near the guy.’’ He holds his hands out. ‘‘You two sorted him out just fine.’’

I nod at him and he winks.

‘‘But that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t keep his snarky little comments to himself. Just cause the little boy isn’t any getting.’’ Bing smirks.

JJ glares at my brother. I join him. Bing really needs to learn to control himself sometimes.

‘‘Bing, shut it.’’ I order him.

‘‘Baby sis is giving me orders, oooh.’’ He taunts me.

I stare at him, stone faced. Jen tiptoes along the sand behind him and my lips twitch as I struggle to hold my straight face.

Smack. Her hand makes contact with the back of his head and she skips over to us, hiding behind Alec.

‘‘What the...’’ Bing looks around. Jen giggles from behind us.

‘‘Jennifer,’’ he growls.

‘‘Yes, Samuel?’’ She pokes her head around innocently, batting her eyelashes.

‘‘Aw you know I’m a sucker for a pretty girl batting her lashes at me,’’ Bing softens but I can see the glint in his eye.

‘‘Don’t fall for it,’’ I hiss out the corner of my mouth.

‘‘Well you know me, Sam, I’m a sucker for a good looking guy when he growls my name that way.’’ She twirls her hair round her finger.

Alec shakes his head, his body relaxed once again.

‘‘Chattin’ up my girl, Bing?’’ Carl laughs.

‘‘Not in a million years mate.’’ Bing laughs too. He looks at Jen and raises his eyebrows. ‘‘I’ll get you for that slap, girl.’’

‘‘I’m sure you will.’’ She smiles sweetly. I close my eyes and sigh. Would their rivalry ever disappear?

Probably not.

‘‘Shall we give the drinking game a miss tonight, Princess?’’ Alec says softly into my ear. I nod and lay my head back against him.

I can’t help but feel something for him, and now if I’m wondering if I’ve been deceiving myself from the get go.

I’m beginning to wonder if I’ve wanted him since the second I laid eyes on him.




There’s something incredibly attractive about watching a girl completely fuck someone over. It’s mesmerising when it’s Lexy doing the fucking over.

The lips that just put JJ in his place touched mine. I hide my smug grin in my hair. It’s one of the things I love about her - she’s not afraid to stand up for herself. She’s not a clingy, whiny girl. She has more attitude in her big toe than the teens in this place have put together... And no one knows how to react to it.

I do. I know that I want to feel her lips against mine again and hold her even closer than I already am.

My heart is thudding in my chest, right under her cheek, and I know she can feel it. I stroke my hands down her back.

‘‘Your heart is going crazy,’’ she whispers like she can read my mind.

My lips curl up on one side. ‘‘It’s because I’m holding you. You make my heart beat like no other.’’

Her grip tightens slightly on my waist and I stand there, just holding her.

Because I can.






‘‘Where are my-?’’

‘‘On the side, Grammy,’’ I smirk. She picks up her glasses and winks.

‘‘You’re like Sherlock Holmes, Lexy girl, just prettier.’’

‘‘And female.’’

‘‘And that.’’ She bustles around looking for yet another thing. ‘‘Is Alec picking you up?’’

‘‘Mmm,’’ I answer, a small smile on my face.

Grammy catches it with her beady little eyes. ‘‘Oh, yes?’’

A blush colours my cheeks and I look away.

‘‘Hmmm?’’ Grammy probes.

‘‘Shush.’’ I bat her away and slip on my black heels to match my black and nude dress.

‘‘Love is in the air... doo doo doo doo doo doo...’’

‘‘Oh, shush!’’ I repeat and narrow my eyes at her.

She smiles knowingly and wiggles her eyebrows at me once. I shake my head when the doorbell rings.

Chaos begins.

‘‘Where’s my tie?’’

‘‘Mum, have you seen my shoes?’’

‘‘On the back of the chair. No, Sam, I haven’t. Lexy, have you seen my mascara?’’

‘‘It’s on the bathroom sink.’’

‘‘Emmy, are you sure my tie is there?’’

‘‘Oh, Si, we don’t have time for this.’’

I take a deep breath and open the door.

Taking a deep breath was the wrong move.

I’m rendered speechless and breathless by Alec in a suit. The sharp, black suit is tailored to fit him perfectly and the baby blue shirt brings the colour of his eyes out so much they almost pop.

I blink. Swallow. Blink some more.

His lips curl up in a small smile. ‘‘Anyone there?’’

I swallow again and look up. ‘‘Hi.’’

‘‘Hey, Princess.’’ He wipes some hair from my eye. ‘‘You look beautiful.’’

I rake my eyes over him again. Yeah. That suit is something else.

‘‘You don’t look so bad yourself.’’ I smile.

‘‘Ready to go?’’ He holds his elbow out and I nod, tucking my clutch bag under my arm.

‘‘See you guys in a bit!’’ I yell into the house.

Grammy winks as she walks past and I roll my eyes, slipping my hand into the crook of Alec’s arm. We walk down the path and he opens the car door for me. He helps me in and stops just before he shuts the door.

I smooth my hair, which is curled and swept to one side.

‘‘What?’’ I ask. He’s looking at me almost tenderly.

‘‘You really do look beautiful,’’ he says so softly I can barely hear him. I smile, warmth spreading through my body.

‘‘Thank you.’’ I slowly close my eyes and open them again. Alec shuts the door and climbs in the other side. He glances at me again, shoots me a smile, and starts the engine.

It’s gonna be a long day.




The venue is amazing. The manor house is decked out in shades of white and the lightest shade of lilac I’ve ever seen. Bouquets of roses and baby’s breath adorn the sides of the reception room. The tables are round, covered with white cloth. The chairs have lilac organza bows around the back of them. But that’s not what’s amazing.

My jaw drops as I take in the centrepieces. In a splash of colour, large violet, glass vases sit on each table. The biggest roses I’ve ever seen come out from each one and they all sparkle like they’ve been coated with a discreet layer of glitter. They’re so simple, so understated, but so elegant.

A DJ station is set up in the far corner, along with space for a dance floor. We all take our seats, Alec pulling the chair out for me. Jen rolls her eyes at me as she passes, moving to sit at a table closer to the front.

She looks beautiful, too. Her lilac dress is knee length, strapless, and has a lilac bow just under her bust. Her blonde hair is hanging across her shoulders in delicate waves, and despite her eye roll, I can tell she’s delighted for her sister, Hannah.

Hannah and her new husband, Lloyd, enter the room and we all clap. They do make a truly stunning couple. Hannah is an older version of Jen, almost identical in looks. The only thing setting them apart is the bright pink in Jen’s hair - which she’s dyed out.

Lloyd is taller than Hannah by almost a head, and is dark in contrast. Dark hair, olive skin, and green-brown eyes. It sounds strange, but it makes for a striking contrast.

The meal is served and, as expected, the meal is out of this world good. Me and Alec make some small talk with the other guests around the table, but mostly talk between ourselves. 

‘‘You two make a very cute couple.’’ A lady in her forties smiles at us across the table.

I open my mouth to correct her but Alec beats me to it.

‘‘Thank you, ma’am.’’ He beams and takes my hand in his. I look at him and discreetly raise an eyebrow. He winks and shrugs one shoulder.

‘‘Sorry,’’ he whispers in my ear. ‘‘I didn’t want to ruin her little dream.’’

I laugh under my breath and the same woman shoots a big smile at us. I smile back and shrug as if to say ‘what can I do?’

When all the dessert dishes are cleared away, the DJ welcomes us to the evening event and calls for the first dance. A smile graces my lips as I watch Hannah and Lloyd take the floor. They look into each other’s eyes as if they’re the only people in the room, and you can almost feel the love flowing from them.

As I watch, I wonder if I’ll ever feel that way about anyone. To love someone enough to commit your whole life to them is something else altogether. I think about my parents. They’ve been happily married for twenty-five years, and together even longer. That’s the kind of love I want one day. It’s the kind everyone wants.

Alec looks back at me like he knows what I’m thinking and smiles. I smile back.

The music changes and people start to gravitate towards the floor. Alec offers me his hand.

‘‘May I have this dance?’’

It’s Westlife. How can I possibly say no?

‘‘You may.’’ I smile and put my hand in his. He leads me to the dance floor where I catch sight of Jen and Carl. Carl winks at me and nods toward Alec, Jen grins. I roll my eyes at them and turn towards Alec. He pulls me against him, spreading his hands across the small of my back. I wrap my arms around his neck and realise what the song is.

Every Little Thing You Do.

Perfect for a wedding, I’ll admit, but not so perfect when you’re in the arms of the only guy you think of when you hear the song. Alec starts swaying me side to side gently and I allow myself to melt into his arms.

‘‘‘It’s every little thing you do, that makes me fall in love with you. There isn’t a way that I can show you, ever since I’ve come to know you, it’s every little thing you say, that makes me wanna feel this way. There’s not a thing that I can point to, it’s every little thing you do.’’’ Alec sings quietly into my ear.

I rest my head on his shoulder, my face turned into his neck. He holds me tighter as he quietly carries on singing and my heart melts.

‘‘Closet Westlife fan,’’ I whisper to him.

He turns his face into mine so his lips are right by my ear. ‘‘I’ve already told you I’d do anything for you, Princess, and if that means learning Westlife, then I’ll do it.’’

He starts singing again and something inside me breaks. I can’t fight it anymore.

He’s dangerous, flirtatious, my opposite in almost everything. But he’s all I want.

I’ve never felt the way I do right now, with him holding me close and singing me one of my favourite songs. Nothing even comes close to the feeling spreading through my body.

I have to admit it to myself, no matter how much I want to run from it to save myself.

I’m falling for this guy, hook, line and sinker. He’s stealing my heart, a little piece at a time.

And I’m not sure I want him to stop anymore.




I awoke this morning with the previous night’s revelation still fresh in my mind.

We’ve been in Devon for three weeks. That means we leave in five. But that doesn’t matter much to me anymore. Like Jen said, I have to stop worrying about the future and live in the here and now.

And that’s why I’m sat on the beach, staring out to sea and waiting for Alec to get here.

I might be crazy. The early morning heat might be making me delusional. I’m not sure. I just know... I trust him. Everything he’s done since we’ve met is to make me believe in him, trust him.

‘‘It’s seven thirty in the morning.’’ Alec’s voice drifts over the beach towards me. ‘‘Any reason I’m here so early? Not that I’m complaining, any excuse to see you, Princess, but still.’’

I turn my head and he’s stood behind me, the sun playing off his features. There’s a shine to his hair and apprehension in his eyes. I pat the spot next to me and he moves forward almost tentatively.

‘‘You’re not smiling,’’ he observes and sits down.

I shrug one shoulder. ‘‘I have to talk to you about something.’’

‘‘Go on,’’ he encourages, leaning back on his hands.

I look down at the sand and draw a pattern in the sand absently. I trace it three times and realise it’s a heart.

‘‘I don’t wanna fight it anymore, Alec.’’

‘‘Fight what?’’

‘‘This. Me and you.’’ I peer over at him. ‘‘Us.’’

His eyes widen slightly. ‘‘Us?’’

I nod and tuck my hair behind my ear. ‘‘Everything you’ve done since we’ve met has completely disproved everything I’ve been told about you. You’ve done nothing but try and make me happy, and you have.’’


‘‘Let me finish, okay?’’ He nods. ‘‘I’ve had the best three weeks - with a few exceptions - and it’s because of you. I... I don’t want to keep fighting against what I know will happen.’’

‘‘So, you’re saying.’’ He swallows slightly and turns his body towards me, ‘‘that you want there to be an us?’’

I close my eyes, breathe deeply and nod. ‘‘If... If that’s what you still want.’’

‘‘So, if I leaned over, like this.’’ Alec inches closer to me, moving his hand behind my back. ‘‘And put my hand here, wrapping my fingers in your hair, you wouldn’t mind?’’

He’s so close to me, and I know, emotionally, this is the closest we’ve ever been. I can feel his warm breath fan across my cheek, my breathing speeds up, goose pimples erupt over my body. My lips tingle in anticipation, my heart starts to play a fast rock beat against my ribs. The almost kisses - and actual kiss - of the past hold nothing to what I know is happening.

‘‘Hmm, Princess, you wouldn’t care?’’ he repeats softly, his blue grey eyes boring into mine.

I shake my head slightly.

‘‘I didn’t hear you.’’

‘‘No,’’ I whisper, ‘‘I wouldn’t care at all.’’

‘‘And what if I did this?’’ He moves his face forward so our lips are nearly touching, mere millimetres apart. My eyes flutter closed as he tightens his grip on me.

‘‘Would you care, then?’’

‘‘No, not this time,’’ I breathe out, almost soundlessly.

I want this. I want this more than anything, and I know I’ve been a fool to fight it.

‘‘Then you wouldn’t mind, if I did this.’’ He closes the barely there difference between us and my body explodes.

His lips are soft, like a silky rose petal, and they merge against mine in a perfection seen only in movies. He’s gentle, ever so gentle, brushing his lips over mine again and again.

I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, my fingers entwining in his hair. I want more, more than just a gentle kiss. I’ve had a taste of him, of heaven, and I don’t know how to stop. All that exists in this second is him, Alec, the guy I’d vowed to stay away from.

That thought sobers me and I freeze for a second, but it’s long enough for Alec to notice. He pulls back and looks in my eyes.

‘‘Princess?’’ he says uncertainly.

I press my fingers to my lips and stand up, turning away from him. He stands and grips my arm.

‘‘What are you running from now, Princess? What are you so afraid of?’’ he asks me softly.

‘‘I don’t know.’’

‘‘You’re lying. Tell me.’’

‘‘You want to know? Really?’’ I turn and meet his eyes. ‘‘Maybe I’m afraid to admit to you just how much I’m falling for you. Maybe I’m still scared of getting hurt. Maybe this... kissing you.... Maybe that makes it real.’’

‘‘Princess,’’ he murmurs and cups my chin, bringing my face close to his. In his eyes I see a swarm of emotions. It’s like he’s stripped bare, he’s stripped away everything everyone sees just to show me the truth. Just like I always wanted.

‘‘Maybe you don’t need to be afraid,’’ he says in a gentle tone.

‘‘You know a summer romance wasn’t what what I signed up for when we came down here,’’ I whisper.

“Lexy, you’re not listening to me.”

“I am.”

“No, you’re not.” Amusement laces his tone and he slides his other arm around my waist, holding me in place. I’m trapped. Trapped in the one place I want to be.

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