The Complete Memories Series (11 page)

Read The Complete Memories Series Online

Authors: Emma Hart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: The Complete Memories Series
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“Don’t be sorry, Princess.” I trace her mouth with my thumb, the pad of it gently brushing the softness of her lips. “There are some things you can’t change and death is one of them. It was his time to go and while I’m not necessarily okay with it, I’ve accepted it. I’d like to think that wherever he is, he’s proud of me.”

She closes her hands round mine and rubs the back of my hand softly, soothing the sting. “I am sorry. I’m sorry because it hurts you.” She pauses. ‘‘And I’m sure he is. It’d be hard not to be proud of you, Alec. He’s still here, watching. I don’t think they ever leave. I’d like to think they don’t.”

She laces our fingers and pulls me towards the big tree in the garden. She tilts her head back and looks at the sky.

“My grandpa was always the star in my life. He and Grammy together... It was like watching love in a solid form. They were love personified. You could see it in their eyes, their smile, their touch. But I was his girl. We always played pranks and got up to mischief together. He taught me everything I know about water balloon throwing and whoopee cushion positioning. I remember when he died. I was 9 and I thought my world had ended.”

I know that feeling. I remember it. I squeeze her hand softly.

“And then I decided that since he was my star in life he could be in death too. So that night I went into the garden, found a constellation and picked a star. Every time I see it I think of him. It keeps him close.” She turns her face towards me. “Do it. I can see Orion. If you pick one by a constellation you’ll never lose it. Pick your Dad a star.”

My lips twitch as I consider it equally the cutest and stupidest thing I’m ever gonna do. But I will do it, simply because I’m powerless to deny her anything.

“Okay.” I look upwards and find Orion’s belt. Just to the right of it is a lone star, a beacon of hope and memories in the everlasting night.

Just like my Dad was.

“That one.” I point it out and she smiles.

“Good choice. Now he’ll always be with you, watching you.”

“Not during the day.” I smile.

“Oh, Alec.” She shakes her head.


“Just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it isn’t there. It’s just waiting for the right time to show itself,” she says softly, too softly, and I wonder if she’s included herself in that statement.

I tuck some hair behind her ear and she wraps her arms round my waist, hugging me tightly.

“Thank you,” I whisper, burying my face into her neck.

I hold her close to me under the stars, just silence, just us. I let her hug away the pain that comes with the memories of the greatest man I’ve ever known and I let her make it better in a way only she can.

This, this he would be proud of. He always said to fight for what you believe in, to never give up and never forget why you believe in the first place. For the first time I can honestly say I’m following his advice.

I believe in Lexy. I believe in us. And I’ll always fight for it.






Thursday dawns. The day of my eighteenth birthday. I wake with a smile and roll over, automatically feeling under my pillow for my phone. The display reads I have a few text messages. I scroll through the ones from my friends in London wishing me a happy birthday, smile at the ones from Carl and Jen, open Alec’s.

Happy birthday, Princess. Xx

The message says it was sent at midnight. He stayed up til midnight just to wish me a happy birthday? Wow. I say as much to him in a reply.

He texts back almost instantly.

Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. And yes, I did stay up until midnight just to wish you happy birthday. I wanted to be the first. Can’t wait to see your face later. Xx

I sigh happily and shake my head into the pillow. I give myself a moment to bask in the warmth of the feeling spreading through my body before climbing out of bed.

My nose twitches. I smell bacon, and eggs, and toast. My stomach rumbles a protest at my dawdling and I make my way downstairs, towards the glorious smell.

‘‘Happy birthday!’’ Grammy shrieks at me the second I step into the doorway. She wraps me in one of her world-famous hugs, rocking me side to side enthusiastically.

‘‘Uh, thanks, Grammy.’’ I laugh and hug her back.

‘‘Oh, you’re all grown up.’’ She sniffs and wipes a mock tear from her eye. I snort slightly at her theatrics.

‘‘Happy birthday, baby.’’ Mum cups my face and kisses my forehead. Tears are glistening in her eyes and in a spur of the moment, I grab her and hug her tightly. She sighs into my ear and squeezes me.

‘‘Baby girl, you’re all grown up now. Do you know what that means?’’ Dad tries for stern but his proud smile gives him away.

‘‘Yep.’’ I grin. ‘‘I can finally do everything you’ve been telling me not to for the last year.’’ I hug him.

‘‘Like that ever stopped you before.’’ Bing ruffles my hair and snatches a piece of bacon from the side. Gram slaps his hand.

‘‘Fine.’’ I poke my tongue out. ‘‘I can do it legally.’’

He laughs. ‘‘Happy birthday, sprog.’’

‘‘Thanks, Bing.’’ I smile at him and he winks.

‘‘Sit down, sit down!’’ Grammy flaps her hands at us. ‘‘Oh fudge, where are my darn oven gloves?’’

‘‘On the oven door,’’ we all say simultaneously.

‘‘Thanks, dears.’’ She picks them up and brings out a large platter full of food. Hash browns, sausages, mushrooms, grilled tomatoes, more bacon. She’s certainly been busy this morning.

I sit at the table and notice the pink balloons floating on the ceiling. Cards and presents sit on the floor slightly to the side and I look at my family gratefully.

We might not be the most functional family in history – but it’s my family. Any ill feelings I had towards my parents about bringing me here for the summer have disappeared. I know why they did it now. They wanted me away from the city for a while, because you find yourself in the most unexpected places.

‘‘Eat up, and Bing, leave some for everyone else!’’ Grammy frowns at him across the table.

He puts his hands up innocently, chewing on a large piece of whatever-it-was he put in his mouth while I was having my inner monologue.

‘‘But it’s so good,’’ he mumbles through his food.

‘‘Samuel!’’ Mum admonishes. ‘‘Do not speak with your mouth full!’’

Here come the manners. Even at a birthday breakfast, proper etiquette is demanded at all times.

I have the best Mum, ever.

‘‘Chill, Mum.’’ Bing winks and swallows his food. ‘‘You always say not to ignore someone when they speak to you, and Gram was speaking to me.’’

‘‘In the case of a full mouth, you put a hand up politely for them to give you a moment, swallow your food and then you reply.’’ Mum starts cutting her food.

’’ Bing looks at the ceiling. ‘‘If you say so, Mum.’’

‘‘Em, can’t you see the boy’s winding you up?’’ Dad snickers.

Mum levels a glare on Dad and points her fork in his direction. ‘‘Do not encourage him, Simon.’’

‘‘Mum?’’ I ask tentatively.

‘‘Yes, Lexy?’’ She turns to me, a smile on her face.

I poke her arm. ‘‘Get your elbow off the table. It’s not polite.’’

Everyone laughs and she drops her elbow from the table, smiling at me. I grin back and make a start on my breakfast.

‘‘You taught them well, Emmy,’’ Gram comments, chewing her food.

‘‘Mother!’’ Mum looks at her horrified.

Grammy swallows her food and raises her eyebrows. ‘‘Hey, sugarpie, I made the rules. I get to break them.’’

She winks at me and Bing. Bing leans over and high fives her.

‘‘Damn, Grammy, you’re one of a kind.’’ He shakes his head.

‘‘Well, of course I am,’’ she bristles. ‘‘You think there’s another sixty-eight year old woman in this village as beautiful as me? Don’t be daft, Bing.’’

‘‘I dunno...’’ He looks at me, a playful twinkle in his eye. ‘‘I saw that Mabel yesterday, and phwoar, she’s one hot GILF.’’

I snort and cover my mouth with my hand. Oh, hell.

‘‘GILF?’’ Grammy looks at us. ‘‘What is a GILF?’’

Mum’s eyes widen and Dad looks on, more interested and amused than he probably should be.

‘‘It’s a Grandma I’d Like To F-’’

‘‘That’s enough, thank you, Samuel.’’ Mum interrupts him. ‘‘I’m sure your grandmother can work out the last word on her own.’’

We all fall silent, looking at Gram. Her eyes are narrowed thoughtfully. She turns to Bing.

‘‘Well, dear, you should probably know about her varicose veins before you decide to make like a rabbit with Mabel.’’

We all explode in laughter. Only Grammy.




‘‘Ready?’’ Alec appears at my bedroom door, spinning his keys around his finger.

‘‘Please, come on in,’’ I say sarcastically and roll my eyes.

‘‘Oh, I will.’’ He grins and looks around. ‘‘Nice room.’’

‘‘Thanks.’’ I smile at him. ‘‘Gram did it before we came down.’’

He nods. ‘‘She sent me up. Said I have to take you out this afternoon.’’

‘‘Mmm, she said you were coming over.’’

‘‘Judging by the E-reader attached to your hands, I’m guessing you’re not impressed by the idea?’’ He raises his eyebrows.

‘‘It’s not the idea I’m not impressed by, I’m waiting to hear your plan for the day,’’ I challenge.

‘‘Hmm, okay.’’ He leans against the door frame, hooking his thumb in a belt loop. ‘‘It’s still early so... How about we go for ice-cream at Cara’s, then I’ll drive us up to Ilfracombe and we can go around the aquarium then grab chips and curry sauce to eat on the beach. After that we can go into the arcade.’’

I look up at him in amazement and put my E-reader down. He’s just described the perfect day, with all of my favourite things. He smiles at me slowly.

‘‘Surprised, Princess?’’

‘‘A little,’’ I admit, tilting my head to the side. ‘‘Why are you doing this?’’

‘‘Because.’’ He steps towards me and takes my hands, pulling me up. ‘‘It’s your birthday. And someone as amazing as you deserves an amazing day filled with all of her favourite things.’’

I tilt my head up and look at him. He’s still holding my hands.

‘‘How did you know they’re all my favourite things?’’ I ask quietly, still amazed.

‘‘Because, Princess, I listen to you, even when you think I’m not. I listen to the little things because I know it’s the little things that make you happy, and you definitely deserve to be happy on your birthday.’’ He winks and his dimples appear. ‘‘So get your stuff together, ‘cause we’re going in five minutes.’’

He spins me round by my shoulders and I quickly gather my stuff together.

‘‘Alec?’’ I put a hand on his back and he looks down at me beside me. ‘‘Thank you.’’

‘‘The day hasn’t started yet.’’

‘‘I know, but thank you for even planning it,’’ I say honestly. ‘‘It’s the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me, as cliché as that is.’’

‘‘Good.’’ He takes my hand and links our fingers.

‘‘And I might be a little glad I get to spend it with you,’’ I whisper.

‘‘Even better,’’ he whispers back and kisses my knuckles. ‘‘Come on, or your Gram will start getting crazy ideas about what the two of us are doing up here. She’ll send Bing up and I don’t fancy being on the end of his right hook.’’

I laugh a little and take my hand from his.

‘‘Hey!’’ He reaches for me again and I skip out the door.

‘‘Big brothers don’t approve of that, either!’’ I laugh.

‘‘Big brothers don’t approve of what?’’ Bing asks, watching us come down the stairs.

‘‘Touching sister stuff.’’ I giggle and kiss Bing’s cheek. ‘‘Don’t cause any trouble while I’m out.’’

‘‘Hey,’’ he jabs me in the arm. ‘‘You’re the one who’s just turned eighteen. You stay out of trouble. I’m responsible.’’

‘‘Okay, Bing.’’ I wink at him and open the door. ‘‘Bye, Mum, Dad, Gram!’’

‘‘Have fun, kids!’’ Gram claps her hands excitedly and I give her a look. She winks.

Everyone appears to be winking today.

Alec opens the door of his Jeep for me and I get in, putting my bag by my feet.

‘‘Did you say ice-cream, first?’’ I grin.

‘‘Of course.’’ He grins back. ‘‘Cara’s. Would I take you anywhere else?’’

‘‘Hmm, I dunno.’’ I lean back in the seat. ‘‘You’re unpredictable.’’

‘‘Is that a good thing?’’

‘‘I’m not sure,’’ I say honestly. ‘‘I never know what you’re going to do next.’’

He glances at me out of the corner of his eye. ‘‘And you think I know what you’re going to do? You play your cards so close to your chest they’re practically a part of your skin.’’

I smirk. ‘‘Best way.’’

‘‘So you had no idea I was taking you out today?’’ Alec raises his eyebrows.

‘‘Nope, all Gram said was that you were coming over.’’

He pulls up outside Cara’s and smiles. ‘‘Ice cream, Princess?’’




Alec pays our fare at the counter in the aquarium and I’m almost bouncing in excitement. This was always my favourite place as a young girl, especially the Lundy Island Exhibit.

‘‘Come on then, birthday girl.’’ Alec holds the door open for me and I go through it, walking into the Source Exhibition.

The idea behind the aquarium is a journey from the Source in Exmoor to the Atlantic Ocean. The fish in the Source exhibit are all small, brownish fish. I guess that’s so they can blend in.

I don’t know. I’ve never been one for the information cards.

I practically pass right through the River and Estuary exhibits, going straight to the Rockpool one. I see starfish, hermit crabs, prawns and a small anemone called a Beadlet Anemone.

‘‘I’ve caught one of those before.’’ I point to the hermit crab.

‘‘With Jen?’’ Alec comes up behind me and looks over my shoulder. I nod.

‘‘That was how we met. She stole my hermit crab and gave me a fish. It was a bit of an unfair exchange, now I think about it.’’ I tilt my head to the side and accidentally rest it against Alec’s. He puts one hand on my waist before I have a chance to move.

I realise I don’t really want to move. Not much, anyway.

‘‘She definitely got the better end of the deal with that one,’’ he agrees.

‘‘Bing scared her with a prawn though.’’ I giggle slightly. ‘‘He thought I was upset. I was just happy to make a friend.’’

Alec chuckles. ‘‘How old were you?’’

‘‘Tender old age of five.’’ I shrug. ‘‘She gave the crab back though. She still holds a grudge against Bing because of the prawn thing.’’

‘‘Ahh, I see why she’s so sarcastic towards him. Well, more than she usually is.’’ He amends and I grin, moving along. Alec keeps his hand resting on my waist as we walk into the next section.

‘‘I’ve caught one of those.’’ He points to the sea bass.

‘‘Are we sharing our catches now?’’ I laugh.

‘‘Hmm, no.’’ He rests his chin on my shoulder. ‘‘Because nothing you’ve ever caught could beat what I’ve caught.’’

‘‘Wanna bet?’’ I try to move my head so he can see my disbelieving face.

‘‘Go on, then, tell me what you’ve caught.’’

I tap my chin as I think.

‘‘I’ve caught a lobster,’’ I say and he shakes his head. ‘‘One of those little octopuses?’’ He shakes his head again. ‘‘I don’t know then.’’

I give in.

‘‘They definitely don’t beat my best catch.’’ He wraps his other arm around my waist.

‘‘Go on, then, enlighten me.’’ I smile. ‘‘What’s your best catch?’’

He nudges my hair away from my ear with his nose.

‘‘I’m holding it right now. I just need to reel her in.’’

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