The Complete Memories Series (29 page)

Read The Complete Memories Series Online

Authors: Emma Hart

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Genre Fiction, #Coming of Age, #Romance, #Contemporary, #New Adult & College, #Teen & Young Adult

BOOK: The Complete Memories Series
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I kiss the top of her head. “Are you sure? You don't sound okay.”

“I'm fine, Alec. Really.” She pulls back, looking up at me with her beautiful brown eyes, and moves to look through my kitchen cupboards. “So Dad wasn't too hard on you?”

I wish she wouldn't change the fucking subject like that. “No, he was cool. One of the guys in the office is a bit of a jerk, but I guess I can learn to live with him.”

She smiles. “Adam. He's okay, just a bit wary of new people.” She shrugs. “Dad took him on to help him out, too.”

“I think Adam will be fine. After all, I don't have my surfboard to use as a deadly weapon anymore.”

Lexy glances over her shoulder at me. “Oh, because you're oh so deadly with it, right?”

“Absolutely.” I grin, and lean against the table, crossing my arms. “Do you not remember yours nearly taking you out when I taught you?”

“It did not nearly take me out!” she huffs, stomping her foot. “I had it perfectly under control. It was that stupid wave.”

“Of course, Princess.”

“It's true!”

“I'm sure it is, in your mind.”

She narrows her eyes. “You're deliberately annoying me, aren't you?”

“Why would I do that?”

“Because.” She shrugs.

“Because isn't really an answer, is it?”

“It is in my book.”

“Then your book needs rewriting.” I laugh.

She throws a grape at my head, giggling. I gasp in mock shock, and she freezes. One side of my lips curl upwards. She shakes her head and steps backwards.

“I'm sorry. I was aiming for the, errrr, television,” she hedges.

I run forward, and she squeals. I grasp her round the waist, tickling her. She cries out as I pull her towards the sofa. We both fall onto it, me leaning over her.

“Stop tickling me, please,” she begs, writhing and wriggling beneath me.

“Fine.” I rest my hand against her side instead, pressing my lips to hers. She stops moving for a second. She grazes her teeth along my bottom lip, sucking it into her mouth. I growl a little deep in my throat, feeling the movement all the way down to my dick.

She fists a hand in my hair, holding me against her. Her other hand grips my back, and she loops her legs around mine. I lower my hips until they're pressing against hers, my tongue slipping between her lips. She whimpers when my hips meet hers, her body tensing slightly under mine. I run my hand along her side, down her thigh, and back up. It creeps beneath her top, making contact with the hot skin waiting there.

I hear her intake of breath at the exact same time there's a knock on the door. I have half a mind to yell at them to fuck off, but Lexy breaks the kiss, grinning.

“Dinner!” she says happily.

She unwraps her body from mine, and as I climb from her to answer the door, I'm smiling. I open the door, pay the guy, and take the food. The smell of Chinese food assaults my nose, making my stomach rumble.

“Yum.” Lexy takes the bag from me and sets it on the table. She immediately begins to pull everything out.

I step up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist, and I press my lips against her collarbone.

“Alec,” she scolds half-heartedly. “I'm hungry.”

“So am I, Princess,” I mutter, kissing up her neck.

,” she stresses, holding up the prawn crackers.

“Fine.” I kiss her neck once more, a lingering touch. “But this isn't over.”

“Is it not?” She turns her face towards mine, a smile playing on her lips.

I push my hips against her ass. She audibly swallows.

“No,” I growl. “It's not fucking over.”

She grins, takes a bite of a prawn cracker, and winks. I laugh, releasing her and grabbing two forks.

Lexy slides into “her” seat at my table, and takes the fork I offer. I sit opposite her, watching her as I eat. She peers up at me, looks back down, and looks back up again. She does this several times before finally speaking.

“Why are you watching me?”

“I like watching you. You should know that by now.”

She raises an eyebrow. “Look at me too much and one day, you'll get bored of it.”

I chew slowly, my lips forming a smile.

“What?” she demands.

“That's funny.”

“How is it funny?” She puts her fork down.

“Because there is no way on this planet, or any other, that I could ever get bored of looking at you.”

“Why not?” She smiles.

“Because,” I reply.

“'Because isn't really an answer, is it?'” she mocks.

I grin. “It is in your book, remember?”

She chucks a prawn at me. Twice.




“I said I’d call you,” I grind out to Heidi on the phone. This is why I usually take a girl home straight away – no numbers involved, therefore no phone calls when the promised call doesn’t show up.

“But you haven’t,” she replies.

“I know that. I’ve been busy.”

“You weren’t going to call, were you?”

Funnily enough, I was. “Yeah, I was.”

“Hmph.” She huffs. I bite back my sigh. “Well, are you free tonight?”

“Sure am,” I reply, changing tact. “I hope that means you are too.”

“I wouldn’t have asked if I wasn’t, Bing.”

“I’ll pick you up at seven?”

“See you later.”

I hang up, leaning back on my bed. Heidi is a bit annoying, but get her in a bedroom and goddamn, that girl knows what she’s doing. In fact, she’s good enough that she might even stay around for longer than just two or three fucks.

And, a small part of my mind whispers, it’ll show another blonde that you can hold down a relationship.


Chapter Six




“Hello? Is anyone home?” I wave my hand in front of Jen's face as we cross the university courtyard after our first day.

“Huh?” She focuses on me. “Yes. I'm here.”

“What's wrong? You've been in an odd mood all day. You and Carl still not talking?”

“Yeah... We are. He called a few days ago and did some serious grovelling.” She shrugs.

“Is he coming up then?”

She shoots a look at me. “Don't be so damn stupid. Of course he isn't bringing his lazy ass up here to see me. You'll laugh when you hear his solution to the problem, really, you will. I nearly peed myself.”

That comment earns her a couple of odd looks from people around us.

“What was his solution?”

“That we Skype. We fucking

“That's not... That bad.” I shrug.

“For two hours a day. Every day.”


Jen raises her eyebrows in agreement. “When exactly am I supposed to find two frickin' hours out of my day to Skype him? Is text messaging dead?”

I snort. “You sound like you're from the future.”

“I'm being serious. I can't exactly do coursework
talk to him on Skype, can I?” She shakes her head. “Ridiculous.”

“S'pose. At least he's trying though.” I shrug again.

“He's definitely trying,” she responds, following it up with a sigh. “I just don’t know how we’ll get through this if we can’t compromise.”

“You always knew it would be hard.”

“Yeah.” She grins suddenly. “Well, I guess something in this relationship has to be hard, huh?”

I laugh out loud, and nudge her with my elbow. “You have such a dirty mind.”

“I learnt from the best.” She shrugs.

“In other words, you learnt from Alec.”


“You know,” I muse as we stop at the bus stop. “It really is amazing you and Bing don’t get along. I mean, you have so much in common.”

Jen spins to me, her eyes spitting fire. “I have about as much in common with your brother as a rat does with a bluebird.”

“No, just listen,” I say, stifling my smile. “You’re both sarcastic, you’re both sexually obsessed with dirty minds, and you both have an irrational hate of each other. Actually, you’re a bit like an old married couple.”

Jen sputters, and it’s one of the only times I’ve ever seen her speechless. “You are kidding.”


“I hate you.”

I grin and bump her with my shoulder. “Love you.”




“I’m not Skyping, Carl,” Jen huffs down the phone. “Why? Because I don’t have the time… Yes, I know I’ve only been at uni for a day… And what’s your point?”

Bing appears in the doorway of my room, looks at Jen stretched on my bed, and smirks. I shoot him a warning look, shaking my head. He grins.

“Whatever… Yeah, you too.” Jen drops her phone on the floor. She lifts her head and stares straight at Bing. “Say one word, Samuel, one word, and it’ll be your bloody last.”

“Trouble in paradise?” he asks cockily.

“I warned you!” She sits up, pointing her finger at him.

“Hey!” He holds his hands up. “That was three words.”

She narrows her eyes at him, staring him down. “You, sir, are a berk.”

I smile, fighting my laughter.

“What the fuck is a “berk”?” Bing raises an eyebrow.

“You are a berk. A berk is you.” Jen shrugs. “I thought that summed it up.”

My brother frowns, staring at her for a second. He shakes his head, turning to me. “I saw that
Adrian earlier.” He glances at Jen. “He kept questioning me about Alec.”

“Are you serious?”

“Do I look like I’m joking?”

I groan, and drop my head to my desk. “What did he ask?”

“He wanted to know what Alec did, where he came from, and if he was, and I quote, “hard or a pussy boy with no balls”.”

“This coming from the guy who uses concealer?” I sit back up.

“Apparently,” Bing replies dryly. “I just thought you’d like to know. And, don’t forget, Dad’s birthday party this weekend. Mum has been texting me every ten minutes asking me if I’d reminded you yet.” He rolls his eyes.

“Why didn’t she ask me herself?”

“I don’t know.” He looks at me in exasperation. “I’m not a fuckin’ mind reader, Lex, and I am not an owl.”

“Did you just quote Harry Potter?” Jen laughs. “You did. Since when did you watch Harry Potter?” I grin.

“Bing has loved Harry Potter since the first book came out. It’s his secret guilty pleasure.”

“Not so secret anymore.” Jen smiles slyly.

Bing’s face hardens. “Jennifer Mason, you tell anyone about that and I swear to God, I will creep into your flat at night, and string your underwear across town.”

“Oh, honey.” She tsks. “Get some originality. I mean, didn’t Vi already do that to you? Those pink boxers were hot, by the way.” She winks. I laugh and get up, grabbing my phone.

“I’m going to text Mum about our dresses, then call Alec.” I pat Bing’s arm. “Jen’s got you there, bro.”

“Wait, dresses?” Jen perks up.

“Yep.” I look over my shoulder. “Did you really think you weren’t coming?”

“But I have no-one to go with.”

I grin at Bing. He grits his teeth and looks at Jen.

“Surprise,” he forces out.

“What?!” She shrieks.

“I’ll, uh, be back… Maybe never.” I mutter, running away.




I stand, walking towards Bing. “Tell me this is some kind of ass wiping joke?”

“I wish,” he replies, looking down at me. “Believe me, spending my evening with you wasn’t in my plan.”

“So change it,” I hiss. “There is no way I’m spending all of Saturday night smiling and hanging onto your arrogant arm, Samuel!” Although, it is a very pretty arm.

He sighs. “Look,
I don’t exactly want you on my arm, but it’s too late to change it. Mum has already ordered matching outfits.”

“Are you fucking kidding?” I deadpan. “Not only do I have to go with you, everyone will know I’m with you because, what? Your tie will match my dress?”

“Oh, and there’s the brains she used to get into university,” he responds snarkily. “Yes, Jen. My tie is the same material and colour as your dress. Believe me, I’m not damn happy.”

I heave in a breath. “This is gonna be as about as successful as Hades in the North Pole.” I throw my arms up, and turn back to Lexy’s bed. I throw myself face down on it.

“I wouldn’t lie like that,” Bing says. “You have no idea what’s happened on that bed.”

I get back up, and growl. I push past him, moving to stomp down the stairs.

“Hey, I was just saying!” he calls, following me.

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