The Corner Booth (15 page)

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Authors: Kelly Ilebode

BOOK: The Corner Booth
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The filtered light in the room was enough to wake Cassie. Stretching, her hand brushed against Sakis as he lay, still in a heavy sleep. Rolling over, she gazed at him, loving the way his hair fell on his forehead. He looked younger when he slept. She turned back over; the box caught her eye immediately. She picked it up, and turned it over and over in her hands.

“Well, are you going to open it or just play with the box?” Sakis spoke gruffly.

“It’s for me?”

Without waiting for an answer, she slowly opened the top and stared down at the crystals that glinted in the low light. Her breath caught in her throat.

The bed moved as Sakis sat up.

“Here, let me.” Reaching around her, he picked up the diamond tennis bracelet carefully and waited for Cassie to hold out her wrist.

“Sakis, this is too generous.”

“No, this is my anniversary present to you.”

For once, Cassie was speechless as he deftly secured the clasp. The bracelet fit her perfectly.

“Anniversary? You should have told me. I didn’t get you anything.”

“Cassandra, I have everything I have ever wanted in you,” Sakis replied sincerely.

Eyes wide, she marveled at how the bracelet felt heavy on her skin. She fingered it gently and spun it around. Sakis watched her expression carefully, but he couldn’t read her. Taking her face gently in his hands, he tilted it up so that she was forced to look at him.

“Do you not like it? I know the jeweler very well. We could always exchange it, Cassandra.”

“Oh, God, no. It is stunning. It is just…” Cassandra struggled for the right words.

“Talk to me.”

“What is this? Before you answer, you know I am not talking about the bracelet. You and I are from completely different worlds, Sakis. Each time you bring me up here, make love to me with mind blowing sex, I feel complete with you. Yet, when I walk out, I pass the pictures on the wall outside and I am constantly reminded that we are from such completely different worlds. I have no one. I don’t know what family means. I am alone.”

“Don’t say that!” Sakis responded angrily. His tight grip on her face caused Cassandra to wince. “You are part of my family now. The past doesn’t matter, only the future.”

“And I am part of your future?” Cassandra whispered hopefully.

Sakis thought of his fiancée in Greece, and he hesitated.
Was this a good time to bring her up and his obligation?
In his mind, there was no issue. Cassandra as his mistress would make him so happy.

A light tapping on the bedroom door surprised both of them. “That would be Stephanous. Excuse me.”

Sakis hurried to let him in. Cassandra’s eyes briefly met the bodyguard’s before he looked away. Cassie frowned. She had never seen him look so exhausted. Both men spoke quietly for several moments. Cassie didn’t even try to listen; she wouldn’t understand the words anyway. Feeling unsettled, she left them to their conversation to have a few moments to herself.

Stephanous watched Cassie as she slipped into the bathroom. She seemed off; from the box on the bed and the new bracelet dangling from her wrist, this observation surprised him. Most women would have been walking on cloud nine at receiving such a gift. But Cassie, as they were learning, was not like most women.

“When did you get back?”

His hand ran through his hair as Stephanous shrugged. “About an hour ago. Dropped Phil off first, and had to run in and see the godkids.”

Sakis laughed. “God, how many does he have now?”

Stephanous grimaced. “Nine and one on the way. Phil swears it is the last. But I have heard that one before.”

Ensuring Cassandra was in the shower, Sakis waved Stephan into the room and both men took a seat.

“Talk to me,” Sakis ordered.

“It was easy. He admitted to raping Cassie, when she was fourteen. He also copped to eleven others.”

“Easy?” Sakis’s lips thinned to a hard line. “Easy for Phil, you mean. How many people knew you were in the area?”

“None, Sakis. We are good. Most of our information was achieved through the Chameleon. No one can track this back to us or Cassandra.”


Nodding towards the closed door, Stephanous couldn’t resist. “Trouble in paradise?”

Sakis’s face clouded over. “Not so much trouble, as Cassandra is trying to figure me out and this ‘relationship.’ Seems she has been doing a bit of research on me.”

At Sakis’s words, Stephanous’s eyebrows shot up. He didn’t even try to hide the grin that immediately grew on his face.

“Indeed. What did the little minx find out?”

“Nothing concrete. But it didn’t stop her from asking questions.”

“Does that worry you?”

“You know what, Stephanous, it doesn’t.” When the water shut off, he turned to watch the door. “There is something about Cassandra that I know she would never break any confidence if you and I happened to share it with her.”

“You are bothered, though.”

“I do not apologize for who I am and never will. That being said, I have met my match with Cassandra, and I do not want to lose her.”

Stephanous rose; Cassie would enter the room soon. Rising with his bodyguard, Sakis shook Stephanous’s hand. “Thank you.”





The music was electric. The pulse of the beat seemed to enter her pores and fill her up. Every bit of self-doubt from her earlier conversation with Sakis was gone. She was exactly where she wanted to be and if every day was like tonight, she would never have another moment of doubt again. Laughing happily, she pulled away from Sakis as he tried to exit the dance floor. She didn’t mind dancing alone. He left her reluctantly but she could feel his eyes on her as she continued to move to the rhythm. As she was bumped from behind, she turned around and bit back the sharp reprimand as a smiling face appeared in front of her.

“So sorry,” the young woman mouthed and grimaced. Leaning in closer so Cassie could hear her above the music, she continued. “Stupid git keeps stepping on my toes. Want to dance together? Maybe he will sod off.”

Cassie could barely understand the young woman, with the heavy British accent laced with slang, but she caught the gist of the conversation. Grinning back at the smiling face, she nodded.

They moved in sync together and formed their little tight group. Everything faded around as they both enjoyed the music and the way it made their bodies feel to dance. They had danced several songs together when a hand encircled her arm. She turned to face Stephanous.

“Time to take a break, Cassie.” He watched as the disappointment crossed both of the young women’s faces.

Turning back to her new friend, she leaned in before Stephanous could haul her away. “Come have a drink with me.” The woman grabbed her hand, and Stephanous hauled them both back to the booth where Sakis sat. He did not seem happy that Cassie had returned with a visitor. Sliding into the seat, she patted the booth as an invitation. The stranger hesitated before she slid in next to her. Moments later, fresh drinks were placed in front of the girls.

“My name is Cassie.”


Quickly introducing Sakis and Stephanous to Emily, she admired the young woman’s appearance. She was beautiful. Her jet-black hair, cut short in a bob, suited the angular features and dark eyes. Emily wore short checkered shorts and a black top that suited her lithe frame perfectly.

“You are not from around here, are you?” Cassie asked.

Smiling back at her, Emily shrugged. “What gave me away?” she asked. “I work in Chestnut Hill. Just moved here from England a week ago to work for a family.”

“Let me guess—you are a nanny?”

Emily’s eyes widened in surprise. “Me too. But not for long, thank God.”

“Tough job, isn’t it?”


Sakis and Stephanous were deep in conversation; Emily nodded towards the pair.

“What is the deal with those two?”

“Sakis is my boyfriend,” Cassie said tentatively, unsure about using the term boyfriend. That felt weird to her.

“Really? How the heck did they get the best booth in this place?”

Cassie tried not to laugh, but had to despite herself. “He owns the club,” Cassie whispered in Emily’s ear. She loved the look of shock.

“Bloody hell,” Emily muttered and took a long drink from her glass. She didn’t see that one coming. “They do not seem to be liking me here.”

As Cassie glanced at Sakis, she caught the direct look and he did seem a bit irritated at the intrusion. His eyebrows rose in question, but Cassie didn’t bother to respond to the look. She liked Emily, who seemed to either be her age or pretty darn close to it.

“His bark is worse than his bite.”

“Who is the guy next to him? He looks intense.”

“That would be Stephan. He is pretty cool,” Cassie responded affectionately.

“Another bark worse than the bite?”

Pondering the question, Cassie took a drink. “No. That bite could kill you, I believe.” Cassie could sense the genuine interest Emily had in Stephan.

“I do like them dangerous.”

Laughing, Cassie raised her glass, as Emily did the same. “To danger.”

Sakis motioned to Stephan that he wanted to leave. He had just about enough of Cassandra’s guest. He couldn’t hear their conversation, but the exclusion of it bothered him tremendously.

Grabbing her phone, Cassandra handed it to Emily. “Want to keep in touch?” Without saying a word, Emily typed in her number quickly.

Moments later, Cassie was whisked away. Not a word was said as Stephan, Sakis, and Cassie settled into the car. Biting her lip, knowing this was not the place to cause a scene in front of the driver, she crossed her arms while her foot angrily tapped on the floor.

It was a quick ride back to the mansion, and Cassandra jumped out before anyone could help her.

“Cassandra!” The sharp call of her name did cause her to pause but only for a second before she headed to the front door, where she waited for him to join her. She could tell that he was getting angry. Refusing to look at Stephan, knowing that there would be a “be careful” look, she stared straight ahead.

Sakis grabbed her arm when she started to dart through the doorway and up the stairs to her room.

“You are acting like a child, and I expect you to stop it right now, and tell me the issue.”

“What was the problem with me talking to Emily?” Cassandra hissed. “Obviously something because we certainly left in a hurry.”

Sakis eased out of his jacket. “She was unexpected. I don’t like unexpected.”

“You are kidding me right now.” Cassie gasped. “That’s it?”

“That’s it.”

“Please let go of my arm. I am going to bed.”

“Give me your phone first.”

She frowned. Cassie knew what he was going to do. “I will not.”

“I am not going to ask again.”

“Good, because I am not going to give it to you.”

Sakis’s hand snaked out, catching her by surprise, and removed the tiny clasp purse from her hands. Cassie’s face went bright red as she watched him remove the number that Emily had placed on it. Stephan did not intervene, which made Cassie even angrier.

Furious, she grabbed it back and glared first at Sakis, and then Stephan before she stormed up to her room. Sakis did not even attempt to follow her. Both men watched her retreating back, and then heard the door slam a few seconds later.

“Wow. I didn’t realize that she had that much of a temper.” Stephanous smiled at his friend.

“Yes. One that she had better keep in check. I will not allow that too often.” Sakis headed to get a drink.




Cassie paced back and forth in her room, seething. Her hands clenched tightly in fists by her side. She knew a confrontation was coming. Nothing was going to make her not keep the promise she had made to herself on that ride to Boston as she felt the miles take her farther and farther away from Vermont. Her whole life she was told where she was going to live, who she could see, what she could do. There was nothing that she could control until now. No one, especially a man, was going to have so much control that she couldn’t live her own life, make her own decisions.

A light tapping came at her door.
This was it.
As she rushed over, she flung the door wide, her eyes widening in disappointment. It wasn’t Sakis, but Stephanous.

“Not now, Stephan,” she spat out between gritted teeth.

As the door closed softly, the click seemed to resound in the room. He took a seat in one of the two chairs placed near the window and watched her pace.

Cassandra waited for the lecture. After several moments, realizing none was coming, she stopped, with hands on hips.


“Just waiting for you to calm down so I can have a reasonable conversation.”

Cassie snorted. “Reasonable to who, Stephan? You?”

Sighing, he lit a cigarette and leaned back. Cassie stared. Stephan smoked when he was nervous.
What would he have to be nervous about?

“Oh my God! You agree with me.”

“Whether I agree or not, you must know that you cannot just allow a complete stranger to enter your life without any kind of history.”

“You can’t be serious. Tonight wasn’t about me bringing Emily over, Stephan. Tonight was about me possibly having a new friend, and Sakis not being the one to pick that friend. I will not be controlled in that way.”

“You think you are being controlled?”

“Come on, Stephan. You know I am. Little by little, he will want more. More of my time, more of who I am, more of my life.”

“And you do not want that.” Stephan seemed genuinely confused. “I thought you cared for him.”

Taking the seat opposite Stephan, she leaned in. “I do care for him. I care for you also, Stephan.” Watching the strange flicker cross his face, she knew she had his attention now. “But, my caring for both of you gives you my loyalty; it does not give you who I am. Does that make sense?”

“In this world, not really. Loyalty to Sakis also means that you must lose a bit of yourself.” He hesitated. “You have options, Cassie. You could always leave.”

Dropping back heavily in the chair, she gaped at him. “So that is my choice? Lose myself so that I can have him, or walk away?”

Stephan did not reply.

“Is that what Sakis said?”

Shaking his head emphatically, Stephan put out his cigarette and rose to his feet. “Sakis does not know I am discussing this with you. He only asked me to tell you that he would like to speak with you. He is in his office.”

Just as quietly as he walked in, Stephan walked out and left Cassie to contemplate what he had said to her.
Was being with Sakis worth losing herself over? Was any man worth losing yourself over?
She didn’t believe so but she knew she could have it both ways. She just needed to convince Sakis of that. Wanting to go to see him, she realized that Sakis sending Stephan was part of his way to control her. If she allowed his control to take over who she was, there would be no way for them to have a healthy relationship. She wanted to be with him, but not this way. Her heart felt heavy in her chest, unsure of whether or not he would agree to her need or even understand.

Her hand shook as she ran it through her hair. She was shocked how much she had become attached to him. Needing to wash the evening off before confronting him, Cassie didn’t make it to the bathroom before the bedroom door slammed open. The walls reverberated from the force. His face was dark; eyes narrowed in anger. Cassie refused to let him see her fear.

“I know you got my message.”

Carefully picking up the clean towel placed on the bed, she turned away from him. “I did.”

He spun her around; she gasped as his fingers dug into her shoulders. “I am not one to ignore, Cassandra.”

Eyes flashing, Cassie stood her ground. “Neither am I, Sakis!” she yelled back.

Her head gripped in his hands, he stared at her lips. “God, you make me so angry sometimes.” Dropping his head, he ground his mouth against hers before she could respond. She tasted blood. Cassie attempted to turn her head away from his but he held her too tightly. Cassie forced herself to relax. Instinctively, he eased his grip on her. It was just enough for her to wiggle out of his embrace to run to the door. Her hand almost reached the handle before he grabbed her from behind and yanked her back to him hard before he pushed her up against the wall.

Cassie had nowhere to go—she knew she was trapped. Turning in his arms, she looked up at him. She was unsure what she saw in his expression, but it was enough to take all of the air out of her. His anger had faded, replaced by uncertainty. Sakis allowed her to see his vulnerability. Hope rose inside her. They had a chance. She reached up, slid her hand into his thick hair and gripped it hard enough to make him wince, yet he remained silent as his dark eyes locked with her own. They were at an impasse and they both knew it.

Standing on her tiptoes, she kissed him on the mouth before she whispered in his ear. “Don’t ever do that again, Sakis. You will not control me the way you do other people. Am I clear?”

His nod was barely perceptible. Still silent, his hands slid down her ribs, over her hips, before sliding under her dress. His nails scraped at her skin as he pushed the fabric to her waist. Grabbing her from behind, he smoothly lifted her and pressed her back against the wall. Cassie wrapped her legs around his waist; her breath caught in her throat as he ripped the tiny piece of lace that held her underwear together. At the sound of his zipper, she shuddered in anticipation; her skin formed a sheen of perspiration. She barely had time to think as he drove inside her, pinning her to the wall. With her hands behind his head, she pulled him to her mouth. This time it was she who ravaged him, and he moaned at the intense passion in that kiss as he slid in and out of her.

Sakis knew she had no idea how much she overwhelmed him emotionally and physically. The more and more time they spent together, the more he was lost. She was right in every way. In business, he was the Godfather of the night, but here she was queen and always would be.

Cassie could feel the now familiar pressure building up inside. Wrapping her legs even tighter around him, she clung to his shoulders so that she could move along with him as she began to lose control.

Tearing his mouth from hers, he buried his face in her neck and gasped for air. “Oh God! Cassandra, you are perfection. I love being inside you.” He could feel her tighten around him and it was pure agony to hold it together. His hips pounded until he pushed her over the edge. Only then did he allow himself release. Throwing his head back, he let out a roar as he exploded. Several moments later, he slowly released her and held her steady until her feet touched the floor. Gently he ran his fingers through her hair as she looked up at him with her blue eyes.

“You ask me not to control you, yet I fear you are too imbedded in my heart and my life, Cassandra Oliver. I am yours, don’t ever forget that.”

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