The Covent Garden Ladies (49 page)

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Authors: Hallie Rubenhold

Tags: #History, #Social History, #Social Science, #Pornography

BOOK: The Covent Garden Ladies
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. Betsy Coxe (or Cox). Author’s collection.
. Dennis O’Kelly with Philip O’Kelly and others at Newmarket, by Thomas Rowlandson. By permission of the Earl of Halifax.
. Engraving by William Hogarth:
The Rake’s Progress
, ‘The Rose Tavern’. Author’s collection.
A Late Unfortunate Adventure at York
. Author’s collection.
Miss S—t—n, the beauty of Arlington Street
. By permission of the National Libraries of Scotland.
. Canons Park, 1782. Author’s collection.
. The yard of the Fleet Prison,
.1749. Courtesy of Jonathan Reeve.
. Covent Garden (eastward view), 1786. Courtesy of Jonathan Reeve. JR813b42p241 17501800.
. St James’s Square,
.1770. Courtesy of Jonathan Reeve. JR816b43p187 17501800.


The page references in this index correspond to the printed edition from which this ebook was created. To find a specific word or phrase from the index, please use the search feature of your ebook reader.

Actors 39–40

Adam, Robert 261

Addington, Justice William 106

Aitkin, John 280

Armistead, Elizabeth 287

Aretino’s Postures

Ashurst, Justice Henry 283

Baddeley, Sophia 201, 288

Baltimore, Lord 126

Banks, Nancy 216

Barry, Charlotte 292

Bath 227

Bedford Arms Tavern 12, 192

Bedford Coffee House 12, 38, 39, 52, 87, 92, 182, 183, 199, 235, 281

Bedford Head Tavern (Maiden Lane) 12, 22–3, 24, 26, 27, 28, 265–66

Beefsteak Society 52, 53

Bell, Ann 95–96

Bellamy, George Anne 84, 201

Bob Derry’s Cider Cellar 24

Bond, Ann 126

Boscawen, Admiral Edward 105

Boswell, James 53, 85, 110, 112, 223, 224, 230

Bridgeman, Sir Orlando 83

Brown, Miss (mistress of James Grant) 124

Burford, E.J. 26

Burney, Fanny 125

Canning, Elizabeth 125

Canons Park estate 168, 273–4, 275

Casanova, Giacomo 68

Chandos, 1st Duke of 273, 276

Charlemont, 1st earl of 224, 229

Charteris, Col. Francis 126

Chesterfield, 4th earl of 84, 224, 227, 229

Chidwick, Dr. 213–14, 271

Clarke, Miss 117

Clay Hill estate, Epsom 222, 243–4, 245, 248, 250, 252, 254–5, 259, 271, 272–3, 274

Cleland, John 44, 48, 221

Cole, ‘Mother’ 44

Collette, Jacques ‘the Frenchman’ 228, 230, 231

Colquhoun, John 121

Cooke, Francis 75

Cooly, Ann 127

Cooper, Lucy 49, 50, 83, 92, 100, 120, 128–9, 131, 290–1

Coram, Thomas 178, 241

Cork and Orrery, 5th earl of 224, 227, 229

Cornelys, Theresa 216, 252

Covent Garden 10–11, 80, 110, 116–117, 161, 169, 181

Coxe, Betsy 166, 209, 285

Creagh, Elizabeth 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 39, 40, 41, 73, 106–7, 225–26

Cresdale, James 262

Crouch, Mrs 276

Cumberland, Henry Frederick Duke of 181

Curll, Edmund 76

D’Archenholz, Baron 216, 221

Dashwood, Sir Francis 84, 212

Dawson, Nancy 14, 285, 290, 293–4

Day, Ann 287

Defoe, Daniel 123

Delany, Mary 34

Denlinger Elizabeth Campbell 119

Derrick family of County Carlow 30–1

Derrick, Samuel 14, 24, 119, 120, 183, 223, 265, 268, 274, 277

early years and apprenticeship 28–37
poetry 29–30, 41, 73, 74, 77, 83–84, 97–98, 103, 226
theatre 34–36, 40, 74, 103
and Charlotte Hayes 50, 51, 92–99, 100–101, 104, 196, 239–40
physical appearance 78, 79, 93, 161
opinions of 84–85
and women 81–83
at the Shakespear’s Head 80–81
debts 78–79, 107–110, 237, 239
and Jane Lessingham 102–105, 106–108, 235–36
Memoirs of the Shakespear’s Head
103, 111–12, 113
and Jack Harris 111–113
as author of the
Harris’s List
112–117, 204–205, 277–78, 279
patrons 224–26
life in Bath 226–37
election as Master of the Ceremonies at
Bath and Tunbridge Wells 228–30
illness and death 236–37, 239

Derry, Bob 24, 128

Dingley, Robert 178, 179

Diver, Jenny 135

Douglas, ‘Mother’ Jane 12, 64, 118, 181–82, 184, 195

Drake family of Devonshire 30

Dubery, Sarah 251

Dublin 28, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37–8, 40, 41, 224–5

Dundas, Henry Viscount Melville 270

Egremont, 2nd earl of 217

Ellison, Miss 214

Falmouth, 2nd Viscount 217

Fanny Hill
44, 221

Faulkner, George 28, 34, 37, 38, 41, 79, 224, 225

Fenhoulet, Sir Peter 287

Fielding, Henry 13, 53, 76

Fielding, Justice John 13, 53, 122, 178, 179, 180, 183, 192, 206, 260

Fisher, Kitty 83, 92, 120, 129, 285, 288

Fleet prison 169, 187–90, 192–4, 196

Floyd, Thomas 79

Foote, Samuel 14, 38, 78, 84

Fox, Charles James 270, 287

Garrick, David 14, 35, 38, 41, 84, 201, 203, 206, 260, 261, 263

Gay, John 34

Gentleman, Francis 32, 33, 37, 77

Goadby, Jane 195–6, 198, 199

Goldsmith, Oliver 76

Grand Ball d’Amour

Grant, James 124

Grosvenor, 1st earl of 217, 255

Grosvenor, Lady Henrietta; 252

Grub Street 75–6, 77, 161

Haddock’s Bagnio 12, 118, 214

Hamilton, Emma 285, 287

Hanway, Jonas 178, 179, 183

Harris, Charles 263, 265

Harris, Jack/John Harrison 17, 118, 119, 165, 200

legend of 18–22, 184–6, 262–3
early years as Harrison 22–3, 24, 26–7, 281
and Shakespear’s Head 54–5, 56–7, 63–4, 111–12
arrest 181–3
and The Rose Tavern 201–6, 260–62, 263–4
publishing enterprise 204–5
final years and death 262–66

Harris, John 205

Harris’s List of Covent Garden Ladies
(printed version) 118–21, 124–27, 163, 164, 239–40, 266–7, 269, 276, 277–80, 281–3, 285

Women listed in

—, Miss 137
Abbingdon, Frances 131–2
Adams, Miss 138
Atchison, Kitty 175, 296
B—ckley, Kitty 135
B—l—w, Betsy 145
Baker, Sukey 286
Benevent, Charlotte 158
Berry, Mrs 155–6
‘Betsy’ 269
Bland, Miss 174
Boothby, Miss 158
Bowen sisters 293
Bradley, Lucy 159
C—l, Miss 158–9
C—l—d, Miss 176–7
‘Cherry’ Poll 128
Charlton, Miss 294
Child, Becky 286
Clarkson, Miss 160, 171
Coulthurst, Emily 144–5
Crosby, Nancy 294
Cross, Miss 134
Cullen, Sarah 294
Cumming, Mrs 134–5
Cuyler, Margaret 130
D—rkin, Hetty 176
Dafloz, Madam 156–7
Davenport, Nancy 294
Davis, Bet ‘Little Infamy’ 117, 129
Dean, Miss 295
Deville, Mrs 150
Dorrington, Jenny 146
Euston, Kitty (also Eustace) 290
F—m—n, Sally 142
Ferne, Mrs Charlotte 157
Fernehough, Miss 175–6
Fitzroy, Miss 294
Forbes, Mrs 154–5
Forrester, Pol 137
Fowler, Mrs 148–9
Freeland, Mrs 138
Gainsborough, Charlotte 295
George, Mrs 143
Gordon, Tamer 176
Grant, Miss 172
H—lsb—ry, Miss 151
Hamblin, Mrs 136
Hartford, Fanny (also Temple) 95, 286
Hawkins, Polly 129
Hendridge, Mrs 148–9
Heseltine, Miss 294
Horton, Mrs 160
Hudson, Betsy 269
Hudson, Miss 172–3
Ingmire sisters 293
Jackson, Polly 136
Jordan, Miss 146
Kennedy, Polly 155
Kilpin, Miss 138–40
L—k—ns, Miss 173–4
Ledger, Miss 149
Lee, Miss 152
Lefevre, Becky (also Clapereau) 285
Lorraine, Charlotte 132–33
Love, Eliza 132
Loveborn, Miss 152
M—c—ntee, Mrs 133–4
‘Madamoiselle’ 157–8
Marshall, Miss 286
Menton, Miss 289–90
Miles, Betsy 153–4
Noble, Miss 151
Norton, Lenora 292, 296
O’Dell, Miss 295–6
Orwell, Mrs 175
P—t—rson, Lucy 134
Quiller, Mrs 159–60
Ratcliff, Miss 290
Robinson, Miss 133
Saunders, Miss 137
Seabright, Miss 294
Sells sisters 147–8, 293
Sims, Miss 147
Smith, Miss 141–42, 164
St—y, Nancy 136
Str—on, Sally 146
Townsend, Miss 294
Trelawnley, Miss 294
V—ne, Nancy 136
Vincent, Mrs 294
W—ll—s, Miss 142
W—lp—le, Mrs 157–8
Wallington, Miss 143–4
Wargent, Miss 294
West, Miss 135
Wilkins, Miss 145–6
Wilkinson, Isabella 130–1
Williams, Mrs 140–41
Young, Miss 155

Harris, Thomas (theatrical manager) 78, 105–6

Harrison, George 22, 23, 24, 27

Harrison, Nicholas 204

Harvey, Mary (née O’Kelly) 248, 271

Hayes, Charlotte 15, 167, 237, 277, 290

birth and early years 42–3, 45–51, 122
physical description 50–1, 93–4, 161
and Robert Tracy 88–91, 92, 94–101, 189
and Sam Derrick 50, 51, 92–99, 100–101, 104, 196, 239–40
in the Fleet 100–1, 189–94, 250, 251
and Dennis O’Kelly 190–91, 192–99, 207, 239, 244–45, 246, 255–57, 270–71, 273–4
Kings Place nunneries 207–22, 238, 250–55
‘Tahitian Feast of Venus’ 252–54
pregnancy 240, 242–43
and Mary Charlotte O’Kelly 247–50, 268, 270–1
financial problems 100–1, 238, 250–51, 252
mental breakdown 271–73, 275–76
additional brothels 268–70
Half Moon Street 258–59, 268, 269, 270, 284

Hayward, Clara 209

Hedges, Maria 236

Hell Fire Club 22, 212

Hickey, Joseph 249–50

Hickey, William 53, 95, 124, 213–4, 249–50, 269–70, 286, 292, 297

Hill, Aaron 77

Hill, Dr. John 183–6, 263

Hillsborough, earl of, ‘Wills Hill’ 84

Hogarth, William 126, 161, 164, 165, 183, 201, 264

Home, John 85

Howard, Nancy 117

Hughes, Mrs 117

James, Ralph 76

Jenyns, Soame 77

Johnson, Dr. Samuel 14, 38, 41, 75, 79, 82, 84, 85, 110, 230

Jones, Inigo 13

Jones, Nancy 49–50

Kelly, Charlotte (see Hayes, Charlotte)

Kennedy, Polly 293–4

Kenyon, Lord Chief Justice 283

Kingston, 2nd Duke of 209

Kitty’s Attalantis

Leathercote, Richard 201

Lessingham, Jane (also Stott, Hemet) 102–8, 162, 235–6

Lewis, Harriott 251

Lists of Prostitutes 62–3, 112–3, 114–5, 204–5

Lucan, Lady Margaret 252

Mackintosh, Captain 270

Macklin, Charles 35, 52, 84

Macklin’s Piazza Coffee House 14

Magdalen Hospital 178, 179

Mahon, Gertrude 252

Mallet, David 77

Markham, Enoch 33

Matthews, Catherine 254

Memoirs of the Bedford Coffee House
110–111, 113

Memoirs of the Celebrated Miss Frances Murray
55, 60, 61, 164, 186

Mist, Nathaniel 19, 20

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