The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment (48 page)

Read The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment Online

Authors: Chris Martenson

Tags: #General, #Economic Conditions, #Business & Economics, #Economics, #Development, #Forecasting, #Sustainable Development, #Economic Development, #Economic Forecasting - United States, #United States, #Sustainable Development - United States, #Economic Forecasting, #United States - Economic Conditions - 2009

BOOK: The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment
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in preparing for the future


questions about


resilience and


trusting oneself in


in Undulating Plateau scenario


Investment debt


Irrational financial behavior, bubbles as


Irreplaceable minerals




aquifers for


improvements in


in India


water for




oil imports by


in Peak Oil Recognition scenario


pilot breeder reactors in


quantitative easing in




economic growth and


in future


future management


Job specialization, money and


Johnson, Lyndon B.


official budget statistics debased by


Juice-Box model of oil extraction


Just-in-time delivery systems


fragility of


in Peak Oil Recognition scenario


Just-in-time food systems, future world and


Kazakhstan, uranium reserves in


Kennedy, John F.


official unemployment statistics debased by


Keynesian stimulus, Great Credit Bubble and


Kotlikoff, Laurence J., on United States liabilities


Labor, wealth and


Labor markets, truthful inflation reporting and


LaFleur, Tim, on hedonic inflation statistics


Land, future food supplies and


Land-based resources, wealth and


Land use, in Peak Oil Recognition scenario


Law of gravity


Leadership, for long-term prosperity


LED technology, halogen lamps versus




of coming economic crisis


debt in


Legal obligations, debts as


Legal tender, dollars as


See also


economic growth and


in end of growth


by Federal Reserve


future of


in money creation


types of money created by


“Lens, the”


LET systems


Levins, Alejandro




debt versus


economic growth and




entitlement programs as






United States


Lietaer, Bernard, on money in future


Lignite coal, production and consumption of




on adopting existing technologies


on economic growth


end of growth and


on oceanic resources


on population growth


of technology


Limited resources.
See also
Carrying capacity


consequences of


exponential growth and


wealth and


Limiting resources, wealth and


Linear growth, described


Linearity, exponential growth versus


Liquefaction, of coal


Living standard




declining U.S.


economic growth and


world population and


Lloyd’s of London, on oil production decline


Loan defaults, money creation and


Loans, debt and


Local culture, in relocating for the future


Local foods


Long-term investment, in foreseeable world economy


Long-term prosperity


Lower socioeconomic brackets, savings rate among


M3 (total money stock), exponential growth in




Macondo oil field


Malthus, Thomas, on population growth


See also
Resource management


of coming economic crisis


in future


Mandatory consumption, energy for


Mandatory pension payments


Mania, bubbles versus




economic growth and


future of


in Slow Tumble scenario


by the United States


See also
Bond markets; Credit market entries; Debt markets; Housing markets; Labor markets; Stock markets; Total credit market debt


in Peak Oil Recognition scenario


in Slow Tumble scenario


Marxism, in end of growth


Maslow, Abraham, on hierarchy of needs


Mass transit systems, in Peak Oil Recognition scenario


Materials, in future


Matter, in open and closed systems


Meaningfulness, of the future




economic growth as reported by


investment and


in Slow Tumble scenario


Median house prices, median income versus


Median income, median house prices versus


Medical technology, desirability of




truthful inflation reporting versus


Medium of exchange, money as


Megatons to Megawatts program


Mercury (Hg)


in fish and sperm whales


increases in




economic growth and


import sources of


in preparing for the future


production of


required to build motor vehicles


Methanol, oil versus




oil exports to United States by


oil production decline in


in Peak Oil Recognition scenario


Middle class, savings rate among


Middle East, in Peak Oil Recognition scenario


Mill, John Stuart, on wealth destruction


Mineral depletion, as predicament


Mineral resources


future of


quality of


quantity of




depletion of


economic growth and


loss of irreplaceable


lost through dispersion


removal from soil via farming


required to build motor vehicles


U.S. imports of




of American coal


of copper


of uranium


Misinformation, investment and.
See also


Mobs, bubbles and


Monetizing debt.
See also
Money printing


See also
Economics; Financial concepts


in Argentine economic crisis


barter versus


in coming economic crisis


creation of




debt and


debt as claim on future




economic growth and


in end of growth


in energy valuation


future of


future possible deflation and inflation of


future world and


investment and




loss of value of


“Peak Oil” and

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