The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment (50 page)

Read The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment Online

Authors: Chris Martenson

Tags: #General, #Economic Conditions, #Business & Economics, #Economics, #Development, #Forecasting, #Sustainable Development, #Economic Development, #Economic Forecasting - United States, #United States, #Sustainable Development - United States, #Economic Forecasting, #United States - Economic Conditions - 2009

BOOK: The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment
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Organizations, author’s presentations to


Outcomes, of predicaments


Overconsumption, in United States


Overexuberance, bubbles versus




Overnight money


interest rates for


Overstated GDP, understated inflation versus


Owner’s equivalent rent, in GDP calculation


Oxygen (O), in air


Palm oil plantations, adverse ecological effects of


Panics, economic growth and


Paper-based wealth


money as


Paper currencies/money


mismanagement of


in Peak Oil Recognition scenario


in preparing for the future


settling debts by printing


Paper wealth, future of




of England


on oil production decline


Partial defaults


inflation as


et al.


Paying off debt, economic consequences of


“Peak Coal,” alternative fuels and


“Peak Oil”


alternative fuels and


arrival of


coal and


in coming economic crisis


compounding and




existing oil field decline and


finding and pumping oil and


in foreseeable world economy


GDP growth and global


investment and


natural gas and


nuclear power and


oil demand and


oil extraction and


oil production and


oil production output gap and


peak exports and


quality and quantity of energy and


running out of oil and


transitioning from oil to alternative energy sources and


Peak Oil Recognition scenario, economic future in


Peat bogs, palm oil plantations on


Pension funds


fixing shortfalls in


future growth and


as savings


in Slow Tumble scenario


underfunding of


Pension liabilities, in foreseeable world economy


Pension payments, mandatory


Pension plans, as liabilities


People, bubbles and


Percentage rate of growth


“Perfect interest flows” theory


Perpetual exponential growth


as banking requirement


Perpetual-motion machines


Personal fulfillment


Personal savings rate, historic lows and decline in current


Pesticides, agriculture without


See also
Oil entries; “Peak Oil”


as ancient sunlight


in electric power production


energy resources to replace


future food supplies and


in foreseeable world economy


as master resource


societal importance of


in three future scenarios


U.S. debt defaults and price of


wealth and


world economy and


Phillips, Kevin


Phosphate, depletion of


Phosphorus (P), as key nutrient in fertilizers


Photosynthetic oceanic organisms, as oxygen source




decline in


depletion of


as oxygen source


PIETI (principal, interest, energy, taxes, insurance) payments, in Peak Oil Recognition scenario


PITI (principal, interest, taxes, insurance) payments, in Peak Oil Recognition scenario


Plan B


Planck, Max




in food pyramid


as oxygen source




desertification and


fertilizers required by


in food pyramid


nutrient depletion from


Plug-in hybrid electrical vehicles, in transitioning from oil to alternatives


Plutarch, on rich versus poor


Plutonium (Pu), as nuclear fuel


Political limitations, on adopting existing technologies


Political unrest, future


Political upheaval, bursting bubbles in


Political will, future world and




in debasement of economic statistics


economic growth and


in end of growth


future opportunities in


future world and


investment and


long-term prosperity and


in Slow Tumble scenario


in untruthful inflation reporting


Ponzi schemes, U.S. entitlement programs as




economic growth and


future of


in three future scenarios


Population density, in relocating for the future


Population growth


depletion of oceanic fish and




limitations on




“speeding up” in


water depletion and


Potash, recovery of


Potassium (K), as key nutrient in fertilizers


Poverty line, economic growth and


Power, energy and


Predicaments, problems versus.
See also
Current economic predicament




of sand pile behavior


of world economy


Price changes, in GDP calculation


Primary resources, constant economic growth and


Primary wealth


in end of growth


future opportunities in accumulating


minerals as


money and


soil as


Principal, future debt and


Printing money.
Money printing


Priorities, of the future


Prison system, “money” in


Problems, predicaments versus


Problem solving


Productive assets, in preparing for the future




in problem solving




Profitability, of author’s web site


Profitmaking, investment and


Profligacy, frugality versus


See also
Wealth entries


in end of growth


energy transitions and






future world and


growth versus


surplus and


surplus energy for




bubbles and


failure to use


Psychology, of debt accumulation


Public employee unions, pension underfunding and


Public transportation, in relocating for the future




of energy


of mineral resources


Quality improvements, inflation statistics manipulations related to


Quality of life


Quantitative easing (QE)


in Peak Oil Recognition scenario




of energy


of mineral resources


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