The Crystal's Curse (17 page)

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Authors: Vicky de Leo

Tags: #Science Fiction, #General, #Fiction

BOOK: The Crystal's Curse
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When the Lexus pulled into the student parking lot, Sam rolled down the window so they could see him. He motioned for Joseph and Joshua to get in back. He reached back to shake his dad’s hand and clapped Joshua on the shoulder. “I’m so glad to see you both. Dad this is Lrence. He’s been helping us. Lrence this is my father, Joseph Carson, and my son, Joshua.”

From the frown on his face, it was obvious that Joseph was uncomfortable. “What is this all about? Joshua has been telling me that you all transported here from Guatemala?” He emphasized the word ‘transported’ with a sneer.

Sam turned so he could look Joseph in the eyes. “That’s right. The short story is that we uncovered an ancient transporter during our dig in Guatemala. Joshua found the power stone that triggered it and found himself in Boston. In the meantime, the people who have been looking for the power stone confronted Maria and I and threatened to shoot us if we didn’t tell them where Joshua and the stone were. Lrence came to our rescue last night and transported us here. Now, we’re in hiding, trying to figure out what to do. If you can accept that much as the truth, Lrence will tell you his story which is much longer and even more unbelievable.”

Joseph frowned. Sam could see him struggling to accept the explanation. He looked from his son to his grandson. Finally, he sighed and shook his head. “I’ll admit, it all sounds pretty fantastic, but I’ve never known you to lie. Are you sure you can trust this guy?”

Sam looked at Lrence. “No. But at the moment he’s all we’ve got.”

Lrence laughed.

Joseph nodded. “I did as you asked with the stone. Funny thing is I’m pretty sure I’ve seen one just like it. My brother Harry used to carry a similar stone.”

Lrence met Joseph’s eyes in the rear view mirror. “Not merely similar, probably the exact same stone. You see I knew your brother.” He refused to say anymore until they reached the house.

Maria threw herself at Joshua, hugging him tightly. “Oh son, let me look at you. Are you all right?”

“I’m fine, Mom.”

She held on to his hand as Lrence led them all back into the living room. Lrence told his story again to Joshua and Joseph. When he got to the end, he asked, “Joshua where did you find the crystal?

“Buried under a rock near my tent.”

Joseph turned to Sam. “You believe this?”

Sam shrugged. “All I know we watched Joshua disappear. Last night we were in Guatemala being held at gunpoint when this guy shows up out of nowhere, hands us a crystal and in a matter of minutes, we arrived here. The transporter is real. His explanation for how it got there makes as much sense as any I can come up with.”

Joseph paced the room and then turned back to Lrence. “Okay, if you guys stole all the crystals,
how did this one end up in Guatemala? And if it’s the same one Harry had, how did Joshua get it?”

“Harry got it from me,” Lrence explained. “The six of us gave ourselves time to build new portals. We’d arranged to meet periodically to share information. We met several times without incident, so we got careless. The Watchers developed new technology so they could see when a portal surged. When Cnoc used his to come to the meeting, they found his portal in China, read the settings and ambushed us. We got the warning only seconds before they arrived. Everyone made it out except for Cnoc. He had no place to go back to. When his crystal wouldn’t work, I tried to take him with me. Unfortunately, we were too slow. He was killed and I was seriously wounded. One o
f the bullets nicked the settings and so instead of returning here, I ended up in the park close to your home.

“That’s when I met Harry for the first time. He had been walking in the park and stumbled across me. I lay there bleeding unable to get up when Harry found me. He could see I was hurt. He started to call an ambulance, but I insisted that he bring me here. He ran and got his car and helped me to it. I didn’t realize I had dropped the crystal, but Harry noticed it, picked it up, and put it in his pocket.

“I gave him directions to the house. I managed to give him the gate code before I passed out. He got me inside. When he was taking off my coat, my communicator fell out of the pocket. When he heard a voice asking about me, he picked it up and explained I was hurt. They directed him to my portal. They told him how to set the coordinates to send me to Kafra. She had the medical training and the equipment available to patch me up. Our contact had not meant to endanger Harry. She had hoped that his only involvement would be getting me into the portal. However, I was unconscious so Harry held on to me while inserting the crystal. He surged with me.”

Joshua said, “That must have been quite a shock.”

“No doubt. Naturally, he had a hundred questions. Kafra put off telling him anything under the guise of tending to me. Once I recovered, I made the decision to tell Harry everything. I felt I owed him the truth. I explained the situation he was in because he had time traveled. Instead of being devastated, Harry laughed. He explained to us he had recently been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. His plans of becoming a concert pianist were crushed. The pain that he was living with was almost unbearable. He’d been in the park walking and thinking about how to kill himself.” Lrence stopped allowing Joseph to absorb this new information.

Joseph forehead creased as he tried to fit in what Lrence was saying with what he remembered. “That would explain Harry’s depression and unwillingness to return to school. Why didn’t he tell me?”

Lrence said, “I asked him that. He said he didn’t want you to feel sorry for him. There was nothing you could have done. He knew you would have sacrificed your own career trying to take care of him. He explained to me that when he picked up the crystal, for the first time in weeks he was entirely without pain. He begged to be allowed to continue to carry the crystal. We explained the dangers of continued exposure. He said that he would trade that risk for a few months of being out of pain and an opportunity to enjoy life. He said that for him going insane was preferable to a life as a cripple. I gave him the crystal. Since he had already time traveled, he already had the irregularities. I felt it was the least I could do.”

Joshua interrupted him, “I don’t understand. Why would he want to kill himself? Lots of people have arthritis. Couldn’t he just have taken a stronger painkiller?”

“First of all you have to remember that this was forty years ago. The drugs that we have on the market now didn’t exist then. Secondly, this wasn’t the kind of arthritis that most people get as they grow older. Harry was only twenty-one. The kind he had was a crippling disease. In addition to the pain, he would probably have been in a wheelchair within a matter of years; this disease distorts your joints. He wasn’t just giving up his dream of playing concert piano, he was facing life as a cripple, no mobility, living in constant pain that no amount of painkillers could completely erase. While I didn’t agree that suicide was the answer, I did understand why the crystal was so important to him.

“Kafra and I began working to see if we could come up with an antidote for his brain irregularities. We hoped that by coming up with a formula that would counteract the negative effects, we could prevent Harry from becoming insane while still allowing him to experience the freedom from pain and deterioration of his joints. Scientists on our planet had already made significant progress, but they were concentrating on curing the temporary irregularities in Qashurians. Our research concentrated just on earthlings. We made several breakthroughs and felt we were close. We tested every new serum we made on him
, hoping that each one would be the miracle one. He was patient even hopeful. Unfortunately, as time passed, Harry got worse.

“At first, his only symptom was a headache. He dismissed that, saying a headache was a small price to pay for mobility. Eventually paranoia set in. Harry began to be sure that the Watchers had discovered us and would be coming. He wasn’t worried about himself, but he became increasing worried that they would hurt the ones he loved. I had told him about my time in Mesoamerica. He became fascinated by the culture.”

Joseph nodded. “I remember him buying all those books on Mayan culture.”

“One day when we had a new formula to try out, I asked Harry to come over. When he arrived, he looked at me and smiled. He said there was no time left, but he knew exactly what to do. He ran to the portal, set the coordinates for the exact time that I had spent in Mesoamerican and then surged. I was stunned. It took me a few minutes to gather up another crystal and follow him. When I got there, he had already hidden his. He became hysterical, laughing and saying that now everyone would be safe. I struggled with him, trying to get him to come back with me. The natives that I’d lived with and loved saw the struggle. They thought he was trying to attack me. Before I could stop them, they shot him with poisoned arrows. One arrow pierced his heart. The poison acted quickly. There was nothing I could do. I held him and I promised him that I would watch out for his family. He died in my arms.”

Lrence got up and walked to the windows. He swept back the heavy curtains and stared out. The room was silent except for the ticking of a clock.

Joseph sat with his head down and his hands in his lap. Sam crossed to his father and put his hand on his shoulder. Maria was on the sofa sitting next to Joshua.

Lrence turned back to face Joseph. “The natives and I buried him there. I surged back to the place where we met. I sat in the park a long time, wondering what to tell his family. In the end I decided that there was nothing I could say that would lessen your pain, nothing that wouldn’t put you in danger.” There were tears in his eyes as he turned to Joseph. “Harry died because he helped me. I don’t know if you can ever forgive me. But I promise you I will do all I can to make sure that the rest of your family stays safe.” No one said anything for a long time.

Finally, Joseph straightened his shoulders, looked directly at Lrence, and said, “Harry made his own choices. I am just glad he was able to have a few months of happiness. Now what’s your plan to keep these guys safe?”

Looking at Sam and Maria, Lrence said, “Erik has already seen you and knows who you are. He knows you have surged. He’ll be able to trace you, everywhere you have ever lived, your relatives, etc. He’s fairly certain that you had help from one of us. Even if he got the crystal now, he wouldn’t leave you alone. You could be the key to finding us. The only way to keep you safe is for us to give you new identities. It means giving up your career, your friends, basically, your way of life and going on the run. Can you do that?”

Sam and Maria nodded. Sam said, “We’d pretty much come to that conclusion ourselves. It’s not like there’s another choice, but what about Joshua?”

Joshua spoke up, “I will not live like that. I’d rather die now.”

Lrence held his hand up to quiet them as everyone tried to speak at once. “Erik has never seen Joshua. He can’t be sure that Joshua ever used the portal.”

“He seemed pretty sure when he was threatening us,” Sam said.

“That was before I showed up. Now that he knows one of us helped you, he can’t be sure who surged the first time. If—and this is a big if—we can find a cure for the irregularities, I think we can convince Erik that Joshua is an innocent. When Erik scans Joshua and finds no irregularities, he’ll have to deduce that Joshua couldn’t have surged. The Watchers won’t give him permission to kill Joshua without proof of his complicity. He may have him watched for a period of time to see if he leads them to you, but he won’t be able to take action against him.”

“How do we find this cure?” Joshua asked.

“As I said, I believed that we were very close before Harry died, but we haven’t had anyone to test it on. We’d need one of you to allow us to test the serum on you. Even then, there’s no guarantee that our latest formula will work, or that we’ll come up with the cure in time. Neither Kafra nor I are experts in earthling anatomy.”

“Would it help if you had an expert in human neurology to assist you?” Joseph asked.

“Absolutely, you’re thinking of Dr. Whiting, I presume.”

“You know her?”

“Yes, Harry told me about her. I promised him to keep everyone he loved safe.

It’s also why I’m reluctant to place anyone else in jeopardy. Besides what reason would she have to help us?” Lrence asked.

“Her granddaughter is Joshua’s girlfriend. If Joshua had to disappear, I think it might make her very unhappy. Especially considering her past with Harry,” Joseph replied.

Maria turned on Joshua, “You have a girlfriend?”

Joshua smiled at his mother and shrugged. Turning to Lrence he said, “I already told Sara about the crystal and how I came to be in Boston. I didn’t realize at the time that it would place her in any kind of danger.”

“In this case, a little knowledge is probably more dangerous than knowing everything. Has she had any contact with the crystal?” asked Lrence.

“Yes, she held it in her hand for a few minutes.”

Lrence sighed. “This is getting more complicated by the minute. I guess we have no choice. I’ll need to scan her to make sure there are no irregularities. Joseph, once I have a scan of you and Joshua, you two need to go about your normal life. We don’t want you doing anything different that might look suspicious or draw attention to this house. We’re going to need time to work on this. Call this cell number if you see anyone watching you. My contact will let me know the minute Erik decides to come here, so I should be able to give you plenty of warning. However, just as a precaution, if anyone comes looking for Joshua, tell them he’s not home; say he’s out of town with friends. If that happens, call me and I’ll come and pick Joshua up immediately. In addition, Joseph, if anyone asks, you haven’t heard from Sam or Maria. As far as you know, they’re still in Guatemala. When I take you back to your car, would you contact Dr. Whiting?”

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