The Dark King's Bride (3 page)

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Authors: Janessa Anderson

BOOK: The Dark King's Bride
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Her king’s request to her sent a wave of momentary shock coursing through every fiber of her being. She never thought that the very person who governed over the region to be asking her, the daughter of two farmers, to join him on his seat.

Is this really happening? Am I dreaming, and fixing to wake up at any time now?

Secretly wondering if the current situations he had found herself in at the moment was just some sort of fantastical dream, Lily slipped one of her hands into his, and wrapped several of her fingers to rest the tips of them against the side of his hand. She glanced down to their hands long enough to witness his own fingers wrapping around her hand before her eyes looked to the warm expression on his face. Her own face displayed a similar look as her body rose up, and moved over towards his side of the carriage. Gently, she eased her body to rest beside his while her hand remained nestled within his for a few more lingering moments, enjoying the warmth resonating from it.

“Let’s go!”

The sound of the advisor’s voice outside of the carriage on the driver’s perch caught her attention. She realized in that moment that Daniel and she would be alone while the short, round man that had closed the door would be with the driver in the pouring rain. Slowly, she moved her attention back towards the face of her king with a concerned expression upon it.

“Isn’t your advisor going to be riding inside with us, Daniel?” She asked, softly.

“He will be riding with us with the driver to make sure that we don’t miss the turn for the village.” Daniel replied to her, maintaining the sensual sound in his deep voice. His piercing stare gazed deeply into her eyes at the same he caressed the back of her hand with one of his finger and spoke to her. “You have no reason to worry for him, Lily.”

“But…Won’t he get soaked from the rain outside?”

“No…There is a roof atop of where the driver is. So, Richard won’t get drenched like a drowned river rat from the weather. Besides…I believe that we could use the privacy as a way to get to know one another.”

Her heart nearly stopped when she received the answer from Daniel. She didn’t anticipate that he and she would be alone inside of his carriage without anyone else around. Even though she was a young woman, Lily had never been alone with a member of the opposite sex in close quarters in her whole entire life, and it made her really nervous about being with a man at that very moment.

Doing her best to remain calm and at ease with him, Lily gave a nod of her head to him before managing to ease the facial features of nervousness from her face. She pulled her eyes away from his and looked towards the window as the carriage started to move away from the area she had been standing in, and proceeded on down the road.




*                            *                            *




Here is your chance, Daniel.
His lustful side whispered to him, teasing and taunting him.
You have your bride with no around to interrupt what you truly wish to do with her.

With his passions trying to tempt him to give in to what he truly wanted and his rational side attempting to keep his head leveled and away from doing anything sexual, Daniel found himself placed in the middle of a conflict between the two that left his mind being pulled in two directions.

Don’t listen to them, Daniel!
His conscience cried out, pleading to him.
You are doing a fine job at the moment with going at a slow enough pace. This will have Lily eating out of the palm of your hand in only a matter of time.

Daniel, if you don’t do something to capture her attention, as well as her breath, someone else will come along and steal her heart away from you before you have had the chance to win it yourself.

He saw the reasoning for what both wanted of him. While his rational side wanted him to go with his advances at a slow and gradual speed, his more passionate part of him wished for him to move quickly and let his desires manifest themselves, physically. However, this was what
wanted. They were not in control…He was.

Gazing upon the beauty that was nestled beside him, his eyes took in everything from her curly, midnight black ringlets all over her head to the soft, fair complexion on her face and falling on the white fabric of her gown that hugged and flattered the curves her body possessed. There was not a single thing about her that he didn’t find absolutely breathtaking.

Daniel moved his eyes back up her dress, scanning across her round, firm breasts, and stopped on her face. He found her eyes to be looking down at the lap of her dress where one of her hands was nestled in a way that suggested to him that she was nervous and on edge about the current situation.

Seeing an opening for him to draw closer to her and ease her concerns away, Daniel moved his hand away from the one of hers that he had been holding, and slipped several tips of his fingers underneath her chin, cupping it.


Whispering to her in his deep voice, he guided her head to lift up, and turned it to where theirs eyes could meet. He looked deep into her gentle eyes, and realized that he could not ignore the instant attraction that was very evident. Daniel drew in a breath of air, and begun to speak up once more with his unbridled desires rising to the surface much more than they already were.

“You have no reason to fear me.”

“I-I don’t fear you, Daniel.” Lily replied. Her voice betrayed her wish to sound more relaxed and came out in a more shaky, nervous sound instead. “There is no reason for me to think anything else of you.”

“Why do you choose to not look upon me then?”

“I…I am not sure, Daniel. For some strange reason, I find it hard to look upon your face.”

“Am I that hideous?”

“N-No! I didn’t mean it like that, Daniel!”

“Well then…How did you mean it, Lily?”

“There is something about your eyes that gives me the sensation of being pulled into them where your soul resides. It is like…like once I look upon them…I can’t look away no matter how hard I try.”

Daniel found her words to speak to his soul. The fact that she felt like every time their eyes met that she was being pulled into them was enough information he needed. The bond between them had already started to form, and the connection had only intensified the moment Lily had stepped inside his carriage.

Do it, Daniel! You have the dance to make a profound impact on her that will have her drawn to you, and begging to remain at your side.

The passionate side of his conscience spoke to his secret desires. He longed to make an impact on her that would not only shake her to the very core of her essence, but cause her to give into the wish of being his bride and queen over the land and surrounding woodland areas.

Now, Daniel! Do it now!

Fueled by lusts that could not be ignored, his hand moved to cradle a side of her face, supporting a portion of it. Daniel slowly moved his face towards hers to where there was only an inch of space between them. He took notice of how her eyes had already started to close and her soft, pink lips trembling, softly, with a secret need that she had kept hidden so well. There was doubt about it: Lily wanted this as much as he did.

“Lily…” Daniel spoke to her in a whisper that let his sensuality drip from every word that seeped out of his strong lips, bringing his emotions to the surface. “Give into the feelings that are coursing through your veins…and allow yourself to be drawn to me.”

His mouth sealed hers shut in a tender, passionate kiss mere moments before any words could come out of them. The raging storm outside of his moving carriage fell on the back burner of his mind, drifting away from his thoughts at that time. The only thing that was on his mind was showing Lily his intense admiration and desires for her.

















Chapter Four




The moment that Daniel’s lips collided against hers and sealed them in a passionate yet tender kiss, Lily found that all of her rational thinking had completely vanished in the blink of an eye. A heat unlike anything she had ever experienced flooded her senses, and seeped to every fiber of her being, engulfing her in a tidal wave of mind blowing pleasure.

Mm…His lips taste so wonderful and intoxicating. I have never experienced anything quite like this in my whole life.

Lily noticed herself becoming quickly aroused by Daniel’s strong mouth moving against hers without him really pushing it on her too much. Slowly, she started to massage her mouth against his, asking him to perhaps open them for her to experience what he has to offer deep inside of it.

Please, Daniel…Let me have a small taste of what lies within. Just enough for me to experience it for a brief moment.

As if he had read her thoughts, she found his lips parting, and the tip of his tongue poking at her closed mouth, asking for entrance. The sensation alone caused her soft lips to open, immediately, and grand him permission to deepen the kiss with her even more. Her body trembled with delight and absolute pleasure at Daniel’s long tongue moving inside, and caressing hers in a gentle, massaging manner that surprised her senses.

Dear lord in heaven above…How long is his tongue?!

Lily had never encountered a tongue like his. As a matter of fact, his was the first one for her to have inside her mouth, running along the top and underneath of her tongue. She tried to recall anything that could match the length or sensation of it, but there was not a single thing that came to her mind. This was the first time this had ever happened to her…and she loved every second of it.

While her tongue was engaged in a tango with his, Lily slipped her hands onto the tops of his shoulders, and rubbed the balls of them with the tips of her fingers. She discovered his hand holding her face a little more firmly while his other strong arm swept behind her, and pulled her against the muscular physique of his frame, pressing her firm breasts on her chest against his chiseled one.

Lily, snap out of it!
Her conscience screamed out at her the moment Daniel had pulled her curvaceous frame against his strong one, and deepened the kiss even more by running his tongue around the inside of her mouth.
You have to stop this before things go too far with Daniel, and you cross a threshold that you can’t come back from!

Leave me be…

Whispering her defiant remark to her conscience, Lily discovered Daniel easing his mouth away from hers to only make a trail of hot kisses down a side of her slender neck in the direction of her shoulder. The feeling alone caused a sharp yet loud gasp to escape from her mouth, and her hands to cling to his upper back a little tighter.

I wish to enjoy this moment with Daniel while I can before his carriage brings me to Maria’s shop.

And what if he takes your virginity on the way to the square?


You can’t tell me that you were thinking after you two kissed each other like you just did that he wouldn’t be thinking perhaps you would want to have sex with him in the privacy of his luxury carriage.

Before she had a chance to retort back to her conscience, Lily started to register the carriage come to a stop. She silently cursed at this, not wishing for the moment to end with Daniel. Her eyes watched him lean away from her, and cast one more loving gaze on her before looking over to the door on his side of the carriage. Lily moved her eyes towards it as well, and focused on it.

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