The Dark King's Bride (7 page)

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Authors: Janessa Anderson

BOOK: The Dark King's Bride
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“Lily…is their only child.”

“But…They told me that they were unable to have children due to Marigold being barren…Why-“

“Radcliff has been keeping Lily locked up at night and close to his home in order to keep others from taking her away from him, and the orders that keeps her locked there. The whole time I have been looking for her…He has been hiding her from me.

For the crime of lying and deceiving me, his king, Radcliff must pay a price.”

              “What do you wish to do about him?”

The question that his advisor proposed to him made his mind go into a panic for the answer. What was he going to do about Radcliff’s treachery?

Don’t do anything that will ruin your chance with his daughter, Daniel. If you hurt Radcliff in any particular way, that is going to hurt Lily, and cause you to lose favor with her.

Then it hit him: Lily. He had the beautiful, angelic daughter of his new enemy upstairs in one of the spare guestrooms, getting her attractive frame cleaned and warmed up from the rain outside. The image of her curvaceous body nestled by a roaring fireplace in a white robe that is slightly open while her long hair hangs down her shoulders and back flooded every single one of his senses, and caused his urge for her intensify.

Daniel drew in a breath of air, and forced himself to push away the sexual desires that had risen to the surface by focusing in on Richard, and speaking to him with serious intent in his voice.

“I want you…to write out a message, and send it with my bat, Alabaster, to the home of Radcliff and Marigold, before you send out the same message to other mortal and immortal nobility.”

“What do you wish for the message to contain?” Richard asked, moving over to his desk and picking up a quill pen and a piece of parchment.

“Have the messages contain an invitation to the castle tomorrow night for a grand event that will be taking place at midnight.”

“And what event shall I say will be taking place, my lord?”

Moving towards the doors of the room, Daniel pulled them wide open, and crossed over the entranceway shortly before his voice came out of his mouth in a dark, sensual manner.

“A wedding…”




























Chapter Eight




              Arriving to a dark oak door with a rose carved into the wooden surface of it, Lily couldn’t help herself but touch the artwork that had been made with concentration and love. Her fingertips danced across the engraving of a beautiful flower, taking in all of the amazing sight before herself.

Wow…This is so beautiful…I have never seen a sight like this in all of my life.

A smile started to form on her face from her own enjoyment of the intricate carving before herself. Lily had always enjoyed and loved witnessing unique, beautiful things as opposed to more normal, mundane objects. She liked to be around in an area that was different instead of something that was the same as everyone else.

“I see that you like the rose, my lady.”

Magdalene’s voice caught her by surprised, and made her body jump, slightly. Lily straightened her body before she focused her eyes upon the smiling face of Daniel’s maid before she proceeded to talk to her.

“Um…” Lily’s voice trembled with hesitation from being startled on accident by Magdalene. “Y-Yes, Magdalene…I do like the rose. It is quite exquisite and intricate.”

“I will have to tell Daniel that you like his handiwork.”

Wait…Wait a minute here…Did she just say that Daniel created this amazing piece of art?

The idea of someone of the class and title of ‘king’ having the ability of creating something as beautiful and breathtaking as a rose engraved into the woodwork of a door impressed her. Lily hadn’t heard of anyone in the nobility class being this talented, especially the king possessing the skill of an artist that had years to hone his skills and talents. However…It made her that more intrigued about the very man that had brought her to his home.

She lingered on the information that was brought to her for a moment before her ears picked up on the sound of the door opening. Snapping back to reality, Lily focused on Magdalene pushing the door open, and extending one of her arms towards the opened entrance.

“I hope you like the rest of the room, my lady, as you have liked the door.”

Her eyes fluttered a bit out of shock that the door she had been admiring led to the room she was to stay in. Lily drew in a breath of air, and started to move across the threshold.

Moving further inside, her eyes found the room to be fit for a princess. A large, queen size bed made out of white oak with pink and white bedding was nestled a few feet from a set of two glass doors that would take her out onto a large balcony. Not far from that, a large vanity made out of the same wood that the bed was made from was cornered to where the mirror face the direction of the bedroom door while a massive wardrobe stood beside an oak door with a similar rose carved into it like the one that was on the other one.

Oh my goddess…I have never seen anything so extravagant like this in all of my life. This room is about the size of three of my bedrooms back home.

Lily moved herself over to the large bed, and reached down towards the covers. The tips of her fingers danced across the surface of its smooth material, taking in how luxurious and soft it felt to her. Her eyes were so focused on it that she tightened from the sudden sound of the bedroom door shutting, firmly, into place. Turning halfway, Lily looked towards the direction that the sound resonated from, and found Magdalene to be moving over to the other door in the room before turning her attention towards her.

“My lady,” Magdalene said, “I will draw your bath for you, and then I will call for you.”

Lily watched Daniel’s maid bow to her shortly before moving the other door open, and stepping across the entrance of it. Her attention drifted over towards the direction of the glass doors to the balcony. She moved herself across a large, white fur rug that stretched over the surface of the white stones that were beneath it. Moving past where a grand fireplace was positioned between the vanity and wardrobe, she stepped up to the doors, and slipped her hands onto the white, sheer drapes hanging down in front of it.

Once the curtains had been pulled away, her vision filled with the sight of the sky becoming dark and giving night reign of the sky while the land was being ravaged by the rain that was pouring down without mercy from the sky. A streak of lightning moved across the heavens, brightening the land and also coming with a loud clap of thunder following it afterwards.

A soft gasp left her mouth due to the noise and sight having frightened her like it would a small child that was terrified of storms. Letting go of the soft curtains, Lily turned herself to move away from the glass doors, quickly, but found herself instead moving into the open embrace of Daniel Willows who had been standing behind her without her knowledge. She lifted her eyes up to his face, and gazed upon him with her expression of awe and surprise telling all that she was feeling at the moment from finding him to be there.




*                            *                            *




She looks so beautiful like this…

Daniel gazed upon the angelic face of the woman that he intended to make his queen looking up to him with an expression that was mixed of fear and surprise. He proceeded to ask her what was troubling her when his hearing picked up on the sound of a loud crash of thunder outside the strong, impenetrable walls of his fortress. In that same instant, Daniel registered her body tightening against his muscular one at the same time catching the sound of a soft gasp escaping from her mouth. He got the answer he sought for from her by the way she spoke to him with her body language.

Poor Lily…My poor…sweet…beautiful Lily. You have no reason to fear the storm, my love. The walls of my fortress will keep it away from coming in while my arms will give you warmth and comfort.

Slipping his arms around her back until she was against him, completely, Daniel placed one of his palms on the back of her head, and pulled it so that it could rest one of her cheeks on a side of it. He ran his fingertips of the same hand through her hair to massage it, as well as her head, while his other one pressed against the small of her back, giving her some support. Daniel waited for a few moments before he eased his eyes shut, and immersed himself into the warm embrace he had her and him in at the moment.

Oh my god…I…I have never felt anything so nice such as this in a long…long time.
His senses started to become flooded with an overwhelming feeling of contentment from Lily’s curvaceous frame pressed against the front side of his.
Having Lily so close and against me right now is the best sensation I have ever had the pleasure of experiencing.

There will be another feeling that you will find just as nice, Daniel.
The passionate part of his conscience whispered, slipping into his train of thought he was having at the moment.
I know of something that will rival, and, maybe, will be even better than what you are feeling right now.

What are you rambling on about now?
He kept himself in the moment with his beautiful companion as his arms clung to her body, and kept her firmly against him, unwilling to let her go at the moment.
What will I enjoy even more than this?

I am pretty sure that when you take her to bed…you are going to experience a whole new intense pleasure unlike anything else that can compare to it.-

The second that he caught what direction his passionate side was heading in with his response, his ears picked up on the sound of footsteps moving into the area where he was locked in the embrace with Lily still. He eased his arms from her body, gently, and looked over one of his shoulders in the direction of the adjoined bathroom in the chamber. Daniel watched as Magdalene walked out of the bathroom with a white robe in her hands, and brought herself to an abrupt stop due to witnessing him being in the area with his guest without her knowledge.

“My lord,” Magdalene said, “I didn’t hear you come in the room. If I had, I would have-“

“Don’t fret, Magdalene.” Daniel spoke to his only maid and servant in a kind, understanding tone in his deep but firm voice. “There is no need to apologize.”

“I was just about to assist Lady Lily with her bath, my lord.”

“That won’t be necessary, Magdalene.” Daniel moved across the room to get to her, and eased the white robe she had for his guest off of her arm, and draped it over one of his in a fluid motion while he kept the conversation brief with her. “I will be assisting Lily with whatever she wishes or needs for the rest of the night…You may go to your quarters for the rest of the night, and take it easy.”

Nice move, Daniel…

He chose to ignore the confident words coming from his conscience in order to keep a hidden smirk from coming to the surface of his face. Daniel wanted to make sure he didn’t show his cocky side in front of Lily to keep her from witnessing it so soon.

With his eyes on Magdalene, he watched her head to the door of the bedchamber for a few moments before his attention drifted to Lily once more. One of his hands stretched out in her direction while he spoke to her with a highly sensual tone emerging in his deep voice due to the burning passion he possessed for her deep inside.

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