The Deadliest Secret (The Deadliest Series) (25 page)

BOOK: The Deadliest Secret (The Deadliest Series)
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She felt naughty talking about her romance in the confines of her office, it was two hours till she would be allowed to pack and go home, they brought her Lexus and she appreciated that car so much, there was extra room and the windows were tinted. Her core seemed to hum at the promise of being teased for the long drive to her parents’ house. She closed her eyes and could feel Torrian’s powerful mouth on her. She groaned out loud.

Gwen pushed the thoughts out of her mind; she looked over her notes and began to revisit what her day had been like. She took a few more notes about certain regression therapies she wanted to try.  The time passed torturously slow, her core demanded attention. Torrian’s game was soon going to be continued, he knew what the text did to her and she loved that he remembered. Gwen closed her eyes for just a moment and when she opened them it was only ten minutes till she could leave.

She must have drifted off, she thought to herself and chuckled. Gwen started her usual Friday activities, she finished the reports, set her schedule for Monday, and then took the filed that she needed to become reacquainted with as her weekend homework. She was excited to see Torrian. She had turned in her complaint to the warden earlier in the day so didn’t have to do that as she was leaving, she knew if she saw the warden as she was walking out he would jabber her ear off.

Right at 4:50 Gwen locked her office and started towards the elevator, she always left a few minutes early in order to make it to the boat on time. Gwen was already on the boat with her belongings when Torrian joined her by wrapping his long and strong arms around her. She melted into him.

“Hey baby.” His husky voice whispered into her ear.

“Hey handsome.” She replied.

“Ready for your parents?” He asked and gently swayed them back and forth.

“I’m ready for the car ride.” She said playfully as the boat moved from the dock.

The boat ride passed in silence as the two held onto each other. Gwen slumped to the car and got in. She didn’t notice in her haze that Torrian had already changed to his dinner clothes.

“Oh, we don’t have to go to my place.” She exclaimed.

“Nope two steps ahead babe.” He laughed at her clouded mind.

“Good, we can just get right on the freeway.” She nodded and sped up towards the freeway.

“You’re good to drive right babe? He asked with his hand moving to her knee.

“Yeah I am, it’ll help clear my head.” His innuendo went completely over her head.

“Good because I intend to be busy the entire time.” His hand moved from her knee to her thigh and nudged her open.

“Torrian!” She yelped in surprise.

“Calm down baby just drive I’ll take care of this.”

His seatbelt clicked and released his body, he lunged down apparently extremely excited to claim her as she was excited to have his claim laid to her body. He started by flicking his tongue over her zipper, the tease started to heat her center, she was squirming in her chair. She moved her hips forward to grant easier access, she wanted this more than her next breath. She could barely speak and she moaned his name through a whisper. He then began the pleasurable agony. He cupped her full sex and blew hot air onto her then pressed, the combination of the pressure and sensual heat made Gwen pulsate harder.

“Oh fuck Torrian!”

She tried hard not to swerve or give her activities away to the other drivers on I-5. He brought her to the edge so many times but deprived her from continuing to orgasm. Gwen was panting and pleading with him. “Please Torrian, please I need to cum for you.”

“Not yet love.”

“Please.” She whined her dismay but Torrian would not give in to her.

Torrian kept his tongue and mouth working until they pulled into her parents’ driveway. She whimpered one more time. She was now so frustrated that he denied her orgasm, she took a few minutes to compose herself. The two entered the large home and found it comforting, Gwen watched Torrian take off with her father to the study. That was becoming a normal routine. She loved that Torrian and her father got along so well, so she let the men be and she went to the kitchen to spend time with her mother, and talk about what has been going on in Marie’s life.

The traditional dinner was something that Torrian and Gwen looked forward to. The warm Italian food scented the air and they all dug in. Gwen had skipped her lunch in preparation for this meal, Torrian could eat like a horse and he proved it.


              The banter continued. Gwen’s father had a glint in his eye and smiled at his daughter. He loved her, she was his and Marie’s only child and her life was progressing so different than how any of them planned but it seemed to work for her.  Torrian was a good man and could care for her, and rarely did Torrian’s hand leave Gwen’s. He had to respect Torrian; he was a strong male and seemed to do the right thing. Steven nodded and the four ate until they were all content then moved to have a drink together. When the night had ended Torrian shook Steven’s hand then Steven hugged his daughter while Torrian got in the car to warm it up.

“Darling you have a good man there.” Steven stated a fact that Gwen knew.

“Yeah I agree daddy.” She smiled and looked back at Torrian.

“Take care of him and he’ll take care of you.” Steven gave his daughter another kiss then watched her go to the car and drive away, he then went into the house to help the love of his life clean up and tell her what Torrian and him talked about she would be dying for the gossip by now.


              Again Torrian tortured Gwen with his mouth, this time was worse he unzipped her pants and tasted her sweet juices. She could bring him to his knees in a single second. He would do anything to keep her happy. Torrian knew that she was the one and he would make sure she knew through every touch that he loved her. His tongue was met with the sweetest nectar he could ever imagine. She could not drive fast enough. When she pulled her car into the driveway he whisked her out of her chair and into the house. He pressed her against the wall, sunk down her body, and finally gave her permission to release over and over again.


              Kody was still stuck in solitary. He spent his week pacing back and forth in the solitude. He had gone a full week without his woman, her touch, her smile; everything about her was on his mind. She had not come to see him, that bastard Ford must have gotten into her mind. She was cheating on Kody with that lesser male Kody was willing to bet. Kody cracked his neck, the popping sounded like automatic shots being fired at close range, he closed his eyes, and waited for the relief to flood his system. The relief was nothing compared to the velvet skin he had felt against the back of his hand. He relished the memory, Kody coveted another touch that was all he needed, more, more of his Gwen. Gwen was his addiction now and he was glad. One touched would turn into another, then another, and continue to escalate from there. When they were younger she loved being his addiction. They spent many nights wrapped around each other’s arms panting and moaning for the start of another round of sex.

He would fuck her until neither could walk the next day. The scent of her was enough to drive him wild. Kody closed his eyes and let the darkness surround him. Gwen was there in the darkness of his subconscious, but she was so real. She beckoned him. His dream vision soothed him when she spoke as a lover would. “Kody you will kill for me, prove your love.”

After those words she disappeared and he was alone once again with his thoughts.
















Chapter nineteen



Kody twisted and turned on his lonely bed, his arms were empty, and Gwen coming to him had only been in his dream. He groaned loudly, he was becoming sick, sick with desire, sick with longing, and sick with missing his woman. Unable to continue resting he stood and began to pace in the tiny cell. He had no stimulation. Although he enjoyed not having to share his quarters he almost wanted to be back in the main cellblock because then he might be able to glimpse his beloved. Since he was unable to sleep he continued his pace. One, two three, turns, one, two, three, turn, over and over again. His mind slipped further into the darkness, the voice returned to him and spoke again,
“Kody I need you, take care of the defiler. The man who touches me needs to meet his death.”

The sultry sweet voice belonged to his Gwen. She was begging him for a favor and how could he refuse her? Kody closed his eyes and envisioned the source of the voice. He loved it. That was his woman and she needed him. He could feel her touch and his mind took it further. He laid back down finally willing to let his body rest because of her. She was nudging him towards sleep; he needed his strength if he was going to take on the bastard that touched her.  She figure in his mind kissed him and suddenly he found himself transported in a dream to the past they shared.

Gwen had taken forever to get dressed. He was itching with need. He needed to get his fix. He had taken up being a runner for a local kingpin. The position allowed him to have a habit on the side. She had no clue about his habits at this point after all she didn’t party with him. He kept that life separate from her. His knees jumped up and down with nerves. She was still in her bathroom.

“Damn Gwen we’re going to miss our fucking reservations.” He bitched at her.

“Almost ready baby.” Gwen was open and affectionate with her terms.

“Just hurry the fuck up” He was short.

She didn’t respond to his last one, but she seemed to move faster, at least there was more and more noise coming from the bathroom. Honor wasn’t back from her study session, damn she was one freaky bitch, and Honor would do things that would get her family to disown her. He had only recently began fucking her on the side, Gwen wasn’t quite so adventurous in the sack and he needed a bitch that would slob his knob and let him put it up her ass. Honor seemed to relish the feel of his blunt head pushing at her back door. She just loved the cock. Kody rubbed over his cock, he wished he had a session with Honor in order to keep his cool with Gwen.

It was if his prayers were answered, by some fucked up sex god. Honor came walking in, and she was wearing a mini-skirt. Hot damn she was tight, he motioned with his fingers. Gwen was taking too long and he needed to bust a nut or at least feel her smooth pussy.

“How much longer Gwen?” He asked.

“Twenty minutes, I want to look perfect baby.”

“Okay I’m going to step out for a minute and make a few calls.”

“Okay.” She hollered back at him, she said twenty minutes in reality she meant thirty or forty.

Kody grabbed Honor’s wrist he knew it would bruise but she loved it. She had no respect when it came to sex and that is the kind Kody liked the best, he could spit on her pussy and she would moan for more.  He pulled her onto the balcony and unzipped his pants, she fell to her knees and worshipped like a good bitch should, he could probably turn her out and make her a bottom bitch, perhaps when business allowed he would do it. He knew many men that would love to fuck a freak like her. She was an expert with her mouth. It was funny to him; the chick named Honor was the one who would let you do anything to her. Interesting…

While she was on her knees Kody thrust harder into her mouth. He grabbed her hair and forced her to keep taking it. She wrapped both of her small hands around his cock and added to the blowjob. He was throbbing; he looked down at his watch. Damn she was good with a short amount of time. He grabbed the back of her head and shoved it down.

“Take it all Honor.”

She slurped in response but her lips moved faster up and down his shaft. He peeked through the curtains, the bathroom door was closed and he was feeling brazen. She was sucking him so good; he would give her the dick. He pulled her up, hiked up her skirt, and pressed her against the wall he was pleasantly surprised that she neglected to wear panties, the night air cooled his cock but he was seeking the warmth of Honor’s core, he speared her and she moaned out. His hand quickly covered it and threatened. “Shut the fuck up bitch she can’t hear this.”

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