The Deadliest Secret (The Deadliest Series) (11 page)

BOOK: The Deadliest Secret (The Deadliest Series)
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She took control of his momentary distraction and pressed her lips to his.  This kiss was their undoing. Torrian’s fingers moved with dexterity through the buttons of her blouse, soon the white lace of her bra and the light peach color of her bosom entranced him. He was hers for the taking and Gwen’s insides screamed at her to make her move. She wanted him, and she needed him right this minute. She turned on his lap to straddle him, her hips pulsed forward wanting to feel him. Her lips never left his they deepened the kiss; her hands went to the collar of his shirt unbuttoning it so she could get closer. She wanted every part of him right this minute. Gwen pressed herself against Torrian completely, an unspoken request which he responded to by leaning back, allowing more of her to claim even more of him.


              Torrian’s hands moved up and down her back, the cool sensation caused Gwen to gasp wildly. He looked deep into her clear blue eyes. He felt as if her gaze went through his body, to his soul and straight to his heart taking it for her own. He nipped her lip between his perfect teeth, what was between his lips he ran over with his tongue, her eyes dilated with the pleasure. The energy crackled between them and Torrian placed his face to hers again, his strong arms kept her pressed tight against him, his sex was rigid and begging to be freed. He gripped her hips and rubbed them, her body responded with intense shuddering. Their eyes remained locked together, before Gwen broke the kiss and climbed off of him too fast for him to recognize what was happening. Her blouse hung open, her mounds moving up and down with her heaving chest, they both were in need of air.

“What’s wrong Gwen?” Torrian spoke first.

“I… I can’t, not tonight.” Gwen’s words were choked out.

“Baby, what we just did almost got me off,” he motioned down to his crotch, the bulge quite evident, he almost laughed when Gwen’s eyes took him in and she coughed, “Are you okay though?”

“I am, I just need more time. I thought I was. I’m so sorry.”

“It’s fine.” Torrian grabbed her chin and brought her face to his for a sweet simple kiss.

“You’re too good.”

“Yeah just keep telling yourself that, now put the dynamic duo away before I stop being so good.” He tried to lighten the mood with a joke.

Gwen started to button up her blouse; the time had passed quickly between them. They were making out like teenagers for what felt like hours, Gwen’s lips were throbbing from the intensity. Her body was glowing from the encounter. Torrian’s body had responded in a gracious way. He felt the warmth pool between her legs, which drove him insane. He was still in need of relief only she could offer, but he kept his intense desire for her quelled.

“I should get going.” Torrian stated with his eyes still devouring the sight of Gwen flushed from the near sexual encounter.

“Yes.” Gwen was only able to swallow; her mind was on the encounter as well, her eyes distant.

“I’ll see you tomorrow baby, and bring a change of clothes to work tomorrow. We have plans.” His grin was unbelievably boyish.

“What sort of change of clothes?”

“Jeans, your mariners t-shirt, sneakers.”

“So we’re getting physical?”

“Oh you have no idea.” Torrian’s cock punched up again at the thought of getting physical with Gwen, he planted one more kiss on her then they walked to the door.

“Goodnight beautiful.” He whispered.

“Goodnight Torrian.” She watched him walk away then crashed into her bed, she fell asleep.


              Friday passed with a blur, Gwen was in the bathroom adjacent to the exit to the ferry when her phone chirped with Torrian’s message asking where she was. She shook her head and replied with her location then she checked herself in the mirror. Her hair was in a sensible bun, but she felt Torrian liked it better down so she pulled the bands out then pulled it up into a ponytail. She had the best of both worlds; it was back, yet it was still long enough to rest below her shoulders. She spent a few moments fussing over her image then shook her head. “When the hell did I become such a girl?”

She exited the bathroom and walked right into Torrian’s chest, this time he was not quick enough to catch her. She landed on her butt with an audible thud. Torrian’s hands were quick however to pick her up and start dusting her off.

“Sorry Doc.” He kept up the charade of propriety at work, but they were both reminded of where his hands were last night, Gwen blushed and looked down.

“I am okay, don’t fuss over me. Are you ready to go?”

“Yeah” He smirked.

“What?” She asked.

“Just excited to surprise you.” His grin spread.

“Oh?” She raised her brows.

“Yeah come on we’re taking your car home then you’re getting stolen.” He was jubilant.

“Fine.” Gwen murmured she had finally given up trying to figure out where they were going.


              They dropped Gwen’s car off at her house, she double checked the locks then climbed into Torrian’s car, he had the air conditioning going, he was singing along to a Kings of Leon song “Revelry” Gwen enjoyed the song immensely. It was one of her favorites. She could listen to it over and over again. Gwen started asking Torrian questions about his past, which he answered most of them. They were enjoying their talk till they hit the infamous Seattle rush hour traffic. Gwen shook her head, how had they gotten this far without her taking any notice? She laughed. She knew the answer was because the conversation had flowed. She didn’t have to think about anything, She didn’t have to worry about ulterior motives, or letting too much information go.


              They parked at Safeco Field’s parking garage and walked hand in hand to the stadium. Torrian called in a few favors to get the best seats he could. They were right off the foul line, so hopefully they would be able to catch a ball. His surprise had yet to be ruined, even though he was close to spilling the beans a few times in the car, she was so precocious, you could almost forget how intimidating she could be. He kissed the back of her hand and laid a Mariners team cap on her head, they were jostled through the crowd but eventually made it to their seats. The lush green field was just as he remembered it from years ago.

“Do you want anything to drink?” Torrian asked.

“I’m fine for now.” Gwen’s eyes were lit up with excitement.

“When was the last time you came to a game?” He asked.

“Years ago, it was with my dad. He roots for them, no matter how bad the team averages were.”

Torrian just had to laugh, he knew the statistics well, but he still did the same. It had to be a Seattle pride thing, maybe just a man thing. He waved over the beer man; he ordered two pale ales and two waters, just in case Gwen changed her mind. Torrian paid the guy and sat down to relax. He wrapped his arm around Gwen and waited for the next part of his surprise to happen, he still had a grin plastered on his face when an interruption came.

“Excuse me, but I think you may have our seats reversed.” A man’s voice sounded, Gwen jumped up before looking at the man who spoke, Torrian just laughed.

“Daddy!” Gwen finally noticed, jumped up, and hugged her father tight.

“Hello baby girl.” Steven laughed at his daughter.

“Gwen darling.” Marie spoke from behind Steven; she was in complete Mariner memorabilia.

“Mom, Dad, what are you doing here?” She stammered slightly.

“We’re here because of him.” Steven pointed at Torrian.

Gwen gawked at Torrian waiting for him to explain. “Yeah I wanted to surprise you, and you said your dad liked baseball so I called his practice and invited him and your mom down for the other two tickets I acquired.”

“Oh.” Gwen said biting her lower lip.

“Gwen, honey, we can leave if you want.” Gwen’s father spoke.

“No, its just a surprise,” Gwen smiles and hugs her parents one more time, “I just am shocked still, sit.”

“Are you going to introduce us to your suitor Gwen?” Marie spoke, she was eyeing Torrian appreciatively.

“Yes” Gwen was slowly becoming the color of a stop sign, “Marie and Steven, this is my boyfriend Torrian, Torrian these are my parents Steven and Marie.”

“Call us mom and dad.” Marie gushed and pushed forward to hug Torrian, he laughed a little surprised at the open affection.

The foursome settled down to watch the game. Torrian and Steven were busy discussing status’ about each player as they came to bat, and rehashing the same debate when they came up for their second turn at bat. Gwen had never heard her father speak so freely with another man, especially with one who wanted to be with her. Her father was solitary most the time; he was a creature of habit. This was highly irregular for him to do. Maybe Torrian was good for him, and her.

By the end of the game Torrian and Steven were on first name basis, and were already discussing next week’s family dinner. Gwen couldn’t contain her smile. The seventh inning stretch was hilarious; her mother pulled her from the seats so they could refill the empty drinks to grill her about Torrian. Gwen found herself having a normal conversation with her mother, until Marie decided to ask questions that went to Torrian’s anatomy and if they were being safe. Gwen decided not to bring that one up until Gwen and Torrian were on their way back to DuPont.

When Torrian pulled up at Gwen’s townhouse she was sacked. He gently woke her. Her grumble was barely audible and her hand sleepily waved him off. She needed the rest so he picked her up. He tucked her slight frame against his carefully then locked his car door. He fished around her pocket for her house keys and let them inside. Gwen had forgotten her alarm this morning; there was an absence of beeping when they entered. He frowned and carried her upstairs.

“Stay.” She murmured quietly when he set her down and turned to leave.

“What?” He didn’t believe his ears.

“Stay with me.”

“If you want.” He was getting hard at the thought of just having her near him even if it was just to sleep.

“I want” Her voice sounded dreamy, she was in and out of consciousness.

“Okay baby let me go lock the door, you change, and I’ll be right back.”

“Okay” She whispered, Torrian doubted whether she would slip into her pajamas but he gave her a pass.

He flicked the lock into place, grabbed a water bottle from her kitchen and took the stairs two at a time.  He rapped his knuckles against the door softly; he pushed open the door slightly to see Gwen was asleep. She was still wearing her shoes and jeans. He laughed to himself and entered the room. He pulled her shoes and pants off, he looked away when her panties were revealed, he caught only a glimpse of the navy blue lingerie. He didn’t need more temptation. He covered her, removed his own clothing down to his boxers then lay on top of the blanket; he watched her sleep for a while before drifting off next to her.


              The weekend was monumental to the two. Gwen felt normalcy return to her life. Saturday morning she read an email from her mother, she was still gushing over the game and Torrian. She reminded Gwen to be safe. Steven also sent an email telling her to bring “that fine young man” to dinner. She agreed to both her parent’s request; again she felt the intense longing within for him, she needed protection with him. She made note on her phone to remind her. Gwen turned off her electronics to enjoy the rest of her weekend with Torrian.








Chapter eleven



Monday passed quickly, the same routine was being followed from last week. Gwen and Torrian were becoming closer and closer each day. Gwen wanted to tell everyone at work about the romance to keep Ali’s wandering eyes off of him, but she stopped herself. This was too new to risk any sort of exposure to the administration. Gwen received flowers from an anonymous admirer shortly before leaving work.

“Need help with those Doc?” Torrian asked when she struggled to the ferry.

“Yes, please, thank you.” Gwen made it a point to look at him, thanking him with her eyes for the help and the beautiful flower arrangement.

That evening Gwen spent most the night in Torrian’s lap detailing her early college years, she was on the brink of sharing the story of how she met Kody when Torrian’s hand found her inner thigh. She froze completely distracted from what she was saying. Torrian chuckled at how easy he could cause her to become aroused. Gwen’s hand moved to stop him, the instant she made a motion that she didn’t want to continue he stopped his hand and moved it to the outside of her knee. He respected her boundaries, as much as he wanted to take her, bend her over the nearest surface, and make her feel pleasure for hours upon hours until she collapsed into his arms, he kept himself contained.

“Gwen.” Torrian said with his voice husky. 


              His hands clutched her blouse and pulled at it. His hand bringing her closer and closer with each stressed breath. She was silk against his skin, the finest thing Torrian ever felt. His groans echoed in the living room. Torrian’s hands moved to the swell of her bottom and he gently caressed her backside through the skirt she was still wearing from work, he moved his hands in rhythmic motions. Gwen’s body was heating for him. He took control of the moment, she wasn’t denying him, and she was welcoming him. Torrian picked her up and made his was to her bedroom with Gwen in his arms. They crashed against the door when he fumbled with the door handle. His hands held her up and he pressed tighter against her.

Gwen’s breathing was shallow and rapid; her body was craving more of him. She was yielding every piece of her to him in their quest for pleasure. Gwen’s hips started to pulse back and forth against Torrian’s, his response was a deep groan. He gave up trying to work the door for the moment, one hand was tangled in her hair, crushing her face to his, and the other hand was still on her backside massaging her ass. His sex was hard and pressed tight against her core, the tight bundle of nerves within her apex was being pressed into by the sizeable bulge. Her body rocked with ache for his. Her mouth found purchase and she began to suckle on his thick neck; his groans filled the air between them. He liked what she was doing, her arms wrapped around his neck and her mouth continued. His hips jerked forward and he cursed. Torrian’s hand left her hair and finally opened the door.

           He held Gwen up and walked to the bed, her legs were wrapped around his hips, slowly he laid her down, and he kept his body close to hers. “Gwen I want you.”

           Torrian’s eyes burned into Gwen’s, his eyes were assessing her. Gwen nodded, “I want you too Torrian, please don’t stop.”

           That was what Torrian needed to hear. His lips pulled back in a triumphant smile and he buried his head in her luscious blonde locks and inhaled, breathing Gwen deep. Torrian pulled Gwen’s shirt from her body, his body was still on hers, he was moving on top of her the sensation making each passing moment more and more intense. He pulled her skirt from her legs, she was wearing thigh highs with a black lace panties. Torrian felt as if his cornea were going to bleed from the perfection of Gwen’s appearance. She took amazing care of her body, it wasn’t hardened with muscle but she was healthy, soft yet strong as a female should be. Her legs were smooth, his gaze moved between her legs, the sheer lace offered little coverage, and he could see her core was hairless. His cock punched forward again, the blue balls were painful and he was reminded why he waited as he looked at her.  Her bosoms were heaving up and down as her breath came out in pants. He stayed between her legs and bent down to claim her lips again. His hands worked his pants off hastily. He reached his hand between them and rubbed over her nub. Gwen moaned at the pressure on her most sensitive spot.

“Torrian!” She gasped.

“That’s it baby.” He encouraged her.

Torrian slowly rubbed her clit in circular motions he varied the pressure he placed on it. Her body thrashed beneath him and clenched the sheets between her fingers. Her body was tight; the feeling was so sublime to her it was almost painful. Torrian’s cock was begging to enter her but he kept it at bay, she deserved to have more.  Her body arched into his, he held onto her hip tighter.

Gwen’s voice struggled to be heard, she didn’t want to stop long enough to ask, but she had to. “Do you have a condom?”

“Yeah baby.” Torrian pulled away leaving the warmth of the woman beneath him.

“Hurry.” Gwen murmured to him, her eyes watching his tight muscles move and coil with each movement.


              Torrian’s skilled hands pulled the condom from his wallet, tore the package open, and rolled it over his length. Gwen watched in appreciation, his erect shaft was daunting. She had not had sex for years, she had only seen one penis in her lifetime and that had belonged to someone that was now her patient and locked up for the rest of his days. Torrian’s shaft was thick and hardened like the rest of him and his entire body was hairless. His erection stood proud from his body. He turned towards her.

“Enjoying the show?” He said with a sly smile.

“Yes, frankly I am.” She returned with a wry smile of her own.

Gwen beckoned him closer, she was nervous but determined not to let it show. She wanted the tan god in front of her; she wanted him every way she could get him.

“You tell me if it’s too much.” Torrian said, his concern breaking the lustful stare.

“Yes, please just keep going.” Gwen begged.

Torrian kissed Gwen hard, his right hand traveled the milky flesh of her swelled breasts, his mouth lowered to one breast and his hand manipulated the other. His free hand gripped his impressive cock and he slowly rubbed the head against Gwen’s heated core. “God baby you’re ready.”

Torrian’s words were a breathless praise. Slowly he moved lower, his sex hovered at Gwen’s opening, her legs were on either side of his hips, and she was gorgeous and splayed for his pleasure. He shuddered as he pressed just the tip of himself into her. Her core was tight like every other part of her. He stopped moving; he didn’t want to hurt her. Torrian knew he was considered large and she was inexperienced as far as he knew. She had only one partner in the past; he felt a pang of jealousy towards the man who was her first. He didn’t want that thought to sour the moment; he shoved it away from his mind. He concentrated on how amazing Gwen felt around him. Her eyes gazed up at him, wonder, lust, desire, and something more was shining in them. He pressed forward more; he was nearly halfway into her. He was ready to cum; he had to calm himself down. There was no way this could be over so soon for him, or for her.

“What’s wrong?” Gwen asked.

“Nothing baby, you’re just perfect.”

Gwen’s answer was a simple blush. He reaches two fingers up to her face and caressed her cheek as soft as a whisper. He was her lover. He lowered his head to kiss her lips again, surging his hips forward he sheathed himself inside of her. They both cried out with pleasure. Torrian stilled one more time to let her sex accommodate his. He loved where he was, he could stay between Gwen’s legs for the rest of his days and never have enough.

“Oh God Torrian!” Gwen exulted.

He chuckled and dragged his mouth from hers, along her jawbone, then to her ear where he nibbled. Gwen’s reaction to Torrian’s carnal tease was gratifying to him. He was stilled within her but with skill he flexed himself and hit a sweet spot that had Gwen almost convulsing with each movement. It was rewarding to watch the pleasure pass over her face.

Torrian could no longer contain himself, he began to move inside of her, slowly withdrawing to the point he nearly was completely removed then he moved himself back inside of her core. He rocked in and out of her; both of them getting louder with each push and pull. Her body rose from the bed as if he was drawing her up with each powerful stroke. Torrian’s breath started to become constricted, he started to hurry his movements, and Gwen’s moans kept bubbling up from her. She locked her arms around his neck and she grinded herself against him. The friction was more than either could handle.  Torrian closed his eyes and concentrated on her, again he drew his hand down her body and placed it between them and began rubbing her again. When Torrian’s hand made contact she moaned louder than even before, her muscles started to contract around his swollen member. He knew he couldn’t hold onto his control much longer.

“Cum for me Gwen, I need to feel you.” He placed a tender kiss to the side of her neck then pulled back and started pounding into her relentlessly while he rubbed her clit.

Gwen’s body stiffened, her scream echoed through the entire room, Torrian felt her walls convulse around him. She cried out, the sound was different than before; it let him know he was doing his job well. He grinned and kept going, his speed slowing only slightly, he kept thrusting, he was working her through her orgasm, she was forced to ride an intense wave of orgasm and aftershock, her hips were tilting with his, when he was sure she was well sated he let himself go. His relief and pleasure poured out of him and he followed Gwen in her cries. Torrian’s bass bellow was followed with his head coming to rest against her forehead and he began to kiss her savagely.

Torrian smiled and kissed the corners of her mouth. He didn’t think he could have enough of her, even though he had just been as deep as he could possibly get, he wanted more of her. His next move was slow and deliberate. He withdrew from her and removed the condom to dispose of it. He pulled Gwen into the circle of his arms.

“Damn baby.” He was still breathless.

“I... I have never had anything like that before.” Her eyes were closed, Torrian swelled with pride again.

“I’m glad, next time will be better I promise.” He stroked her hair.

“There can be better than that?” She asked him incredulously.

“Oh yeah baby, loads more. I just needed to have you this time, next time I will take my time with you.”

Gwen flushed a deep scarlet and Torrian chuckled. “Come now, you need to sleep.”

Torrian pulled Gwen closer to him and stroked up and down her arms till she fell asleep in his arms. He could not stay awake any longer himself, he found himself passing out quickly.


              Kody had spent the last few moments before his appointment to see his woman at their now twice weekly sessions getting ready, he finger combed his hair, then picked up the drawing and poem he composed for her. He was finally able to get her lips right after the last visit he knew the drawing was perfect, the soft supple lips, the gentle rise, and when she smiled the dimples that would pop up. She was beautiful and this drawing was a perfect gift for her.  Today he decided he would prove himself to his Gwen. 

Kody could hear the gait of Officer Ford heading towards his cell. He turned to face the bars moments before the Officer appeared.


              “Prisoner step back”

“Aye-aye Captain.” Kody saluted in mock respect.

“I prefer master of your world you piss ant, time for you to get your head checked,” with the last of the hostile words exchanged for the time being Kody stepped back and Torrian Ford opened the cell to pull him out. The sick smile plastered on Kody’s face gave Torrian the creeps; he was getting off on this. Gwen was beautiful and easy to be around, and after last night he would definitely kill to protect her but this Kody McQueen guy was all sorts of mentally screwed. Kudos to Gwen for trying to help them, he sure as hell couldn’t. Torrian didn’t like this man around what was his. The two males walked in silence. They didn’t have anything to say to each other. Torrian’s body was itchy; he had seen the file, and the wake of destruction McQueen left behind him if anyone stood in his way. His guard was up.

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