The Deadliest Secret (The Deadliest Series) (14 page)

BOOK: The Deadliest Secret (The Deadliest Series)
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He was truly dead inside. He did not want to lose his female. She was his entire world, he felt a pull the second he stepped onto this God forsaken island. He knew that his life was now here. Something was wrong now. Gwen was hiding something from him. Could it be she wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with her? She was just hiding it because of her position? Maybe she needed to be reminded about him, and what he did to her, and what he did to her body. If she didn’t want him what good was life? Why was he even breathing still?

Kody laid motionless most of his weekend. The days passed slowly. He didn’t know what to do with himself. He was forced out of his cell for meals, but other than that he couldn’t bring himself to move. He wanted to see his woman. She was what tethered him to the earth, not gravity. “Fuck Newton” he thought. He didn’t care for the sciences, he didn’t care for religion, and the only thing he would fight for and die for was Gwen. She left him so long ago, but now she is back this was a sign. He convinced himself of the fact. She was his religion.


              The weekend passed quickly for Gwen and Torrian. They made passionate, heart pounding love often and when Sunday evening came around neither wanted to part. Torrian asked “Gwen baby come stay the night with me at my place, please?”

“I can’t I would have to bring a suitcase over for just one evening.” She stated as she pulled on her blouse from their latest sexual encounter.

“Just one night, you could bring it over. I can share my bathroom in the morning.” He kissed her shoulders neglecting his own shirt; he knew how to get his way.

“Torrian I can’t, what if they saw us?”

“Who?” Torrian tensed slightly.

“The people from work, some of them live near you.”

“They wouldn’t say a word Gwen, trust me. Half of them have fucked.” His tone was matter of fact that made Gwen bristle.

“Have you fucked them?” She asks too quickly, it betrayed how jealous she would be if he had sex with any of their coworkers.

“I’ve only fucked one person from work, and that’s you” He gently tapped her nose.

“Oh” Gwen settled back down, her inner self was satisfied with his answer.

“Yeah, so come stay the night with me.” His voice was pleading.

“Torrian, maybe. Not tonight I need too much stuff to get ready for work and if I forget something here it would be a huge inconvenience in the morning and less sleep for us both.”

“What do you mean less sleep?” His arm slipped around her waist and pulled her firmly against him, her backside was in his lap out of reflex she rubbed herself against him.

“This.” She continued the rub and he grew hard under her clothed touch.

“Fuck baby,” he groaned out but held her tight against him, his hips swiveled pushing into her, the blunt head of his cock rubbing her ass.

“Yes.” She moaned out her core moist and ready for more of him.

“You know I can’t get enough of you.” He chuckled.

“Funny, I was going to say the same thing and that is why I can’t spend the night during the week.”

“Babe come on.” He was pressing her and she didn’t like it.

She gave him a look that meant drop the issue; he put his hands up acquiescing this round, but not the war. Torrian turned Gwen around and gave her a playful grin; she had come to find out that his way of apologizing for being a jerk was often sexual.

“Sit on the bed.” He said seductively.

“You keep going and I won’t be walking straight tomorrow.” She replied quickly.

“So, sit on the bed and it’ll be worth it.”

Gwen sat down on the bed; Torrian pushed her so she was laid back on her pillow. He climbed up her body and kissed her while he gathered a handful of her shirt in his hand. He broke the kiss to pull her shirt off when her flesh was revealed his mouth was ablaze against her skin. He was placing smoldering kisses along her neck, shoulders, clavicle, and finally her chest. When his lips reached the swells of her breasts Gwen’s nipples puckered with anticipation. He blew cold air on the soft pink buds, Gwen thrashed when he did so, her body was sensitive and he was attuned to what made her tick. He gazed at her ample bosom, he watched them rise and fall with the already ragged breathing. She knew he was a man on a mission. The look in his eyes was that of a man hell bent on pleasure.


              Torrian could barely believe how sweet she tasted on his lips. He was sure that he would never have enough of her. Her body was perfect to him. She was svelte but still had curves just looking at her gave him a raging hard on. He lowered her head from her perfect breasts and dragged his tongue down her stomach, he sucked on the skin at her hips, she jerked when he bit and that was so rewarding to him to see her body react to what he was doing for her.

“That’s it baby feel it.” His voice was as thick as another part of him.

She quivered, his hands went to her breasts to massage them, and he needed to take his time with her tonight. Her responding moan was enough to make him close his eyes he could already taste her on his tongue. Torrian brought his arms back down and he positioned himself between her legs, he spread her legs further and massaged her thighs. Gwen’s moan became louder and he kept the massage going. “I want you to play with your breasts while I do this.”

“What?” Her question was breathless.

“You heard me, play with your breasts.” He blew the cold air against her waiting, glistening core.

In response she whimpered and brought her hands to her breasts, the rolled her nipples between her thumbs and index fingers, he could have watched her do that for days, instead he ducked his head and only licked the slit of her sex. Torrian wanted to drive her wild. His hands held her legs from closing around him, forcing her to be open to his advances. He licked her slit one more time before diving deep into her. His tongue pressed past her luscious folds, he probed at her entrance before he gradually dragged his tongue to her most sensitive anatomy. His tongue stroked her clitoris, he could feel her core heating for him, his tongue tasted the sweet nectar she was making for him, he dipped his tongue inside of her again then returned to her nub, he gently took it between two of his teeth and applied the slightest pressure to be sure there wouldn’t be any pain in her pleasure, her entire top half jerked off the bed.  He rewarded her with a dark chuckle but his mouth never left her sex. He kept massaging her legs as his lips peeled back from his teeth and his tongue went back to work stroking the delicate flesh between his teeth.

Gwen’s body was now thrashing. He removed one hand from her thigh and inserted two fingers into her and he rubbed towards her belly button, he felt the spongy mass that was her g-spot he tapped and rubbed the spot, slowly her juices increased flowing from her body. She was so close to reaching the female ejaculation; Torrian was hungry to taste her deepest pleasure. His lips sucked her clit harder and his tongue lashed at it. She was screaming his name already; it was a matter of seconds till she came. He thrust his fingers harder, he was a wild-man seeking her release, her body stiffened and jerked. Gwen screamed out one more time.

“FUCK TORRIAN!” She was panting after but still writhing in pleasure as her body came for him she was seeking purchase against his flesh but she was so frantic she couldn’t make her hands work.

Torrian grunted and kept tapping her spot; the juices began to flow from her body to his lips. He tasted her sweetness and groaned he needed more. She was glorious in her ecstasy her body convulsed as his tongue continued to lash at her sensitive spot.

“TORRIAN I’m coming!” Gwen was breathless and her body locked around Torrian’s head while he continued the assault on her core.

She stayed perfectly still unable to move, Torrian was as hard as a rock but he wanted to leave her wanting more. He moved from between her legs after kissing each of her thighs, she whimpered as the heat of his body was removed. He looked down at her and immediately wanted to claim her body again. Instead of giving into his temptation Torrian pulled on his shirt and adjusted his crotch but still kept intense eyes on Gwen. His body and his mind were having a war.

“Where are you going?” She asked softly.

“Tomorrow is Monday and we have to work.” He smirked at her.

“So I can’t do the same for you?” She sat up and pulled on his belt, she had become lustful and had finally she began to enjoy sex after all these years.

“Tomorrow night or I could make you wait till the weekend so you’re nice and needy.”

“Oh you are evil Mr. Ford.”

Torrian rolled his eyes at her and leaned down and pressed his lips gently to her forehead then brushed her lips with his own. “You need to sleep, I need to get ready for tomorrow anyways, come lock the door behind me.”

“Yes Torrian.” Gwen pulled on her favorite boy-short panties and camisole and walked with him towards the door.

He bumped her chin up to look at him; he kissed her one last time. “I love you Gwen, and I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Torrian turned and left the house. He waited till he heard the lock click into place before heading out to his mustang. He drove home with the scent of Gwen lingered on him, damn he knew he was going to have blue balls until he was able to take her underneath him again.


              Monday was standard for Gwen, her entire body felt as if it had been unhinged after the weekend with Torrian. He knew how to drive her body over the edge over and over. She thought she had nothing left to give he pressed her just the right way, moved her body just enough to cause her to come apart at the seams again. She knew they moved fast but they had been friends since the day the first met, and the more time she spent with Torrian the more she was able to forget about her past with Kody and that was a very good thing in her book, the past needed to stay buried for her sanity and for the safety of her job.

Gwen and Torrian kept their distance for Monday, Torrian kept with his habit of coming over Monday evenings for drinks, neither wanted to end the night but Torrian was firm on his decision to wait till after dinner on Friday night to have her again. They spent the night talking again, their bond was so much deeper than she ever expected. The last time she had let herself get this close was with Kody, he ended up breaking her psyche along with her heart with his antics. Gwen was in uncharted territory for herself, she was scared, nervous, excited, and she couldn’t be happier about the rush she felt every time his lips found hers. When Torrian left that night she went to sleep and had a dream of what could come for their future, when she woke she knew she loved him with all her heart and her mind had told her she wanted to marry him.

“Holy Shit.”

Gwen tried to ignore her dream while she got ready for work, today was Tuesday, and she needed to stay on her toes. She had her standing appointment with Kody today, and after her denial of him on Thursday she had no clue what mood he would be in. By the time he was due in Gwen was a bundle of nerves, she was picking at her hair and could not stay still. She was fearful of this man, he knew so much about her and could destroy her life if anyone believed his ramblings about her.

“Hello Kody, please come have a seat.” Gwen welcomed Kody into her office when Torrian brought the inmate to her, her eyes lingered on Torrian for a moment longer than normal before he left, he seemed to sense her unease.

“Gwen.” Kody was short.

“How was your weekend Kody?” Gwen was prying; Kody had clammed up and shut down due to her rejection.


“Okay” Gwen drew her own words out, she wanted to get to the bottom of what made Kody the way he was, but she was not wanting to deal with a wounded male ego.

“You want to know what I want to talk about huh?” Kody was visibly angry he began to twitch.

“Yes I do want to know what you want to talk about. That is what we are here for Kody, this is a safe area.” She tried to calm him with her most placating voice.

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