The Deadliest Secret (The Deadliest Series) (31 page)

BOOK: The Deadliest Secret (The Deadliest Series)
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Quickly Kody stripped the uniform from Torrian’s lifeless corpse with one more kick to the ribs for good measure, his anger at the other man was still palpable, but now that he had bested him in a fair fight Kody wasn’t quite as mad, more just filled with the intense need to see Gwen and caress her once more.  Kody removed the uniform he had been forced to wear his entire stay at McNeil, the last symbol of his repression and put on Ford’s uniform, even kept the name badge in place leaving Torrian to rot in the cell Kody grabbed open the door and the baton and slipped out. He walked quickly lest someone recognize him. He walked towards the docks but as he got closer and closer to the sounds of water he veered off to his right and took off at a full speed run across the prison yards outside of the fence. Kody sprinted for as long as he could, he wasn’t sure how much time he had left, dinner rounds would be coming shortly and he knew that if he was still on the island by the time that alarm sounded he might as well kiss his new found freedom goodbye, he would be put down like Old Yeller. No judge, no jury, no trial, just sweet justice from the end of some fifty caliber weapon they surely had plenty of here.

He broke through the well groomed area before anything sounded, Kody considered his guardian angel was helping him, somehow his angel-ghost-form Gwen was keeping this under wraps for as long as she could. His mind flashed between the angel and the flesh versions, then his mother, sister, and all the other women in his life most of whom were his victims. He ran into the wooded area and soon found the shortest outpost where he could swim to a free island, what everyone called Eagle’s Nest Island, normally a large amount of harbor seals and eagles nested there, but every so often there would be unattended boats as well.  Kody came to the edge of a cliff and decided to skid his way down. Along the way down he grabbed onto free growing branches and ferns to slow his descent to the ground, it worked slightly. He tried to remain as quiet as possible but the pain that coursed through his legs when he hit the ground made him holler, his hand clamped over his mouth to quiet him down, he did not need anyone coming to investigate.

Swimming truly was the best exercise he thought as he pumped his arms and legs as fast and hard as he could while crossing the small channel towards the little island. He stayed low in the water to not be seen.  He spots one boat with a light on. Kody grabbed onto the ladder and climbed aboard. He expected whoever it was to be asleep; it appeared to be an old man working on cleaning his catch of the day in the galley sink. He walked up on the unknown man; his hair was white definitely within heart attack range. Kody grabbed him from behind and spun him around and landed a quick jab right to his heart then with a hand over the old man’s mouth, slowly the man began to fade, his struggles stopped. Kody lowered the second dead body of the night to the ground and went to the captain’s area of the boat and slowly backed the boat out of it’s spot and put the motor into the dark waters taking off to get to the mainland to start his search.


              Gwen looked at her watch yet again, Torrian still wasn’t home, it was over two hours since his tour ended and she hadn’t received any call or text notifying her that he would be late. She blew out the candles of the fresh dinner she had prepared and went to the kitchen to start a pot of tea for herself. Chamomile tea was her favorite this time of night. She loved how it made her feel. There was a quick rapping at her door, she shook her head thinking it must have been Torrian playing with her, he probably got caught up and was bringing home flowers to make up for it. She silently walked to the door with a smile plastered on her face. She opened without checking who was on the other side.

It was the Scott Wickam, the warden and the same suits escorted him. Her heart sank; this had something to do with Kody. Scott’s face was absolutely dismal. He spoke unable to look at her face. “Honey we need to come in and talk to you, you might need to sit down.”

She opened the door wider for them to come through, playing proper hostess she offered drinks, everyone declined remaining stoic. She sat on her chair and crossed her ankles. “What is the problem? I thought I signed everything to get Kody McQueen transferred.”

“Have you been watching the news?” Scott asked her.

“No I have been in the kitchen cooking dinner for Torrian and me.” She looked at the warden skeptically.

“There was a… shit honey Kody escaped the island.” The warden was obviously shaken by this interaction.

“What? How could that be? What happened? Was anyone hurt? Is that why Torrian isn’t home?” She asked, worried, the questions falling out of her mouth quicker than she could think to allow the men to answer.

“Honey Kody escaped by killing Torrian. Apparently Justin and Torrian had some idea, Torrian went down there to toss McQueen around, McQueen was ready for him and took his life during the fight.”

Words were not sinking in. “What? No. You’re sick, joking like that” Her voice shook.

“It’s true honey, we need to get you out of here tonight. Kody hasn’t been caught and we need to keep you safe. I am not losing any more employees on account of this bastard.” The warden reached for Gwen’s hand to comfort her she jerked hers back.

“HOW THE HELL COULD THIS HAPPEN?” She screeched Gwen was absolutely devastated and broke out in sobs that wracked her whole body.

Gwen’s entire life had just fallen apart by one sentence being uttered. She couldn’t stop the tears from falling. Her entire body trembled as each emotion came to her she could barely separate which was sorrow and which was anger. She sat in silence, her hand clasped over her throat trying to quiet the heart wrenching sobs that echoed from her body. One of the agents cleared his throat and Gwen looked up, her eyes red from crying.

“Do you have anywhere safe you can stay that’s safe?” He asked her.

“Only place I can think of is my parent’s house, its up north.” She replied, her voice weak.

“We’ll escort you up there. Your car, with ours following, you need to pack your clothing and extremely special items. We know McQueen is coming to find you so we will have someone sitting on your home to intercept him, he needs to think you’re still home.” The agent explained what was going to go on.

Gwen held up her hand she had become numb the agents were not showing any semblance of remorse towards her she would have to mourn in private, “that’s all I need to hear. I’ll pack a couple of bags.”

She went upstairs and packed her bags. The medium bag was some clothing and things she couldn’t leave behind like her jewelry box, portfolio of important documents, and photo albums. The largest bag was full of clothing. Most of the clothing belonged to her and a few special pieces that belonged to Torrian. She couldn’t believe it; the man she loved was gone. With one more look around the master bedroom she picked up a few more things that Torrian left lying around, he never did put things away completely. She packed them up and held his necklace in her hands. She closed the door and went downstairs with her bags.

“I guess I am ready to go.” She said once she was back with the others.

“If you need more you can call us and someone will bring you more clothes.” The agent assured her, as if the reason she was upset was leaving home.

“Thank you, shall we go?” She asked, numb to being at her home.

“If that is all yes.” The agents stood and took her bags out to her SUV; she nodded at them and closed the heavy door behind them.

“Honey I’m so sorry.” The warden tried to touch her back.

She shrugged away from his touch “I think… I think I quit I can’t do it anymore Scott, not after this.”

He nodded and got into the SUV with Villafore and Miller the agents that set this plan in motion, the third agent got behind the wheel of her car, she was too out of it to drive. She looked at her home one last time as the SUV departed towards her parents’ home.





































Chapter twenty-four



Almost a full week later Gwen was still in her old bedroom at her parents’ house. Her mother usually so full of advice and loving support had been stunned into silence. It seemed no one knew how to address Gwen appropriately so they stuck to silence. After she finished drying her hair Gwen pulled the blonde tendrils into a soft chignon hairstyle and brushed her bangs to the side. It seemed surreal still. That somehow this was an elaborate, sick joke someone is playing on her. Every time someone walked past her door she expected Torrian to pop through with his radiant smile and chuckle while saying “gotcha” but it was just a dream.

The logical side of Gwen’s brain knew that wasn’t true, she knew her love was gone and Kody had taken Torrian from her forever. Gwen’s mother knocked on the door gently.

“Gwen honey, are you sure you don’t want us to go. We loved Torrian too, and we’d love to support you.” Marie sounded as if she had been crying too.

“Yes I’m sure Mom, it isn’t exactly safe, if Kody is there and sees us all together it’s a target on your back as well. I can’t lose anyone else.” Gwen’s last words twisted the knife in her gut further.

“As you wish honey. We’ll be having pot roast and mashed red potatoes for dinner tonight, so if anyone takes you to dinner let me know so I can wrap up a plate for you for later.” Always thinking of food, Gwen had to smile and admit it was comforting.

“Thank you mom.” Gwen hid her sigh and continued with the mundane tasks.

She had to pretend to be human, easier said than done. She did simple makeup as usual. She knew her tears would likely wash away anything she put on before the funeral even started, but she was turning into a creature of habit, she was creating the habit to deal with the pain. The more things she could do in a day without truly thinking about it allowed her to be numb to some of the intense pain she felt. She left for the car waiting outside to take her to the funeral. Her knuckles were white, the grip she had on her small black clutch was like it was her own lifesaver. She wasn’t ready to bury her love.


              An eternity later Gwen was waiting in the back of the car, she watched other cars as the driver maneuvered the freeway on her way back North. She was exhausted from crying, exhausted from emotions, exhausted from life. She held the mementos close to her chest. The last pieces of him she had. She was silent through the funeral even though the tears flowed freely as they prepared his plot; they lowered him, and followed the traditional ceremony procedures. Many came to her after the funeral and tried to talk to her. She ghosted herself through the conversations. It felt like thousands of times she uttered the words “I’m fine” or “thank you for your sentiments” she was numb once more. When they left the lush green lands of the burial site she had tried calling both her mother and father neither picked up, Gwen assumed they were appreciating each other in the husband and wife way. Since she was getting closer to home she decided to try again, all three phones, Marie’s cell, Steven’s cell, and the house phone all went to voicemail.

Gwen gave up at that point trying to call her parents, she asked herself in the silent back seat. “Why have a cell phone if you don’t answer it?”

The car pulled up to the house Gwen grew up in. It was big, warm, inviting. She exited the car with the agent that was assigned to play babysitter to her today. His job was to basically make sure no one followed her, and escort her to the funeral. Now that was done he might be overstepping his boundaries by taking her up to the house. Gwen went to unlock the door; it was already open and ajar. Something gripped her throat she couldn’t define it. Her mother didn’t like open doors so the door being unlocked and open worried Gwen. She pushed her way inside without a word to the agent. What she saw murdered what was left of her spirit.

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