The Deadliest Secret (The Deadliest Series) (15 page)

BOOK: The Deadliest Secret (The Deadliest Series)
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“I want to talk about college, University of Washington. I want to talk about the night the love of my life broke up with me.”

Gwen froze, she couldn’t help her reaction, she had wanted to know what set him off, could it have been her? She cleared her throat twice before trying to respond. “Very well then Kody please begin.”

Kody began to speak, his words spilling over each other, as his voice was distant. Gwen’s own memory took over and replayed inside her mind, she was no longer listening to Kody but reliving her own past.

One evening after a research party with a few other students in the same program as her ended an hour early Gwen returned to her apartment. She was expecting to see Kody but he hadn’t arrived yet. She went to the kitchen and started a teakettle, she was wound up and excited to keep working on her senior thesis. She sat at the table while the water heated and looked over her notes from the night. She was deep in thought when she heard a crash from her roommate’s bedroom. Gwen rolled her eyes, yet another notch in Honor’s bedpost.

Honor was ironically a law student who had been living with Gwen since the beginning of the year, they had met thanks to a craigslist ad that Gwen put out for students of the university to come by and possibly rent a room from her for the duration of her final school year, Gwen ran a background check and decided that Honor passed, since then the two had been living together, they were both very clean and quiet except for when Honor brought home faceless men to bed for a night then deny she ever knew the next day. Gwen had turned a blind eye to the “sexcapades” of her roommate. She could have ended up with a lot worse, besides Gwen could plug in earphones and be done with all the noise, which normally she did.  The teakettle started to sing it’s soprano signaling the water was boiling hot. Gwen rubbed over her face and crossed the room to remove the kettle from the heat source.

While Gwen was sitting and enjoying her tea after making it just right, a careful science she had perfected over the years of living on a college student’s diet and budget, she heard the door jamb open and the after coital giggling of two people, Honor turned the corner to the kitchen and looked stunned to see Gwen sitting there with her notes.

“Fuck Gwen you scared me.” Honor made theatrics of clutching her chest and closing her silk robe just a little more.

“Yeah I got out early, I came home to look over what I wrote before Kody gets here.”

Honor looked guilty as a whore in church. “Oh.”

“Hey Honor bring me a bud.” A familiar male voice called from the back room.

Gwen stood up and eyed the female that was her roommate. Honor’s thin brown hair was disheveled from the recent bout of sex, and her too big mahogany eyes looked like a deer caught in a headlight. She was guilty of something; Gwen rounded the corner of the hallway and walked with purpose to the back bedroom. She knocked the bedroom door open and saw the most heart-wrenching thing she had ever encountered in all her years.

Kody was on Honor’s bed completely nude. He didn’t look up when the door creaked open. He spoke, “bout fucking time Honor….”

He trailed off when he finally turned to see the female in the door. Gwen was in shock she stood holding the door. Her boyfriend that she had fallen in love with was cheating on her with her best friend and roommate. Gwen uttered one word. “Out.”

“Baby it’s not what it looks like.” Kody tried the oldest excuse in the book.

“Oh what you tripped, fell and your dick landed in my roommate in her room?”

“Baby don’t act like that,” He sputtered.

“Fuck you get the fuck out.” Gwen was firm even though her insides were quivering.

“You don’t mean that.”

“Fuck I don’t Kody, get out and take that fucking whore with you.” She was screaming at this point.

“Fine, fuck you you’re a lousy lay anyways. That’s why I’ve been fucking Honor for three months.

Gwen clenched her fist and punched Kody on his cheek and pain blossomed through her entire hand and his head jerked sideways. She shook out her hand and walked out of the room and back to Honor who was standing dumbfounded in the kitchen.

“Get a bag of clothes and get out, you’re not out in half an hour I’m calling the cops to remove you because there will be a physical altercation.”

“Gwen I’m sorry!” Honor tried to shout.

“You’ve been fucking Kody for months don’t try that bullshit you slut.” Gwen had gone from heated in the moment to ice cold she felt nothing for the female and the male that were in the area.

“Gwen be serious.” Honor was still in front of Gwen.

“Get out, I’m done with you. Find somewhere else to live.”

At this time Kody had gathered his wits and dressed himself in Honor’s room. He looked at Gwen in the small kitchen then to Honor. “Gwen you’re a fucking bitch, Honor you’re coming with me.”

Honor seemed to snap at his directive; she went to her room and packed a large bag of clothes. Gwen was already making her list of what to do tomorrow, starting with pack up Honor’s belongings. She only had what was in the bedroom and two pieces of art; it would not be a difficult move. Honor returned and tried to get Gwen to look at her.

“Wait.” Gwen stood up.

The cheating duo stood still and Gwen spoke to them once more. “I want my keys, now.”             

“Bite me.” Honor finally said getting her normal attitude back.

“Fine then just get out.” Gwen pulled out her phone and called her landlord ignoring the slamming door from Honor’s ridiculous attitude she often acted like she was fourteen and needed a man to validate her existence Gwen considered herself completely over her childish antics and she was lucky she would no longer be sharing a domicile with her after this night.

The scene morphed back to the current time. Gwen’s eyes were burning with tears she refused to cry all those nights ago. She felt Kody’s hot breath on her face. Gwen’s eyes came into focus finally and she saw Kody was right in front of her, his eyes crazed and desperate.

“I need to make you remember.” His voice was pained.

“No Kody…” She was cut off.


              Kody’s mouth was hard and hot against his female’s soft and tender lips. She wasn’t responding to his story so he had to do this, he deepened the kiss claiming her mouth with his forcing her to open the wide. She forced his hand.  He gripped her head tight and kept her face against his. He could feel Gwen’s hand wandering and searching for something, she found purchase and moments later the door opened. The next actions happened too fast for anyone to follow.

Torrian Ford the correctional officer that often brought Kody to the sessions with his woman burst through the door and like a silent killer he was across the room in nanoseconds. Torrian grabbed Kody by his neck and shirt and threw him off of Gwen. The male was ferocious in his protection of the female but his protective streak was misguided. Kody punched at the male, but Torrian was fast and dodged the bulky fist. The showdown between the two males didn’t last long; Torrian soon had Kody handcuffed and face down on the hard office floor.  Kody looked over at Gwen who was still on her chair, wide eyed and full of fear.


              The button had come in useful time and time again. Gwen was glad the warden had talked her into the small trigger for emergencies. She pressed the button when she felt the hard press of Kody’s mouth. He was too rough, too desperate for her to feel any pleasure, she didn’t want that and if the button had not been installed who knew how far it would have gone.

“Torrian please take Mr. McQueen to his cell.” Gwen’s voice was shaking

“You got it Gwen.” Torrian nodded.

“DON’T DO THIS GWEN.” Kody was pleading, his voice pained as could be when Torrian hauled him off the ground and out the door.

Gwen slumped into her chair and tried to regulate her breathing. What could have happened made her shudder. There was no way she could continue to hide this from Torrian, and she knew that when Torrian knew the truth about her and Kody’s shared past he would be disgusted and most likely not want to see her any longer. This thought depressed her.

She was unable to concentrate on what was coming. She called the warden.

“Warden.” His gruff voice was almost music to her ears.

“Hello Warden this is Gwen, I need to leave early, I am not feeling well again. I think I caught a bug and don’t want to risk exposing my patients.” She explained, lying smoothly.

“Fine Gwen, take the rest of today off and let me know by six if you’re going to be coming back tomorrow or if I should call in our weekend psychologist to take over for a day or two, I need you on your toes.” His concern for her choked Gwen up, Scott Wickam was like a second father to her.

“Thank you warden, I will grab my case files and head home.”

“You do that, hope you feel better Gwen.”

With that simple conversation behind her Gwen grabbed her back and packed up. She left note with the front desk that she would not be taking more patients today. She put her light blue sweater over her arm and walked out of the office trying not to look too nervous about what happened, when she got to the ferry she picked a spot in the corner and let herself cry the entire journey from the island to the mainland.













Chapter thirteen



When the officer finally threw Kody into his cell he was glad. Gwen had denied him again. Kody’s world was destroyed. The moment his hands were free he launched at the book containing Gwen’s image and he decimated it.  The pieces flew from his hands as he continued to rip it past any recognition. He screamed in agony. His heart was broken. Gwen had denied him, and then let that piece of shit over-steroid using bastard security guard man handle him back to his cell. Kody knew that Torrian was pissed at him; he never hit so many doors before this incident. His mind worked fast, connecting the dots, the security guard wanted Gwen as his own. Kody would kill him before that happened. Kody would never let another male touch his Gwen so long as he was still breathing.

God above him, Gwen’s lips were still juicy and tender. They had tortured him for weeks now. He wanted to have her right then and there but she resisted. All he could think of was her soft pink lips staring back up at him. He regretted tearing up his drawing that instant, he wanted nothing more than to speak to her, to look at her. He sat down on his bed and stared at the scraps of paper that littered the ground like large snowflakes. His voice filled the halls; his agonized cry was a sound none of his block mates had ever heard before. His wails continued late into the night causing many on the block to scream back at him.

“SHUT THE FUCK UP.” One of the other men screamed at him.

Kody snarled back, “I’ll fucking kill you.”

“Then you wouldn’t be bitching over some played out pussy.”



“I’ll show you bitch.” Kody growled he tried to commit the voice arguing with him to memory.

“Already have numb nuts.”

“McQueen, Zelis, lights out shut up and go to bed.” The night guard barked, “or you’re both going to solitary.”

“Eat shit officer porky.” Kody snapped he was in no mood for the macho bullshit.              

“That’s it McQueen you’re coming with me you need to cool your heels.” The overweight security guard hitched his belt up over his gut.

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