The Deadliest Secret (The Deadliest Series) (8 page)

BOOK: The Deadliest Secret (The Deadliest Series)
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“Shut the fuck up.” Kody said to Russel just to provoke him.

“Really dude what’s your beef? I didn’t even say anything you nut job” Russel sat up, indignant and all around just pissed off.

“Your face is pissing me off.”             

“So that’s your issue don’t look at me fucking creep.”

When Kody stood up to his full height Russel almost visibly cringed, the two were going to fight yet again. Kody was a large guy, one Russel normally would have avoided, or hired someone else to deal with, but this was prison they had to fight their own battles in here.  Russel hopped off of his bunk meeting Kody’s force. The scuffle surely would not last long considering the size difference, and the fact that Kody was a sadistic killer and Russel only caught this case because he had too many strikes.

Kody’s fist connected with Russel’s temple sending the smaller male to his knees, in a surprise move Russel launched himself at Kody’s midsection, spearing him. Kody smacked into the cell wall. The alarm sounded as the two continued trading blows, the sound was nothing to them they kept going until two of the weekend shift men ran in and opened their cell separating them. Kody was dragged out of the cell and cuffed; they put him on the floor and checked on Russel.

Officer Montage picked up the handcuffed Kody and started moving him. Kody was shaking with anger, or laughter the officer wasn’t able to tell, he was sick maybe a masochist and liked the pain. Kody’s lip bled slightly as the officer put Kody into solitary. He smirked and started screaming as if solitary confinement wasn’t where he truly wanted to be.

Kody knew exactly what to say to get him put into the hospital ward, exactly what would get him given more time with his Gwen. He murmured as he looked at the camera watching over him. “I want to kill myself, I need help.”











Monday morning came with a beautiful sun shining through the windows and birds chirping happily at the warmth, for once Gwen was awake before her alarm clock. Her date with Torrian set her mood for the weekend and week ahead it seemed. She had not stopped smiling since the kiss he planted on her. It took her by shock but she thoroughly enjoyed it, in fact that kiss was replayed in her mind over and over again until she fell asleep both Saturday and Sunday night. She dressed in her normal sensible attire her black slacks, white blouse that tied on the side. When she thought the tie was appropriate and she looked nice enough, maybe even a little nicer than she normally did, she left a little early for work.

              Gwen drove her normal pace, which was speeding, she was singing Joss Stone’s “Super Duper Love” as she pulled into her normal parking spot, but she felt renewed as she did. She didn’t know how to act, she knew that Torrian and her relationship could not be revealed to the masses, they had to remain professional at work and if by any chance they were seen in public together it might spell trouble for them. She sat in her car for a moment just thinking about the date, a smile crossed her lips when she heard the familiar roar of the mustang that Torrian drove. She exhaled, hopped out of her car, and waved to her… boyfriend? Casual date? Friend? Friend with benefits? She was slightly confused but she decided to just go with the flow she would let him define it if there was something to define. Torrian was more experienced than she was with the technicalities of dates and dating.

She locked her Lexus and started walking towards the dock, she felt almost giddy when she heard Torrian’s footfalls coming closer to her. He was running to catch up to her. She had to smirk, she reminded herself that she couldn’t let the prison know just yet so she turned slowly and her lips twisted up into a genuine smile as she regarded Torrian from boot clad foot, to buzz cut hair. She circled back down to look at his beautiful gray-blue eyes. They were light today, as was his smile.  His dimpled grin could make any woman go weak at the knees and Gwen was not immune to that charming weapon of his. Her step faltered in her step, she tripped over her own feet and started free falling towards the ground, she closed her eyes bracing herself for the ground to connect with her hands and face, but instead of feeling the ground she was gripped by strong arms.


              Torrian saw this coming, her high heels were a death sentence, but they were so sexy on her so he didn’t complain, he had launched himself forward and grabbed Gwen without thinking. His protective streak was showing. He brought Gwen to his chest before she could get hurt or ruin her outfit; he knew she would sulk if she did Gwen was a perfectionist. Torrian surprised himself with what he knew about her at times. She was such a perfectionist it was funny almost, she would most likely have gone home to get a change of clothes if the ones she had on got dirty. He steadied her on her feet but still held onto her, to make sure she didn’t go for round two with the ground.

“Why Doc it looks like you’re falling for me.” He chuckled and smiled down at her.

Gwen’s blush was worth a million bucks, she wanted him and he knew it. “Looks like it Officer Ford.”

Torrian flinched when she used his title, it sounded a bit clipped like she was annoyed with his use of her title. He sighed and released her from his arms; he missed her curves immediately and waited a moment before he spoke.

“So how was your weekend?” He asked broaching the subject he wanted to know what she thought about the date.

“Well it started great, I had a date with this very handsome gentleman, it even ended with the best kiss I ever had. Spent a lot of time thinking about the kiss.” Gwen smiled and her blush spread to more of her cheeks, Torrian knew his body appreciated the look of the female before him.

“Sounds like a good guy, maybe I should meet him and tell him if he hurts you he has to deal with my whole crew.” He joked right back.

“Oh that sounds like a plan.” Gwen stared at him for a minute and bit her lip. Torrian was suddenly envious of those teeth, but he kept his hands and mouth in check.

“Come on, we’re going to be late, Doc.” Torrian chuckled at her when she visibly bristled and started to walk after him.

Torrian opened the door and followed Gwen to the boat unable to contain his smile. He was quite happy and knowing that the female he wanted, wanted him in return was just icing on the cake. They walked onto the boat that takes them across to the island, Torrian sat down next to Gwen, and she looked like she was sleeping while sitting up. He bumped her with his shoulder.

“Hey, you okay Gwen?” He used her name to make her feel more comfortable.

“Yes, just… pensive today.”

Torrian’s throat constricted, “Pensive? What about, spill the beans doc.”

“Just thinking about Friday, you know we can’t go public with this at least until we know what it is. Hell they might even make one of us change shifts if it comes out, or fire one of us.”

“It’d be me.” Torrian said with great conviction, Gwen was too big of an asset to lose.

“I don’t want that to happen.” Gwen choked out.

Well wasn’t this a conundrum Torrian kept that thought to himself, he relaxed into his usual pose. “We’ll keep dating and keep it quiet, how about that?”

Gwen looked at him and smiled. She was worried, his ever-cool doc was worried about what they were, and she wanted reassurance. Silly woman.

Torrian checked, no one was paying attention to them, he took Gwen’s hand and brushed a kiss against her knuckles, the tug signaled that it was time for their departure, he grinned and stood up to prepare to head into yet another day at work.


              Gwen was grinning like a fool. She felt her mood lift. She didn’t offend him, Torrian still wanted to date her. There was going to be a second date! She felt like she was a college girl all over again. Her mind floated to what she should wear when they go out again. Her day was moderately relaxed; she was able to think for about half an hour when she heard a knock on the window of her door.

She was glad no one could read her mind. It was only when Scott Wickam stuck his head into her office did she stop with her reverie.

“Hello Warden.” She smiled at him, hoping he was in a good mood.

“Hello Ms. Bjorkman how was your weekend?” He asked the standard weekend question.

“It was fine, how was yours? Did your girls have a soccer match?”

“Yes they did, spanked the other team, four to one.” He sounded so happy and filled with fatherly pride, Gwen had to smile at her boss, he could be such a bear sometimes but others he was just the teddy bear.

“I had a favor to ask, also a question.” She pushed when she knew he was in a good mood.

Scott stiffened. “What do you need Ms Bjorkman?”

“My file for Kody McQueen seems to have some holes, I need the full one.” She said.

“You sure?” He asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes, there are parts of his childhood that need to be spoken about in his therapy if you expect him not to kill some of the inmates.” She cited her concern for others.

“So you don’t want population control?” He joked.

“No sir, I don’t believe you do either.” Gwen leveled her gaze at him, she knew the men here respected her and would do what they could to make her job easier, “Please warden, I really want to help him.”

“Fine, I’ll have Alison bring it to your office before your next appointment with him. Speaking of, when is that?” He wanted to ensure she was prepared enough.

“I need to go read the medical report, he is in the hospital wing for now, he either threatened suicide or attempted it, I am unsure it is still just gossip until I see for myself.”

“Ahh, I see.” Gwen saw the warden wanted to bolt after his statement.

“I am going to go see him now, can you just have her leave it on my desk?”

“Yes Ms. Bjorkman.” With that last remark the warden turned on his heels and walked away; Gwen wondered why the warden was so awkward about this inmate, he seemed almost reluctant.

Gwen stood up; her mind flitted to Torrian’s grasp on her hips earlier. She had to shove that thought back for the rest of the day. She needed to be on her toes if she was going to go see Kody, and she did not want to taint thoughts of Torrian with those of Kody. She set off out of the building and towards the hospital wing. She should have taken a guard with her, but this was a quick visit and there was no need for all the extra fluff as she called it.  She just needed to check on him and get the true story.

Gwen knocked at the door where the inmate was being held. She entered after a beat.

“Hello Kody, do you mind if I join you for a moment.” Gwen’s voice was placating, she used it when she wanted to calm people.


              Kody watched her as she watched him sit up, his handcuff pulled at the bed he was on. His threat had worked, bright and early he was moved to the hospital wing, he was to be on suicide watch for the next few days. The beds were a lot comfier, there was no Russel, and he was here with his Gwen. He almost smiled.

“Please come in beautiful.” He said, trying to sound smooth for his woman.

“Thank you for the compliment Kody, but I am worried about you. I heard a few things about this weekend while I was away. Are you okay?”

“I am now.” He drank in her appearance her cheeks were flushed lightly.

Gwen frowned but pulled out her pen and pad of paper; damn she was sexy, her lips were full. Kody concentrated on them while she spoke. He didn’t care what she said as long as she kept speaking in that angelic voice of hers.

“I am glad you are better Kody, but we need to talk. One of the guards said you attempted suicide?”

“No, I fucked up my piece of shit cell mate for talking shit. They put me in solitary, and I said I wanted to kill myself, they brought me here and tried to put me on medicine.”

“Did you refuse medication?” She asked, concerned.

“Yeah, shit is just toxic.” He was disgusted with medicines; chemicals weren’t needed in his body unless they were for fun.


              “Kody I believe you would benefit from medication, it is not toxic, it is here to help you.” Gwen wanted him on medication just so he wouldn’t be quite so dangerous to everyone around him.

“You believe in it Gwen?” Kody used her short name; she froze for just a second.

“Yes I do when the case is right.” She nodded as she spoke.

“So they aren’t for everyone just to make your job easier?” He chided.

“No it is highly dependent upon the case.” She was almost offended.

“I see.”

Kody watched Gwen write in her book for a minute before he chose to speak again.

“Fine I’ll take them, but I think I need more therapy time.” He was using this as a gateway to more.

“I will give you the medication, it is going to start at a low dose. You will take it in the morning; I will also bump you up to twice weekly sessions to monitor your progress. Is that a fair deal?”

“All I wanted.” He sounded relaxed now even to his own ears.

“Okay then, if you will excuse me Kody, I have to tend to some more matters, I will see you soon.”  Gwen rose from her chair; she could feel Kody’s eyes on her.


              She walked out of the room; he could swear she moved her ass just for him. It was quite a sexy sight to behold. He wanted her, and he wanted her bad. His cock agreed by jumping up for an appearance.

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