The Deal : Billionaire Romance (5 page)

BOOK: The Deal : Billionaire Romance
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Chapter 10



  Robin rolls over, the warm morning sun shining brightly through her eyelids as she reaches over, stretching her arm out but feeling nothing but the soft sheets.


  She groans, rolling onto her back as she rubs her knuckles into her eyes before opening them and slowly turning her head towards the side of the bed Kurtis laid upon last night, him nowhere to be found.


  She pushes herself up and out of the covers, swinging her legs off the bed and pressing her bare feet against the cool floor as she gets up and wraps herself in the silk sheet.


  She stretches her arms over her head as she walks towards the window, pulling open the glass before gazing out at the bright blue sky as she breathes in the fresh, salty air.


  It’s beautiful.


  Robin walks over to the ajar bedroom door, gently pushing it open before peeking her head out.


“Good morning?” She says, stepping out of the bedroom to find no one near.


  She walks into the living room, looking over the back of the beige leather sofa to find the cushions empty, too.


“You’d think a husband would wake up his wife before just fucking leaving…” She snorts to herself  as she spins around to walk back into the bedroom. “What does he expect me to do? Just sit here all day?”


  She steps back inside the bedroom, letting the silk sheet brush against her skin as it falls to the floor before she walks over to one of her suitcases.


  She lifts it onto the bed, sitting down beside it, her legs crossed under her as she unzips the zipper from all the way around the case before throwing open the lid.


  Robin pulls out a light yellow sundress before pulling the flowing garment over her shoulders.


  She stands up, rushing over to her other bag as the skirt falls over her waist and thighs as she bends over to get a pair of strappy sandals.


“Asshole probably already ate, too.” She says to herself as she falls down to the floor onto her butt, slipping the sandals onto her feet before strapping them at the ankles.


  She stands, sniffing as she brushes her fingers through her hair before bending over for her purse and pulling out an elastic.


  Robin tosses the little bag onto the bed before walking out of the bedroom, lifting her hair off of her shoulders and piling it on top of her head in a messy bun before wrapping the elastic around it.


  She steps into the bathroom, pulling a rag off the rack and running cool water over it from the sink faucet before wiping it over her skin.


“Do rich people put makeup on while on vacation?” She asks herself, her whispering clouding the mirror as she leans in to look at her imperfections. “Is Kurt’s wife the type of lady to put on makeup before she’s even eaten breakfast?”


  She bites her bottom lip, her heart fluttering in her chest as steps back from the mirror, smoothing over her sundress.


“See, I could ask these questions if you were actually here!” She says, huffing as she turns to step out of the bathroom.


  She rushes back into the bedroom, pulling her purse from on top of the covers before walking over to the desk beside the front door, scanning the surface for a key card before tossing one in her purse and letting herself out of the room.


“But you’re not.” She says, shutting the door to make sure it locks behind her. “You’re probably fuckin’ a maid or something.”


  She quickly walks down the hall, her eyes focused in on the elevator as she passes an opening door.


“Oh! Good morning!” She hears a raspy voice squeak out from behind her.


  She turns, smiling softly as she watches her boss’s mother bend over, placing her tray onto the carpet beside her door.


  Robin steps forward, reaching for her shoulder as she loses her balance, tipping against the wall.


“Careful!” She whispers to the woman as she helps her up.


“Oh, thank you dear.” His mother says, gently rubbing her thumb against Robin’s wrist.


“Don’t worry about it.” She smiles sweetly as she nods her head. “But hey, have you seen Kurtis?” She asks, scratching the back of her head. “We were supposed to catch some breakfast together but he must have not been able to sleep or something…”


“Haven’t seen him, sweetheart.” His mother says shrugging her shoulders.


“If you do, can you let him know I’m looking for him?” Robin asks, tilting her head.


“Sure thing.” His mother replies, turning around and reaching to turn her doorknob before stopping. “Oh and Robin…”


“Yes?” Robin asks, stopping mid step.


“I’m so happy you two are together.” The woman says, her eyes wrinkling as she smiles. “I thought he was never going to find someone…” She says, shaking her head. “He was so depressed, but I can see a change in him already.”


  Robin blushes, her face softening as she looks down to the floor before she gently nods her head up and down.


“Yeah.” She replies, unsure of what to say. “He’s a wonderful man.”


  She watches as his mother steps back into her room, closing the door behind her before Robin lets out a deep sigh before turning to walk back down the elevator.


“Wonderful, my ass.” She whispers under her breath as she pushes the button and waits for one of the steel doors to slide open.


  She steps into the elevator, hitting the button to the lobby before leaning up against the mirrored wall and riding it down.


  Robin sighs as she watches the doors slide open to let her off, her eyes catching the staff bustling around with trays and towels as she steps into the lobby.


“Hey you!” She says, her heart pounding in her chest as she notices Kurtis sitting in on of the easy chairs by the large glass window looking out onto the resort.


  He folds over the newspaper in his hands before tossing it down onto the coffee table in front of him as he turns his head to look at her.


“Good morning.” He says, resting his arm on the back of the chair as she walks towards him.


“You didn’t wake me up!” Robin says, walking around the chairs to stand in front of him. “You just left me there! What if I never came down and just stayed up there all day?”


“Obviously I would have eventually come to get you.” He says, chuckling as he lifts his hands and shakes his head before standing up.


“How long would that have taken?” Robin asks, crossing her arms over her chest.


“I don’t know.” He says, looking down at his watch. “Breakfast ends at ten thirty so probably before then.”


“Why didn’t you wake me up?” She asks.


“You’re on vacation! You sleep in on vacation. Do you honestly not know how this works?” He says, stepping past her. “Besides, I had a phone call to take care of. I didn’t want to wake you up by doing it in the room.”


“Oh…” Robin says under her breath as she scrunches her nose, the flush of anger turning into a flush of embarrassment.


“Next time I’ll make sure to do it right in your ear.” He smirks. “Come on, let’s get breakfast.”


“You haven’t eaten yet?” She asks, her heart fluttering. “You waited for me to get breakfast?”


“Of course.” He says, reaching his hand out before winking at her. “It would be rude to eat without my wife.”

Chapter 11



  Robin stretches her legs out, pointing her toes towards the pool as she lays back in the lounge chair, the hot sun warming her skin and reflecting off of her dark sunglasses.


  She reaches down to her canvas bag laying on the pool deck beside her, before pulling out a tube of sun tan lotion. She flips the lid, squeezing a dollop into her hand before rubbing it over her stomach, careful not to leave any stains on the strings holding her bikini bottoms up.


“If only someone would do my back…” She whispers to herself as she closes her eyes and lets a deep sigh out of her nose as she lazily drops the tube of lotion onto her bag.


  After being so concerned with being left behind earlier in the day, there’s nothing she’d rather do than just lay here by herself for a little while. As it turns out, a family reunion means family activities. Family activities for a family she’s not even a real part of. Why would she want to be included in that?


  So after lunch, she finally said
, got on her swim suit and came down to sit by the pool in peace and quiet.


  Robin lazily looks over to the little table beside her before groaning as she reaches up for her drink.


  She pulls the little orange umbrella out of it, biting into the cherry and sliding it off the stem before tossing it back onto to the tray as she chews it up.


  She wraps her tongue around the straw, pulling it into her mouth before sucking and moaning in delight as the refreshing island-fruit juices hit her tongue.


  Robin smiles to herself as she places the tall glass back on the table before sinking back into her chair and pulling her hat down over her face before closing her eyes and letting herself drift off.


  Nothing could be better.


“Do you think she’s sleeping, uncle Kurt?” Her ears perk up as she hears the voice of a small boy.


“I don’t know.” She hears Kurtis say, his voice getting closer as she listens to the soft footsteps of their bare feet on the pool deck. “Why don’t you poke her and find out.”


  Robin sits up, lifting her hat and pulling off her sunglasses before shaking her head.


“No, no one’s going to poke anyone here!” She says, squinting her eyes as she looks up at Kurtis.


“Guess she’s awake after all!” He says, smirking at her as he rests his hand on his little nephew’s shoulder.


  She watches as the little boy giggles before running towards the pool.

“Hey! Slow it down!” Kurt shouts after him, watching as he jumps into the water before leaning down beside Robin.


“So…” He says, tilting his head. “How’s the afternoon treating you?”


“The sun is out, I have my drink.” She says, pointing up to the table above her shoulder. “Couldn’t be better.”


“Are you coming swimming?” He asks, pointing towards the pool.


“No way.” She says, sinking back down into her chair, her dark glasses covering her eyes. “You will never get me out of this chair.”


“Suit yourself.” He says, standing up. “You’re going to miss out on all the fun.”


“Yeah… sure…” Robin snorts to herself, watching out of the corner of her eyes as Kurtis pulls his shirt over his head before pushing his lounge pants over his hips and down his muscular thighs.


  She watches, her hand slowly fanning her face, as his muscles contract as he walks towards the pool before jumping and splashing water all over the deck.


“What is that fool doing…” She whispers to herself, slowly running the side of her bottom lip between her teeth as he watches him pick up his nephew and toss him across the pool, his biceps bulging as he lifts the child into the air.


  Robin always guessed that Kurt had a nice body, it was obvious even through his suits that he took very good care of himself, which always sort of surprised her. You have all the money in the world and could get any woman you wanted no matter what you looked like, so why not let yourself go a little?


“Hey!” He calls to her, swimming over to the edge of the pool. “Come in.”


“No!” She says, sitting up, straddling the chair, one leg on either side of the long seat. “


“You’ll have fun!” He says, lifting himself out of the water and sitting on the edge of the pool before he gets up to his feet.


  He walks over to her, standing tall beside her chair and blocking out her sun.


“I was having fun before.” She says, looking up at him.


“Come on…” He begs, reaching for her hand.


  She smirks, letting out a soft giggle as she pulls it away, shaking her head and laying back down on her chair before reaching over for her drink.


  He raises his eyebrow, wrapping his fingers around her glass before pulling it out of her hand.


“Hey!” She says. “Give that back!”


  He shakes his head, leaning over her to place it back on the table before grabbing her hand and pulling her up.


“No…” She says, shaking her head as Kurtis pulls her to her feet.


  She watches, her eyes widening as he nods his head up and down before pulling her close and swiftly bending down to grab her behind her knees.


“Kurt! No!” She says, struggling to break free from his grip as he lifts her into the air. “Don’t even think about it, Kurt!”


“Stop!” She shouts, as she looks over her shoulder at the pool as every step Kurtis takes brings her closer to the water. “Don’t you dare!”


  She screams as she feels him let go of her, dropping her down into the ice cold pool before jumping in after her.


  She gasps as she comes back to the surface, her entire body trembling as she swims back over to the edge of the pool.


“You asshole!” She says, her anger quickly turning to a giggle as she hears Kurtis and his nephew laugh as they swim to the other side of the pool.


“If you want get some revenge, Aunt Robin, you have to come in after us!” She hears the little one shout as he climbs onto his uncle’s shoulders.


  She smirks, kicking her feet in the water.


“It’s two against one, that’s not fair!” She says, climbing out of the pool. “But thanks for cooling me off!”

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