The Deal : Billionaire Romance (8 page)

BOOK: The Deal : Billionaire Romance
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Chapter 17



  Robin brushes a tears from her cheek as she sits in the back of the chapel, her eyes gazing down as the pallbearers slowly walk past carrying the richly stained wooden coffin, the white lilies resting stilly on the decorative lace.


  She turns her head, sniffing as she watches them walk out of the chapel doors to take the woman to her final resting place.


  Robin gets up from her seat, picking up her purse from the pew before turning around to step out of the chapel.


“Robin!” She hears a familiar voice call to her.


  She turns, a soft smile upturning her lips as she watches Kurtis walk up the aisle towards her.


  She gazes into his tired eyes as she reaches out to her before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her in for a hug.


“I’m so glad you’re here.” He whispers into her ear before letting her go. “Thank you for coming, Robin.”


“Of course.” She whispers to him, her voice barely audible as she nods her head.


“There’s…” He pauses, watching as they carry his mother’s coffin down the steps, his voice trailing off before he clear his throat. “There’s coffee and some cakes and stuff next door if you want some.”


“Yeah, for sure.” She says, reaching out and grabbing his hand.


  He looks down at her fingers entangled in his as he smirks.


“I told my aunty you couldn’t do funerals.” He chuckles to himself as he gently squeezes her hand in his. “I should probably come clean…”


“Nah.” She says, shaking her head. “You got your own life to live, you don’t have to justify it.”


  He nods his head up and down before stepping backwards and letting Robin out of the pew.


  They walk out the door, watching as the men slide the coffin into the back of the hearse.


“Are you going to go to the cemetery?” She asks, looking up at Kurt as she reaches over to gently rest the palm of her hand on his stomach. “I could come with you.”


“No.” He says, shaking his head before looking down at her. “I think I’ve already said my goodbye.”


  He steps away, leading her to the building next to the chapel before stepping into the hushed hustle and bustle of an after funeral tea.


  Kurtis quietly nods his thanks to people as they make their way through the coffee line before picking up their white styrofoam cups and filling them with the hot, bitter drink.


“Cream, sugar?” He asks, watching as Robin shakes her head, no. “Me either.”


  He hands Robin the cup of coffee before bringing his own up to his lips as he steps out of the line and looks around the room.


“Hey,” He says, sighing as the coffee burns down the back of his throat. “Would you like to go for a walk with me? I really don’t want to be here anymore.”


“I would love to.” She says, pulling her cup away from her lips.


  She follows him back onto the sidewalk, walking beside him as they walk down the street before turning into a park.


“So, how’s your grandma?” He asks her, looking out over the grass as they walk down the path. “Did you have a chance to get her all settled in yet?”


  Robin nods her head up and down as they stop in front of a lone park bench to rest under a tall willow.


“She’s good.” She says, sitting on the black metal mesh, turning her knees towards him. “She went back yesterday afternoon and she’s really doing well from what my mom says.”


“Good.” Kurtis says, taking a sip of his coffee. “I’m glad.”


“Really, Kurt,” She starts, a tear welling in the corner of her eye. “I can’t even begin to thank you for what you’ve done for us. It’s so much more than we expected.”


“Don’t worry about it.” He says, taking another sip of his coffee as he looks up at the blue, cloudless sky. “I’m just glad she’s comfortable.”


“She really is.” Robin says, smiling as she leans her shoulder against the back of the park bench.


  She bites her lip, though the silence isn’t uncomfortable, before taking a sip of her drink.


“How are you holding up?” She asks, her eyes trailing over him as she watches him place down his drink on the seat of the bend beside him.


“I’m good.” He says, nodding his head as he clenches his jaw slightly. “I’ve been thinking a lot.”


“Yeah, sometime out of tragedy comes great self-reflection.”  She says, watching him as he reaches into the inside pocket of his suit jacket and pulls out a small ring.


“I can’t change the past…” He says, holding the ring still between his fingers as he reaches for her hand. “But that doesn’t mean that the future is predetermined.”


  Robin trembles as she feels the ring slip onto her finger, the diamond glistening in the center on top of the band of yellow gold.


“It was my mom’s.” He whispers to her, looking down at her hand. “From my dad.”


“Kurt…” She says, her voice catching in her throat. “I can’t…”


“What we had....” He whispers back to her, swallowing the lump in his throat down hard. “That wasn’t fake.” He says, reaching up to her face and holding her chin in her hand. “I was just afraid.”


  Robin reaches up to his hand, wrapping her fingers around his as she leans against it with her cheek.


“I didn’t want to risk the familiar, just in case I failed.” He says, clearing his throat as he shakes his head. “I want to at least try. I couldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t at least try.”


  Robin lets out a shaking breath, her body trembling as Kurtis leans in before pressing his lips against hers.


“You’ll try with me?” He asks, whispering into her ear as he pulls away from their kiss.


“Yes…” Robin says, wiping a tear away as it slides down her cheek as she looks deeply into his watering eyes. “Yes, I’ll try with you.”

Chapter 18



  Robin’s fingers fly across the keyboard as she types, the glow of the computer screen making her new, diamond band flash as it sits under her engagement ring, catching her eyes.


  Not bad for it never being cleaned in the six months since Kurtis slid it onto her finger.


  She leans back in her desk chair, sliding it out as she pushes off the ground with her feet before reaching as far as she can into the air to stretch out her aching back.


“Come on, 5 O’clock.” She whispers to herself, sighing out as she watches the second hand tick around the clock on the wall in the reception area of her husband’s office.


  She huffs as she slides herself back closer to her desk before clicking closed her appointment book before sending her reminders out to all of the firm’s agents.


  Robin reaches down under her desk, picking up her purse before sinking her hand inside of it, feeling around for something, anything to distracter in these last few minutes of work.


“Do I really not have anything to snack on?” She asks herself as she opens the bag wide, gazing inside. “Well, I guess it’s tough shit for me.”


  She spins around in her office chair as she hears the door to Kurtis’s office open before she watches a tall, blonde haired woman walk out.


  Robin lifts her hand, waving at her as she leans against her elbow on her desk.


“Congratulations, by the way.” The woman says, smiling at her as she lifts her bag onto her shoulder.


“Thank you!” Robin says, smiling sweetly, following with her eyes as she watches the woman walk out of the office.


  She picks herself up off the chair, walking over to the frosted door of Kurt’s office with her tired, aching feet before tapping gently on the door.


“Come in!” She hears her husband say as she grabs the door knob before twisting it and pushing the door open.


“How’d it go?” She asks, peeking her head inside the office, watching as Kurt lifts his mug to his mouth.


“Good, good.” He says, placing his coffee cup back down on his desk. “She seemed nice.”


“I don’t like her.” Robin says, walking into his office and gently shutting the door behind her before walking over to his desk and sitting in the chair across from him.


“Oh, you met her?” Kurtis asks, raising his eyebrows as he watches his wife sit.


“Not officially.” Robin says, scrunching up her nose. “But she’s so much prettier than me.”


“Prettier?” Kurt chuckles. “I think you need your eyes checked.”


“Tall, blonde and stick thin.” Robin says, shaking her head. “And here I am, short, brunette and fat. I think you should hire someone else.”


“Fat?” Kurtis says, his eyes twinkling as he stands up from his chair before walking over to her.


  He reaches out, squeezing Robin’s fingers as he grabs her hand to help her off the chair.


“You’re not fat.” He says, wrapping his arms around her shoulders as he leans his forehead against hers.


“I’m a whale.” She whispers back to him.


“What do you think, baby?” He asks, looking down between them as he gently rubs the palm of his hand over Robin’s round belly. “No, he doesn’t think mama’s fat.”


“I mean it.” She says, folding her arms over her chest. “My replacement cannot be that pretty.”


“I’ve seen prettier.” Kurtis whispers as he presses his lips against hers.


  Robin moans, relaxing into his arms as he holds her close, his tongue exploring the inside of her mouth before he slowly pulls away.


“Not her, though, okay?” She says, her face flushing as she leans her head against his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart.


“Okay.” He replies, running his fingers through her hair. “Not her.”




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This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental. All characters are over the age of majority and all sexual acts are completely consensual.




(Bad Boy Biker Motorcycle Club MC Romance)




First edition. August 8
, 2016.

Copyright © 2016 Rose Cody



Written By Rose Cody



Chapter 1



  She never thought she’d have to be here again. Back living with her parents in this podunk, cow-shit smelling town.


  Alia left home when she was only eighteen, the very day after she graduated from high school she was gone.


  Not because of any sort of problem at home, her childhood was happy and healthy, her parents love her to death and her friendships were something she’ll treasure forever, but because there’s nothing here for her. There’s nothing here for anyone.


  She didn’t want to be another small town single mom with a part time job working the cash register at the grocery store. She wanted much more than this smelly little town could offer her.


  And she never looked back.


  Alia spent the last nine years living it up in the big city, working as a secretary for a legal firm. Hell, she was even in one of their commercials- an official star of local TV.


Maybe answering phones and sending faxes wasn’t the most prestigious job in the world, but nothing can ever compare to the feeling you get when you’re clicking your heels down the sidewalk with your coffee in hand as you swerve your way through the chaos of the big city.


  Not to mention it’s nice to have a night life. Imagine living in a place where the only thing open past eight o’clock on a Friday night is your father’s bar and the only people who frequent a small town bar are small town drunks.


  Things were great for her.


  That is, until her boss was caught for evading taxes and tax fraud, the firm closed down and she was out a job.


  It’s surprisingly hard to pay big city rent when you don’t have a big city job to go along with it.


  So now she’s back.


  She could avoid Easters and get by with a card on Christmas. She pushed it off for nine long years, but small town life finally sucked her back in. The universe forced her back to this piece of shit town.


  Alia pinches the bridge of her nose, massaging between her eyes as she tosses her clean laundry on her bed before rifling through it for a fresh pair of socks.


  At the very least, she grateful for no more early mornings.


  She slides the socks over her feet, wiggling her toes in place before getting up from her bed and walking over to her dresser before pulling it open and pulling out an old pair of faded jeans.


  She slips into them, pulling them up over her hips before fumbling with the button as she lazily walks back over to her bed.


  Alia pulls her bra from out of the pile before plucking off the pair of panties stuck to the hook and wrapping the band around her chest to secure before sliding her arms into the straps.


  She picks up her freshly washed black t-shirt and pulls it over her head and poking her arms through before pulling it down her waist.


  Alia smooths her hands over her chest, pushing them over her stomach as she straightens out the large, circular, orange and white


  She quickly bends over at the waist, tossing her messy dark brown locks forward before grabbing them and twisting them together on the top of her head, securing her hair in place with the elastic band from around her wrist before she makes her way over to the hook behind the door and pulls her bag off of it.


She stuffs another, plain, shirt inside of it to change into after her shift before walking over to the desk in the corner of the room by the window and pulling her grey, zip up hoodie off the back of the cheap wooden desk chair.


  Alia sighs as she walks back across the room and over to her bedroom door before taking one last look around for anything she’s missed.


  She shakes her head, flicking off the light and shutting her bedroom door behind her before walking down the hallway to the bathroom.


  Well, at least that used to be her bedroom door. Her mom desperately wanted to keep her old room intact, but when Alia moved out she begged her parents to get rid of it. It took a while, but eventually they transformed her old bedroom into a plain and unassuming guest room. It looks nothing like it did before and thank God for that. The last thing Alia would want to come home to is a reminder that this is, in fact, the bedroom she grew up in and she is, in fact, back in this old town.


  She steps into the bathroom, sliding her socks over the tile floor and dropping her bag on the counter before quickly turning on the hot water tap, letting the water run over her finger as it heats up before she splashes a little on her face, wiping it all over with the tips of her fingers.


  She reaches blindly behind her for her towel before pulling it off the rack and pressing it against her face.


“Alright…” She sighs into the towel, resting her head in her hands as she hesitates to carry on with her day. “Let’s do this.”


  She hangs the towel back on the rack before reaching for the bottle of mouthwash on the counter. Alia twists off the lid before bringing it up to her mouth and taking a large swig. She swishes it around before spitting it into the sink as it begins to burn her mouth.


“Dad!?” She calls as she picks up her bag and wanders back down the hall and into the living room.


  She finds her father in the living room, his feet up on the coffee table in front of the sofa, the remote control in his hand.


“Dad, I’m heading out now… Anything you need to tell me before I go?” She asks as she rifles through her bag, double checking that she has her keys.


“Should be smooth for ya.” Her dad says, turning his head to look at her from across the living room. “Jason’s going to be cooking alone tonight, so don’t let him take too many breaks, that kid is always on a break, I swear.”


“Yeah, okay, okay, no extra breaks.” She whispers under her breath as she walks towards the front door before slipping her socked feet into her sneakers. “Got it.”


“And Alia…” Her dad says as he watches her reach for the front doorknob.


“Yeah, dad?” She asks, sighing out slightly annoyed.


“I’m glad you’re back home, you know.” He says before turning back to the TV.


  Alia smiles softly as she shakes her head slightly from side to side.


“Yeah…” She says as she opens the front door before stepping outside. “Thanks, dad. Hopefully soon I’ll be glad, too.”

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