The Delaneys At Home

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Authors: Anne Brooke

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

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Amber Quill Press, LLC

The Delaneys At Home

An Amber Quill Press Book


This book is a work of fiction. All names, characters, locations, and incidents are products of the author's imagination, or have been used fictitiously.
Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, locales, or events is entirely coincidental.


Amber Quill Press, LLC
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be transmitted or reproduced in any form, or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher, with the exception of brief excerpts used for the purposes of review.


Copyright © 2012 by Anne Brooke
ISBN 978-1-61124-289-8
Cover Art © 2012 Trace Edward Zaber
Published in the United States of America
Also by Anne Brooke
The Art Of The Delaneys
The Boilerman And The Bride
Brady's Choice
Dating The Delaneys
The Delaneys And Me
Entertaining The Delaneys
For One Night Only
Give And Take
The Hit List
Martin And The Wolf
A Stranger's Touch
Tommy's Blind Date
Tuluscan Six And The Time Circle
With grateful thanks to all at Amber Quill Press




No sooner had the Delaneys expressed a desire than the act was done. I'd certainly found out how true that was in bed, to my immense satisfaction, and now I was in the middle of finding out how similar they were when it came to domestic arrangements, too.

Only forty-eight hours after they'd made their proposition about living with them, I was outside their front door, my suitcase in one hand and an enormous bouquet of flowers in the other. Behind me, Pedro, the chauffeur I'd already met, was hovering, as if afraid I might do something unexpected. As he'd thought I was attacking him the first time I'd visited the twins, he probably had good reason.

I wondered if "something unexpected" might include bursting into the "confidence" song from
The Sound of Music,
but thought this might be too much even for me, let alone Pedro. However, to be honest, it's what my arrival here felt like. I only needed a habit and a high soprano and I'd be Maria in the flesh. Thank the Lord the Delaneys didn't have any children.

Before I could ring the bell, the door opened. I'd expected Johnny, but I got Mark.

"You're late," he said with a growl before pulling me inside and slamming me back into the wall. My suitcase landed with a thud on their tiled floor and the flowers skittered away.

"I needed to fix my hair," I managed to say before he kissed me.

Though probably devoured would be the better word. His tongue went straight into my mouth, claiming me without any doubt for his own, and I held on and sucked for all I was worth. Always play to your strengths is what I say. The next moment, I felt warm breath in my ear as Johnny made his presence known, licking and nibbling my earlobe. God, I loved being with them, and gave myself up to their attentions as I gripped Mark with one arm and hugged Johnny with the other.

I had no idea what Pedro might be doing, but frankly, as they say, I didn't give a damn.

When the twins finally let me go, I felt as if I'd really arrived. Mark reached out and pushed the front door shut. I think Pedro had already left, but the gesture made me feel safe. Well, almost safe. With the Delaneys, there was always an essential little frisson of danger, which I was well into enjoying by now.

"Good," Mark said, one hand pinning me to the wall. Not that I was intending to go anywhere. I was having too good a time right here. "It's just the three of us at last. And I've got plans. Liam, go upstairs, turn right and then take the second door on the left. It's my bedroom. Strip yourself and get on the bed. Johnny and I will join you as soon as we're ready."

"Yes, sir," I said, unable to stop the smile threatening to make my jaw break. Domestic bliss looked pretty exciting so far.

At the same time, Johnny sighed and patted his brother on the shoulder. "Don't you think it might be best to offer a coffee first? This isn't a one-night stand, you know. This is

I blinked. He said my name with a softness in his voice I didn't think I'd heard before. Yes, Johnny was the gentle one; I knew it. But he'd never sounded quite like this. I reached up and stroked his face. Then I kissed him lightly on the mouth, before drawing away.

"Coffee's nice, sirs," I said, "but so is bed and I only want to do what you want. I'm just glad to be here."

Then I kissed Mark, too, for good measure and just because I could. Mark smiled, glanced at Johnny and raised one very sexy eyebrow.

"I think I can be reasonable," he said, "in the right circumstances. Get into bed, Liam, and we'll bring your coffee to you."

Before either of them could change their minds, I started jogging up the stairs. Halfway up, I remembered my manners and swung back round.

"Sorry, sirs," I said, feeling a wave of heat on my face, which might have been embarrassment or lust. Maybe both. "I forgot to ask: where would you like me to put my luggage? And I bought you flowers."

But Johnny had already picked up the bouquet, now looking rather the worse for wear from its journey across the hallway, and was smiling.

"Leave them to me," he said, "and the luggage..."

"The luggage will be dealt with," Mark said. "Just get into bed, Liam."

"Yes, sir."

I made it into the bedroom in record time and, heart skittering away like a gazelle on speed, stripped as Mark had commanded and flung myself onto the bed.

Then, as nothing happened immediately, I began to look around and take in my surroundings. Mark's bedroom was painted a rich green and was large enough to take the whole of my flat in it and still have room for a patio, or maybe two. A huge picture window stretched across almost the whole of one wall and, from what I could see, looked out over their garden and the fields beyond. Which they probably owned as well. Opposite the bed was an equally large mirror with a gold frame of the type I was sure I'd last seen in the V&A, and next to this was a sofa you could probably happily spend your whole life on. It, too, was green.

I blinked. I hadn't realized Mark was so arty and had such gothic tastes. Even the bed I lay on was a vision of green and gold, the sort of place where champagne and caviar should be served for breakfast and the crumbs swept up by a passing servant. Though maybe this
what happened in the upper echelons of criminal society. Who could tell?

In which case, he probably wouldn't take kindly to my discarded clothes cluttering up the décor, so I'd be well advised to fold them away neatly. Just like my mother always told me a good guest should.

But, hell, best not go there. Any thoughts on my parents, particularly my mother and her plan to meet the Delaneys on a social basis, could wait 'til later. Still, I hopped out of bed and began gathering up my jeans, shirt and underwear. Arms laden, I was dithering as to where to put them when I heard the twins coming up the stairs. Johnny was laughing, and Mark said something I couldn't make out.

I leapt back onto the bed, clutching my clothes, just as the twins entered the room. Johnny was carrying a tray of three coffee cups and a
and Mark was carrying the expression of a man who had plans and every intention of fulfilling them. When he saw me, he lifted one eyebrow.

"I said

"Yes, sir, but I didn't want to mess up your room."

I was going to say more, too, but he shook his head. He wasn't interested in conversation. Without another word, I pushed my pile of clothes across the duvet and onto the floor. My eyes were fixed on Mark. I heard the faint clunk of the tray as Johnny placed it on the bedside table and pushed the plunger down, and then Mark smiled.

"Don't worry about mess," he said. "There'll be plenty of that, but isn't it what cleaners are for?"

Johnny sighed, but Mark's frown brought the sigh to an abrupt halt. Even this didn't stop me opening my mouth, though.

"Just because someone's got a cleaning job doesn't mean we have to make it worse for them," I said. "I mean, if that were the case, Melissa wouldn't even bother tidying up her papers for me to file them, would she? What would be the point?"

The silence, which settled upon the three of us after my little speech, was a heavy one. Mark frowned, while Johnny only stared at me, lips pursed. Then, just as I was expecting a harsh reprimand from Mark for daring to question his approach to domestic arrangements, he slowly hunkered down, picked up my clothes and handed them to Johnny.

Johnny shrugged, opened the wardrobe and dropped them inside before shutting the door with a determined click. Mark smiled.

"Satisfied?" he said.

I nodded. My throat felt too dry to speak. Way too dry. But, hell, that wasn't really a bad thing.

"Good," he whispered. "That's nice. But I think you'll find questioning my housekeeping is a dangerous game, Liam. Understand?"

Mark looked like he wouldn't take silence for an answer, not this time, so I found my tongue. Thankfully.

"Yes, sir. Thank you," I said, then, "Will it lead to punishment, sir?"

Without warning, Mark grabbed my chin and pressed me farther back onto the bed. The warmth of his hand on my face sent a throb of excitement straight to my groin, which nobody could fail to notice. Johnny snorted and at once stopped looking quite so worried, but Mark brought any further reaction to an end with a hiss and a quick glance his way before turning his attention back to me.

"Oh, yes." He smiled. "I can promise you punishment, but, as I'm sure I've told you before, neither Johnny nor I are unreasonable men. First, drink your coffee and let us look at you."

Then he got up, swung one of the chairs round next to the bed and sat on it. Johnny did the same and sat next to him. Eyes fixed on Mark, I reached for the nearest coffee cup. This might have been a problem as I couldn't actually see it, but thankfully Johnny pressed it into my hand. Being in love with twins definitely had its upside. The coffee tasted rich and strong, much like its owners, and certainly didn't come from any jar of instant. Hell, though, neither did the Delaneys. As is a man, so is his coffee choice, as my grandmother used to say. But
was a whole other story.

I took a second, even better sip, and relaxed back against the pillows, opening my legs so the twins could get a good view of as much of me as they wanted to look at. My cock was already half-hard, the fact I was the only one naked sending a fresh zing of delight through my blood. How I loved being in their hands. As I drank, the brothers continued to gaze at my body. It felt strangely comfortable, almost as if we were simply passing the time of day together, even though nobody spoke.

Finally, Mark said, "Have you finished your coffee?"

I nodded. "Yes, sir. Thank you."

"Good. Then put it down and spread your arms wide."

Heart beating fast, I obeyed. By now, my cock was dancing to its own special tune and I wasn't convinced there was much I could do to stop it.

"Okay," Mark continued, "that's good. Well done. Now, Johnny and I are going to pay you some attention..."

close attention," Johnny chipped in and then gave his twin half a smile when he frowned.

"Yes," Mark said, "while we're doing this, we want you, Liam, to be perfectly still unless we give you instructions to the contrary, though you can make noise if you want to. Understood?"

"Yes, sirs."

To my surprise, Johnny began at my head, and Mark at my feet, though I'd assumed anything like this would be the other way round. Showed what I knew then. Absolutely zilch. Johnny's kisses on my hair were gentle and warm, and I wanted nothing more than to reach upward and pull his mouth onto mine, but the command to be still kept me motionless. At the same time, Mark sucked at my toes, running his tongue over my skin. I thanked God I'd taken a thorough shower before leaving my flat for the last time and that I wasn't ticklish.

While Mark nibbled at me, Johnny lowered his attentions to my face. He kissed my eyelids and cheeks, and began stroking my neck. All the time he was murmuring soft words, which made me smile, even as Mark was licking the undersides of my feet. Funny how lovemaking before the Delaneys had never been like this. Whatever happened, I didn't think I could go back to sleeping with only one man again. They'd spoilt me for it.

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