The Delaneys At Home (7 page)

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Authors: Anne Brooke

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: The Delaneys At Home
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Anne Brooke



Anne Brooke's fiction has been shortlisted for the Harry Bowling Novel Award, the Royal Literary Fund Awards, and the Asham Award for Women Writers. She has also twice been the winner of the DSJT Charitable Trust Open Poetry Competition. She loves reading dark and quirky crime novels and has a secret passion for theatre-going and chocolate. Preferably at the same time. She once took a balloon flight in Egypt but spent most of the time screaming, and she hopes she never has to do it again.

To learn more about Anne and her writing, please visit her website at:

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Don't miss The Delaneys And Me, by Anne Brooke,
available at!


When Liam makes a scene in the middle of a restaurant after his boyfriend, Brandon, dumps him, he knows Brandon's cousins, the Delaney twins, will be after him. The Delaneys head up the local gangster scene and are not to be messed with. Liam knows their retribution is imminent, especially since, in the heat of the moment, he threatened to take what he knows (and, really, he doesn't know much) to the police.

It's a recipe for disaster.

But when the Delaneys confront Liam, they give him a choice between being shot or having sex with both of them, and Liam senses that his evening might turn out to be rather more interesting than originally expected...

Amber Quill Press, LLC


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