The Demon Hunter (14 page)

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Authors: Lori Brighton

BOOK: The Demon Hunter
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A quaint, stone cottage lay nestled in the middle of the field, smoke curling from the chimney. It resembled a painting from the 1800s, except for the dark magic hovering in a cloudy aura over the building.

Unease swept through his body, a ring of warning bells. Devon caught up to Terri as she was opening the front door. “You’re still practicing the dark arts then?”

“I dabble,” she admitted.

He wasn’t surprised she’d been truthful; how could she deny she’d been working with the dark magic when she knew he could sense the power? She had started when she’d been married to his brother. There had been many arguments between the two over her practice of the dark arts. His parents had been devastated. Which had been one reason why Terri and his brother had moved here, to this small town. He hadn’t had a chance to visit them before his brother had died.

A flock of crows burst from the tall weeds, crying out in protest. She was more than dabbling, if the warning from the birds was any indication.

“Sit, please. I’ll get tea.” She sashayed toward the small, open kitchen. Two doors interrupted the far wall, while a large living room and kitchen made up the front of the cottage. A cliche black kettle hung over the stone fireplace, and dried herbs clung to the wooden beams on the ceiling.

“No tea, just explain,” Devon demanded, shutting the door behind Ellie. He sensed no other entities inside the small cottage. But that didn’t mean they were alone. Terri could have used a spell to block a presence.

His sister-in-law paused, studying him curiously. “All right. Have a seat.”

Devon didn’t sit, instead moving toward the fireplace and leaning against the mantel. Ellie hesitated, then reluctantly settled on the small sofa. She wore her feelings on her face and right now it was obvious she was not only confused, but also incredibly leery of him, of Terri, of the situation.

“Start the day I died,” he said.

Ellie visibly stiffened. Human’s had a difficult time dealing with death and although she obviously had supernatural abilities, she had been raised a human.

Terri settled in the only chair, a wing-back he was sure he recognized from their ancestral home. “Your brother, your mother… all killed by a demon after Cristian killed you.”

He’d known they were dead. Still, hearing the words pierced his heart in a way he hadn’t thought it could. Gone. Forgotten. Like so many in his family.

“This Cristian killed you?” Ellie interrupted.

Devon rubbed his aching temples. “Not exactly.”

Terri merely shrugged, as if unconcerned. He searched Terri’s face for something,
; sadness, guilt, acceptance. She remained oddly guarded, her eyes devoid of emotion. But then she had had over one hundred years to deal with her grief. Perhaps he was being too harsh with her.

“The house was sold, along with the belongings.” She tapped her long fingernails upon the wooden arms of the chair. “I was left quite penniless.” Finally, there was some emotion on her face…annoyance. She wasn’t mourning. She was angry that they had died and left her with little.

“I was forced to practice the…” She glanced at Ellie. “The dark arts as a way to support myself. As I’m sure you remember, dark potions sell for quite a bit.”

He had a sinking feeling she was doing more than merely selling potions. “My sword. All I need is the sword.”

She shook her head. “Gone. Disappeared, from what I heard. I tried to recover it, but to no avail.”

He didn’t doubt her word. She would have wanted the sword, knowing how powerful it was. Even if she couldn’t use the energy, she could sell it.

“There are rumors…” She stood and swept closer to him, the black dress swirling around her ankles. Taking the long wooden spoon that hung on a nail, she slowly stirred her brew. With her movement, her energy swept toward him, that dark energy that tightened his gut and made him almost ill. She wore her evilness like a perfume.

Devon breathed deeply, attempting to identify the potion. “What rumors?”

She returned the spoon and slid him a glance. “Rumors that another warrior claimed the weapon, took it with heaven’s blessing.”

Suddenly the cottage disappeared and memories came rushing back.

Cristian, Ashley, the sword.

They were in a dark dungeon of sorts. Devon slammed his fist into Cristian’s face. Pain shot up his arm, but he was barely aware. Cristian stumbled back, not far, but far enough. Devon held out his hand and the sword appeared, the feel of cold metal comforting against his palm.

Cristian regained his balance and burst toward him, determination upon his face. “No!”

Devon lifted the sword and shoved the blade into his own chest. The point moved through his body easily. So easily. He stumbled off balance. His body went numb, his essence slipping away. It didn’t hurt. How very odd.

Cristian froze only inches from him, a man who, at one time, had been like a brother. He was too late. Devon might have done horrible things in his life, but he had redeemed himself. He fell to the side, hitting the hard coffin.

“Devon?” Ellie’s concerned voice reached out to him, jerking him back into the present.

Lord Templeton had been right. Cristian had the weapon. A myriad of emotions swept through his body, leaving him disoriented and trembling. Devon stumbled toward the sofa, his knees suddenly weak. Cristian had taken his sword; had kept it safe and most likely still had the weapon. Devon rested his hand on his chest. He could practically feel that sword even now slicing through his body.

“Devon? Are you okay?” Ellie rested her hand on his thigh. Her warm being settled so close to him, offered a comfort he didn’t dare rely upon.

“Tell me all.”

Terri crossed her arms over her chest. “This wasn’t the first time you were brought back, was it?”

Devon shook his head. No use in lying.

Terri settled in her chair, watching him curiously. “Some six months ago I felt a shift in the atmosphere. The workings of magic. Whether you all accepted me or not, I’m still bonded to your family.”

Devon ignored her smirk. His parents had never cared for Terri, and apparently she still held a grudge. “About six months ago, a witch brought me back. I died in order to bind my soul to a demon.” He’d left out the part about him killing himself.

But by the amusement in her eyes, she knew. “How noble of you. And what brought you back this time?”

Hell, what else did she know? “I’m not sure.”

There was that smirk back in place. “My, my, some people just can’t stay dead.”

He could hear Ellie’s teeth grinding in anger, knew she was offended on his behalf and wasn’t sure if he should be annoyed or honored that she cared about him.

“And this demon you bonded to? If you’re back, that could mean he’s back as well.”

“True,” Devon replied. But it was more than a guess. He knew the demon had come back to earth with him. He could sense the animal. And if he could sense him, that meant the demon could most likely sense Devon as well.

“And so you’ll destroy him, before he destroys you?”

“That is the plan.”

“Wait a minute.” Ellie surged to her feet. He was wondering when she’d finally connect the dots and interrupt. “You’re saying you were brought back from the dead?”

He nodded. Terri merely watched her with amusement.

“And a demon came with you?”


She’d gone uncommonly pale. “And this demon is most likely wreaking havoc on the world at this very moment?”

“Tis possible.”

“You couldn’t have told me that before?” She raked her hands through her hair and paced the small living room, her movements agitated and frustrated. The woman had had too little sleep, too little food and much, too much excitement in the last few days. He’d wondered when she’d break down into hysterics.

“So,” Terri glanced his way. “What is she?”

He shrugged, listening to Ellie’s muttered curses with some amusement. “I thought you might know.”

Realizing they were discussing her, Ellie froze. Terri strolled toward her, frowning. “Her aura is odd colored, almost iridescent.”

“She seems to take on the powers of which ever being she is near. Although the power fades after a while.”

“Truly?” Terri’s brows rose. Her excitement was practically tangible. “I’ve heard of them, but thought they were a myth.”

“What? What am I?” Ellie demanded. Her questioning gaze sought his.

Thoughts about his own death, demons and his family were forgotten. It was one of the reasons why he’d come here. He knew Terri would be able to identify Ellie. She’d made it her life’s mission to know everything about the supernatural.

“You’re an empath.” The witch looked slightly amused. “Very rare.”

Devon froze. He’d heard of the beings, of course, but he too, thought they were a myth. He looked at Ellie through new eyes. Worried eyes. When word got out that she was an empath, she’d be a trophy the supernatural world would kill for. Shite, he didn’t want to worry about her, he didn’t want to care. Grudgingly, he did.

“Sorry, an empath? What is that?”

“Humans have always had the ability to be influenced by the emotions of those around them. You, have that ability to a heightened degree. You, my dear, have the ability to absorb someone’s powers.” She shrugged, strolling around Ellie and looking her up and down like some sort of museum specimen.

“An empath?” Ellie whispered.

Terri nodded. “Quite interesting.”

Devon shifted, uneasy with the sudden gleam in the witch’s eyes. He had to get Ellie away and fast. “We’re exhausted. Do you have a spare room?”

She tore her attention from Ellie, obviously annoyed by his interruption. “Of course. How long will you stay?”

“A mere day.”

She nodded. “Door on the right. I’ll bring you some clothing and food.” The woman made her way into the kitchen area, pretending to be the perfect hostess, but Devon knew the witch listened.

Ellie still stood there, her face pale, her gaze a little glassy. She was in shock. Damn it all, the last few days were too much for her.

Eager to get her away from Terri, Devon latched onto her arm. “Are you well?”

She nodded, a jerky movement of her head. Well indeed. She looked ready to faint. Devon led her toward the bedchamber, feeling Terri’s gaze upon them the entire time. He shut the door behind them. The room would offer a little privacy, at least.

“Why am I like this?” she asked the moment the door closed.

He shrugged, making his way around the perimeter of the small area. A double bed lay against the far wall, a small wardrobe in the corner. There was no argument as to whether they’d sleep in the same room. He wasn’t letting Ellie out of his sight.

He paused at the one window. “Perhaps your parents were, or perhaps God decided to grace you with the powers.” He shoved aside the dark blue curtains. The windows were large enough to fit through, if they needed a quick escape. The sun had set, the field and sky growing dark. With nightfall came the beasts. His heart hammered, reminded of a dark hell he’d rather forget.

Laughing, Ellie sank onto the bed.

Devon slid her a wary glance. He never had been good at understanding women. Lord, had she finally gone mad? “Are you… upset?”

She turned toward him, her face flushed with excitement. “No! Why would I be? I have a name for what I am! There are others like me….” She frowned. “Well, maybe. I’m still not sure about that.”

“Not many,” he warned, worried she was taking the information the wrong way. Bloody hell, she shouldn’t be excited. She had a hard and heavy life ahead of her. There was no way to get rid of what she was, and once the world knew…

“It doesn’t matter.” She surged to her feet. “All that matters is that I have these abilities.”

He nodded, still leery. “Good, you accept them.”

“Accept them? I’m going to use them. Do you realize what I can do? I’m not helpless anymore!”

He frowned. This didn’t sound good. Of course he knew what she could do, probably more than she realized. “What do you mean, use them?”

She rested her hands on his shoulders and stared up into his eyes with a look of determination that worried him. “I’m going with you. I’m going to help you find that demon and help you save the world.”


She wasn’t sleeping, but then how could she? Too many emotions rushed through her mind. Worry, relief, excitement. She wasn’t sure which to grasp onto. The shower had helped, some. But now that she was in bed—with Devon, no less— her thoughts were twisting and tumbling once more.

She had a definition! She was an empath. Whatever the hell that was. It didn’t matter that she barely understood. No, the only thing that mattered was that she w
something. The odd things she’d witnessed as a child had been real, not her over active imagination, as others had said.

Devon shifted ever so slightly, reminding her of his presence. Drumming her fingers against her stomach, she slid him a glance. She envied the way he could look so at ease. Her gaze moved to his bare chest. The way the moonlight glowed across the muscled planes. Even worse than her confusing feelings about her powers, were her confusing feelings about the man who was lying warmly beside her. Damn small European beds anyway.

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