The Destroyer Book 2 (61 page)

Read The Destroyer Book 2 Online

Authors: Michael-Scott Earle

Tags: #Dragon, #Action, #Adventure, #Love, #Romance, #Magic, #Quest, #Epic, #Dark, #Fantasy

BOOK: The Destroyer Book 2
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My body was begging me to increase the tempo and I felt the absolute need to release into her. Each thrust brought me closer to climax and my brain forced my hips to slow their movements. I reached down, cupped the sides of her thighs and pulled her body into me with my last thrust. I went impossibly deep into her and her eyes gained life with a surge of passion.

"Yesssssss!" she hissed and thrashed with another orgasm. She sat up against me and wrapped her long legs around my hips like I was the only anchor keeping her from flying into the sky. Her orgasm caused her channel to grip my penis and attempt to milk the seed from my sensitive organ. The crush of her velvety tunnel wasn't expected and I bit down on her shoulder to keep from losing control. She gasped at my teeth and her nails dug into my back like ten daggers. My nostrils smelled blood, hers from where my bite had ripped open her perfect skin, and mine from where her claws pierced my back. The scent distracted me from my potential orgasm and I managed to relax while she rode hers with my penis deep inside of her.

"Soooo much better than I remembered you. How can you be better? Oh Kaiyer," she murmured into my ear after her orgasm subsided. I sat on my knees but my upper body was erect. My palms cupped the bottom of her ass so she wouldn't slide away from my erection. Then I carefully leaned down and lowered Iolarathe onto her back so that I might continue making love to her.

This time I made my penetrations faster and I used my hands to push and pull her body with my thrusts. She gasped with each movement inside of her and held her legs spread out higher so I would have better leverage. For what felt like the rest of our lives there was nothing but Iolarathe, the sensations of our bodies struggling to become one, and the wet sounds as I slid into her.

"Fill me. I need you. I need you to release inside of me." She was having problems speaking and her words came out slurred together. "I love you Kaiyer. I've always loved you. Fill me please," she whimpered and her body started to tremble and twist in my grip.

"Climax with me," I told her through gritted teeth. The sensation surged up from my loins.

"Yes. Oh please, yes!" she screamed before I pushed deep into her as the orgasm hit me like a tornado.

I lost myself in the feeling of her. The scent of her. The sound of her. My body was confused and couldn't decide if it experienced pain or pleasure from the climax so I cried out but also kissed her. She seemed to scream into my mouth then moaned again every time my orgasm rocked me and released another volley of seed deep into her. We were the only two people in the world. The first man and woman. No one else mattered for the few dozen seconds where we climaxed together and I filled her.

Then the storm passed. We collapsed onto the ground and moaned in contentment. I lay on top of her but supported most of my weight with my right arm. I was still hard inside of her but I didn't want to pull out of her tunnel. She felt so good, I knew that I could make love to her again in a few minutes.

"Amazing," she sighed and raised the fingers of her right hand to my face. I smiled down at her and we looked into each other's eyes for what seemed like eternity.

"What was your plan after you found me?"

"I believed you would be dead. I was going to lie on top of your body, slit my own throat, and die. It would be a fitting end to my legacy." Her face was sad and serious.

"You wanted me to kill you earlier?"

"Yes. No. Maybe." She smiled and sat up and kissed me on the lips before lying back on the grass. "I wanted you to tell me that you loved me. If you didn't, then I would have been fine dying. There is nothing left for me. Especially if she is still alive."

"Recatolusti’catri? What deal did you make with her?" I knew that the ancient lizard had agreed to assist the Elvens, but their kind always needed payment. Often it was a price that would be too horrible for most people to fulfill.

"It isn't worth voicing. I was desperate and I failed." Her eyes were sad again. "I love the Destroyer of my race. How can I lie here with you and be fulfilled? You must feel the same way about me." She looked up at me with sympathy and frowned. What would my brother and father think about Iolarathe and me?

What would her people feel about us lying together?

"There is only one thing that matters now." She continued without waiting for my response. "There is nothing left for me here except for you. Will you leave with me?" Her eyes glowed brightly with the reflection of the sun and her teeth bit the bottom of her lip.

"What do you mean?" I said

"Your kind will kill me. I must flee." Her words were laced with sadness.

"I can speak with them. You need not flee." As I spoke the words I knew it was not true.

"No, love. You know they cannot forgive me."

"If I forgive you then they will," I said, but my words were hollow in my head. I knew Shlara would not accept Iolarathe. None of them would.

"We have little time. I should already be gone. Your warriors are probably searching for you as we lie here. There is an endless wilderness on this world. You and I can be together for the rest of our days, like I offered you yesterday. Come with me. I don't know what you expect of a mate but I will agree to anything. I don't want to exist without you anymore." She spoke quickly but brushed the tips of her soft fingers across my cheeks. The look of adoration on her face was easy to read.

I considered her offer. I had defeated her armies. Humans were now free of Elven control. We were free to build our own civilization and cultivate our own art, love, and societies. There would be celebrations, there would be planning, there would be building, there would be cities built as in our histories.

None of it interested me.

I had only one goal my entire life: revenge on the Elven kind. Now that my quest was over, I couldn't think of anything else I wanted. I didn't want peace and the only reason I had been interested in the future beyond the war was because of Shlara's passion for it.


Unless my body was found, she would search until the end of her life for me. She loved me. Probably as much as Iolarathe, but I had kept the dark-haired woman at arm's length because of my feelings for the Elven seductress who killed my family. This wasn't a choice between Iolarathe and my kind. It was a choice between Iolarathe and Shlara.

Shlara's face flashed in my mind. Her green eyes, the way her mouth curved into a smile or frown depending on what I said. The determination that drove her to be the best warrior in my army, and then the best general I could have ever imagined. Shlara and Iolarathe were very similar. Except the woman I had spent the last thirty years of my life commanding would give me a known future of children, of purpose. We would lead a new generation to greatness.

Wouldn't Iolarathe and I create a child, though? I remembered the old Elven man in the shrine that spoke to me of the Ovule. He said Iolarathe had visited and sent a girl away. Isslata hadn't thought it was possible for us to create offspring.

"You will bear a daughter for me," I said to Iolarathe with confusion. Was I mixing up my memories?

"Our kind can't breed Kaiyer, or else I would already have borne you many children. I can't count how many times you filled me with your seed while I was in heat." She took my statement as a question. "But we can try. Every day I would want to try two or three times. Say yes." Her eyes pleaded with me.

I weighed the two women and felt my head hurt again. This was a memory. I already made this decision. Whom did I choose? I tried to force my brain to remember but it wouldn't. It didn't seem like a memory or a dream. It felt like I lay in the room at Castle Nia waiting for Isslata, and at the same time I lay here with Iolarathe.

Then I realized what my decision would be.

But before I answered a voice screamed my name. Iolarathe and I both tensed suddenly and looked to my left. At the edge of the clearing Shlara had stopped. I had been so engrossed in my decision that I did not hear her approach.

There was no mistaking what had transpired between Iolarathe and I. I lay naked on top of her; my penis was still hard and inside the beautiful red-headed Elven. Her hand stroked my face gently and froze for a second when we heard Shlara scream my name. Iolarathe must have been caught up awaiting my answer as well and had not been listening for approaching footsteps.

Shlara's dragon helmet only covered the top part of her face. It left her mouth and jaw exposed and there was no disguising the look of panic painted on her mouth.

The look of disbelief.

The look of anguish.

"No!" she screamed in pain. The shriek dug at my soul to tear it apart, it smashed into my heart to stop it from beating, and it ripped at my stomach until nausea filled me. Shlara drew her sword and charged toward us.

Iolarathe pulled herself away from her grasp around my hips and kicked me in the chest. I flew back half a dozen feet and somersaulted onto my head. Years of training took hold and my body flexed. I spun to land in a crouched and ready position. Iolarathe had used the kick to fling herself to her feet. I felt a sudden surge of Fire and Wind before a bolt of silver incandescence slung from the naked Elven woman and flew toward Shlara.

"No!" I screamed, but I didn't even hear my own voice over the sound of Iolarathe's magic. Shlara expected the attack but couldn't get out of the way completely. It hit the plate clad woman in the shoulder and spun her around like a small stone. Her body rolled across the grassy clearing and I felt a gasp leave my throat.

Iolarathe staggered back from the energy the Elements had cost her. She took a few steps to her horse and ripped her pole arm out of the saddle tie. Then she turned to face Shlara and saw that the human was getting off the ground and coughing smoke.

Shlara's left shoulder and arm appeared to be broken. Her armor was scorched and the steel had melted a bit, twisting the dragon etching into something that looked like it spawned from hell. She still had her sword though, and she quickly closed the gap between herself and the Elven.

I moved to intercept Shlara, but my general's blade lashed out a few feet from my face before she engaged Iolarathe. The look on my friend's face was one of pure hatred. I tried to say something, but my voice caught in my mouth. I could only imagine what she thought of me now and I doubted any words would ever repair the betrayal.

They circled each other, neither saying a word nor attempting a feint. Iolarathe had the reach advantage with her dangerous looking pole arm, but Shalra still wore her armor. Suddenly my general danced forward and aimed a complicated series of cuts at the Elven woman's head. Iolarathe blocked them easily and spun away, her hair trailed a second behind her like a fiery shadow. Before Shlara pressed another attack, the Elven countered with a low thrust with the butt of the weapon that the brown-haired woman jumped. Iolarathe must have expected the movement, because it seemed to be a set up for her to make a sharp jab with the large curved blade.

Shlara was one of the best warriors I knew, yet even she looked surprised at Iolarathe's feint. Still, my friend had trained for hours every day and her body was a finely crafted weapon in itself. She bent backward through the air and the edge of the pole arm scratched across the outer side of her left flank but didn't penetrate the engraved armor.

They circled each other again and Shlara initiated another exchange by cutting horizontally at Iolarathe's legs. My lover blocked the slash, but my general changed the angle and pushed through to a thrust. It was blindingly quick and the Elven woman twisted her naked body a thousandth of a second too late. Shlara's blade cut a shallow wound across Iolarathe's white skin above her hip. Red blood streamed out of the wound and splashed down her right leg. The red-haired woman didn't seem to even notice she had been injured.

"Stop Shlara!" I commanded from the side of the battle. I tried to move into their circle to interrupt them. Shlara glanced at me and Iolarathe used the opportunity to make a quick thrust with her weapon. It cut through the human's armor and gave my friend a wound that matched the one she had just given Iolarathe.

"Fuck!" Shlara screamed from pain as she reeled away and blocked the follow up attack from Iolarathe.

"I will explain this! Both of you drop your weapons and we can talk." They ignored my words and continued to circle. I realized that if I intercepted, it might allow one of them to take advantage of my interference and kill the other. I needed another person here so we might sack both of them at once.

Shlara made a quick series of cuts to test Iolarathe's defenses and then kicked her leg out toward the Elven. The surprise attack caught the naked woman in the stomach and knocked the wind out of her lungs with a loud gasp. Iolarathe spun away with a broad sweep of her pole arm, but Shlara ducked under it and then slashed the Elven woman deep across her back.

Iolarathe seethed in pain but recovered enough to dodge Shlara's next flurry of strikes and get some space. The small victory seemed to give Shlara more confidence and she dashed forward again, slamming the Elven woman with a flurry of powerful overhand blows that brought my lover to her knees. Shlara feinted a final slash that Iolarathe moved up to block, but instead, the brunette woman delivered a front kick that crashed into the kneeling Elven's chest and threw her back into the air. I heard the crack and knew that at least two of Iolarathe's ribs were broken by the impact.

“Shlara, stop!” Both women turned to look at me for a second, but quickly turned their attention back to one another. The pain was gone from Shlara’s eyes. There was no longing, none of the bitterness and frustration with which she normally regarded me. Only pure hatred.

Iolarathe got up slower than I expected and used her pole arm as a crutch to help her rise. I saw the pain in her eyes and she coughed. I rushed to help her but as I approached she gave me a look I had not seen since my days as her stable boy. A look of cold authority that made me feel powerless for the first time in decades.

“No,” she said to me, looking back to Shlara. The momentary distraction only gave an advantage to Shlara. I circled them, trying to decide how to intervene without hurting either woman.

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